
ProRoy | Joined since 2018-04-12

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2019-05-27 14:35 | Report Abuse

Who here have Mercedes then this alibaba say ur Mercedes is bad he want to borrow it then change to ferrari to u. Who here will believe him?


2019-05-27 11:51 | Report Abuse

We all know the truth already u still stupid2 go believe them u must have gained something from them then still continue their lies. U know what u doing is not right kah for the other lives u spread PH?


2019-05-27 11:48 | Report Abuse

What I know is it was good & all when BN time then come taie ph time everything going down cause of ur stupid brain go believe them.


2019-05-27 11:43 | Report Abuse

Chiak PH sai lang lu alibaba idiot


2019-05-27 11:39 | Report Abuse

Hmm! Still idiot this person no brain.


2019-05-27 11:27 | Report Abuse

Congrats those who vote for PH now u get it! Clap,clap!


2019-05-27 11:25 | Report Abuse

Congrats those who vote for PH now u get it! Clap,clap!


2019-05-27 11:24 | Report Abuse

Congrats those who vote for PH now u get it! Clap,clap!


2019-05-11 18:40 | Report Abuse

Patience my fellow holders


2019-05-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

Sapura can up high! How? Lets all start PBS win at Sandakan!


2019-04-29 20:10 | Report Abuse

Why this Alam announce share buy back? 10%! Why! Why also not red today,!


2019-04-29 20:08 | Report Abuse

What is wrong with this Alam. Y not fall like Sapura,hibi! Why also today announce share buy back why!


2019-04-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

Penang123 earn big today at o & g stock cause of ph. Congrats congrats!


2019-04-28 22:04 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow red sea for o & g. Just see.


2019-04-28 10:41 | Report Abuse

Yah really heavy to move this Sapura. This is caused by stupid ph!


2019-04-27 07:52 | Report Abuse

What I know is this penang123 his party is the main cause of making Malaysian stock market go down badly even for the rakyat of Malaysia


2019-04-26 20:31 | Report Abuse

Sapura heading to 28cents. Heard PH Want to tax high2 Sapura


2019-04-26 19:29 | Report Abuse

All oil counter heading down cause oil going down badly. Now usd72 brent. World oil too excess. Reliable news say going back to usd55.


2019-04-26 19:29 | Report Abuse

All oil counter heading down cause oil going down badly. Now usd72 brent. World oil too excess. Reliable news say going back to usd55.


2019-04-26 14:38 | Report Abuse

Wah today most market red ahh. If not this Alam will fly already sky high!


2019-04-26 14:37 | Report Abuse

Wah today all market red ahh. If not Alam already meletup2!


2019-04-26 08:29 | Report Abuse

Today turn for alam to fly high. New contract awarded. Heard that many more contract coming in. Bigger.


2019-04-26 08:26 | Report Abuse

Today turn for alam to fly high. Contract awarded 2 times already this month. Many contracts coming in again I heard from rumours.


2019-04-22 20:51 | Report Abuse

This really show ph is useless they r the cause klse drop badly didn't improve when they reject BN projects & did nothing to improve. Reject dap accept back the mca which help so much since your ancestors are living!


2019-04-22 20:50 | Report Abuse

This really show ph is useless they r the cause klse drop badly didn't improve when they reject BN projects & did nothing to improve. Reject dap accept back the mca which help so much since your ancestors are living!


2019-04-21 21:41 | Report Abuse

Confidence will back if this time mca win in sandakan. Foreign investor will come back cause know BN project going online again like that Bandar baru Malaysia. Ecrl bla,bla then know BN winning back in prk they will come back


2019-04-21 14:53 | Report Abuse

Pmaster what do u think of current political condition. Is it safe for all investors?


2019-04-21 11:44 | Report Abuse

See u guys lotus support business die also. U all want to follow this idiot? Wah people give u work still u want them to die kah? U see? This is dap their mindset is full of rubbish. Comeback to respective party. Mca Mic umno & friends. Recreate better livings for our future.


2019-04-21 11:06 | Report Abuse

Stop lah we all know who people who cause bursa to be in terrible condition. Not only bursa but whole of Malaysia. Businesses now earn more little. 10% sst cannot receive back after few months like gst. Not only cannot claim back then so high 10% Ohh. Of course customer getting lesser. Sudah lah lu idiot. Stop destroying Malaysia. Business die then no more work for rakyat. Who susah?


