
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2016-08-31 23:49 | Report Abuse

Organic growth very you know almost all shop already have EDC terminal.

Online payment are not their strength, too many competitors, no entry barrier for new comers and margin are low.

Outside Malaysia are very difficult to penetrate except Philippine. ....if it easy they should already started a long times ago. There are not many co for them to acquire too! Not high growth co.


2016-08-31 22:34 | Report Abuse

Good counter will recover just what price to enter only, maybe dividend will work.


2016-08-31 19:16 | Report Abuse

Attractive dividend. ..maybe damage control.

But now half of RM500M book order in question. ...delay.

I think they know earlier about the postponement.....this is not one day decision....there are series of meetings....before they reached to the decision....very unusual...price rally during the period...unless somebody push it to dump. Last minutes announcement are not welcome!!

People said good or bad news tend to come in twos or threes....already two...hopefully no more.


2016-08-30 18:06 | Report Abuse

Case of Business Idea Ahead of Their Time.


2016-08-30 15:56 | Report Abuse

Don't think the quarter performance justify big rally...people will take profit first. Bonus issues still a long way to play (not now)


2016-08-30 14:53 | Report Abuse



2016-08-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

Look like control distribution sudah habis.


2016-08-30 14:42 | Report Abuse

Oh ya lupa mahu up up up. Ki ki ki

P.s. I never buy Iris.


2016-08-30 14:41 | Report Abuse

Bruce that can't push price....hoping for tourist.

Worldwide...tourist spending are downtrend. ...Michael Kors, Swiss Watchmaker etc are not doing well...Macy for example are throwing their price...because tourist are not spending.

Soon govt. will open up to other co to be tourism shopping tax refund agent/company no more just global blue.

Try find out what "Project Heathrow" all about....I heard they going to goreng on that...or just phantom project.


2016-08-30 14:14 | Report Abuse

The strategy is to scrap Doremon and to replace with Pokemon Go. Baru boleh naik. Kikiki.


2016-08-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

Soon this will break their market.

Meanwhile current price is fair, i think (agak2 only) their quarter should be better than last quarter cause last quarter ...exception.


2016-08-30 12:39 | Report Abuse

Let see if can break 2.25 comfortably.


2016-08-30 12:37 | Report Abuse

Think give few more days. When the boss talk about IoT etc and hope this. .. hope that.....I know it already peak for their goreng.


2016-08-30 09:00 | Report Abuse

They say could be delayed because hiccup in pilling and foundation works. Could take 6-12mts. But they are not sure whether remedial has started and whether this will effect other phases of construction.


2016-08-30 08:18 | Report Abuse

Only Macquire are reckless with their TP, others about current price.


2016-08-30 07:42 | Report Abuse

But chart doesn't look good.


2016-08-29 13:16 | Report Abuse

Won't go back to 14sen lah, befoe 15sen definely people will buy back. Up up up ki ki ki.


2016-08-29 10:26 | Report Abuse

Pavillion: Exhausted.
24/08/2016 11:38

I think because the above rather than project postpone....or an excuse for a drop.... So if it bargain, people will buy.


2016-08-29 02:18 | Report Abuse

Saudi open high, rallies on oil price. Biggest climb since April.


2016-08-26 23:25 | Report Abuse

Sorry forget. Next quarter will be even better result.


2. From April to July 2016. Dsonic deliver almost 1M passport chip ( this is bonus job....Dsonic actually helping Govt as previous suppliers stop supplying with short notice.....we know why). This on top of LOA which should start from Dec onward. Meanwhile Dsonic going to filling the gap for 6mths supply(bonus job)...refer my comments few mth ago about this.


2016-08-26 18:06 | Report Abuse

You do not know what privilege do you have in this forum and yet you can't profit from that ! Instead blame other but yourself.

I started to give comment on 19th and that time price was 1.46 then after few days.. start slide down untill 1.36 and today rebound to 1.43.

There no way I can push up to sell higher and it did not drop immediately either. I can't short sell to 1.36 ? I can only short stock if I have licence which I don't and if you have friends working with broking hse; you can see number of share being short on the next day.

You fail to understand market..which is tricky..... those people bought at 1.26 will take their profit at 1.40 plus (not knowing how well Dsonic doing) together with " quarter report profit taking sentiment " plus Yellen.

Please do not waiting for Yellen otherwise you become zombie .....unable to decide on your are not day trader. Imho she can't raise interest rates but she can't said it because she do not want dollar strengthen. she play taichi! Even if she raise the interest will not collapse. can take it .....until it is too high...3% are normal...they are now 0.5 going to 0.75... perhaps a little bit shock but market will recover back....this time even quicker...after seing January/Feb 2017 recovery.

