
OG_Investor | Joined since 2018-01-03

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2019-07-12 08:39 | Report Abuse

KWAP no longer sub shareholder, EPF selling. Dialog cannot sustain growth. PER way to high.


2019-07-04 12:19 | Report Abuse

Lose money to Petronas for 5 years and stock price going down. EPF got big SELL OFF!!


2019-06-21 09:33 | Report Abuse

EOF Buying 000,000's shares to keep price from dropping. 7277 will drop 20% soon.


2019-06-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

KWAP and EPF are manipulating this stock; keeping trades turning over, maintain the stock at good levels while they figure how to do a placement. Dialog growth is highly overrated and EPF now figure this out. Dialog continued reduction of turnover and low growth potential is no sustainable to maintain share price plus 3rm. SELL SELL SELL


2019-05-27 09:29 | Report Abuse

beware Dialog holders another 1/4 have lower turnover but they again find massive cost savings found somewhere or more likely is some creative accounting by the very clever BoD. this same as last 1/4 cannot be sustainable. Agreement with BP Singapore almost ignored by the markets. Now EPF and KWAP start the sell off and placement of shares. Sell, Sell, Sell


2019-05-07 08:45 | Report Abuse

Its a shame that we now see how the State of Johor and Dialog have abused their positions for financial gain at Pengergang. Dialog days are numbered...


2019-04-22 09:15 | Report Abuse

take de profit now ! Good day.


2019-04-22 09:14 | Report Abuse

rebound soon. rm13 per share will return in a few weeks.


2019-04-17 09:49 | Report Abuse


""Additionally, Dialog is still executing the EPCC for several other projects, including the Pengerang Phase 1E expansion."

WRONG. Dialog dont have several other EPCC projects. they should list them


2019-04-17 09:32 | Report Abuse

but dialog are reclaiming and expanding phase 3 so why no growth ?? So strange. business partners are pulling out. Dialog downfall is approachingl; management even admitting it. Beware revised PER and sharp drop in price.

News & Blogs

2019-04-16 10:00 | Report Abuse

Haha - Dialog statement of ensuring persons are safe is simple spin. people falling from height and now dead! It is easy to protect against falling, Dialog cutting corners.


2019-04-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

1 worker fell and is dead. Tanks at Rapid built by Dialog company lah! Is same company that build the terminal tanks for PIC. Don't trivialize health and safety especially when workers not protected by the main contractor. Dialog is the maincon and owner/operator. Hands have blood all on them and potential customers / partners for phase 3 pulling out. Sell while above RM3


2019-04-12 10:27 | Report Abuse

Dialog cannot hide their inhouse mistakes anymore. Poor workmanship, poor quality, poor safety. Poor poor management need changing.



2019-04-12 10:23 | Report Abuse

buy buy buy. ECRL is a go ahead.


2019-04-12 09:18 | Report Abuse

woof woof. dialog in downtrend now, sell before is too late. Phase 1 expansion delayed, Pengerang Independent Terminals SB / Dialog now suffer with unsafe work and fatalities, work stopped. This ruin BP interest in Phase 3. 1/4ly result will be bad. no growth prospect, PE way too high. Intrinsic share price at 2.2.


2019-04-11 10:02 | Report Abuse

man falls 30 meters to his death at Pengergang Integrated Terminals. Dialog cutting corners and not even erecting fall protection........so sad. We need professional companies at RAPID


2019-03-25 14:07 | Report Abuse

can publish your email and i will send you the video that dosh are using to prosecute Dialog. British Petro will be stay in SGP now.


2019-03-23 08:37 | Report Abuse

Why no announcement abut Phase 3 customers or progress or confirmed supply agreements?? BP will not work with a terminal operator that has poor record for safety, especailly fatality. Delays, delays, delays.


2019-03-23 08:34 | Report Abuse

haha @Pamladu - more people have died on RAPID, under Petronas safety procedures than ant other site in Malaysia!! Dialog have first fatality on Deeptwater Terminal phase 1 expantion that is huge problems and delays, poor poor management as Phase 2 ends and phase 3 reclamation and design completing. The bad joke here is the poor workers dieing becuase Dialog cutting corners


2019-03-22 10:18 | Report Abuse

DOSH have shut the site down over poor safety and fataitities. Project Manager and Director arrested and charge with manslaughter. 2 months delay now.


2019-03-21 08:53 | Report Abuse

This counter is about to tank. Dialog messing up Pengerang every day, dead worker, cutting corners and poor subcont mangement.


2018-10-17 08:44 | Report Abuse

ya ga newbie8080 u r right...time is up for the blessed D!! Ramsyll - ru de spin machine for D? I hope u all follow the advice and sell at 3.58, pick up some more at 3.2 for long term hold. but now should take any profits and run fast, delays delays delays for phase 3, no customers story sama sama even epf stop trading this stock. now de businessbaddies Benalec who r developing round the corner r talking with BP and Jurong TC, announcement soon. hurt the D it will.


