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4 days ago | Report Abuse

2Invest, sorry to disappoint you, my company uses all 3 of these services and i can tell you CTOS is at the bottom of those 3. But because it is the only malaysians listed credit scoring company which makes it somewhat attractive, the other 2 are foreign companies much larger than CTOS but they have no intention of listing here, however in terms of service, they are far better than ctos unfortunately. CTOS even buys scoring from the other 2 to sell to us.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The problem for CTOS is Expirion which CTOS relies on for DATA. i know because my company dump CTOS subscription for Expirion which is WAY WAY cheaper and has more coverage than CTOS. But i believe that CTOS has value as a listed company that can go around ASEAN and dominate, while still being Expirion's b*tch... Lol!


2024-10-18 14:55 | Report Abuse

Spy133, you got read the prospectus or not? only 16% shares was listed, 15% was "given" as "angpow" to his banker friends, and only 1% traded on the open market.


2024-10-16 16:47 | Report Abuse

MR.DIY owners do like and the share price can maintain? what a small market we are, if in a bigger market and they did this, investor would be punishing this stock.


2024-09-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

1.2% retail traders trading amongst yourselves, the 98.8% substantial shareholders looking down from above laughing


2024-09-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

Judging by technicals, SAM has at least 20sens more to fall


2024-08-16 17:59 | Report Abuse

rhtc88, come tell us, what's your average price?


2024-07-22 10:30 | Report Abuse

Feds cutting rates the market already priced in, this slump is the market adjusting for a Trump win. So buy the dip.


2024-07-12 12:05 | Report Abuse

hold CTOS until you old, this industry is a forever business, for 20 years since i came back from UK, i have wondered why malaysia still don't have any way to buy solid info on private companies. In UK people buy and sell micro and small businesses on a daily basis because they can check the health of the business, unlike here in the past we had to GAMBLE to buy someone else's business.


2024-07-09 16:55 | Report Abuse

Kan I dah kata, the judge was mulut celupar, if his honour kept his opinion to himself, then the businesswomen could've gotten compensation, now because of him, the high court had to throw the entire judgement out.


2024-07-01 16:42 | Report Abuse

D&O reached its support and going to resume its upward trend with this bullish candlestick.


2024-06-28 15:28 | Report Abuse

iCash, did you forget to take your hypertension medicine again?


2024-06-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

nuemeslau, that is one of the funniest things i've read today. losing money on 1 million shares for him is nothing. Morale boost? You need it?


2024-06-26 11:42 | Report Abuse

Just get your money ready to buy when Mi finish retrace.


2024-06-26 11:38 | Report Abuse

Guys, I would not use Tony buying CapA shares as a sign of anything much, because it could still go either way. For all you know he could just be propping up the market right before this next PN17 dateline. For Tony to buy up to a million shares in his own company is a drop in the ocean to him.


2024-06-26 11:32 | Report Abuse

Haha unfortunately i'm closing my position with Dpharma, feels like watching paint dry. Anyways good luck guys.


2024-06-25 16:09 | Report Abuse

TradingFun, I would like to know what answer you have that can win over SSLee's negative point of view of Capital A. Please share because all this while SSLee already layout his arguement quite clearly for all to see and shoot, i hope you are not just shooting in the dark.


2024-06-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

Honestly why do so many people here care what other people say? If you agree, good, don't agree, move on. At the end of the day, you only have yourself to blame for whatever investment decisions you make.


2024-06-19 14:28 | Report Abuse

MI next major resistance is slightly above 3.5


2024-06-14 23:10 | Report Abuse

LKT really suwei bugger, everything he touches ends badly then Genting have to come save him and his mother


2024-05-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

foreverchung, what business is not "opportunitic"? You are naive to think that we are all here in this forum to sing kumbaya and hug each other.


2024-05-21 15:27 | Report Abuse

I think cannot deny that PMX has done his job pulling tech giants to come to malaysia, giving our local companies lots of opportunities.


2024-05-17 15:07 | Report Abuse

Gone case, big fish all took their Dividend and Equity gains and left AHEALTH to go pump tech. Big trend TA says it will return to RM1.00. It was a good ride though.


2024-05-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

Next major resistance is RM3.40


2024-05-16 10:54 | Report Abuse

I hate to panjang cerita la, but if you have lived overseas for a period of time, you'll know such credit rating agencies are very common and dishing out credit scores IS one of their products. The purpose of their existence IS to circumvent the banks as the main lending institution.


2024-05-16 10:52 | Report Abuse

Analyst will tell you one story in public and write a different story for their sharks. As for this court case, it is a no case, the appeals court will throw out the lower court's ruling because the judge could not keep his own opinion to himself. The person who will suffer is the mak cik who won the case, but due to the mulut celupar of the judge, her win will have to be turned into a loss.


2024-04-08 14:23 | Report Abuse

CharlieM, then you need to take your nickname's sake, Charlie Munger's advice and invest in great companies. FFB for me is a great company that is part of our local food security ecosystem, meaning the government will do everything in its power to allow for FFB to remain 100% locally owned and production is fully local.


