
Maxprofittt | Joined since 2020-07-12

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2020-08-22 14:39 | Report Abuse

If u really underst the time frame to develop a vaccine. Then u would know. Its still far until its ready.


2020-08-21 17:23 | Report Abuse

Good to see green during closing. Just hope coming 2 days won't have any bad news or vaccine rumours. Enjoy ur weekend all. Next week upupup. :)


2020-08-16 13:16 | Report Abuse

馬來西亞的四大天王中的Kossan和Supermax將在8月31日收盤後,正式被列為MSCI全球標準指數 (MSCI Global Standard Indexes) 成分股,而IJM將會從指數中被除名。



#1 MSCI是Morgan Stanley Capital International (摩根士丹利資本國際)的縮寫,而MSCI指數就是由Morgan Stanley投資銀行所編制的指數

#2 MSCI指數有超過160,000種股票指數,涵蓋全球,主要以國家、地區、市場、產業等等編制的。國家類型的指數就有馬來西亞指數、日本指數、韓國指數、台灣指數等等;地區類型的就有歐元區指數;產業類型的就有能源指數等等。此外,MSCI也以小型股、中型股和大型股來做編制指數。

#3 MSCI會按照標準挑選成分股,而這些股票大部分都是各個國家中穩健獲利及有競爭力的代表性個股和產業龍頭股。

#4 大家之所以會對MSCI所編制的指數感到陌生,是因為這些指數都是給國際資本(如:大型的退休基金)作為參考的。全球超過 80%基金經理是以 MSCI 的全球指數,作為資金配置與避險策略的參考指標。

#5 基金經理在挑選股票的時候,可以自行研究每個國家的經濟成長、通貨膨脹率及其它指數來作為參考的標準。但是他們更希望能夠參考某個地區、某個國家或某個產業更特定、更統一的指標,來決定是否買入。

#6 假設今天基金經理A想要投資在某一個國家的市場,那他就可以參考MSCI指數中,哪個國家的指數表現得最好,他就投資在哪個國家的市場。

#7 MSCI Malaysia Index和MSCI Malaysia Small Cap Index两种,是MSCI指數中涵蓋了馬來西亞股票的指數

#8 當某支股票被列入MSCI指數成分股時,就代表這支股票表現很好,公司也有前景;而被淘汰的股票則就代表該公司表現差,失去了競爭力。

#9 由於許多基金經理會依據MSCI指數來投資,所以入選的股票在未來就有更大的機會被更多的國際資本投資,而被淘汰的股票則會失去國際資本的投資。


2020-08-16 13:15 | Report Abuse

馬來西亞的四大天王中的Kossan和Supermax將在8月31日收盤後,正式被列為MSCI全球標準指數 (MSCI Global Standard Indexes) 成分股,而IJM將會從指數中被除名。



#1 MSCI是Morgan Stanley Capital International (摩根士丹利資本國際)的縮寫,而MSCI指數就是由Morgan Stanley投資銀行所編制的指數

#2 MSCI指數有超過160,000種股票指數,涵蓋全球,主要以國家、地區、市場、產業等等編制的。國家類型的指數就有馬來西亞指數、日本指數、韓國指數、台灣指數等等;地區類型的就有歐元區指數;產業類型的就有能源指數等等。此外,MSCI也以小型股、中型股和大型股來做編制指數。

#3 MSCI會按照標準挑選成分股,而這些股票大部分都是各個國家中穩健獲利及有競爭力的代表性個股和產業龍頭股。

#4 大家之所以會對MSCI所編制的指數感到陌生,是因為這些指數都是給國際資本(如:大型的退休基金)作為參考的。全球超過 80%基金經理是以 MSCI 的全球指數,作為資金配置與避險策略的參考指標。

#5 基金經理在挑選股票的時候,可以自行研究每個國家的經濟成長、通貨膨脹率及其它指數來作為參考的標準。但是他們更希望能夠參考某個地區、某個國家或某個產業更特定、更統一的指標,來決定是否買入。

#6 假設今天基金經理A想要投資在某一個國家的市場,那他就可以參考MSCI指數中,哪個國家的指數表現得最好,他就投資在哪個國家的市場。

#7 MSCI Malaysia Index和MSCI Malaysia Small Cap Index两种,是MSCI指數中涵蓋了馬來西亞股票的指數

#8 當某支股票被列入MSCI指數成分股時,就代表這支股票表現很好,公司也有前景;而被淘汰的股票則就代表該公司表現差,失去了競爭力。

#9 由於許多基金經理會依據MSCI指數來投資,所以入選的股票在未來就有更大的機會被更多的國際資本投資,而被淘汰的股票則會失去國際資本的投資。


2020-08-13 20:21 | Report Abuse

When TG was rm10. Ppl said very high. Better run. Then TG keep going up. Rm15 ppl said. Now very very high & risky. Better run. Then it reach rm20. Ppl said. Cannot buy dy. Buy in now sure die. Then it reach rm25. Ppl said. This is really crazy. Super super high dy. The conclusion is. Nobody would know the peak & bottom. Just manage ur own risk. Set ur own TP & cutlost point will do. Otherwise. Just stay away from stock market & sour grape when see other ppl made money.


