
Powerstock | Joined since 2017-07-23 16:54:46

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2021-10-14 21:43 | Report Abuse

Bersabar lah ...
the worst is already over for Sapnrg
kenapa risau sangat??


2021-10-11 23:55 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus dan Hengyuan lebih berpotensi berbanding dgn Sapnrg?? BETUL KAH???

Berapa profit drivers ada Hengyuan dan Hibiscus?

hengyuan harap harga minyak naik,keuntungan naik
hibiscus ada minyak dan gas tetapi kelak ada special share issue dan issued shares naik dua kali ganda

Berapa profit drivers Sapnrg ada bila harga minyak dan gas naik dan kekal di atas??

Tobby They say all floats when the tide sets in! So yeah, Saprng will go up as well! But i can't take the risk so i switch to Hibiscus then Hengyuan! I just can't take the risk!


2021-10-06 00:12 | Report Abuse

sk408 membekalkan gas ke MLNG


2021-10-06 00:09 | Report Abuse

Sapnrg fokus kepada bekalan gas, bukan minyak
masa depan gas amat cerah ,lebih cerah berbanding dgn minyak


2021-10-05 01:14 | Report Abuse

Salepas 31/7/2021, Sapnrg GAJAH pun boleh terbang melangit ke???


2021-10-05 01:09 | Report Abuse

Sehingga 31/7/2021, Sapnrg memegang piala syarikat yg paling teruk kerana kerugian besar yg amat mengecutkan semua bilis. Salepas 31/7/2021....Apa cerita?....Ada kemungkinan Sapnrg menang piala emas "BEST TURNAROUND COMPANY KE??"


2021-10-04 23:06 | Report Abuse

sesiapa bilis yg di pengaruhi oleh emosi akibat kerugian besar Sapnrg dah selesai menjual berhabis habisan hari ni


2021-10-04 22:58 | Report Abuse

Ramai bilis yg masih ada harapan dlm Sapnrg sabelum QR di laporkan dua hari lalu dah rasa putus asa, rasa sedih dan se golongan pun meroyan

Bilis2 yg dah rasa putus asa dah jual hari ni akibat Kerugian Sapnrg QR terkini yg mengejutkan

I berpandangan bahawa kerugian besar ni membayangkan "THE WORST IS ALREADY OVER FOR SAPNRG" dan lambat laun harga Sapnrg akn naik


2021-10-04 02:31 | Report Abuse

QR TERKINI Sapnrg yg melaporkan kerugian besar yg paling mengejutkan membayangkan bahawa "THE WORST IS ALREADY OVER FOR SAPNRG"

Pematuhan kpd ESG dan gangguan bekalan di sebabkan oleh covid pandemik bermakna harga minyak dan gas akan terus naik ke atas. Ada kemungkinan besar kenaikan harga minyak dan gas akn mengejutkan ke tahap tinggi yg tidak di jangka

Bila pemintaan minyak dan gas melebihi bekalan, harga akn naik ke tahap yg memberikan insentif kpd "OIL MAJORS" utk membekal bekalan tambahan.

Sapnrg setakat ni ada "empat Pemacu perniagaan dlm industri minyak dan gas" ia itu
Bekalan gas

Ada kemungkina besar dlm masa akn datang kesemua empat pemacu perniagaan Sapnrg akn mencetuskan harga melangit ke tahap yg mengejutkan dan memuaskan kpd pelabur2 Sapnrg


2021-10-03 22:16 | Report Abuse

Harga saham dah faktorkan "MAXIMUM BAD NEWS"

Pengurusan baru ni dah buat keputusan bijaksana dgn melaporkan provision for "HEFTY FORSEEABLE LOSSES yg mengejutkan"

Kemungkinan besar stok ni akn menunjukkan prestasi yg lebih baik pada masa akn datang


2021-10-01 23:50 | Report Abuse

pengurusan baru Sapura Energy dah buat keputusan yg baik
keputusan yg baik ia lah " maximize provision for forseeable losses to clean up the accounts"
tetapi sa golongan analyst masih tak percaya, masih ragu
keraguan analysts ni hanya boleh di hapuskan dgn positif performance dan perlu ambil masa
Situasi "making max provision for foreseeable losses" tak perlu berlaku lagi di masa hadapan
Ini standard modus operandi dan prudent accounting procedure oleh proaktif forward looking pengurusan baru


