
Ocean2018 | Joined since 2018-03-26

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2018-09-21 10:02 | Report Abuse

the chance lasted since RM 2.40 per share


2018-09-21 04:45 | Report Abuse

noobs' criteria: over ego/ super scare dead, earn few cents claim victory, think he/she can predict market so can earn every cent in the market, think he can influnce price movement, sold too early, buy too late, sincerely think he/she is god of stock.

noobs' result: missed the boat, fail to hold multi baggers, create negative energy of his own, most of the time earn peanut if not loss.

noobs' summary: dream big but act small, sincerely think only for his/her own pocket, create more enermies then friends, fail to realised his own mistake.

advice to noobs: change a new ID and come back make friends, not enermy. learn sincerely. there are many sifus in i3.

p/s: above noob is referring to the most of the sincere analyst out there who only care about his/her own pocket.


2018-09-20 19:34 | Report Abuse

noob sold at 2.40 b4 the price explode. old birds all make huge profit.


2018-09-19 09:17 | Report Abuse

drop 3 cents can piss in diapers...you are really small potato.


2018-09-13 09:48 | Report Abuse

While Unisem already got offer from China tech giant so as the tech giant can avoid trade war, soon penta, inari, globetronics will benefit too? Sincerely my opinion.


2018-09-12 18:17 | Report Abuse



2018-09-12 16:46 | Report Abuse

he sincerely hope he himself alone can make big money...and to achieve that, all must follow his sincere advice for him to make few cents here and there. i can understand how he feel.


2018-09-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

running up 10% still bearable...when + 30% it become unbearable and start to have dilemma, but when + 100%, you will sure curse hopeful it will go down back to old days


2018-09-12 16:41 | Report Abuse

imagine you bet right on every big run up stocks at early stage like other investors but you dispose all of then because of fear & greed. only sincere_analyst know how it taste..


2018-09-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

be mercy on him...he is just another gambler trying to earn few cents here and there....he missed all the big run up stock...pity enough...so don't spread more salt on his wound..


2018-09-08 07:08 | Report Abuse

whenever market weak a bit, he will jump out to take opportunity to scare weak holders....once he got what he wants, he use another indentity to blow the stock lo..then sell when up few cents.


2018-09-08 07:05 | Report Abuse

becos that sohai sold all penta at 2.40 to 2.60...and sold all frontkn at 0.50...but the shares keep moving up...if he no act sohai to scare weak holder..he cannot buy back the share and everyday cry why sold the share so early..ha ha ha..he typical low life tactic...here earn few cents..there earn few cents...hati_busuk


2018-08-21 08:47 | Report Abuse

After sinka peterchu, we have hatibusuk_analyst now..another popular sinka. Always mis the boat. Jump in jump out for peanut by giving hati busuk post.


2018-08-17 11:03 | Report Abuse

peter chu cut loss liao...can start buy

News & Blogs

2018-08-17 10:58 | Report Abuse

Author: kentrade888 | Latest post: Fri, 17 Aug 2018, 10:02 AM

(转帖) 敢敢进,買入少量。<<<<<< 自相矛盾

个人投资,買卖自负。 <<<<<<<<<< 无言!!!!!


2018-08-12 19:38 | Report Abuse

Sinkalan chu talk pandai la..later drop to 0.40 he will not dare to buy in one.

News & Blogs

2018-08-10 08:15 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-08-10 08:13 | Report Abuse

中国这货币贬值真是厉害了。。中国出口比例超过进口比例好几倍。 如果认为一个世界工厂货币贬值是弊大于利,那真是无知。货币贬值绝对会促进本国不动产增值,带动人民投资意愿以避面通膨侵蚀资产。黄金,地产,股市,商业活动都会被激发。 这会带动整体中国的GDP,避免硬著陆。 再严打虚拟货币,金钱游戏,P2P,好让流动性回到实质经济上。这顺理成张的贸易仗,货币战,到最候会是特郎普习近平的美丽双赢局面。近观最近数据,中国储备和出口7月增加显显。这已是习特共赢的第一步。


2018-08-10 07:54 | Report Abuse

When a company start selling off the treasury shares, investor better be alert.


