
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2021-01-21 10:06 | Report Abuse

Fintec got glove factory liao mer?

at what stage liao now?


2021-01-04 15:05 | Report Abuse

trying to buy....talk shit.
trying to sell...support support.

Isn't it obvious?


2021-01-03 12:36 | Report Abuse

waiting for news of share consolidation for 5:1 and bounce to 80sen.


2020-12-29 20:49 | Report Abuse

U get nothing but ur shares diluted.

u need to subscribe to RI to entitle the Warrant C

singvest Question: If i had Fintec share before 25th does it mean that I am entitled for the free Fintec Warrant C? If so when will I be able to receive it? Thank you.


2020-12-28 17:18 | Report Abuse

the volume is sick...


2020-12-28 15:15 | Report Abuse

I'm still very curious...Who go queue 150mil shares at 2sen..

that's Rm3mil to block there....


2020-12-28 15:08 | Report Abuse

flicking the switch is not new tactics used by banks...


2020-12-28 11:36 | Report Abuse

Where is the hardcore supporter Alvin and hardcore naysayer Edwin?

One is rubbing in when it drop. The other one rubbing in when he missed the boat when it's up.

You 2 are the two sides of the same coin. Take turn to be s*hai.


2020-12-28 11:30 | Report Abuse

Although it appears scammy...I'm betting on when a deal is too good to be true. IT IS!

Whole market refuse to acknowledge it's worth....Just do one time, sell some stakes. Rake in some cash, and whole market will believe it.

The things is when? When else if it's after absorbing 75% shares from the market. How do u force the market to spit out the other half of their shares? RI to take ur money, then when u sell ur the other half, he collects. U sell WA, WB, WC, he collects. when he gets 75% of everything.

Guess what he is gonna do? lock in 500mil profit. Park it in the balance sheet. And sell everything back to the market. No one pull this kinda stunt for 5-10% profits.

recovery Fintec market value RM231m. For that we get :-

RI cash = RM114m
Cash from sale of Focus WD = RM26.743m
421.6m AT @0.20 = RM84.32

Total = RM225m

We get free :-
92.273m Seachera
5.57m DGB
232m Vsolar
75.1m MLab
1536.297m Focus
512.099m Focus-PA

oops...I forgot to mention the holdings in MLab-WC and the valuation of the glove venture.
I think I better hold on to my Fintec and its WD.
28/12/2020 11:07 AM


2020-12-28 11:19 | Report Abuse

30th Dec latest. I confirmed with TIIH.

It means...people the buy OR converted. People that has free OR converted.

excess of 25% all taken up. You and me both too late.

Luckily/unluckily i bought OR and kept my OR.

Who is eating up so many shares...Everyone expecting the dumping. But it's well absorbed.

Tan Seik Eik trying to privatize Fintec or what?

ctooi51 Anyone already received refunds from excess rights not allocated?
28/12/2020 10:24 AM


2020-12-28 10:07 | Report Abuse

130mil shares on MS
150mil shares on WC

20K shares PA (rubbish =P)

On the opening bell. Who is buying? Who is selling?

Who is supporting? Who is dumping? Interesting show.


2020-12-24 10:44 | Report Abuse

Ini confirm kerja Tenaganita ni. No one who worked to 2 years. MCO for 9 months will out of the blue take 2 pictures.

"We actually spoke to him and he admitted his intention was to pass the photo to someone so that basically that someone will use it to discredit Top Glove," he said.


2020-12-24 00:21 | Report Abuse

Mothershare ex date sell liao...now waiting RI ...if drop on RI I buy mother share...


2020-12-23 00:02 | Report Abuse

Well this ur turn to bring ppl to Holland lo...2025

AlvinTSK, ur punting won’t save u from getting burned...

But look, doubling my armada shares below 20sen has served me very well...

Maybe u can consider doubling ur shares when topglov drop to RM 3.50 laaa....
No need come make Kling Klong kling klong sound as it won’t change the fact if it’s a fact when it drops to RM3.50...Either u man up and buy more. Or cry to mummy...