2021-10-01 16:35 | Report Abuse

pengurusan baru adalah positif
tindakan pengurusan ambil provision utk forseeable loss yg mengejutkan ada lah positif
penjelasan secara teliti dlm QR menunjukkan kepakaran,ketelusan ada lah positif
tahun ni covid pandemic mengakibatkan kegiatan ekonomi lembik serta kerugian besar
tahun depan covid memang di kawal ada lah postif
kegiatan ekonomik tahun depan akn meningkat ada lah positif

Harga minyak masa depan akn kekal ke taraf yg tinggi ada lah positif
pengurusan baru ni boleh mencapai perlaksanaan yg bagus dlm masa hadapan


2021-10-01 11:58 | Report Abuse

lehman bros bagus ke?Apa terjadi dgn lehman bros?
lehman bros menyebadkan semua pasar saham dunia jatuh besar

Sapnrg boleh jatuhkan Bursa ke?
Sapnrg boleh jatuhkan pasar saham dunia ke?


2021-10-01 11:42 | Report Abuse

Sapnrg ni too big to fail
Amerika Syarikat tak menyelamatkan syarikat2 yg "too big to fail ke?"
you tak paham ke? masin berkelakuan macam bayi ke?
sila jual saham sapnrg dgn srta merta
jgn bising sangat bila you dah jual


2021-10-01 11:34 | Report Abuse

you takda harapan, sila jual dgn pantas
jangan menyesal bila harga Sapnrg melangit kelak


Kapla bana lah!

guna definasi Mat Saleh konon bagus sangat.

Semua lanun dan pacat saja dalam sykt GLC

Dah hampir 40 tahun x maju-maju.

Pastu iri hati pada yang berjaya.

Heh, orang lain x der dapat bantuan KERAjaan lah.


2021-10-01 10:30 | Report Abuse

tahun ni masih dlm keadaan covid pandemic
tahun depan tak mungkin dlm keadaan covid pandemic


2021-10-01 10:25 | Report Abuse

pentabiran baru ni gunakan "Prudence dan Conservative" accounting
semua forseeable losses dah di provided
lebih baik fokus masa hadapan dgn harga minyak yg tinggi
gunakan otak lah,jangan lah di terpengaruhi oleh emosi negatif


2021-09-28 12:31 | Report Abuse

Masa dah tiba utk Sapnrg terus melangit


2021-09-28 12:30 | Report Abuse

nampak nya harga SAPNRG ada oommph nak melangit
bila momentum meningkat, harga Sapnrg pun terus melangit


2021-09-20 16:21 | Report Abuse

stok ni nampak nya ada Oommph
jikalau harga tutup pecah 1.89,ia boleh menuju ke 1.98


2021-09-13 19:41 | Report Abuse

terima kasih Sardin81 for speaking out
Never give in to threats as the loser is you



Sep 13, 2021 6:32 PM | Report Abuse

bojed sardin81, my old partner in this counter back in 2019, you do know if I show your post to the SC, they might call you to meet them and and ask you to clarify how short sellers are able to cover their positions during this temporary suspension?

I am sorry, I have no partner, I am not in partnership with anyone from day 1 in this forum. Show me proof that I am ever your "partner". Blardy liar.

During IDSS suspension if you have existing shares, you can play "like" the IDSS. You can sell, spread fears and then buy back at lower price when people cut loss ( cover position ). It has the effect is same as the IDSS style of play. Sell and buy back at lower price is commonly known as "short-selling".. although in actual technical definition may not be accurate, but the effect and intentions is the same as IDSS and short-selling. It is a common term people use for such a trade.

Why do you have to involve me with the SC ? You know how much I hate being involved in authority even though whatever I said, I have proof. ( the authority can force the website owner to expose my identity). Last time when I talk about IDSS, I showed proof of each transaction captured on the trading screen ? If I am wrong, dispute it immediately with opposing proof. Why now involve SC ? Why do you have to play such a dirty thing ?