2018-09-19 15:07 | Report Abuse

yeeeehaaaa - das OG return from days and days at the RAPID dan PDT .....progress isssssss bbbbaaaaaaddddddd. De Dremers must 2 miss my lekker updates. Not good meh . rush rush rush for armamco pushed deliveries that be cumin soon. Good 2c Petronas helping DIalog who are outta their capabilities, . tanks late completion, phase 3 no news no customer, reclamation behind schedule tanks start to be building - not now. D is suffering, expansion plans failing, SELL SELL SELL while 3.5, pick up later 3,2 after crash.


2018-08-28 07:27 | Report Abuse

yeeeeehaaaaaa OG is back, der Dreamers sama sama rude and Wrong! the rapid rumors tell da blessed D in trouble at area3 oredy, delays delays delays delays!!!!! 2 months only working, relcaiming is late. contractor now getting more money more time hohohohoh / clever japanese. D not learn/ now must get the help of Petronas and Vopak or this area FAIL.............any customer? still NO sell sell sell matchas this stock going down. pray our lovely epf support D


2018-08-20 09:17 | Report Abuse

8 % LOWER REVENUE YoY - there is the poison pill, all downhill now. Sell sell sell - price a goin down now


2018-05-25 09:32 | Report Abuse

and i agree lah, dialog a great great company, i hold many shares. going forward tho we need the phase 3 to some extents for added/continued growth....i guess many reason reclamation has stopped


2018-05-25 09:03 | Report Abuse

boy o boy - u all need to go to site and look for the cutter suction dredger and then let me know who is bullsh1tting here....where it went??


2018-05-24 17:10 | Report Abuse

yeh lah - greaaat company, just need focus and some firm news for growing! or share price will track down..but who know lah


2018-05-24 16:08 | Report Abuse

no news = no customer. Reclamation work stopping also....the dredger left site. something not rite lah....


2018-05-24 14:18 | Report Abuse

no customer for Phase 3 - sell, sell, sell! Aiiiooooo, this company like mamak shop, price up, price down, news good, news bad.....got delays, no delays, ting-tong.


2018-05-24 10:39 | Report Abuse

phase 4 coming - buy buy !!


2018-05-22 16:17 | Report Abuse

@ Dream Predator - you mean there are other phases in consideration/planned?? OMG!!! Buy some more lah...


2018-05-22 15:44 | Report Abuse

here comes phase 3 customers!! Buy buy buy


2018-05-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

Phase 3 - still no have client....plan plan, price go down only for next months lah


2018-04-27 16:12 | Report Abuse

Hekeleh lah..


2018-04-27 09:26 | Report Abuse

Phase 3 partners secured, announcement coming soon!! watch dis space


2018-04-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

here come downside - what to do Paktua? You seem to have a good feel for price swings. Enter at 2.9 again or wait?


2018-03-28 16:05 | Report Abuse

Sell while u can; problems ahead. No cliEnt for Phase 3. Only give reclaim for very little extra area for phase 3, jetty no yet confirmed a lor. Good run so far, take it and run....


2018-03-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

i think huge debt is part funded on basis of getting clients and customers for phase 3....which is not happening! alamak. rocky road ahead


2018-03-07 09:36 | Report Abuse

Problems firming up Client/Customer for Phase 3 ah? ai o, wot 2do.
Was hoping for that end Jan announcement and jump up in price...keep strong and stay the course....


2018-02-15 09:51 | Report Abuse

Gong Xi, Gong Xi all!! Im gald i didnt sell my shares before release of 1/4ly results. One would have missed out on an extra 2% growth in one day, thus far! Happy days...happy holidays. Bless our Dialog


2018-02-14 14:13 | Report Abuse

@weavefinder - you need to read prior posts by KY75 & Ramsyll - both are very informed. Accumluate, not for meeting or exceeding the 1/4ly results, but for the purported release of news about further expansion and partnering on Phase 3. Phase 3 is not yet factored into the earnings. You need to know the company before making slight comments wor.


2018-02-07 14:46 | Report Abuse

pat on the back for you paktua, u sooo good .......

does anyone know when Q2 results are released? I thought should already be issue ah


2018-01-12 20:24 | Report Abuse

@darkstar - Ambank just funded Phase 2 to the tune of 250Mill, maybe more.. they would recommend a buy....P3 and chinese pulling out, p2 should be ok, results out in 10 days, let hope is still ok....


2018-01-08 16:53 | Report Abuse

still strong! I was expecting a pull back today... Lordy, lordy...


2018-01-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

cannot be lah. @amyky67 - it is reliably informing to me that investor/client talks ongone last 6 months+ fall thru. So no p3 plan now for min 12 months.....but ky75 bro still hoping. Lets hope market intel is wrong..:) Bless our Dialog


2018-01-05 16:42 | Report Abuse

wow - they got another this week??? So quick ah


2018-01-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

global market January bull run - sentiment only i think


2018-01-05 14:24 | Report Abuse

Looking forward to RM3. Shame Phase 3 not happening anytime soon as predicted. Maybe 2019 can if new investor come.


2018-01-03 17:16 | Report Abuse

:) roll on January !!