
MoneyMaker168 | Joined since 2020-03-27

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Christopher Bryan Moneymaker (born November 21, 1975) is an American poker player who won the Main Event at the 2003 World Series of Poker (WSOP). His 2003 win is said to have revolutionized poker because he was the first person to become a world champion after qualifying at an online poker site.





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2020-06-26 11:52 | Report Abuse

TNB... Tentu Naik Banyak.


2020-06-25 14:25 | Report Abuse

govt dept, schools, public transport, airports, big building, shopping malls....etc etc


2020-06-25 14:24 | Report Abuse

Try to market all ARBB newest IOT face reco Machine!


2020-06-25 14:24 | Report Abuse

Just one small suggestion guys!


2020-06-25 13:46 | Report Abuse

Still never understand this people after 3mths PKP and more never declared the truth why


2020-06-24 11:08 | Report Abuse

That's good news actually, the more they hate it the more benefit for us...see when china started to love our musangking, price shoots up like rocket!


2020-06-24 10:59 | Report Abuse

While Singapore already started back to school a month back...lazy buds....


2020-06-24 10:22 | Report Abuse

yeah i agree. Some schools are even used as relieve centres during flood period.


2020-06-23 14:34 | Report Abuse

This health DG was adamant that Plaquenil was the reason why Malaysia had so few deaths compared to the western countries. Now he is making an about turn saying evidence show no benefits of hydroxychloroquine. It’s ok to not know something but to try defend something when the evidence was already to the contrary and even to the extend of making a conclusion that it reduced mortality is downright irresponsible. If the health DG could lie about treatment, what guarantee is there that he will not be lying about other data.


2020-06-23 14:03 | Report Abuse



2020-06-22 09:59 | Report Abuse

Very inspiring...

Keep at it.. we are all Malaysians..


2020-06-19 10:29 | Report Abuse

So what's new when it comes to useless slobs? They arrest those who are not supposed to be arrested while millions who are supposed to be arrested are walking about in plain sight.


2020-06-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

He dislikes anyone cakap orang puteh.


2020-06-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

ChinaDragon, No matter how you skin the cat rais yatim more qualified and experienced then the previous Dewan negara ketua


2020-06-19 09:08 | Report Abuse

Windfall for all the backdoor supporters


2020-06-18 13:26 | Report Abuse

MDEC to make Malaysia global IR 4.0 hub, says newly-appointed chief Rais Hussin

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) is proposing a designated hub interconnecting Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0 or 4IR) players in Malaysia to the rest of the world.

Newly appointed chairman Datuk Dr Rais Hussin (pic) is mooting the initiative, saying a solid regulatory framework and strategic oversight were needed to set the direction.

"It will be aligned to the government's Prihatin package (implemented to help people, companies and country weather the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic) and Penjana (short-term economic revival plan) programmes," he said in a statement Tuesday (June 16).

Covid-19 had accelerated the migration of society from physical infrastructures onto digital infrastructures, he said.

"At the cusp of IR 4.0, we are blessed with the chance to re-engineer the human experiment using technologies that decentralise authority and de-emphasise divisions along the lines of colour, creed and country – what the Japanese have coined as ‘Society 5.0’.

"And Society 5.0 holds the promise to converge these environments together through the use of IR 4.0 technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and fintech (financial services technology).

“I envision MDEC as playing a leading role in catalysing this transition for Malaysia and Malaysians," he said.

On June 12, the Communications and Multimedia Ministry announced Rais’ appointment as MDEC chairman for two years, effective June 15.

He has been for some years a strategist at Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, and together with blockchain expert Dinis Guarda, had recently co-authored a book titled 4IR: Reinventing a Nation that was launched during the global Frankfurt book fair in October last year.

"The book was designed as a blueprint of sorts to assist governments of developing nations in their digital transformation agenda.

"Digital transformation presents both challenges and opportunities to us all. Those who succeed can use IR 4.0 technologies to create a better life for all, including new and more meaningful jobs, reskilling of the workforce, better health and education, and smarter and greener cities," he said.

Rais added that companies and households were now in a recovery mode after months of living under the movement control order (MCO), implemented since March 18 to curb Covid-19 infections.