It is not that I am afraid of the authority for any wrong doing because there is none, it is about risking my identity being exposed, that is my main worry. It is very important my identity is a secret, if things escalate further my identity will surely be exposed. Everyone here have seen my posting in the past, all of them have proof or website link when I claim something, if I am wrong show proof to oppose what I said.

I am done with this forum for good. Damm blardy dirty conman.

From now, all of you go and ask "bojed" for all your questions on KNM or BORSIG. I wont be answering or sharing anything from now. If I have special news, I wont be posting anymore. Everything, go and ask "bojed". Win money or lose money you can go with "bojed", you can pray to him.

Congratulations to the conman gang, they finally make the right move that can get rid of me for real. It took them so long to find this dirty way to get rid of me ( Obviously they are not very smart because they took so long to find this way to get rid of me ). They must be really desperate, using such a dirty and disgusting way to get rid of me. They must be losing real big this time, conman losing big.

Next time just ask yourself before you panic, why would anyone wants to see a share price to drop ? If he spend so much time spreading fear to make the share price drop, means he wants to buy at lower price lah ? he will not be spending so much time on something when there is no benefit for him.

I already said, I share all the good things about BORSIG is because I will benefit if KNM share price go up. When less people kept on cutting loss because do not understand anything about BORSIG, everytime they panic, upward movement will be stalled, KNM cant move up smoothly and KNM will have to take longer time to go up. I do not hide the like those people, "I want to make money from KNM when it goes up", I say exactly so. BUT those conman will say "they want save people from losing money".. just be honest lah, you just want to buy at lower price or to cover your short-selling or to get cheap shares.

What is the benefit of lying about BORSIG ? Everything I claim, I will show proof, website link and etc. Everyone can read the same thing that I claimed. I never claim something out of thin air like those conman.

I always believe in telling the truth, nothing can beat the truth because that is what it is.

Those conman claim things without any proof, the other day that fellow say MAA sold all their shares, he show zero proof to scare everyone to cut loss, suddenly announcement appeared, MAA increase their shares instead. Caught lying and their gang members said nothing about it and yet try make new lies so that you forget about it. What is the purpose of that lie ? Always ask for proof when they claim something.

OK, I AM DONE!!! They won. Not worth having my identity exposed for the sake of posting in a forum. I post or not post, KNM will still eventually go up, BORSIG is still BORSIG. I hope some of you will make a fortune from KNM some time into the future, dont let this opportunity slip away.


2021-09-09 15:26 | Report Abuse

bila stok mulai turun, tak tahu mana support kelak. Oleh itu, lebih baik ambil untung jika masih ada untung


2021-09-09 14:43 | Report Abuse

jikalau momentum beli berkurangan, ada kemungkinan besar harga pecah 1.83 dan terus turun ke 1.75.


2021-09-09 11:56 | Report Abuse

jikalau degil tak nak jual, untung pun jadi tak untung


2021-09-09 11:50 | Report Abuse

jikalau harga pecah 1.83, ia ada Ooomph turun dgn momentum kuat


2021-09-07 00:10 | Report Abuse

kenapa nak gunakan PE transunion dlm pasar saham NYSE...NYSE ia lah pasar saham yg paling liquid...pasar2 saham negeri lain tak serupa atau tak seimbang dgn liquidity pasaran NYSE......Namun begitu, perbandingan tak semesti nya sama2..

Posted by wallstreetrookie > Sep 6, 2021 9:17 PM | Report Abuse

I don't care about Creador or Brahmal. I compare it with other international peers. Transunion, the largest credit reporting agency in the world, is trading at more than 80x PE years ago around its IPO. Now it stabilises at 50x


2021-09-07 00:00 | Report Abuse

semua infomasi jual beli terkandung dlm technical chart.Harga ada OOmph naik dan juga ada Ooomph turun..Ini lah ciri2 pasar saham

Posted by wallstreetrookie > Sep 6, 2021 9:02 PM | Report Abuse

Let me tell you all something actually. Most people have been fooled by online stock investing gurus who teach them about technical analysis. In truth, all of it is garbage. Institution traders trade in large blocks and do their best to hide their trades. Technical charts can be "designed" too. I've talked to a few equity strategists in different IBs and it is the same SOP. If today some whale/important client/insider decides to buy 10 millions of CTOS, the institution traders fill the orders, gets paid and go home from work. Instead of being addicted to technical charts and try to predict the unpredictable like most retail investors.