No need kling klong kling klong. Only show ur desperation nia.


2020-12-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

Market cap now 300mil, profit 26mil. That's around 8.5% profit. Can pay 5% dividend la.


2020-12-22 20:37 | Report Abuse

not sure how many noticed, market cap has up proportionally.

Operators already support the price on ex date. Market cap bounced from 200mil ish to 300mil.

and Market Cap has reflected the additional 114mil from RI.


2020-12-22 20:17 | Report Abuse

2025, I will agree with JPMorgan's valuation. Annualised Profit 2B selling at Markcap 30B.

as of now, annualised profit 10-12B and marketcap beats Maybank. Then, time to sell liao.
Cos, Maybank covid no covid is annualised RM8-10B profit for infinity also market cap 80B. But for TG, supercycle will continue at max also last another 6 quarters.

Eventually, will come to annualised profit normalize to 2B. 2B to demand for market cap 80B. Difficult justify. No bank with super profit ever commanded that kinda market cap.

U hv to understand TG fighting against time. If the high market cap doesn't come sooner, then it becomes less likely to ever come as more people gets into the sector and demands for glove diminishes. Once cheap can become expensive.

Soooooo, if TSLWC wanna do anything. It's better done ASAP. AlvinTSK punting day and night also no use. I will suggest TSLWC to stop paying dividend. Lets say next 6 quarters, TG lock in another RM20B. Just buy letting the cash sit in the balance sheet alone, will prevent market cap dropping below RM20B. Market cap can never drop below net cash balances.

That makes, PE calculation to be... (Market Cap 50B - Cash 20B) / Annualised profit, 2B = 15.
Anytime TSLWC feels like buying a sport car. He pays himself dividend after eating up all the shares from IB and retailer. U pay dividend now, money leaves company making a company worthless. U see even if he has been paying good dividend, how the market treat him?

Money in his company is always better than money in ur pocket la. Force the market cap up.
No point paying these monkey peanut.


2020-12-22 19:37 | Report Abuse

When is it a good time to take profit AlvinTSK? U know you can't hold forever right?

AlvinTSK Just hold and wait & see !! Lets the nay sayer laugh first ... I prefer to have the last laugh !!
22/12/2020 7:29 PM


2020-12-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

CIMB bank and Macquire are 2 most unscrupulous, nasty piece of shit IB you can find in the world.

The month of their SCW expiring, the price always pressed gao gao.
You will notice EPF disposing via proxy which you know who la.

I wonder if EPF agrees with how they use EPF's money to manipulate the stocks.
I really hope they burn in hell.


2020-12-22 08:40 | Report Abuse

Got two ends of desperation.

Those to invested wants it to go up. Those who not yet but want to invest wants it to go down.

Those that not interested won't bother to be here.

I'm both invested and wants to invest more. But I won't unless I can't get good discount.
So, I'm neutral.


2020-12-21 22:25 | Report Abuse

can throw warrant at 2sen, my cost for fintec is only 6sen...OK la.
wait they do 10:1 consolidation. Will collect another 100K from sorzai.


2020-12-21 22:21 | Report Abuse

the amount of replies here doesn't reflect so le...

AlvinTSK still in green so not that worried!!
21/12/2020 10:10 PM


2020-12-21 22:08 | Report Abuse

Wait la...6-9 months still got leg...

why so panicky?


2020-12-21 22:07 | Report Abuse

AlvinTSK, u stake in how much? So paranoid?


2020-12-21 12:58 | Report Abuse

It's discovered that kiss my @ss cures covid.

So, according to his logic. He should come kiss my ass...=D

sieng1987 and according to your logic, we should invest vaccine related stocks? is that so????
21/12/2020 12:51 PM


2020-12-21 09:57 | Report Abuse

Like I say...You are neither that naïve nor ignorant. You are just opportunist Sam Singh.