"We are now emerging from the crisis," he said, adding that the ensuing recovery would rely largely upon a managed digital transformation towards establishing “Malaysia 5.0”, which he described as a new narrative for Malaysia as an “innovation economy” that can compete in a disruptive technology world, serve as a springboard into Asean (the Association of South-East Asian Nations), a bridge between Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and interconnect with the 1.8 billion Islamic population worldwide.

MDEC would play a leading role in introducing the emerging technologies that were essential tools in the new Malaysia 5.0 digital economy, added Rais.

“With or without the crisis, if we were to migrate into a high-wage, knowledge-based economy envisioned in the Shared Prosperity Vision (SPV) 2030, then we must give more than lip service to encourage innovation, retrain the workforce, and incentivise investment," he said.


2020-06-18 12:58 | Report Abuse

How can a person who has overstayed his/her visa as the result of government decision be classed as illegal


2020-06-18 11:23 | Report Abuse



2020-06-17 15:43 | Report Abuse

Seems like indonkia dun want to let go his dirty hands, how ler?


2020-06-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

next 2 week i think


2020-06-17 15:03 | Report Abuse

his Shahril should be the new face and leadership of Umno. I personally am not against Umno only against the kleptocrat and corrupt in the party.

Umno should return to its founding roots and reject extremist, abuse of power, corruption and promote transparency.

I will then welcome Umno and its coalition back in govt.

Tun Mahathir is trying to steer Umno back to basics. It's a noble effort though a bit late


2020-06-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, the stepson of former Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak was granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal over his five counts of money-laundering some US$248 million (RM1.07 billion) alleged to have been siphoned from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) after he agreed to pay several million ringgit to the Malaysian government.

On the same day, the Prime Minister’s Office released a statement saying Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was not involved with the controversial decision, insisting it was achieved by the prosecutors and the accused through the latter’s representation to the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Both court decisions were lambasted by Pakatan Harapan (PH), which said it would reflect negatively on the Muhyiddin administration, while Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M) said this may reverse the country’s recent progress on the world Corruption Perception Index.

Yesterday, the High Court decided that former Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad must defend himself on nine counts of corruption involving RM3 million.

However, the former Negri Sembilan mentri besar was acquitted and discharged of the sole criminal breach of trust charge against him as the court concluded that the prosecution had not shown adequate evidence to corroborate the case.

Speaking to Malay Mail, Shahril also warned that the PN government should not be embroiled in the perception that it is caught in a trend of a democratic “deficit”.

In order to achieve this, Shahril said it must maintain matters such as press freedom and press coverage for Opposition members, which he lauded as among the democratic reforms that were achieved under the Pakatan Harapan administration.

“To be fair to Pakatan, on balance, of course as an Umno person and as a Malaysian who has Umno persuasions, I think we would do a better job but there are certain things that Pakatan did that were laudable,” he suggested.

“I think the democratisation of space in society was real. I had tweeted before this that I had no problems to be invited on TV, I had no problems going into universities. These are things that in the past were not synonymous with Umno and I like that to change.”

In addition, Shahril also stated that the PN administration should table the Prihatin supplementary budget — consisting of the numerous stimulus package announced by Putrajaya to offset the economic impact of the coronavirus disease — in the coming parliamentary sitting to show its accountability.

Putrajaya previously said it would undertake an “unprecedented” move to amend existing Acts and introduce new Bills to better suit the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic currently faced by the country during the July sitting.


2020-06-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Don’t dismiss public unease over Musa Aman and Riza Aziz acquittals, Umno info chief warns Perikatan

KUALA LUMPUR, June 17 — The Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration must not take lightly the perceived democratic "deficit" following recent decisions by the prosecution to discontinue Riza Aziz and Tan Sri Musa Aman's court cases, Umno information chief Shahril Hamdan said.

In a recent interview with Malay Mail, Shahril acknowledges that the public backlash against the recent decisions has the potential to paint the PN administration, of which Umno is a part of, in a bad light.

"Notwithstanding the merits or mitigating factors of specific cases, for example the ICAC investigation with Musa Aman, I'm not under any illusion that on the face of it, it doesn't help our image vis-à-vis the perception of democratic deficit,’’ he said, referring to the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong.

"There was a time Umno dismissed the same concerns as urbanite or liberal, as if those were pejoratives to be ignored in some grander scheme. I don't want the new setup of which Umno is a part to revert to that,’’ he said, referring to Umno’s position within the PN administration.

