
Mikecyc | Joined since 2019-07-05

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2023-11-29 15:05 | Report Abuse

JV agreement (JV)

* The JV agreement provided that Jaks resources (JRB) shall execute subcontract agreement with CEEC in relation to its scope of work under the EPC Contract 2.
* For EPC1 contract, CPECC contractors shall achieve the completion of the performance tests and satisfaction of the conditions for 1st generation unit by 42 months from agreed construction start date, or pay US$280,000 per day of delay. However, Jaks shall procure its subcontractor to pay the delay damages of US$120,000 of its EPC2 contract.
* Under contracts EPC1 and EPC2, if the minimum output without fuel oil support exceed the guaranteed minimum output level, contractors shall be liable for damages of US$2,800 per KW.
* Under contracts EPC1 and EPC2, damages of US$5,000 per KW is payable by the contractors if net output of electricity is less than the guaranteed net output by less than 3%. If more than 3%, the amount payable is US$13,500 per KW.
* Under contracts EPC1 and EPC2, If the net heat rate of each unit is greater than the guaranteed net heat rate by 2.5% or below, damages of US$400,000 per kcal/KwH is payable. If more than 2.5%, Damages shall be US$800,000 per Kcal/KwH.
* Under contracts EPC1 and EPC2, if limestone consumption rate is higher than guaranteed rate by 5% or below, contractors shall be liable for damages of US$465,000 per ton/h. if more than 5%, damages shall be US$930,000 per ton/h


2023-11-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

Shareholders agreement (SHA)
* Shareholders agreement dated 6 July 2015 entered between JPH, CPECC and JPP to regulate their proposed relationship as shareholders of JPP as well as certain matters relating to the management of JPP and also to govern their relationship in respect of matters related to JHDP.
* The EPC cost for the project shall not be more than US$1.515b excluding working capital.
* The total shareholder funding shall not be more than US$467.125m
* Project financing based on debt to equity of 75:25
*  In the event additional shareholder’ funding required other than due to project cost exceeding US$1.8685b, CPECC shall provide additional funding in the form of (i) additional RCPS which will reduce JPH effective economic interest and/or (ii) interest bearing shareholder loan at bank interest, at the option of CPECC.
* JHDP Board of directors, 3 from JPH and 2 from CPECC. However, 3 years after COD, 2 from JPH and 3 from CPECC.
* JPP Board of directors, 2 from JPH and 3 from CPECC.
* In the event of deadlock, buyout of opponent procedures will be initiated.
* CPECC irrevocably grants to JPH non-transferable rights (option) to increase its effective economic interest in JPP to 40% at such price based on cost of investment plus holding cost. The option is exercisable by JPH up to expiry of 3rd year after the COD.


2023-11-29 15:00 |

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2023-11-29 14:59 |

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2023-11-29 11:08 |

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2023-11-29 11:03 | Report Abuse

Haha just ignore those Tin Kosong Attention Seekers…


2023-11-29 10:54 | Report Abuse

JAKS RESOURCES(Jaks)在2011年争取的越南海阳燃煤电厂项目在经过了6年的风雨终于开工建设了。由于项目总投资达18.685亿美元,JAKS无法找到任何银行资助该项目,所以电厂的建设推迟了好几次,期间更换了2个中国伙伴。直到于2015年7月Jaks与中国电力工程顾问集团有限公司(CPECC)达至协议。Jaks让出项目控制权从以往60:40改为30:70的股权合资开发此工程。CPECC负责融资及全部工程建设。CPECC在进行发电和输变电厂的工程非常有经验。参与了约90%的中国煤电工程。共完成了49,000兆瓦燃煤厂工程。

为确保整个项目能够圆满完成,CPECC承担全部责任完成电厂建设,包括如需要额外的资本。 JAKS在建设期间将获得项目的4.5455亿美元工程。而此工程也将由CPECC承包。实质上,JAKS肯定会在施工期间赚取大约4亿令吉。此利润将流回合资公司充当JAKS的股权资金。换句话说,JAKS只需要拨出2亿令吉来拥有电厂30%的股份。完成发电厂项目后,JAKS在3年内有权向CPECC以成本购买另外10%而拥有合资公司的40%股权。