Evidently, you are just a crook exploiting these pitiful migrant circumstances in a appalling way. At least, topglove spent money to build them 5 stars accommodation and facilities.

What have you done for the migrant worker while they pave ur way to Canada, Norway or Sweden? You should ask you sponsor and read my comments. I'm confident they will find me more principled and brave. You take advantages on people whenever you see fit.

Now, what happens to the migrant worker or tenaganita after you left? Escaping isn't standing your ground. That's cowardice! What happened to your principles and bravery? None of your concern anymore like your typical coward.

I guess she is the naive and ignorant fool that failed to realize your self-centered agenda.


I was thinking about Denmark or Norway. But now can also consider Canada.
So, if you all here don't value human dignity and rights, that means you want to continue living in a pig sty. If that's the case, better that I migrate to better places where the people will be happy to have me. YOUR LOSS if it comes to this!
21/12/2020 9:07 AM


2020-12-18 17:14 | Report Abuse

Guys, u think most here are educated is it? even educated doesn't mean they are civilized.

Actually, mingling with uncivilized people quite fun. They are emotional and irrational. And they believe into their b*llshit so much that they think sunset in the east.

1) bo tai bo ji, wanna become hero for the migrant.
2) Market cap 5 dollar, earning capacity. 1dollar perannum. Over value. Sell
Market cap 5 dollar, earning capacity -ve, Undervalue. Buy.

Really kong kam see, kong kam buy. Kong kam see, kong kam sell.


2020-12-18 17:08 | Report Abuse

Mana edwin? His chance to call people s*hai for straight 2 days.


2020-12-18 11:09 | Report Abuse

When retailers own less than 15%.

Gap up twice. Who is the winner? Definitely stupid retailers that sold.


2020-12-18 11:08 | Report Abuse

Don’t forget, EPF still owns 5% of Topglove despite all the selling....


2020-12-18 10:55 | Report Abuse

I hv another conspiracy theory. IB short sell for a while now.

With the position they just short. they gonna buy back one go to push the index above 1700pts without using their own money.

That will be interesting to see. Rmb, in the end of the day, it's just about how to look good.
And if they can push index to close above 1700. They will look very good.


2020-12-18 10:37 | Report Abuse

When Japan came to invade Malaysia, it was tali barut that sold out the country.

So, be extremely vigilant and cautious with these Western funded NGO.
They always have ulterior motive.

Plantermen Visited the TG factory tour previously { during their AGM } without prejudice the workers working conditions are much better vs other industries. May not be the best but certainly at par with overseas factory. Personally { my own view } certain NGO are targeting Malaysia companies. Example are the plantation industries now the glove producers. This western funded NGO are biased in thier reporting. A good example is the oil palm standards vs genetic modified SBO.
18/12/2020 10:26 AM


2020-12-18 10:29 | Report Abuse

What's missing in ur reasoning is...time period...

They can make money in both the short and the long run. While retailers have very short holding power unlike them.

Anyway, like I say...if retailers can hold TG above certain price. We are the king maker.
15Dec total short position on TG was 103mil. As of yesterday, 17Dec reduced to 95mil.

If we can hold it above RM7. More IB will buy back as damage becomes intolerable.
If TSLWC and retailers can get in agreement and push price to RM8. These IB will bleed more and buy back at higher price.

This is a good opportunity to make the IB bleed for manipulating the stocks.

Geek2020 Public Bank, EPF and all other banks have moral obligation to support the one industry that we have 65% world market share. Topglove must improve and MOHR must ensure monitoring. But for IB research to downgrade based on tht is wrong. When you downgrade, it must be based on earnings capacity. ESG issue is a governance issue which will be handled by the government. Dont just because of personal vendettas, you suppress the share price. EPF is still in it. Technically rakyat’s money is invested in gloves.
18/12/2020 10:11 AM


2020-12-18 10:16 | Report Abuse

The whistle blower could be hired by Tenaganita to purposely take pic at angle that appear SOP arent followed.