2024-04-08 11:29 | Report Abuse

CharlieM, it went down to the lowest at 99 sen. The reason you didn't buy was it because you didn't know how much further it could fall?


2024-04-05 14:37 | Report Abuse

Markv572421, what happened? Sold too early? Lol!


2024-04-05 12:24 | Report Abuse

MULTIEVER, why you even in this forum if you do not like nor hold FFB shares? Don't stress yourself, just go back to DLady forum and you'll be blissfully happy with your decision.


2024-04-04 17:35 | Report Abuse

CharlieM, here is your free answer.

"FFB owns one of the largest remaining gene banks of the original Australian Friesian Sahiwal (AFS) cattle globally. AFS genes are resistant to high humidity and temperatures, which is typical of Malaysian weather."

FFB owns the genetic rights to this breed of cow, so essentially this Intellectual Property is worth more than the milk. They sell cow sperm.


2024-04-03 17:28 | Report Abuse

MULTIEVER what's your problem?


2024-04-03 15:48 | Report Abuse

madmusrz, KWAP, KWSP, and other such large funds are not making trades by the one fund manager, they have many fund managers so that's why you'll see on the same day they will buy in and sell on the same day. Because each Fund Manager have their own KPI and risk appetite, so they'll operate independently.


2024-04-02 13:51 | Report Abuse

Genting invested $111.8m in 2012, no wonder the CEO so desperate for results, Uncle Lim says "your time is up".


2024-04-02 13:42 | Report Abuse

This TauRX seems very desperate to push through their unproven Alzheimer drug. Failed to show any significant results in 3-4 Phase 3 trials (human trials) and as a result they used unorthodox research methodologies to get their desired outcome.


2024-04-01 17:59 | Report Abuse

DLady will collapse at around RM36.00. After you Sell DLady remember come back pump FFB ya.


2024-03-27 12:42 | Report Abuse

If don't know how to hold then just sell. Free yourself from the stress.


2024-03-27 11:57 | Report Abuse

CTOS, Experion and other such companies are the norm around the world, and a simple court ruling isn't going to change that trend. The judge was being too clever with his ruling, it will be overturned in the Appeals court. The judge also did a disservice to the lady suing CTOS, both parties could've ended the saga there and CTOS would just Appeal as a formality, but now CTOS will have to fight tooth and nail to get the ruling overturned because the judge did not keep his personal feelings to himself.


2024-03-22 12:40 | Report Abuse

One man's inability to see value is another's opportunity to buy at below market value


2024-03-20 09:35 | Report Abuse

alibii, 1mil shares is a drop in the ocean for EPF


2024-03-20 09:12 | Report Abuse

Don't need to read the law on credit info we also know that this law was meant to setup companies like CTOS to dish out credit scoring la. As i've said, this judge was trying to be funny by interpreting it word for word, and thiscredit scoring thing something common around the world. Without such credit scoring institutions, banks will be operating very inefficiently, each bank will have a different scoring method and that will lead to weaker credit control because each bank will keep lowering their criteria to approve loans and will snowball into the infamous Sub-Prime loan scenario of 2008.


2024-03-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

Kobay boss already ready to retire la, now just play with own stock price.


2024-03-18 12:37 | Report Abuse

Wah, this stock still going down ah? and now our wonderful gomen thinking of enforcing minimum wage of RM3000 for university grads, Oppstar might as well tapao and move to India where the engineers are abundant and cheap. The name Oppstar also suei 1... like a hiccup, "Opps"

News & Blogs

2024-03-18 09:23 | Report Abuse

The judge's family member might've been rejected by CTOS before! Lol! People need to look themselves in the mirror, most times those that get rejected by banks have spotted financial history already, so don't act so innocent. Many after knowing their reputation with the financial institutions are tarnished, instead of rebuilding their credit score, they choose to continue with their stubborn ways.


2024-03-18 09:19 | Report Abuse

Dead cat bounce? Omg, go find out what defines that movement first.
EPF trading share price won't show for some time? You don't see it because the announcement only comes out the following days.


2024-03-15 09:26 | Report Abuse

Go to hell la Zaid, understand the local socio-economics? The reason banks, even your so-called Islamic banks, racially profile the Malays and put high barriers for them to overcome because they have "socio-economically" tendencies for not servicing their loans. So you can't blame the banks, non-bumi malaysians, and CTOS for your "socio-economic" failings.


2024-03-14 11:02 | Report Abuse

Analisa yg bodoh. Bukannya D&O yg berperang harga, dlm situasi begini, supplier lah yg untung sbb pengilang perlu pam volume lagi tinggi utk turunkan kos mereka. Kekadang kena hati2 baca report percuma fund2 nih, report diorg bertalam dua muka, utk awam satu cerita dongeng, utk pelabur VVIP mereka report yg cun.


2024-03-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

haziqaz, kurangkan baca media dongeng. Kes CTOS kalah nih sgt terperinci, kebanyakan individu yg kena reject dgn bank nih mmg ada masalah kewangan je.