"Of course, as a matter of fairness, I also hope the public considers the specific circumstances of each case and with regard to charges being dropped, accord the same standards to curious decisions made during the PH administration too,'' he added.

This was a reference to the High Court in Penang, which acquitted former finance minister Lim Guan Eng and businesswoman Phang Li Koon’s corruption charges, over the purchase of a bungalow below the market value, while Lim was then Penang chief minister.

Former Sabah chief minister Musa was granted an acquittal by the High Court last week after the prosecution made a startling announcement that it was dropping all 46 charges due to various reasons, including its failure to obtain key banking documents and the unavailability of several witnesses, some whom have since died.

Musa’s lawyer, Amer Hamzah Arshad on June 9, had claimed that the corruption charges brought in November 2018 against the former Sabah chief minister was a form of political persecution, due to its timing and due to local and international corruption investigators having cleared Musa of wrongdoing in the past.

Amer cited the investigations by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and ICAC between 2008 and 2011, which had cleared his client of wrongdoing. He had also argued that the funds mentioned in the 46 charges were political donations and not linked to any projects in Sabah or logging concessions.

In a statement released on June 9 as well, Attorney General Tan Sri Idrus Harun stated that his office had withdrawn the charges as the unavailability of documents from Hong Kong-based banks and some witnesses meant that proceeding with a trial would be untenable.

Both Amer Hamzah and Idrus had also cited former attorney general Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail's past decision not to pursue the charges against Musa during his tenure.


2020-06-17 12:21 | Report Abuse

if Caravan are not US investor, tell me what it is? You are telling lies to 3 years old is it?
Or you think those who invest in Arbb are blind as you?

goodiewilly Old story..history hardly repeat
17/06/2020 10:58 AM

goodiewilly US investors will never come here, arbb is too slow and too little for them..
17/06/2020 10:59 AM


2020-06-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

THEREALDEAL yesterday post


Jun 15, 2020 3:17 PM | Report Abuse

Hopefully this 2 dream will make Arbb break 0.45!

Compare today's analysis post


Very closed already......not bad tho!


2020-06-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

Exactly..... and add in Agong, does he even respect Anwar? Moo already told us the answer already!


2020-06-16 10:02 | Report Abuse

It is alleged that Dr. Mahathir wants to be PM for only 6 months. Can he be trusted? Dr. Mahathir should give us the reasons why he wanted to be PM for 6 months? Is there a possibility that 6 months may turn out to be 12 months or 24 months and even 36 months until the 15th GE. If it is only for 6 months he must make a statutory declaration that he only wants to be PM for 6 months. It is very difficult to trust him nowadays after what has happened in the recent past.


2020-06-16 09:31 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim should keep away from Mahathir from Kerala.

There’s some suspicion that Anwar is in cahoots with Mahathir and Muhyiddin to do a number on DAP.

If so, DAP should stand in all seats come GE15.

DAP should be careful it does not end up the LOSER after having been STUPID by working with MahaTHIEF.

Apparently, they fell out because Mahathir allegedly wanted to continue the gravy train based on plundering the public treasury.

Don’t play the fool with Malayalee.

Just read the history of Kerala.

Malayalee are number one in the world in drama, politics and mathematics.


2020-06-16 09:16 | Report Abuse

The crucial point is naming the PM, if or when PN is toppled. One possible solution is to name Mahathir as PM, make Anwar as DPM, and also to set a definite date when Mahathir shall step down.

An additional step could be to follow Singapore’s method when Lee Kuan Yew became minister mentor, who could give his input to guide the Harapan Plus cabinet. There are several reasons for my suggestion.

One, Mahathir is an experienced man and his advice will be useful. Two, Mahathir has a great appeal to the Malays. Three, Mahathir has some diehard supporters. Four, Mahathir could be a good leader at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (Apec).

Besides naming Anwar as DPM, it might be a good idea to name a second DPM. This was done in Singapore. There is nothing wrong in doing so.

Quite possibly, name the second DPM from either Sabah or Sarawak. This will give a strong endorsement that Sabah and Sarawak are treated as equal partners in the formation of Malaysia.


2020-06-15 12:10 | Report Abuse

What economic analysis? It seems to be written on hope and a little prayer. The pandemic stricken 2Q2020 is an economic disaster and no one can predict what will happen the next 2 quarters when restrictions are slowly lifted. All the stimulus money does is to stave off a sudden stalling of the economy but reality will sink in come 3Q and 4Q2020. How will many of the stricken small businesses survive a prolonged slowdown in economic activities?


