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2020-11-16 15:51 | Report Abuse
Posted by BustrdBri4n > Nov 16, 2020 10:53 AM | Report Abuse
I bought AT 0.04, hold until now
250k lots
Dari bilik sebelah @ AT.
Contoh kejayaan bagi orang yang sabar dan percaya kepada saham yang dipegangnnya.
2020-11-16 15:28 | Report Abuse
UncleFollower Balance 119M shares placement issuable at 0.0536. They have managed to issue 45M out of the approved 164M only
They have restriction in approving the PP, they set the time for listing. Whether the time was expired or the PP buyer are not wiling to subscribe the PP caused by certain situation in the company such as the listing price is not so attractive and maybe other reasons.
2020-11-16 15:19 | Report Abuse
@Uncle follower. I am not sure. But after the proposal of the ESOS, they also listed the shares from PP. Maybe this will be counted as the total shares outstanding at the time of determining the 15% of ESOS. My calculation only based on their announcement dated 22 May 2020.
2020-11-16 15:00 | Report Abuse
Yesssss Go Go Go Negrammmmmm
Tracvirus for Malaysia (Secured goverment contract and also open for private hospitals/clinics)
NexgramBottleVaccine (secured) / Covid-19 vaccine (possible)
Also: PPEs in Malaysia and Indonesia (secured) / TracVirus in Indonesia / COVID-19 PCR Distributor in Sabah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pulau Pinang (secured) / RM118 mil worth subcontractor of Central Spine Road (secured)
2020-11-16 14:59 | Report Abuse
No need to wait as OKU_2020 keep barking about GN3 status of the company. Is it wise to wait for that kind of company? Very-very bad intentions.
OKU_2020 tak akan puas hati sehingga dia dapat beli @3 sen. Minta kawan-kawan kenal dia betul-betul.
2020-11-16 11:59 | Report Abuse
hurdle 7 - 8 sen kuat. Harap-harap penambahan volume dapat serap dengan baik harganya.
2020-11-16 11:58 | Report Abuse
At least sepanjang pagi ni menunjukkan Nexgram quite strong untuk menangani pengambilan untung pelabur yang stuck baru-baru ini dan profit taking pemegang saham semasa.
2020-11-16 11:54 | Report Abuse
Tum Tum Bi, Pecah satu pecah semua.
Tum Tum Bi, Pecah 7 pecah 7.5
2020-11-16 11:51 | Report Abuse
Haiyaaa. Main-main macam budak kecik saja. Ini perang psikologi niii. Buakn perang sahammm. he He
2020-11-16 11:50 | Report Abuse
@OKU_2020. Ini mungkin peluang baik ni. Ada can OKU_2020 nak grabbb Nexgram @3 sen.
2020-11-16 11:20 | Report Abuse
Boleh tengok nanti bila dia buat announcement
2020-11-16 11:17 | Report Abuse
Hopefully. Next round big goreng after AT and Mtronic
2020-11-16 11:10 | Report Abuse
@kangcs. 7.5 cukup, maknanya minimum. HE HE
2020-11-16 11:07 | Report Abuse
@OKU_2020. Semut yang banyak boleh mengalahkan gajah.
Bila volume besar, saham Ozura akan ditelan oleh pelabur runcit dan operator. Saya jangka volume hari ini melebihi volume pada hari Jumaat baru ni.
2020-11-16 11:04 | Report Abuse
Hari ini tutup 7.5 sen cukup. Hopefully...
2020-11-16 11:02 | Report Abuse
@OKU-2020. Awak tunggu saja @3 sen.
2020-11-16 11:01 | Report Abuse
Percaya sama itu Nexgram. Kalau tak percaya tak kan nak jual besi buruk untuk top up Nexgram. He He
2020-11-16 10:58 | Report Abuse
Kita tungguuuuuuuuu @3 sen.
2020-11-16 10:53 | Report Abuse
At least we can see that Nexgram's share price keeps strengthening, the volume is balloning.
I hope it will be a great news for us.
2020-11-16 10:50 | Report Abuse
Investing is full of risks and oppurtinities.
2020-11-16 10:48 | Report Abuse
To early to conclude my friend. Something impossible can happen.
2020-11-16 10:47 | Report Abuse
We need the operator to push the price. He He.
2020-11-16 10:43 | Report Abuse
There will be a little bit big resitance @7-8
2020-11-16 10:33 | Report Abuse
Yesssss Go Go Go Negrammmmmm
Tracvirus for Malaysia (Secured goverment contract and also open for private hospitals/clinics)
NexgramBottleVaccine (secured) / Covid-19 vaccine (possible)
Also: PPEs in Malaysia and Indonesia (secured) / TracVirus in Indonesia / COVID-19 PCR Distributor in Sabah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pulau Pinang (secured) / RM118 mil worth subcontractor of Central Spine Road (secured)
2020-11-16 10:32 | Report Abuse
Volume hari ini dijangka melebihi volume Friday. Very positive
2020-11-16 10:31 | Report Abuse
Hooot. Hooooootttt...