Where tenaganita knows very well Topglove will fire him.

First victim. The bangla
2nd victim. Topglove

The @sshole. Tenaganita. 2 Juicy news and potentially hired by IB to execute it.

Because until now, tenaganita ain't doing shit for workers in construction and plantation where the conditions are far worse. People do things for their personal interest and agenda.


2020-12-18 09:20 | Report Abuse

Or loss...desperately pressing the price down...

Geek2020 That would fall under PSS and not RSS. And net short means, they HAVE sold the shares and not waiting to sell. Now they have to buy back to lock profits.

News & Blogs

2020-12-18 00:23 | Report Abuse

The part sbb is correct...

Harta Punya boss own 50%. Not easy to move the price. TG hv to reduce shares owns buy retailers from SBB.
This way profits will dilute less from dividend. And reports investment profits.


2020-12-17 15:23 | Report Abuse

hahahahha....Enter RM5 so that can TP RM3.5.

When Edwin buy in at RM5. TP RM2.5....=D

moneymakerx Bloodslug, you are right. Time to run. so that I can go in at RM5 like EdwinYap said. May be hit RM3.5 like JPM stated.
17/12/2020 3:20 PM


2020-12-17 15:16 | Report Abuse

I take pleasure making fun of people day day buy day low and day day sell day high.
But for some weird reason, haven't beat Warren Buffet yet.

I did the calculation, compounding day day buy day low and day day sell day high, he will beat Robert Kuok in 6 months. And Warren Buffet in 3 years.

staedy you really believe what he said?
17/12/2020 2:34 PM


2020-12-17 14:33 | Report Abuse

now u exit RM6.7...what price enter balik?

EdwinYap86 Once hit RM5 I use my long term fund in
17/12/2020 1:53 PM


2020-12-17 13:51 | Report Abuse

Insas really useless...no need see..


2020-12-17 13:46 | Report Abuse

Print siap2 first...when 7.5 that I wanna see what this guy say. =D

In i3, got plenty of this kinda sohai. I come here to make fun of this kinda sohai. hahahah

EdwinYap86 Lol

buy 6.3 sell 6.7 easy money
17/12/2020 1:18 PM


2020-12-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

Nope, I think he shouldn't pay any dividend. When cash is in the company, company will worth more.
Give share reinvestment package instead. Force ppl to stay with TG like how PB do in early days.

Else, will attract alot monyet in out in out.

twjian ACTION speaks louder than anything else.
The TG boss, being the number one man, knows his company more than anyone else. He knows the current business prospects and predicted the future is good. He is in the long term and any major correction of TG price provides opportunities to accumulate.
If your company makes so much money and the market under appreciate your share price, then the logical way to counter back is to declare very high dividends every quarterly. By doing so, those who keeps the shares will enjoy the immediate returns in dividends. Of course the TG boss will pocket the most himself.
Never mind if the market pushes the share price down, but the quarterly dividends are too tempting and eventually the market will accord it a better price.
See all those high dividends yield stocks around, their share prices are very steady and stable.
17/12/2020 11:02 AM


2020-12-17 11:31 | Report Abuse

C69, Last Date and Time for Trading: 16/12/2020 5pm.


2020-12-17 10:53 | Report Abuse

Retailers, we are kingmaker now...
we decide PSS die or TSLWC die.

If we can help TSLWC win by not taking profit too soon. Hold it above RM7.

PSS will start to bleed cash. It's just 5% perannum from borrow share from retailers.

So, if u wanna make money both side, u pledge ur shares to kenanga. and collect another 5% per annum on top of TG dividend. But if it goes up to RM15, u also sohai. I think Kenanga will take ur share. That's instrument is to mitigate the damage of wrongly execute short selling.


2020-12-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

Cepat2 tutup lo. No money to press price down. Later bounce RM1, Macquire hv to top up 50sen. Jialat. Better fast fast close.