2020-06-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

Ha ha.... it’s clear that all its doing is trying to pretend that the Prihatin Economic Stimulus Package presented by the government (of which PAS is a member) is actually effective


2020-06-15 11:37 | Report Abuse

Malaysian full economic and value chain recovery by the second half of 2020

The Malaysian Islamic Party’s Central Committee on Economic, Real Estate and Entrepreneur Development has predicted that the country’s GDP growth rate can reach 2.5-3 percent in 2020 despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

Malaysia's GDP growth rate may reach 2.5-3 percent in 2020
Although it is a drastic reduction of pre-pandemic forecasts and the lowest since 2009, the projection runs counter to several recent predictions that the Malaysian economy would actually shrink by up to 1.0 percent.

Vice Chairman of the committee Mazli Noor said that the 0.7 percent GDP growth registered in the first quarter is reflective of the country’s resilience in the context of the ongoing pandemic.

The relatively modest performance for the first quarter of 2020 is supported by the services and manufacturing sectors, which grew 3.1 percent and 1.5 percent respectively, with other sectors experiencing varying degrees of deficits.

He said that services, manufacturing and construction will play a major role in the nation’s growth. Supported by the government's Prihatin Economic Stimulus Package that was announced earlier, the committee is projecting a 5.0 percent to 5.5 percent growth in the services sector this year, with manufacturing coming in at around 3.0 percent and construction contributing an estimated 1.0 percent to the nation’s economic growth.

The recently announced conditional movement control order (CMCO), which allows for a more flexible and deliberate reopening of the economic sector, also provides much-needed room for economic activities to resume, he added.

The committee agrees with analyst projections of a full economic and value chain recovery by the second half of 2020, with the construction sector - particularly that involving government public infrastructures - being allowed to return to full speed.


2020-06-15 10:09 | Report Abuse

It is a sensitive subject. Most of us are extremely careful about not causing offence by making insensitive remarks about people of another race or religion. But how often we have heard people speak in another language that we do not understand to some members of a group of which we are part of. How often have heard remarks made of persons of another race which stereotype them as lazy,parasitical, quarrelsome, sneaky, treacherous, greedy, cold and calculating, money minded etc ? And employers should be asked about their preferences of race when it comes to employment. It is a well known fact that Malay employers will prefer Malay employees and Chinese employers will prefer Chinese employees and Indian employers will prefer Indian employees. The problem is that there are relatively few Indian employers. And the big Indian employers like Ananthakrishnan and Tony Fernandez would be mad to employ only Indians. Their companies show a remarkable mix of Malaysians. Exactly what all Malaysian employees should do. As the writer points out the proportion of Indians in Malaysian prisons is far higher than their proportion of the population. And again more Indians die in custody than any other race. Indian poverty is inter-generational partly because of their exclusion from so many educational and employment opportunities in the country. The Government extends to Malays so many schemes and programs for their upliftment but offers very little to non Malays. It is time to change things.


2020-06-12 18:33 | Report Abuse

Mr DG you don’t have any scientific evidence to back up your claims that young children are more at risk due to their lower immunity. Countries like Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark and quite a few other European countries have reopened schools (both primary and secondary)and there is no major outbreaks. Also key data from WHO and other credible reviews have shown that children are the least risky category, have low Wuhan viral load which makes them unlikely to pass on the virus. So why are you punishing the children and parents (who still can’t concentrate on their work if their kids are home). You are still tooting your own horn and saying that it’s too early to reopen especially for the primary schools. But keeping them at home is putting them at more risk in losing out on important education

And let’s face reality - how many government school students can realistically continuous do any meaningful virtual/e-learning?

Also hypocritical is that the MOH has the cheek and gall to open day care centres but yet cute risk to school going children? If the risk is there wouldn’t it be more risky for the children in day care centres? So obviously there’s more going on behind the scenes - likely personal and selfish reasoning by the DG of MOH to look good in containing the outbreak. So please put your personal agendas to one side and look at the greater good which is for schools to be reopened quickly.


2020-06-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong has 20 bilateral investment treaties, more than half of which were signed with developed nations in the run up to the handover from Britain to China in 1997, a means of assuaging fears of changing business conditions.
“I would not exclude the possibility of, in the future, investors from these places using investment protection courts to sue Hong Kong,” Chaisse said.