2019-04-21 10:45 | Report Abuse

Not all as stupid as u lotus. Who agree what I say so shout out loud. Shout with me lotus kuat makan taie!


2019-04-21 09:59 | Report Abuse

If u people follow this idiotic mindset of lotus ahh bye2 liaw. If want up think of kids family apa semua the logic thing is sell all go to foreign market. Singapore stock exchange nearest. Klse is starting to be infested by ph mindset. Blaming idss lah apa lah. Blaming game their pro


2019-04-20 13:47 | Report Abuse

Band idss but 207 billion went out after announce say Malaysia got 1 trillion debt got use meh for klse?


2019-04-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

More demand price will up loh if lesser demander how can price up this is economic logic. More people invest in klse higher loh the price don't be like stupid dap lotus idds neiyou apa semua.


2019-04-19 22:53 | Report Abuse

We were doing great under mca umno Mic & friends then go trust idiots like stupid dap lotus. People like this lotus is the 1 who destroy klci & soon Malaysia. Rm4 after ph win when u buy 80cents above ur ass lah lotus neiyou! Then keep on blaming najib for this & that when we all know stupid lge prduce fake news saying Malaysia 1 trillion debt scaring all people away. Hope fast BN rule back Malaysia. This time wee ka Siong as our finance minister. His level of intelligence is really high.


2019-04-19 22:42 | Report Abuse

U idiot lah najib destroy klci. Enough lah with ur stupid mind.


2019-04-17 22:04 | Report Abuse

Lotus bought 80cents above before ge14 then say will fly to rm4 if ph win soon. Now what price already? Sudah lah lu neiyou


2019-04-17 21:54 | Report Abuse

So dicky u like lotus head dap head not mca?


2019-04-17 21:51 | Report Abuse

Just die early lah lotus u r really a shame to ur family


2019-04-17 21:49 | Report Abuse

What u mean dicky?


2019-04-17 21:45 | Report Abuse

Pan Borneo is really important for sabah & Sarawak Malaya people don't understand it in ph. Y cause they only think of themselves not like BN. BN know any sabahans in Sarawak many sarawkians in sabah need to met with families aways. Thus pan Borneo created


2019-04-17 21:42 | Report Abuse

Is Sapura or armada or dayang corrupt company? It's all in ur head lah idiot! Ur relatives some of your families less fortunate but still helped by BN given brim I ungrateful faker lu


2019-04-17 21:30 | Report Abuse

Hope ph loose again at sandakan there. Rakyat must rise kick out these liars. Harini kami menang Esok harga turun rm1.50 like lotus sebiji today win fly to rm4 sapura


2019-04-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

Freddie who in this 10 years good for country? Answer these idiots lotus & surewind


2019-04-17 21:25 | Report Abuse

Corrupt this that lah blah2 how much u get from it after they caught? Nothing u idiot. Stop lah making people follow ur idiot. Ur agenda is just stupid agenda 1


2019-04-17 21:23 | Report Abuse

Lotus got taie sedap from ph so happy Ohh this rubbish Lotus.


2019-04-17 21:21 | Report Abuse

Faking idiot mind this surewind too. What u get from ph? Or u too idiot. U believe in all ph say like u happily with smile like eating their shit while they open their shorts to shit. Use brain people will think. Ohh.. Fak this ph not much can earn already bursa. BN did it so much better.


2019-04-17 20:43 | Report Abuse

Type wrong not beautiful but faithful


2019-04-17 20:42 | Report Abuse

Lotus is dap head full of shit. The rest don't follow ahh. Mca all this time make many Chinese rich live better u all want to be like this dap idiot lotus ungrateful? Malay too. Beautiful to umno. Indian too Mic. Together again lets rebuilt 1 Malaysia. Start from following me to dayang.


2019-04-17 20:30 | Report Abuse

Should be loyal to mca. All this year mca the forefathers of Chinese Malaysians make so much Chinese rich. Go vote dap like u go support other than ur grandpa. If good to us ok but this so terrible this Fak up dap. This pkr more more worst. Framing & lying to people only they know. I do pity u all. But if want to success fast with low opportunity in stock market come with me. Come to dayang


2019-04-17 16:45 | Report Abuse

Bagus2 we start prosper then some idiots go believe in lies from PH now this is what u get loh