CEO洪南坡在2011年下了一个胆大包天的赌注,在世界面对金融风暴时刻,啃下一个陌生领域而且需要庞大资金的巨大BOT模式燃煤电厂工程。当时越南高速经济成长造成严重电力短缺,以至越南政府颁发了多个发电厂工程。因为资金需求庞大,大型的燃煤电厂工程都以BOT模式颁发了给外资企业。当时便有3个类似燃煤电厂供外企竞标。Mong Duong燃煤电厂是颁发给美国的AES Corporation (51%), Posco Energy (30%) and China Investment Corporation (19%), 越南永新燃煤电厂一期BOT项目是由中国南方电网有限责任公司(55%)、中国电力国际有限公司(40%)和越南煤炭集团电力有限公司(5%)共同投资。而越南海阳燃煤电厂项目则颁给Jaks。CEO洪南坡被访问时表示去越南本意是寻找内行的水务工程,可机缘巧合发现越南严重缺电,所以竞标陌生的燃煤电厂工程。

可看到得标者个个都是几百亿市值,财力雄厚,经验丰富的跨国集团。何以势单力薄的Jaks也会得标 ?也许当时正处金融风暴而且项目多,竞标者少。

Jaks於2011年动工清理场地后便处于静态,前后换了2 个中国伙伴都因为无法得到任何银行资助而无法动工。2014年5月中越南海纠纷引发了一场“反华暴动”,中国冻结了对许多越南工程。Jaks已耗资2亿令吉。眼看将要泡汤。曾一度与TENAGA商讨合作,后来中国越南领袖互相拜访重新友好。中国大减钢铁产能而冻结燃煤产量导致煤电厂工程喊停。此举导致煤电公司出走寻找机会。又逢中国发起的一带一路计划给合格的项目得以融资。同时,越南政府也修改了政策以便项目的条例符合中资银行的严格融资条件。机缘巧合,天时地利,海阳燃煤电厂项目办妥了。

按照购电协议,电力售价将随原料价格波动。意味着业务盈利贡献获得保证。Jaks管理层曾透露内部回酬IRR介于12%,PAYBACK PERIOD为8至9年。如果发电理想,可获1.5亿美元的常年收入。Jaks 40% 股 权 可 得 2.58亿令吉,相等于每股盈利 RM0.53。

Jaks越南海阳燃煤电厂项目有何风险 ?

















2023-11-29 10:39 | Report Abuse

Haha Q4 :

2021 : Loss - 28.5 million

2022 : Loss - 3.2 million

Mostly due to scheduled Maintenance..


2023-11-29 10:33 | Report Abuse

Haha 3QR had mentioned Star case …that’s why is a Tin Kosong seeking for Attention..


2023-11-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

Haha just imagine a RM 8.0 Billion Vietnam Power project which is new industry to Jaks and need financing support….


2023-11-29 10:20 | Report Abuse

Haha as posted earlier, Jaks is badly hit by Highway construction project .. after the Star case ..

Jaks insider had done a Good job to diversified to Power business :

Jaks got 2 Cash Cow Projects with Commercial Operating Date : 

1) Vietnam Power Plant : January 2021 with 25 concession years tenure . 

2) Local Solar LSS4 Project : August 2023 with 25 concession years tenure .


Posted by ValueInvestor888 > 59 seconds ago | Report Abuse

after 2 years of Jaks power plant COD, the share price is at historical low due to failure in local businesses. All local businesses are making losses while ALP and executives continued to pocket RM 12m share based incentives...


2023-11-29 10:13 | Report Abuse

Haha Lee need to ask the girls in Jalan Alor ke ???