Group of five, Covid-19 theme, Go Go Nexgrammmm.
2020-11-16 10:27 | Report Abuse
Saya dah lelong besi buruk untuk top up Nexgrammmm.
Apasal. Gerammmmmm nya. SEXYY
2020-11-16 10:26 | Report Abuse
With a massive volume, Ozura is nothing. Ngap Ngap Ngap. Yummmy
2020-11-16 10:14 | Report Abuse
Hooot. Hooooootttt...
Group of five, Covid-19 theme, Go Go Nexgrammmm.
2020-11-16 10:11 | Report Abuse
8 sen???? It should be okay. If trying to brake 10 sen...... Ada berani. He He
2020-11-16 10:07 | Report Abuse
Yesssss Go Go Go Negrammmmmm
Tracvirus for Malaysia (Secured goverment contract and also open for private hospitals/clinics)
NexgramBottleVaccine (secured) / Covid-19 vaccine (possible)
Also: PPEs in Malaysia and Indonesia (secured) / TracVirus in Indonesia / COVID-19 PCR Distributor in Sabah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pulau Pinang (secured) / RM118 mil worth subcontractor of Central Spine Road (secured)
2020-11-16 10:07 | Report Abuse
NMed Bioscience Sdn Bhd‘s subsidiary Vaccines Lab Sdn Bhd with the focus in South East Asia human vaccine clinical trial, registration, and distribution, cooperating with vaccine developers around the world for safe and effective vaccines sourcing.
2020-11-16 10:06 | Report Abuse
@SlayerZ. Yesssss
German BioNTech ----- Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group ----- Fosun Malaysia ---- NMed Bioscience Sdn Bhd‘s --- Nexgram
There could be any connection relating to Covid-19 vaccine??????
Will keep the shares until this puzzle completed. He He
2020-11-16 09:29 | Report Abuse
Awwww Sexynya ketawa. I like. He He
2020-11-16 09:22 | Report Abuse
Group of five, Covid-19 theme, Go Go Nexgrammmm.
2020-11-16 09:10 | Report Abuse
TP minggu ini adalah mencapai 10 sen.
Yesssss Go Go Go Negrammmmmm
Tracvirus for Malaysia (Secured goverment contract and also open for private hospitals/clinics)
NexgramBottleVaccine (secured) / Covid-19 vaccine (possible)
Also: PPEs in Malaysia and Indonesia (secured) / TracVirus in Indonesia / COVID-19 PCR Distributor in Sabah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pulau Pinang (secured) / RM118 mil worth subcontractor of Central Spine Road (secured)
2020-11-16 06:28 | Report Abuse
@OKU_2020. Semut yang banyak boleh mengalahkan gajah.
Kepercayaan terhadap suatu saham adalah penting. Contohnya AT. Sebelum harga AT pecah 10 sen dan memecut sehingga 30 sen, ramai yang anggap harganya tidak boleh naik dengan banyak. Bila keluar berita bagi kebanyakan orang mengatakan ianya buruk (pembatalan pengambilalihan syarikat glove), namun ramai pelabur masih spekulate harganya akan terus naik disebabkan kemungkinan syarikat akan mendapat manafaat dari perniagaan clove, maka harganya terus mengukuh dan shoot up dengan sokongan pelabur runcit dan sharks.
BUY ON RUMORS, SELL ON NEWS sometimes can't be applicable.
Harga saham Nexgram juga dalam keadaan mengukuh. Ianya masih dalam peringkat awal pengukuhan kesan dari keluarnya berita positif berkenaan pencapaian dalam perniagaan Covid-19. NEXGRAM BOLEH DIKATAKAN DALAM KEADAAN YANG LEBIH BAIK SEKARANG DAN IN FUTURE.
Sokongan ramai pelabur runcit dan operator mungkin membawa harga saham Nexgram melepasi tahap rintangan antara 6 - 8 sen hari ini.
TP minggu ini adalah mencapai 10 sen.
2020-11-16 06:27 | Report Abuse
Yesssss Go Go Go Negrammmmmm
Tracvirus for Malaysia (Secured goverment contract and also open for private hospitals/clinics)
NexgramBottleVaccine (secured) / Covid-19 vaccine (possible)
Also: PPEs in Malaysia and Indonesia (secured) / TracVirus in Indonesia / COVID-19 PCR Distributor in Sabah, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pulau Pinang (secured) / RM118 mil worth subcontractor of Central Spine Road (secured)
2020-11-15 23:18 | Report Abuse
@OKU_2020. Referring to Ozura, it's not absolute for them to dispose its share starting tomorrow.
The company stoped making any selling activities after they listed the second batch of shares.
May be the company had changed their strategies or setting up higher price for their exit plan.
2020-11-15 23:14 | Report Abuse
@Gooner82. Untuk saya boleh melebihi 8 sen. Keputusan urus niaga saham Nexgram dari segi volume dan pergerakan harga pada hari esok bagi saya amat penting.
