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2020-10-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

Its okay as long as it doesn't continue to drop and the support is strong, i will hold for now.


2020-10-22 08:54 | Report Abuse

@Noobie123 Yes that makes more sense and sounds safer to the layman. I would rather be vaccinated with inactivated vaccines.


2020-10-22 03:56 | Report Abuse

Deceased AstraZeneca Trial Volunteer Didn’t Receive Vaccine

Both the AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines are based on adenoviruses, cold germs that researchers have used in experimental therapies for decades, and the two paused trials have raised questions about the approach.


2020-10-22 03:50 | Report Abuse

A state-owned Chinese drugmaker is setting up production lines to supply 1 billion doses of two possible coronavirus vaccines that are being tested on 50,000 people in 10 countries, the company chairman said Tuesday.

Testing by SinoPharm Group is “in the last kilometer of a long march,” chairman Liu Jingzhen said at a news conference. He gave no indication when results are expected.

SinoPharm is testing two vaccines in countries including Egypt, Argentina, Jordan and Peru, Liu said. Both are inactivated, meaning they use a non-infectious version of the coronavirus.

According to Liu, production lines for vaccines are being set up in Beijing and Wuhan, the city in central China where the outbreak began in December.

“The production capacity will reach 1 billion doses next year, ensuring sufficient safety,” Liu said.

Chinese-developed vaccines have been tested on 60,000 people with “only slight adverse effects,” said Tian Baoguo, an official of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


2020-10-22 03:41 | Report Abuse

COVID-19 vaccine development unaffected by mutation: Chinese official

Studies have shown that the development of COVID-19 vaccines has not been affected by how the virus has mutated, a Chinese official said Tuesday.

China has paid close attention to the issue of virus mutation and has organized more than 30 research institutions nationwide to carry out relevant tracking research, said Tian Baoguo with the Ministry of Science and Technology at a news conference in Beijing.

At present, the antigen design of COVID-19 vaccines is mainly targeted at the S-protein of the virus, the sequence of which is relatively stable.


2020-10-22 03:39 | Report Abuse

Chinese vaccines in sight, providing promising solution to conquer COVID-19

Only ‘one last mile’ before vaccines available to the public; no compromise on safety for speed

Given that at least 60,000 people worldwide were vaccinated in the late-stage clinical trial, there is only one last mile before Chinese vaccines can be put on the market, which could be as soon as next week or next month, some experts forecast.

Three vaccine manufacturers in China, Sinovac, Sinopharm and CanSino, have been operating clinical trials in dozens of countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, UAE, Egypt, Russia and Pakistan, recruiting hundreds and thousands of volunteers.

With no severe adverse reactions reported, Chinese vaccines have proven safe, and Chinese authorities are working around the clock so manufacturers are fully prepared to roll out the vaccines for general public use, according to some Chinese officials.

“Manufacturing conditions are mature, and the vaccines are ready. We’ll probably see them available to the public as soon as next month, or if not, by the end of this year,” a Beijing-based immunological expert who requested anonymity told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Shanghai-based immunology expert Tao Lina was even more bullish, suggesting that vaccines could be available as soon as next week, given that phase III clinical trial data will be soon released.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte recently said that he would “roll up his sleeves,” and his country would prioritize buying COVID-19 vaccines made by Russia or China, Bloomberg reported. Venezuela also reportedly said it plans to vaccinate citizens with Russian and Chinese coronavirus vaccines. Chinese vaccine manufacturers Sinopharm and Sinovac are now conducting phase III clinical trials in South America.


2020-10-22 01:04 | Report Abuse

@reezdragon85 Its okay to lose sometimes. You cant always win in share market.


2020-10-22 01:03 | Report Abuse

So are you also desperate or something? I just dont get it


2020-10-22 01:02 | Report Abuse

@reezdragon85 Looking back at your comment history. You have also promoted dgsb on LYC and Connect counter page on 22 Sept as well as on Kanger counter page on 24 Sept. Pot calling the kettle black much? kekeke


2020-10-22 00:54 | Report Abuse

@reezdragon85 So what price did you enter? You seem very triggered


2020-10-22 00:47 | Report Abuse

JCY is oversold. Dont bother with this stock.


2020-10-22 00:30 | Report Abuse

How are you so sure the support level will break? We shall see tomorrow.


2020-10-21 23:35 | Report Abuse

@khatulistiwa Is this counter involved in vaccine?


2020-10-21 23:33 | Report Abuse

@Mabel when is the best time to enter O&G stocks? After USA election?


2020-10-21 23:04 | Report Abuse

This stock has lost power


2020-10-21 23:01 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker Okay thanks for the warning. I better not enter then.


2020-10-21 22:31 | Report Abuse

Can still enter? Afraid of pump and dump scheme


2020-10-21 22:31 | Report Abuse

Is this goreng stock?