Look at Brexit....I said market will recover fast especially when market are prepared...even though you are not......lot of profesional manager sitting on cash.....waiting to buy. For me it even frustrated to wait for stock to come down but didn't. ...and miss making money.

I only had a good things to say about this stock because they are can't denied it....contract. ...profit....all good. It just market undervalue them...just look at P.E ....amongst the lowest.....those speculative stock without track record and fundamental are chase by punters. That right they are punter not investor. I have others stock as well but I didn't give much details because I understand this biz more. There are good e-government the prospect are bright.

So whenever stock drop do not afraid to pick up......because as long as earning is good it will raise back!

I won't write again (on this topic) until next LOA is out which ki ki ......not too better believe it.

P.s. Try look at new shareholders list.


2016-08-26 16:50 | Report Abuse

Told in the morning it just short covering activities.


2016-08-26 13:14 | Report Abuse

Every quarter getting better and better, fulfill kyy criteria.


2016-08-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

I told you it good and now another dividend.


2016-08-26 11:36 | Report Abuse

When people expect it will won't fly.....they won't let you earn easily.....a lot of crying, sweating, cursing and ki ki

News & Blogs

2016-08-26 10:04 | Report Abuse

He still has to use umno la....and get everything he want from govt...eventually..


2016-08-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

Think it just short covering activities, will not exceed highest price recorded....for a while.


2016-08-26 09:34 | Report Abuse

I told yesterday they have to cover their position this morning but don't get carried away it just short covering rebound..for time being.


2016-08-25 17:09 | Report Abuse

It ok i being doing this for past 4-5 free kena ki ki.

I don't think it will drop below 1.36 because a block of 64 million share are done at 1.36 a new support level.


2016-08-25 15:17 | Report Abuse

I hope it compliment to me. Ki ki ki.

Don't blame you....cause you always mingle with bad hearted are surprise that actually there are good people...who willing to help and hope for nothing in returns.

You just mad with ..the price...not as what you hope.....I am not your saviour, if you think there are any good in my comment....use it .....if you want to have discussion...welcome.....if you think it BS...ignore it....after all it free....and 95% comments in i3 is BS anyway.


2016-08-25 14:52 | Report Abuse

Ya maybe one day white knight coming, use as vehicle perhaps to do mro biz. Listed co can print money.


2016-08-25 13:54 | Report Abuse

I was tempted to short this stock 2days ago....but no licence hi hi hi.

I figure out those who short this stock will have to buy back this evening or tmr morning.

They won't risk their gains...waiting for QR. I agak agak only...base on Tune Insurance performance.....they will have a good load.

AA and AAX are different animal...their cost etc...I never have confident with AAX model i.e. budget airlines flying more than 6hrs.


2016-08-25 11:45 | Report Abuse

I didn't buy this stock but I likes to come here to read his comments. Are you for real? Or already short circuit! People short stock lah .

ki ki ki (sorry just kidding)


2016-08-24 19:33 | Report Abuse

#24. I did mention JPMorgan Singapore collect few mth ago.


2016-08-24 19:02 | Report Abuse

1.37 bro. If not mistake TH also sapu.


2016-08-24 18:25 | Report Abuse

So many stock to buy today bro.

Just profit taking sentiment...I guess after quarter reporting for many cos.

If market going to collapse....should collapse long time ago....brexit etc.


2016-08-24 15:18 | Report Abuse

Don't rely on number.

XOX has most desperate /aggressive plan ; RM10 no need to top up for 2yrs.

Most FW will buy card every mth; new card is cheaper with the promotion to call home.


2016-08-24 12:16 | Report Abuse

Wa ka ka this is what people said;

" Its funny how when i am loud people tell me to be quiet when I am quiet people ask what wrong with me "

Open wide your small eyes......blood everywhere....but don't worry I am buying slowly.


2016-08-24 11:38 | Report Abuse



2016-08-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

Imho I think this good stock that why I bought in the first place but for time being...look like it going down first.


2016-08-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

They are nothing wrong with the fact most progressive.

That what I said yesterday " When The Whole Town's Talking " meaning when everybody already took position/bought....then are no more sucker for you to sell to.

The profit are too much to take...people will sell and too attractive for people to short !


2016-08-24 09:55 | Report Abuse

Ya at least 15sen..but maybe have to hold for next 9mths for 1 day charge!


2016-08-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

Being played by Freddy. 1 mth he makes RM10 million.


2016-08-24 09:33 | Report Abuse

The chart are not convincing, will drop first.


2016-08-24 00:51 | Report Abuse

Don't think will move much tmr. Already preempt by CEO few days ago...Q4 will match Q3....