ShareNews Can any sifu explain Warrant C69 since already expired?tq
17/12/2020 10:28 AM


2020-12-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

PSS untuk ETF saja la. Tunggu announcement bursa malaysia bila IDSS start balik.

Izwan1985 Retailers dominating early selling trade today, want to collect short profit.. Normal lol in this current situation, they want to make easy money..


2020-12-17 09:10 | Report Abuse

Okay...today is SafetyFirst and Edwin's turn to call ppl sohai after 2 days being sohai.



2020-12-16 20:32 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh....Beside, why can't we level the standards Bangladesh and here for them? Why is it acceptable there but not acceptable here, WHY?

We can offer them a better opportunity to have a better life back there by giving them a job on agreed wages. But who agreed to give them a good life here?

And if yes, would you pressure US and UK to give me good life if I migrate there.
Minimum wages and living expenses covered. I want. If you don't push for it there, then don't push for it here. It's a dumb proposal anyway.

If you think topglove is violating human rights, then my question to you is why you turn blind eye to construction and plantation sector? Have you visited their condition there and made a comparison to have what's offered at Topglove? Answers is NO. I think u hv a better story to tell if you happen to borrow their toilets in site. You did none of that....you are here to claim ur brownie points without doing the deed.

Like I say, COVID did more for the migrants than you ever did. Covid enriches Topglove. Topglove management improves facilities for the worker. The same for Singapore. Bcos of covid, to protect national interest, they put the workers in better condition without needing monkeys like you. Where is ur contribution other than claiming credits you don't deserve?


2020-12-16 20:19 | Report Abuse

Jokes. We should make pressure US, UK, EU, Japan, Korea to take in these migrant to enjoy the benefits from a system their forefather established and build. That's how dumb ur logic is.

We build all these, so that our next generation gets to benefit it. Their forefather f*cked up, becomes our problem is it? How dumb can you be?

That's why we have border to protect what we have build and protect our national interest. They are here on agreed mutually beneficial term. Why u deliberately refuse to acknowledge this point you dumb naïve ignorant idealist? It's a simple deal. If u don't like the pay, if you don't like condition. Go back. Beggars can't choose.

When I was in UK. I worked like hell too. By the end of the week, my nails all dropped after exposing to hot water for long hours from all the dish washing. But that's under agreed terms. So, no complain.

Wrong! At so many level.
1) You wait until we have a GDP per capita of advance country first. Then, we have the resources to handle "humanitarian" issue.
2) Compassion don't drive the economy.
3) We don't need to care about migrants before we care for our own.

This is so dumb that IN FACT, what you are doing here is you would rather care for others than our own. Which leads me to believe YOU CARE FOR NEITHER.

1) You go Abdul Rahman road at night. That place is dodgy as f*ck. You will see alot of homeless people. Get them a place. Put the kids back to school. Put the able ones into uniform as security guard. We don't need migrants to be security guards. We have fellow Malaysian where their mouth needs feeding. Where are you and your NGOs?

2) Budimas charity body. Make sure those orphans, gets the opportunity the kids need. It's still insufficient.

Until our own backyards are well taken care of. You might wanna keep ur hypocrisy to yourself.
Naive idealist aren't the one that wants to do the right thing. You want to do the glamourous thing e.g. hero.


Sam Singh @iPlay That may be true if you use that comparison about the conditions there. However we must raise the standards. Not compare with Bangladesh etc. but with the advanced countries. Only then will we improve.

Doing so will also help EVERYBODY, every Malaysia and not just migrant workers. Employers, government, us the people - we must adhere to higher standards. Have more compassion.

If we don't care about migrant workers, we also won't care about our own. Especially the weak and vulnerable; the very young and very old; the sick.

It's not just TopGlove but ALL companies that we must scrutinise and pressure.
16/12/2020 6:55 PM


2020-12-16 14:45 | Report Abuse

Sam Sigh and Tenaganita. Ur service should not be focused on Topglove. Please send ur team over as they need u there more than they need u here. Go go go.