2020-10-21 22:15 | Report Abuse

Beijing in Covid-19 vaccine race to restore international image

In May, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged US$2 billion (S$2.72 billion) over the next two years to tackle Covid-19. Beijing has also offered access to its vaccines to other countries.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said on Oct 9 that joining Covax was an "important measure", and China was fulfilling its promise to promote a vaccine as a global public good.

It could also strengthen Beijing's position among developing countries which do not have the resources to access vaccines and at which Covax is largely aimed.

Despite these questions, Prof Tsang said, it is clear Beijing is determined to win the vaccine race.

"It clearly wants to be seen as the leading player for a solution to Covid-19," he said.


2020-10-21 22:08 | Report Abuse

Since there are currently no effective treatment /cure for Covid 19 infection, this all the more undescores the importance of prevention of Covid 19 rather cure through widespread Covid 19 vaccination in order to achieve herd immunity.

"Antivirus medicines such as remdesivir have been found to be ineffective in treating Covid-19 patients as well as not helpful in reducing death cases of the outbreak.

Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said clinical studies by the World Health Organization (WHO) Solidarity trial proved that anti-malaria medicine hydroxychloroquine as well as lopinavir and ritonavir are not effective in treating the disease.

"So we could conclude that remdesivir is not effective for us to treat Covid-19 patients in three aspects, namely death, admission to hospital, and need for ventilator.

"Earlier we had no strong evidence, but today we have conducted studies not only in Malaysia but also involving countries under WHO," he told a media conference about the latest Covid-19 developments today.

Earlier, all the medicines (remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and ritonavir) were used to treat Covid-19 patients."


2020-10-21 21:55 | Report Abuse

"Indonesia will begin administering coronavirus vaccines to frontline medical workers as soon as next month using Chinese-developed vaccines granted emergency use approval in China for soldiers and doctors, health ministry officials have confirmed.

The rollout, for priority workers aged 18 to 59 with no underlying medical conditions, looks set to go ahead ­despite at least one of the vaccine candidates still undergoing stage-three clinical trials in Indonesia and Brazil.

Achmad Yurianto, the Health Ministry’s disease control and prevention director, confirmed the November start date this week.

“Indonesia wants to vaccinate our people as soon as possible so we can protect people better, ­reduce the number of ill people, reduce the death rate … through vaccination,” Dr Yurianto said.

A government delegation, ­including senior Islamic clerics, is in China to look at the production of “safe and halal vaccines” that have completed phase-three clinical trials and are being administered. “We hope we can begin injections by the end of ­November, (though) this is of course dependent on Emergency Use Authorisation and a halal recommendation from the ­Religious Ministry and the MUI (Ulema Council of Indonesia),” Dr Yurianto said.

“By the end of this month or first week of November we will ­receive info about this.”

Dr Yurianto named vaccine candidates developed by Chinese companies Sinovac (under stage-three trials in Indonesia), Sinopharm and CanSino as those likely to be administered in the initial phase."


2020-10-21 21:39 | Report Abuse

@Noobie, That halal certification was from uae ulema council. Now awaiting halal certification from majelis ulama indonesia (MUI). As can be seen in article i posted above, they already assured that it will likely certify any covid-19 vaccine halal. So i am confident that MUI will follow suit soon.


2020-10-21 21:33 | Report Abuse

The Health Ministry said in a press briefing today that three vaccine makers have pledged some 18.1 million doses of potential COVID-19 vaccines that may be administered to around 9.1 million people — since most vaccines require that each person get two shots each — by the end of the year.

All of this year’s vaccines in Indonesia will reportedly come from Chinese pharmaceutical firms. Sinovac, which is carrying out advanced stage trials of its vaccine candidate in West Java, has pledged 3 million doses, Sinopharm has pledged 15 million doses, while CanSino has pledged 100,000 single-shot vaccines.

“We’re hoping that we will inject people with vaccines BY THE END OF NOVEMBER.”

The Health Ministry said in a press briefing today that three vaccine makers have pledged some 18.1 million doses of potential COVID-19 vaccines that may be administered to around 9.1 million people — since most vaccines require that each person get two shots each — by the end of the year.

All of this year’s vaccines in Indonesia will reportedly come from Chinese pharmaceutical firms. Sinovac, which is carrying out advanced stage trials of its vaccine candidate in West Java, has pledged 3 million doses, SINOPHARM has pledged 15 million doses, while CanSino has pledged 100,000 single-shot vaccines.

The government has said that all COVID-19 vaccine candidates DO NOT CONTAIN INGREDIENTS THAT MAY MAKE THEM FORBIDDEN FOR MUSLIMS, and MUI HAS ALSO ASSURED THAT IT WILL LIKELY CERTIFY ANY COVID-19 VACCINE HALAL to speed up its distribution nationwide.


