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1 month ago | Report Abuse

@JohnZhang. Agree with you.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

You not even know the value of MPHBCAP but claim yourself as top 30 shareholder. You thought others in this group as STUPIG as you ?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Who really want to partner with those stupi..d but pretend smart?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If stock investment so certain , you already the richest in the world. No need to fish for info here.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@million_22. Do you understand what is scenario analysis ?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I'm betting on the desperation to get the SCR through and SCR will fail. So , the probability of raising SCR price still possible.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I and few friends holding 2+million shares. This is not our majorholding.
My decision simple.
Vote against during SCR , if failed , share price down , I will increase my holding.
If SCR get through , just accept the decision , get 1.70.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If privatization failed , the stock can go either way. If going down , if you have confident with the shares , buy more.
If you worry SCR failed and stock price tumbled , sell now.
Don't expect others will give you the guarantee


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just ignore @million. Just make our own decision base on our own best interest.
His questions totally didn't make sense to me. Who can be sure that Surin will acquire again after fail to privatize this round. Even Surin also couldn't answer him


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I'm expecting the SCR will not get through during EGM. If majorshareholders did the same as MWE SCR , need to pre-alert my friends so that they can decide the best alternative for themselves.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I already provided guideline to those from my group for the assessment and decision

Resolution passed during EGM. 1.70

Resolution rejected during EGM

Offer price raise further ?

SCR call off and stock price might retreat


2 months ago | Report Abuse

SCR at 1.70. Next tussle , EGM expected in August.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Instead of selling the land , this project will generate consistence cash flow to the company.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

If this is true , Surin will be very eager to take the company private to benefit from it.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I'm putting my bet on this by holding to my shares. MPHBCAP has the land size at Pengerang just nice for 500MW solar plant. The location was strategic to supply green energy to Singapore.
Submitting of proposal 25th July. Purchased on paper in April.
Timing jive with price movement and SCR


2 months ago | Report Abuse

SCR kind of stressful for those holding above the offer price. Before 2015 , the price was above 2. After holding for almost 10 years , force to sell at a lost. Will be a painful experience.
But this is reality in stock investment for minority shareholders


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Stay cool. Decide what the best alternative for yourself base on possible scenarios.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dealing with PN17 companies need to be very patient and calm as the process can take years to complete.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

This is my 1st time dealing with SCR.
My focus mainly on technology stocks in Malaysia and abroad.
Taking opportunity from PN17 companies restructuring for hefty return of more than 10x


2 months ago | Report Abuse

We can judge ourselves from their report later.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

This is SOP. Why not let them do their job and avoid unnecessary speculation ?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Not much you can do here. Jumping up and down won't change anything.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

For myself , I will hold on until BOD and UOBKH come out with their decision.
Many other stocks to pay attention to and take opportunity.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Let's wait for the outcome from UOBKH and BOD. Let them do their job.
If you are not satisfy with the offer price , vote against during EGM.
If EGM unsuccessful to turn down the resolution , just get the money and invest elsewhere.
If worry the SCR get rejected and stock price dip , consider to sell now.
If worry after selling the SCR end up with higher offer price , can consider selling a portion. If with higher offer price , can still benefited from the offer. If SCR got rejected and price dip , can buy back at lower price.

Many alternatives to look into , just decide the best options for you


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@johnzhang. Thank you very much.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

In 2015 , when BOD requested 1 month extension , Surin rejected the proposal. 2018 , he proceed with SCR again for MWE at 1.75 and successful.
At least this round he accepted the extension😅😅


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I Status quo until BOD coming up with their proposal either to accept SCR


2024-06-09 20:23 | Report Abuse

If you looked at the number correctly , only 50% of shares voted. Out of this 50% , Surin hold 43%.
When I looked at this previously , resolution # 3 , briefly , an investor with 6 millions shared from supported resolution 1 and 2 against resolution 3. Not sure why but interesting.

What this number told us was that 50% of the shares not casting their votes.

As the SCR excluded Surin's 43% for voting , this 50% will be the decider.

If you look at the top 30 shareholder list , 2 funds holding added up more than 10%


2024-06-09 18:06 | Report Abuse

@youwin once any majorshareholder collected 90% of the shares , minorshareholders mandatory to sell the holding to them.
Surin holding at around 43%. To get to 90% , he will need to accumulate from the market or convince those in top 30 shareholder lists to sell to him.

So far , very clear to him that he won't get enough by buying through open market unless he raise his price further.