2021-09-06 16:53 | Report Abuse

stok ni tutup rendah . ada kemungkinan besar, besok harga stok ni ada Ooomph turun


2021-09-06 16:43 | Report Abuse

nampak nya,stok ni akn tutup dgn hitam shooting star, ada kemungkinan besar besok stok ni ada Ooomph turun


2021-09-06 16:19 | Report Abuse

beli stok ni dgn harga 0.055 takda risiko besar


2021-09-06 16:13 | Report Abuse

ada kemungkinan besar stock ni yg mengalami kurang tenaga akn tutup "Shooting star"


2021-09-06 16:08 | Report Abuse

pagi ni stok ada Ooomph.Sekarang tenaga stok ni lembik


2021-09-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

stok ni dah kurang momentum.Harga akn turun


2021-09-03 19:35 | Report Abuse

Supermax dah cium double bottom.
You masih gemar ciumkan triple bottom kah?


2019-07-22 12:22 | Report Abuse

kalau jual sekarang ada kemungkinan besar beli balik htpadu dgn harga yg lebih tinggi


2019-07-19 21:42 | Report Abuse

cuma satu stok limit up hari ni..
Ia nya htpadu!!!
htpadu cantik!!!

htpadu ayu, htpadu seksi
ramai nak htpadu

htpadu cantik!!! htpadu seksi!!!!


2019-07-19 21:32 | Report Abuse

htpadu issued shares =101.23 mil
mkt cap myeg = 5.7 billion
50% myeg mkt cap= 2.85 billion

harga minima htpadu= 2.85 bil/101.23 mil= RM 28.1

harga minima htpadu ni belum lagi termasuk nilai perniagaan kulit dan lain2 perniagaan

oleh ni, I yakin htpadu memang boleh power up lagi

htpadu akn melangit, htpadu akn roket up


2019-07-19 21:03 | Report Abuse

htpadu dah power up
htpadu power cantik!!!


2019-07-19 20:58 | Report Abuse

htpadu cantik!!!
model perniagaan nya amat cantik
harga htpadu dah roket up
minggu depan akan roket up lebih
htpadu cantik!!!


2019-07-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

sesiapa yg tak percaya htpadu akn menyesal tidak lama lagi
hanya lihat harga htpadu meletup, melangit
htpadu boleh!!!


2019-07-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

I yakin htpadu akan melangit..roket up...htpadu boleh!!!


2019-07-19 17:00 | Report Abuse

Minggu depan..akan limit up lagi
htpadu boleh!!


2019-05-06 18:53 | Report Abuse

jangan lah biarkan "short term" jadi "long term"

Sifat2 ni menunjukkan bahawa anda tak nak atau tak boleh "cut loss"

oleh tu, short term jadi long term

ada kemungkinan hilang opportunity untung balik dgn saham lain jika anda cut loss


2019-05-06 18:45 | Report Abuse

hari ni, bursa saham cerik berik
tetapi htpadu naik...
kenapa naik?


2019-05-06 18:41 | Report Abuse

pnb jual, siapa beli? u tahu ke??


2018-08-30 00:27 | Report Abuse

Earning per share trend no good. Earnings trend down. Electricity rate will up. Cost will up. Profit will down.

PH govt squeeze contractors..get contract but no meat. Contractor squeeze suppliers.

Price how to up?


2018-08-17 11:42 | Report Abuse

kyy boleh untung dgn harga ni
retailers yg dah beli harga tinggi boleh untung ke?


2018-08-17 11:41 | Report Abuse

kos beli kyy murah
kos beli retailers tinggi
siapa rugi, siapa untung?


2018-08-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

akn pecah 0.975


2018-08-17 11:29 | Report Abuse

I dah ramalkan kyy akn jual lebih lagi jaks
dah beli lionind baru lah beritahu