2018-08-06 09:11 | Report Abuse

you must be kidding to sell a stock based on PE


2018-08-04 13:29 | Report Abuse

This sinkalan peterchu cut loss many times..ha ha..see how he comment and the price action you will know...when he ask buy..the price drop...when he ask sell, the price up...

News & Blogs

2018-08-02 13:28 | Report Abuse

qqq3/ stockmanmy is a typical case of investor that brain has been washed completely. No different from many followers of money games/ pyramic scheme. Die hard..without self realising his brain has been washed. Defence blindly..follow blindly..


2018-07-30 13:20 | Report Abuse

quarter 2 result will be bad


2018-07-26 15:06 | Report Abuse



2018-07-25 17:13 | Report Abuse

no fibo la...just omighty and his chart reading followers take profit last minit (2.87, 2.88, 2.89 total about 64 lots only). The omighty told them quarter 1 forex no good, so will affect quarter 2 result. better take profit first. But how come the quarter 1 forex can affect quarter 2 earning?

too many conspiracy story this guy. Everyday tell his own story..Till today still sing bad sapura energy..but sapura energy keep going up!



2018-07-24 09:39 | Report Abuse



2018-07-23 21:14 | Report Abuse



2018-07-23 08:50 | Report Abuse

Somebody has not been sleeping well. He cut loss at lower point. After cut loss, share price keep going up. He then still string to sing bad hope the share price drop back. Very unfortunate. Ha ha
..really typical low life water leg.

News & Blogs

2018-07-20 23:39 | Report Abuse



2018-07-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

hey kid, you are talking about yourself!

Posted by sincere_analyst > Jul 18, 2018 09:21 AM | Report Abuse

Those water leg sifu just get lost la, show your stupidity here for ppl to laugh. If you like just put as many support and resistance levels as you like. This show you are here to con for a living. Just F off


2018-06-11 15:31 | Report Abuse


"I come at it in a very skeptical way because Apple has a number of suppliers, and you don't necessarily get the right picture from one," Cramer said.

News & Blogs

2018-05-31 07:12 | Report Abuse

Everybody know wcup attracts advetisement income. PH is helping RTM 1 or government to make money which last time made by astro alone. Somemorr this 40 mil fee is going to be sponsored by merchants. Gobin sigh damn smart


2018-05-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

EPF got over paid or not?


2018-05-18 13:55 | Report Abuse

What if the scenario is via "Expropriation" ?


Posted by probability > May 18, 2018 01:32 PM | Report Abuse

This cannot be compared to Myeg.

Ekovest NTA per share itself 1.5 x current mcap...

any buyout from concessionaire, government has to value it at return of at least 8% if not at bond yield level. That means offer price has to be at about at least another RM 1.50 per share.

Total NTA would be at 0.94 + 1.50 = 2.44

current price of 0.645 is at 80% discount.

Dont forget its capable management.....and resources. These are all priceless....


2018-05-11 18:33 | Report Abuse

Hooi, you are the no bola one with your gang. Sequential attack posts under airasia together with your gang to create fear. Everybody can see your tactic trying to gain profit. If you got ball, you and your gang will probably keep in silency. Want to make few bucks by creating fear, a typical no ball strategy.

News & Blogs

2018-05-11 18:29 | Report Abuse

Hooi, you are the no bola one with your gang. Sequential attack posts under airasia together with your gang to create fear. Everybody can see your tactic trying to gain profit. If you got ball, you and your gang will probably keep in silency. Want to make few bucks by creating fear, a typical no ball strategy.


2018-05-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

Obvious victim of BN tactic.

Any sense businessman will not openly support political party especially during election and some more 50:50 bet. Most likely tony's arm is twisted to do such.

"Tony, you are too famous, that prove your success, at the same time expose you to the risk when you become best tool to be deployed."

I will buy you if you crash, because nobody will stop take airasia the tomorrow, the next week or next year. Unless they are too rich to take premium airline and allergic to their own wallet. That's totally different story.

Shorter, please short more!