2020-06-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

Chaisse added that should the national security law lead to an erosion in the “one country, two systems” model under which city is supposed to be governed until 2047, Hong Kong could also find itself on the receiving end of investor disputes and trade lawsuits, especially if the goalposts are moved for investors in the city.


2020-06-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

“Why would a place like Hong Kong or Antigua impose tariffs on the US?” Chaisse added. “Who would hurt from such action, apart from the domestic middle class?”


2020-06-11 10:09 | Report Abuse

WTO judges eventually ruled in its favour, awarding compensation of US$21 million per year, but the US refused to pay. Antigua and Barbuda therefore had the right to impose tariffs on the US, but declined to do so, thinking that it would be an act of economic self-harm.


2020-06-11 10:09 | Report Abuse

In 2003, tiny Antigua and Barbuda accused the US of discrimination after it was frozen out of the world’s largest gambling market after the Caribbean nation had built up a giant online betting market designed to replace its struggling tourism sector.


2020-06-11 10:09 | Report Abuse

However, Chaisse said that Hong Kong could learn from another historical precedent of a smaller WTO member successfully bringing a case against a more powerful member, but eventually being left dissatisfied with the spoils of victory.


2020-06-11 10:09 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong has been a member of the WTO since January 1995, but it has only brought a single case – a complaint against the Turkish garment trade in 1996 that was “largely a matter of principle” rather than economic wrongdoing, said Julien Chaisse, a trade professor at the City University of Hong Kong.


2020-06-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

“If this happened, shipments to the US would suffer. Gross exports from Hong Kong to the US are worth 13 per cent of [gross domestic product]. But the vast majority of products are being reshipped through the city. US-bound goods exports, generate under 3 per cent of [gross domestic product], mainly in logistics and postal services rather than manufacturing.”


2020-06-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

“Removing from US law the commitment to Hong Kong’s non-discriminatory trade treatment would make it easier for the US Trade Representative to defend unilaterally slapping tariffs on the city’s exports. This would most likely violate WTO rules, but this has not deterred the US from placing tariffs on imports from the mainland,” read a Capital Economics research note.


2020-06-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

While Hong Kong was the world’s sixth largest exporter in 2018, according to WTO statistics, just US$13 billion of its US$556 billion in shipments were domestic exports. For imports, just US$155 billion of US$628 billion were consumed domestically.


2020-06-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong is a free port, with zero tariffs on goods shipped in and out, however, it has very little direct trade of its own. As a entrepot for trade with China, the vast majority of goods passing through are re-exported to and from the mainland.


2020-06-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

“Hong Kong is really limited in what it can do. Taking a WTO case would be symbolic, and even if Hong Kong prevails, the damages would be very low. So if Hong Kong decides to put tariffs on the US – which would be a first – what does it target? Consumer products or food? What kind of message does that send about Hong Kong? Who is that really hurting?” said Bryan Mercurio, a professor covering the WTO at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


2020-06-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

Furthermore, it is unlikely that a WTO case, which would take years to process, would resonate in a White House which is openly scornful of the Geneva-based trade body.


2020-06-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

But analysts believe any such future action would be “counterproductive”, since even if Hong Kong was to win a case, it could be permitted to introduce retaliatory tariffs on the US, which would harm Hong Kong’s economy and image as a beacon of free trade.


2020-06-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

Should the US revoke Hong Kong’s special trading status, the special administrative region could be subjected to the same trade war tariffs imposed on Chinese exports to the US, or even unilateral tariffs against Hong Kong specifically, as well as export controls and potentially greater scrutiny of its financial and payments landscapes, experts said.
In the case of tariffs, analysts said it is “factually possible and legally correct” that Hong Kong could bring a WTO case against the US, given that it retains its own WTO membership and should be treated on a “most-favoured nation” basis, which punitive tariffs would violate.


2020-06-11 10:05 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong has hinted at a potential legal challenge to sanction threats from the United States, stating that it would be “a violation of international law”, as the fallout from China’s decision to implement a national security law in the city continued.
In a statement released late on Thursday, hours after China’s National People’s Congress approved the proposal for the controversial legislation, the Hong Kong government said that as a full member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), “we expect to be fairly treated by our trading partners”.