2023-11-29 10:12 |

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2023-11-29 10:11 | Report Abuse

1.) Vietnam Power Plant Share of Profit n Dividends :

2020 : RM 3.8 million

2021 : RM 140.7 million

2022 : RM 156.2 million , Dividend RM 70.0 million

2023 : 1QR = RM 28.326 M , 2QR = RM 32.312 M , 3QR = RM 35.862 M


Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million.

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : 1st Half Revenue RM 17.47 million with Net Profit RM 33.19 million.

>>👉 1QR is Profit RM 14.08 million , 2QR is Profit RM 19.11 million , 3QR is Rm 7.15 million…


2023-11-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

3QR compared to 2QR :

1.) Purchased of PPE n Right-Of-Use :
RM 60,587,000 vs RM 37,131,000

2.) Cash & Cash Equivalent at end of the period:
RM 19,391,000 vs RM 3,302,000

3.) Share of Profit :

RM 35,962,000 vs RM 32,312,000

4.) Non Current Asset

RM 1,810,044,000 vs RM 1,755,011,000

5.) Accumulate Profit:

RM 350,327,000 vs RM 343,661,000

Charge out of Long Term Incentive Plan ( LTIP ) expenses of RM 12.7 million …the group incurred Lower Profit before tax of RM 2.2 million.

Haha Further more LSS4 is COD on 21/8/2023 .. recorded a Loss of ard RM 1.4 million..


2023-11-29 09:58 |

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2023-11-29 09:56 | Report Abuse

Haha no worries… FA is improving since 2021 ….


2023-11-29 08:35 | Report Abuse

Huangbbkk72 | Joined since 2023-11-09

This account has been banned for violating the Terms and Conditions of Use or Community Standards of this portal.
Investing Experience -


2023-11-29 08:34 |

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2023-11-29 07:22 |

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2023-11-29 07:15 |

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2023-11-28 22:26 | Report Abuse

Haha sslleee what went wrong on AAX ? As you said will not be out from PN17 ?? Hahaha


2023-11-28 22:22 | Report Abuse

Haha sslleee maybe you can Tukang Tilik Insas also :

👎 B ) Other Operating Expenses = RM 25,842,000 per Quarter .

Included in Other Operating Expenses are the following items :

a) Allowance for doubtful debts

b) Bad Debts written off

c) Provision for Impairment Loss

e) Goodwill written Off

and other items.


2023-11-28 22:15 |

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2023-11-28 22:13 | Report Abuse

Haha Sot2Lee getting more sour :

Case study trying to catch Uptrend starting level to Peak Range ( Point 1 ) :

1.) Capital A : Paper Gain 56 % … cheers ..

2.) Jaks : Cost RM 0.19 ..

Sot2Lee must be badly hit by Jaks as he bought earlier than me . He posted sold some Jaks share on April, I am started Jaks case study on July 2023 ..


2023-11-28 21:58 | Report Abuse

Haha sslleee reply me on what is yr only Win since 2016 6 digit figure first ….

Posted by Sslee > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

LSS4 (COD) Aug 2023 and incurred loss before tax of RM1.47 million.
Can somone explain where is the promised Net profit of RM 10 million per year?


2023-11-28 21:54 |

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2023-11-28 21:52 | Report Abuse

Haha as posted earlier, 2023 is of Higher interest :

1.) Vietnam Power Plant Share of Profit n Dividends :

2020 : RM 3.8 million

2021 : RM 140.7 million

2022 : RM 156.2 million , Dividend RM 70.0 million

2023 : 1QR = RM 28.326 M , 2QR = RM 32.312 M , 3QR = RM 35.862 M


2023-11-28 21:25 | Report Abuse

Haha Further more LSS4 is COD sometime August .. recorded a Loss of ard RM 1.4 million..