2020-10-21 21:23 | Report Abuse

Good news for Muslims. Sinopharm Vaccine is HALAL. G24 vaccine refers to Sinopharm Vaccine. (info below from official Indonesian government website)

Bio Farma President Director Honesti Basyir said that the MUI is involved in the data examination process to ensure that vaccines produced by Sinovac, CanSino, and G24/Sinopharm are halal. “Abu Dhabi (UAE)’s ulema council has announce THAT THERE IS NO ISSUE WITH THE HALAL STATUS OF THE G24 VACCINE,” he said


2020-10-21 20:51 | Report Abuse

"The Health Ministry’s disease control and prevention director general, Achmad Yurianto, previously said the government had secured deals for vaccines with three Chinese companies, namely Sinovac, Sinopharm and CanSino.

Sinovac is committed to providing vaccines in their finished form, with two batches to be shipped. The first delivery of 1.5 million dosses will be in November and the second will be in December.

Injections of the Sinovac vaccine must be done twice within 13 days. Meanwhile, Sinopharm has agreed to provide 15 million doses of a vaccine that also requires two injections, while Cansino will send 100,000 doses of a vaccine that only requires one injection.

Yurianto said the vaccines from the three producers would be available for 9.1 million people later this year, following emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) as well as halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council."


2020-10-21 20:41 | Report Abuse

At this rate i am predicting the Sinopharm vaccine approval will be obtained by the end of November.

"Trials of China's vaccines make major progress

No severe adverse effects reported in 60,000 recipients, science official says

No recipient of China's COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use has reported severe adverse effects, and no vaccine recipient who went to work in countries where the pandemic is still ongoing has been infected, officials said on Tuesday.

About 60,000 volunteers have been inoculated with the four vaccine candidates currently in phase three trials, Tian said at a news briefing held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council.

No severe adverse reaction has been reported among them, and preliminary results show that these vaccines are generally safe and only have minor side effects such as pain and bruising at the injection site, as well as temporary low-grade fever, he added.

Liu Jingzhen, chairman of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co, or Sinopharm, said third-stage clinical trials of two inactivated vaccine candidates developed by the company are being conducted in 10 foreign countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Argentina, Egypt and Peru.

"The current feedback is very satisfactory and we have received wide recognition from the international community," Liu said, adding that there are now dozens of countries asking for the company's vaccines.

Zheng Zhongwei, head of China's COVID-19 vaccine development task force, said the nation's annual COVID-19 vaccine production capacity could reach 610 million doses this year and it will expand further next year. Liu said his company would achieve an annual production capacity of 1 billion doses next year.

"We have not received a single report of vaccine-related severe adverse effects from our partners," he said.

Domestically, China has a world-class adverse effect surveillance system that is certified by the WHO for vaccines on the market, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This system has played a key role in tracking and investigating vaccine-related adverse effect incidents over the past decade, it added.

Zhao Xing, a Foreign Ministry official, said China is proactively fulfilling its promise of making COVID-19 vaccines a global public good and promoting equitable access to safe and effective vaccines, especially for developing countries.

On Oct 8, China joined COVAX, an initiative co-led by the WHO and partners to ensure efficient and equitable global access to a COVID-19 vaccine. As of Tuesday, 184 countries and regions have joined the initiative.

"Our vaccine development is leading the world, and we have enough production capacity, but we still want to join COVAX because we want to promote equal and fair access to the vaccine under the initiative," Zhao said."


2020-10-21 20:29 | Report Abuse

Most developing countries are highly unlikely to have cold chain equipment and storagy facilities to store Moderna (requires -27C) and Pfizer vaccines (requires -70C) which means these vaccines are most likely limited to developed countries. Both are based on mRNA vaccine platform. Currently, there are no RNA vaccines approved for human use.

"To make sure that vaccines are transported and stored at the right temperature, UNICEF, along with the World Health Organization (WHO), is also mapping out existing cold chain equipment and storage capacity – in the private as well as public sector – and preparing necessary guidance for countries to receive vaccines.

“We are doing everything we can to deliver these essential supplies efficiently, effectively and at the right temperature, as we already do so well all over the world,” Ms. Fore said.

Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with support from Gavi and in partnership with WHO, UNICEF has been upgrading the existing cold chain equipment across health facilities in countries to ensure that vaccines remain safe and effective throughout their journey.

Fridges boost health services
Since 2017, over 40,000 cold-chain fridges, including solar fridges, have been installed across health facilities, mostly in Africa, said the agency.

And in many countries, UNICEF is promoting solar technologies to help countries maintain supply chains.

In South Sudan, the least electrified country in the world, where temperatures frequently exceed 40 degrees Celsius, more than 700 health facilities have been equipped by UNICEF with solar power fridges - around 50 per cent of all facilities nationwide."