2020-08-12 20:05 | Report Abuse

Supersinginvestor. The efficacy of Russia Vaccine is not proven yet. Why don't u volunteer urself to take part in their human trial?


2020-08-12 19:41 | Report Abuse

Capital Changes
Shareholding Changes
Announced Date Change Type Shares Name
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 FIRSTWAY UNITED CORP
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 FIRSTWAY UNITED CORP
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 MR LIM HOOI SIN
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 PUAN SRI TONG SIEW BEE
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 MR LIM JIN FENG
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 MR LIM HOOI SIN
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 MR LIM HOOI SIN
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 MR LIM HOOI SIN
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 MR LIM HOOI SIN
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 PUAN SRI TONG SIEW BEE
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 PUAN SRI TONG SIEW BEE
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 PUAN SRI TONG SIEW BEE
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 PUAN SRI TONG SIEW BEE
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI
12 Aug 2020 12 Aug 2020 Acquired 200,000 TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI
12 Aug 2020 11 Aug 2020 Acquired 800,000 TAN SRI DR LIM WEE CHAI


2020-08-12 19:39 | Report Abuse

Wow. Finally see a positive news. Hope tmr will fly. Huat ah.....


2020-08-12 13:16 | Report Abuse

@Younglearner. I believed most ppl here were stucked around 30-40% paper lost after the correction in the past 1week including myself. But I'm pretty confident that it will rebound soon. Harta is fundamentally strong company. (my personal opinion)


2020-08-12 13:07 | Report Abuse

Baru stage 2 human trial for 2 mths. Then next mth going for mass production. Very very unethical.


2020-08-12 09:13 | Report Abuse

Today all in red. Just off the screen. Come back again in the afternoon. Otherwise will make ppl panic keep staring on the screen.


2020-08-10 13:02 | Report Abuse

I'm actually standby to top up more if there is any panic selling happening after lunch later.


2020-08-10 12:48 | Report Abuse

Now seems like everybody is waiting for Supermx QR to be released before making any further move.


2020-08-08 22:30 | Report Abuse

For those who has concerned on the Vaccine news. U may Refer back to the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. It was started from April 2009. Few Vaccines was out btw sep - Nov 2009. But look at Supermx chart. It continues to spike until WHO announced the end of H1n1 in August 2010.


2020-08-06 19:32 | Report Abuse

@yttihs. I hope ur dream will come true:)


2020-08-06 19:27 | Report Abuse

Intrinsic value = Mother price - exercise price/strike price then devide by the ratio
Eg. A call warrant with strike price of rm25 & ratio of 20:1.TG mother now is rm28.4.
Calculation will be rm28. 4- rm25= rm3.40/20
=0.17. This is the intrinsic value that this warrant suppose to be.
Correct me if I'm wrong.


2020-08-04 12:20 | Report Abuse

I believe panic selling is over.


2020-08-04 10:37 | Report Abuse

Harta really generous. Give everyone a chance to collect lower before QR. Whoever managed to grab some. Congrats. Sit tight.


2020-08-03 22:16 | Report Abuse

By the way, tmr new warrant launching tmr. C54. Sure will be another hot goreng counter. Good luck all


2020-08-03 22:13 | Report Abuse

@Lewis Lee. U r absolutely right. Nowadays ppl don't care about QR, fundamental or analysis. Especially newbies. Whenever there are news & big crowd. Ppl will just jump into it in order to double or triple their money. There will only be buy high sell higher. Then buy higher & sell even higher like no ceiling. Just like what u said. We won't know who will be the last person who is goin to catch the falling knife.
Anyway, we all are here just for 1 objective. To make money. So, just do ur own risk mngmt. Hope for a Green day tmr Hartanians.


2020-08-03 17:14 | Report Abuse

Really have no idea what is wrong with Harta today. Spmx & kossan up 0.84. TG up rm1. Harta up 0.22. Apa ni? Sikit lagi Spmx goin to overtake liao lo. Come on Harta. Tmr jadi Taiko la.


2020-08-03 10:11 | Report Abuse

C47 is a sleeping lion. Once the mother is up. It will wake up & sprint. Anyway, as long as MS is up. All the sons will follow la. All the best ya.


2020-08-03 07:55 | Report Abuse

C53 is the highest risk with current premium of 104%. If u wanna invest in warrant, choose those with lower premium. Manage ur own risk. Good day to all Hartarian. Let have a good week ahead.


2020-08-01 12:08 | Report Abuse

Sit tight. Harta Rocket is going to launch soon.


2020-07-24 17:10 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Wuhan19. Let's hold tight.


2020-07-24 17:08 | Report Abuse

Bravo Mahsing. Keep it up. Let's fly together..


2020-07-23 08:50 | Report Abuse

Don't panic. Vaccine won't be available so soon.


2020-07-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

Agreed with universeck. Like what Warren buffett said: “fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”
Good luck everyone.