2023-11-28 21:19 | Report Abuse

3QR compared to 2QR :

1.) Purchased of PPE n Right-Of-Use :
RM 60,587,000 vs RM 37,131,000

2.) Cash & Cash Equivalent at end of the period:
RM 19,391,000 vs RM 3,302,000

3.) Share of Profit :

RM 35,962,000 vs RM 32,312,000

4.) Non Current Asset

RM 1,810,044,000 vs RM 1,755,011,000

5.) Accumulate Profit:

RM 350,327,000 vs RM 343,661,000

Charge out of Long Term Incentive Plan ( LTIP ) expenses of RM 12.7 million …the group incurred Lower Profit before tax of RM 2.2 million.


2023-11-28 17:06 | Report Abuse

Haha Sot2Lee need more sour grapes ke ….


week ago | Report Abuse

Windy1974 sold his CapitalA on 13/4/2023 morning at 80.5 cents for some trading gain. He will trade again when opportunity arise. Me sold some of my jaks at 22 cents for some trading gain too. 

By next week most likely CapitalA will drop below 70 cents and someone will look at book lose instead of book gain.


2023-11-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

Haha Sot2Lee are you thirsty ? Hear some sour 🍇 for you ….

As posted earlier:

1) Tonny need another good QR before Dec plan …

2.) What will Tonny do during Purchased the New air plane fleet esp on Lease Liabilities ???


2023-11-28 12:12 |

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2023-11-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

Refer QR ended March 2023 :

Non Current Assets :

PPE. 273,041,000

Investment Properties 594,321,000

Investment in Joint Venture. 829,105,000

Refer QR ended June 2023 :

Non Current Assets :

PPE. 278,626,000

Investment Properties 590,929,000

Investment in Joint Venture. 861,417,000


Note : Compared 2QR to 1QR >>

A) PPE : increased RM 5,585,000 👍

B) Investment Properties : Decreased RM 3,392,000 👍

C) Investment in Joint Venture. : Increased RM 32,312,000 👍

Hoho Jaks got 2 Cash Cow Projects with Commercial Operating Date : 

1) Vietnam Power Plant : January 2021 with 25 concession years tenure . 

2) Local Solar LSS4 Project : August 2023 with 25 concession years tenure .


1.) Vietnam Power Plant Share of Profit n Dividends :

2020 : RM 3.8 million

2021 : RM 140.7 million

2022 : RM 156.2 million , Dividend RM 70.0 million

2023 : 1QR = RM 28.326 M , 2QR = RM 32.312 M


Jaks Annual Revenue and Net Profit / ( Loss ) :

1.) FYE2020 : RM 259.4 million with Loss ( RM 80.5 Million. )

2.) FYE2021 : RM 109.7 million with Net Profit RM 51.9 million.

3.) FYE 2022 : RM 89.8 million with Net Profit RM 53.5 million.

4.) FYE 2023 : 1st Half Revenue RM 17.47 million with Net Profit RM 33.19 million.

>>👉 1QR is Profit RM 14.08 million , 2QR is Profit RM 19.11 million , 3QR is normally with High Profit …


👉 ROE : 3.21

👉 NTA : RM 0.660

👉 Benjamin Graham number

Square root of 22.5 x ( earning per share ) x ( book value per share )

SR 22.5 x ( 2.12 /100 ) x (1,400,249,000/ 2,370,000,000 )

= SR 0.2818

= RM 0.53


2023-11-28 12:01 |

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2023-11-28 11:59 |

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2023-11-28 11:49 |

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2023-11-28 11:37 | Report Abuse

Haha no worries as Case Study trying to catch Uptrend starting level to Peak Range ( Point 1 ) :

Jaks : my cost is RM 0.19

Capital A : Paper Gain 50 % ..


2023-11-28 11:31 |

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2023-11-28 11:17 |

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2023-11-28 11:14 | Report Abuse

Haha sslleee still cannot remember how much 6 digit figure you Gain on your Only 1 Win since investing 2016 ?? a lie ke ???


2023-11-28 11:01 |

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2023-11-28 10:59 |

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2023-11-28 10:55 |

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2023-11-28 10:33 |

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2023-11-28 10:32 |

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2023-11-28 10:30 |

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2023-11-28 10:27 |

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2023-11-28 09:15 |

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2023-11-28 09:07 |

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