2020-11-15 23:03 | Report Abuse
@OKU_2020. Just clean your name from my perception that you keep barking just only to be successfully buy Negram shares @3 sen. Otherwise your good intention shall be looked as bad intention.
2020-11-15 23:02 | Report Abuse
Ozura is not a problem. Semut yang banyak boleh kalahkan gajah.
Jika volum dan hampiri bilion atau sudah bilion, saham Ozura yang ratus juta akan ditelan oleh pelabur runcit dan sharks.
Lihat AT, saham-saham baru dari terbitan ESOS dan PP pun tak jadi hal bila volume bilion. AT telah menyenaraikan 679,970,000 unit saham baru terbitan PP dalam bulan Oktober 2020 and telah menyenaraikan beratus juta saham baru terbitan ESOS dalam bulan Oktober dan November 2020. All those new listed shares has been walloped by retailers/sharks and their share price kept rising. AT BOLEH, NEXGRAM PUN BESAR KEMUNGKINAN BOLEHHH.....
We can take a historical data of Nexgram as a cautious measure, but the current situation of the coy may be changed already. Some new developments in the company's businesses could be a catalyst for investors to built trust in Nexgram.
2020-11-15 22:35 | Report Abuse
Sentimen goreng ikut sektor juga penting. Sebab tu harapan saya untuk esok sekurang-kurangnya saham AT dan Mtronic masih dalam uptrend walaupun saya tidak pegang atau akan beli saham itu esok. Sentiment yang baik untuk kedua-dua saham tersebut dalam alasan digoreng untuk sektor yang sama (gloves dan Covid-19) juga akan membantu untuk saham Nexgram digoreng dengan lebih pop up lagi.
@@@ Sekadar memberi pandangan, bukannya mengajar sifu-sifu di sini. HE He.
2020-11-15 22:07 | Report Abuse
@MadCow75. Perkara utama dalam kita membeli sesuatu saham utamanya ialah kepercayaan. Sama ada kita percaya sesuatu saham itu akan naik harga atau turun harga. Kepercayaan dipengaruhi banyak perkara.
Bila kita percaya sesuatu saham itu akan naik harga kita akan beli, tambah lagi saham atau sekurang-kurangnya simpan saham itu untuk dijual di masa depan dengan harapan ia akan naik harga. Jika kita percaya sesuatu saham itu akan turun harga, kita akan jual saham yang ada atau tidak akan beli.
Oleh itu, saya rasa kepercayaan amat penting. Walaupun ada berita baik, kalau orang tak percaya untuk beli, saham itu tak akan naik harga.
Sebab tu bagi saya, saya cuba untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada diri saya bahawa saham Nexgram yang saya pegang dan saham yang akan ditambah akan terus naik di masa depan.Sebahagian besar maklumat dikongsi untuk dinilai dan menguatkan kepercayaan pelabur/bakal pelabur lain terdapat potensi Nexgram.
Seperti yang saya kata banyak kali, sejarah Nexgram yang lepas tidak berapa elok (semasa Tay), pelabur kurang percaya. Beberapa peningkatan dalam tadbir urus syarikat dalam pengurusan baru ni, Nexgram menunjukkan banyak peningkatan khususnya dalam perniagaan Covid-19 dan Logistik. Saya percaya ianya boleh menimbulkan rasa percaya dalam kalangan pelabur dan bakal pelabur.
Kepercayaan terhadap Nexgram tinggi, peningkatan permintaan terhadap saham tinggi, harga akan BOOOM.
2020-11-15 21:44 | Report Abuse
@Moneyfind44. In my opinion, In this situation where so many (almost hundred or hundreds millions) PP or ESOS shares was listed and to be listed, it's hard for the operator to push the share price higher because the price/cost of PP or ESOS share holders are cheaper.
The NOSH of the company is 6 bil + and share spread in Bornoil is big. What can be done by operators/sharks (if there is any) is only to influence the market so that they can accumulate more shares at cheaper price for the next push up when the situation is more conducive for them to GORENG.
As for the company, to make sure the share price not down as per their target, the company will execute share buy back.
@@@My 2 cents opinion only.
2020-11-15 21:24 | Report Abuse
Itu lah. Harap-harap keadaan minggu lepas pun sudah nampak aktiviti yang lebih aktif dan positif dalam saham-saham berharga rendah dan spekulatif. Urus niaga minggu lepas meningkat sekali ganda berbanding minggu sebelumnya. Pelabur runcit dah datang balik.
Harap-harap minggu ini ada aktiviti yang lebih aktif lagi, dan aktiviti pembelian ke atas Nexgram juga boleh meningkat. Dalam keadaan pasaran baik dan spekulatif semua boleh jadi.
Volume untuk Nexgram bagi esok diharap dapat meningkat dan memberi keadaan gap up harga. Pecah 7.5 sen untuk esok, saya rasa amat penting.
2020-11-15 21:15 | Report Abuse
up 28 sen berkemungkinan... Ada berani??? He He
2020-11-16 15:53 | Report Abuse
@TwaHuat. I'm quite sure. Hi is aiming for @3 sen only. So many times he said that. He He