2020-10-21 20:20 | Report Abuse

More and more evidence pointing towards China overtaking USA in the global covid vaccine race

“President Donald Trump's predictions that a coronavirus vaccine would be ready before Election Day, Nov. 3, will not be met.

On Friday, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced it would not seek emergency authorization to release its coronavirus vaccine until late November.

Two other vaccine frontrunners are on hold. A fourth is unlikely to have results until the end of the year.

Trump has said repeatedly that a vaccine would be available to many before the election as part of the administration’s highly touted Operation Warp Speed, created to accelerate the development of a vaccine. Top scientists in and out of government have long said that timeline is unrealistic. “


2020-10-21 20:04 | Report Abuse

Agreed, tomorrow need to montor price, hopefully the support is strong.


2020-10-21 18:57 | Report Abuse

A city in China’s Zhejiang province will offer experimental coronavirus vaccines to its residents, as China broadens an emergency use programme to people in non-priority groups.

Residents aged between 18 and 59 in the city of Shaoxing, who are not in priority groups, can apply online for inoculation, the city’s health commission said on Tuesday on its WeChat account. It did not name the vaccine, say when inoculation would start or how many doses would be offered.

Hundreds of thousands of people have already taken experimental COVID-19 vaccines in China since it launched its emergency use programme in July aimed at essential workers and other limited groups of people at higher risk of infection.


2020-10-21 18:52 | Report Abuse

Covid Vaccine to be used in south east asia, including Malaysia will most likely be from China , not USA

“China is promising preferential access to its Covid-19 vaccines to countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America, as Beijing uses inoculations as a new tool to bolster its ties with nations neglected by the US.

Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, has spearheaded the effort, pledging that Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos will be among the “priority” recipients of Chinese vaccines.

China aspires to be a global vaccine supplier with four Chinese products now in phase 3 trials, the final stage intended to ensure safety and effectiveness before approval for public use.

Although US pharmaceutical groups, including Johnson & Johnson and Moderna also have advanced vaccines in development, Washington has shown no interest in helping to distribute them overseas.

“The United States has ceded the field to China in terms of bilateral vaccine deals in south-east Asia,” said Aaron Connelly from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a think-tank.

As part of China’s bid to eclipse the Trump administration and its America First agenda, Mr Wang said Beijing was ready to inoculate south-east Asia against the pandemic during a four-day trip across the region last week.”


2020-10-21 18:49 | Report Abuse

Sinopharm is on par with Sinovac because both are based on inactivate vaccine platform and both are from China

“Covid: China's Sinovac vaccine to be included in Brazil immunisation plan”


2020-10-21 18:47 | Report Abuse

Today very bad market


2020-10-21 02:28 | Report Abuse

Despite President Trump’s insistence that the U.S. is only “weeks away from a vaccine” for COVID-19, top health officials have said the country is “extremely unlikely” to approve a vaccine in October or November. Pfizer has said that in the best-case scenario, it could have final clinical trial data by the end of October, which could lead to official approval a minimum of several weeks later.

In contrast, China is likely closer to approving a vaccine, and Beijing may actually be only weeks away from approving a final candidate and moving forward with a formal, public rollout.


2020-10-21 02:20 | Report Abuse

Sinopharm has TWO vaccine products that have entered Phase III trials in 125 countries


2020-10-21 02:14 | Report Abuse

Malaysia may get Covid-19 vaccine supplies as early as the end of this year, said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

In delivering the good news, Muhyiddin said this was made possible with the Malaysia-China cooperation on vaccine production and distribution.

As we all know, China is CURRENTLY THE MOST ADVANCED in studying the (Covid-19) vaccine discovery; I was informed that it has reached the final stage and the vaccine could be used before end of the year after clinical trials are done.

"China has assured us that Malaysia will be the first country that it would help in supplying the Covid-19 vaccine," he said in a press conference streamed live today.


2020-10-21 00:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your support


2020-10-20 23:53 | Report Abuse

Sinopharm vaccine is similar to Sinovac vaccine . Both are inactivated vaccines from China. I am quite confident that China covid vaccine will win the global covid vaccine race at this rate.

“World’s vaccine testing ground deems Chinese COVID candidate ‘the safest, most promising’”


2020-10-20 23:36 | Report Abuse

Exactly please understand that this is not a trading stock , it is for medium to long term investment. If you are trading, go and find other stocks


2020-10-20 23:28 | Report Abuse

Come join kanger haha


2020-10-20 23:28 | Report Abuse

Come join kanger haha


2020-10-20 23:27 | Report Abuse

Sinovac is inactivated vaccine different from cansino which is adenoviral vector vaccine. Anyway come come join kanger haha


2020-10-20 23:25 | Report Abuse

Come join kanger haha


2020-10-20 23:24 | Report Abuse

Come join kanger haha


2020-10-20 23:24 | Report Abuse

If the price drops to 1.5 I may consider entering