2024-06-09 17:49 | Report Abuse

Or until the report from UOB Kay Hian ready.


2024-06-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

My advice , hold on with your shares at least until 20th June.


2024-06-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

Sharing my thought of what's going on

This is a tussle between Surin and the minority shareholders.

CheckPoint 1: when he set the SCR at 1.70 , he might plan to grab more shares below 1.70. Observing from the transaction volume so far , less than 1% transacted after the announcement.
This should be positive to minority shareholders as everyone holding tight with their shares.

Checkpoint 2 : ex dividend 12th June. Will minorshareholders sell their holding after receiving the 3 sen dividend ?

My take if the transaction volume remain low for next 1 week or so , will be another positive sign for minorshareholders.

Then will test how eager Surin want to push through the privatisation.


2024-06-09 17:36 | Report Abuse

My take very simple. Engage whatever resources that able to assist us.
We should patiently waiting for the outcome from the advisory to the board and minority shareholders.

Then our next fight with be during EGM.

We just do what we can.


2024-06-09 17:32 | Report Abuse

@johnzhang currently I and few friends holding 2+ millions shares. ( just put 2millions as of now ). Trying to confirm the shareholding of another friend who not reachable as of now.


2024-06-07 20:09 | Report Abuse

This will determine how desperate Surin will be for the SCR


2024-06-07 20:09 | Report Abuse

*I'm observing either the SCR has something to do with LSS5


2024-06-07 20:07 | Report Abuse

My view regarding Pengerang land

Many focus on Oil and Gas. If state governmenttake over the land , the price will most likely 10 to 12 psft.

Less focus was on green energy. Due to carbon footprint requirement from EU , Singapore need huge amount of green energy. Pengerang very strategically located to supply green energy such as solar to Singapore.

Pengerang land size of 1600+ acres very suitable for 500MW solar farm.

If MPHBCAP engage in solar farm project , as compare to outright sales of the land , this will be a better option by generating constant cash flow and profit to the company. Valuation for the stock will be better.

I'm observing the SCR has something to do with this.

Under LSS5 , 1st time in the history , 500MW solar farm open for bidding.

Form available to purchased in May , submit of form in July.


2024-06-07 19:55 | Report Abuse

We should wait for the advice from the independent advisor. Let see what their comment will be.
Get the 3 sen dividend 1st


2024-06-07 19:51 | Report Abuse

@johnzhang Vitrox and TTVision.


2024-06-01 20:39 | Report Abuse

If Johor government.decided to build RTS connecting Pasir Gudang to Singapore , the land price in Pasir Gudang will skyrocket as connectivity will significantly improve. Tanah Merah to Changi Airport only 1 MRT Station. JB to Senai Airport by road about 1hr. Worth to bet on company with land in Pasir Gudang. Pengerang about 20km from Pasir Gudang , spill over effect not as much.
Residential land price in Pasir Gudang around 30 psft


2024-06-01 20:28 | Report Abuse

5 or 6 years ago


2024-06-01 20:27 | Report Abuse

MahSing bought a pcs of land , more than 1000 acres within Pasir Gudang and Pengerang to develop into township. The land price about RM8 per ft2.


2024-06-01 20:24 | Report Abuse

So far , Nylex is working on LRT at JB area together with BTS , Ancom Nylex and LBS. No latest development so far.
Johor Transport Master Plan
BRT until Tebrau area ( phase 1)
Phase 2 extended to Pasir Gudang and surrounding area in 2035.
Pengerang even further from JB.
The only option to boost Eastern Part of Johor is building another RTS connecting Pasir Gudang to Tanah Merah MRT Station in Singapore


2024-05-31 22:08 | Report Abuse

MPHBCAP not my major holding so far. Won't be investing in any counter related to Surin in the future.
My investment focus more on technology stocks.
The company majorshareholders someone I knew in person , very humble and responsible person. One in top 50 richest list in Malaysia. Another one on the rise with new factory expansion. I have high hope on them due to their personality


2024-05-31 21:58 | Report Abuse

2 years ago I joined in the AGM through online. I totally disappointed with the management.


2024-05-31 21:57 | Report Abuse

I kind of unhappy with the way Surin table his privatisation EXCUSE.
He was the one running the company. The company was poorly manage and the stock price was under performing and now he uses this as an excuse to take the company private at low price , avoiding the NA of the company at 2.40 which yet to factor in the revaluation.