
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2020-11-26 20:36 | Report Abuse

Interview, the combo of using shareholder money, execute multiple pump and dump. And then set few traps along the way. Fintec is exercising multiple combo move...nvr seen one in the market.




2020-11-26 20:33 | Report Abuse

Seems like u don't know what's smart and what's stupid. Cash out and then? Pay u dividend is called stupid. they buy in focus, then use ur money goreng. That's smarter than cashing out to pay u.

FutureGains Actually Fintec management is stupid. Should cash out all the share investment.......!


2020-11-26 20:21 | Report Abuse

Fintec very geng one...Don't u know...it's Berkshire of Asia...Now it's trading at PE 0.1. Back up PE 10, that 100X upside. If follow Berkhire Hathaway PE20. 200X upside. Wait what....buy buy buy...

pineapple123 Your company revenue of 4.17mil can generate 720mil profit, wow YOU ARE EVEN BETTER THAN TOPGLOVE! HAHAHAHHA


2020-11-26 20:13 | Report Abuse

Focus Dynamic PE1000. More crazy than topglove...hahahhaha


2020-11-26 20:12 | Report Abuse

U take shareholder money...go goreng other counter...then report back u clever...walao...really C*bai....My question now is, which counter u going to goreng now?

Through the end of Fintec’s first half 2020, the group portfolio’s NAV exceeded MYR 1 billion milestone reaching MYR 1.287 billion. The stellar performance can be attributed to investments in Focus Dynamics which saw a gain in excess of MYR 796 million (326.47% return), Komark gaining MYR 31.48 million (494.87% return), AT Systemization gaining MYR 18.97 million(280% return), Vsolar gaining MYR 4.64 million (233% return).


2020-11-26 20:00 | Report Abuse

I think OR is going to worth smtg tmr...=D


2020-11-26 19:59 | Report Abuse

I'm aware of that. Uptrendwave didi, cumulative earning 2017 was what? and 2020 is going to be what? Learn the difference. =P

Market is driven by what?


RJ87 ko ko, what is the usual trend like after RI? What about the one at Nov 2017? The price up or down then?


2020-11-26 13:37 | Report Abuse

You math salah...u forgot WB can drop is it?

What will happen if Fintec drop to 7 sen, WB become 1sen. And WC maybe 1.5-2sen.
Where can use WB as reference.

Mat Jenin count his eggs because it hatch can prove fatal i tell u.

jlex11 Guys , the WB with a conversion price at 15cts is traded at 3.5cts ...mind you WB is out of the $...The OR W conversion price is 0.08cts and thus the OR W will be valued at what price ...do your maths...

I put to rest my case on Fintec shares till the rights and W are traded to take my profit...



2020-11-26 12:45 | Report Abuse

the operators that goreng from RM1 to RM3 is clever.
the operators that take over RM3 to goreng is stupid.

RM1-RM3 is easy. RM3 to RM9 is tough.

I don't care how big you are. U might as well find something 50sen and goreng to 4.50.
Just because you are rich doesn't mean u are smart. I think this round, u would be lucky if u can take back what u put in. At the end, likely what you have risked is not worth the profit or effort. That's for sure, not very smart.


2020-11-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

azfar8...most important thing is to be prepared.

+1. Calculate ur risk and be prepared. Always be prepared and know what to do.


2020-11-26 12:34 | Report Abuse

westeros, u r like typical market. Has no memories one. Sigh.

Been here for past 8 years. Keep logs of all the operators pattern. Now a glance, also know what still got leg. WHat's too late. This move on fintec, is a combo of few moves. New technique. Larger scheme than ordinary pump and dump.


2020-11-26 12:28 | Report Abuse

Better wait 3rd tail. Contra kaki might forced sell T+2


2020-11-26 12:16 | Report Abuse

Westeros, nope....Hint, the price are FORCED to go up. Not use money to goreng up.

If u guys dunno. U guys are very likely to fall into that trap.


2020-11-26 11:39 | Report Abuse

The last part is tricky pineapple...100-200% in a week?
I hope that I'm wrong so that I can make that kinda money. There is a subtle trap here, to trap the newbies. I'm not sure how many will fall into it. I could be wrong about this trap. If many fall into it, I ready to make money lo. Maybe u should too =P

If u can name 1 counters that pulled this move recently. I call u ho liao. U know ur shit.

If there is anything I can say now. Don't simply sell. I hv dropped enough hints before ppl put bounty on my head.


2020-11-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

Ppl's ignorance is my opportunity to make money. Why would I blame anyone? I'm quite sure the sharks too.

No. It's more like the noob doesn't know he is a noob.

I'm still waiting for kkl123 to answer this question...When can we safely sell our new shares from RI? His refusal to answer tells one or 2 things.

azfar8, at this price point. It's safe to keep. At least until end of Dec.
There is the good chance we review this statement. Else, I'm wrong. I could be wrong.

And if i'm wrong. i'm gonna make alot of money. Cos, l already hold quite a bit of shares ready to sell. As good as the BOD's. Cos if i'm wrong, there will be a heavy buyback, i'm ready to sell then.

Let see how future unfolds. =P


2020-11-26 11:01 | Report Abuse

in market, alot of contra kaki. These ppl to them, it's better to take 0.5sen than to pay 8sen.


2020-11-26 11:00 | Report Abuse

No one is the right mind will buy OR at 6sen.

I think who ever that planned this queue at 0.5sen. Some money is better than no money.


2020-11-26 10:56 | Report Abuse

This tell me...you are pretty noob. I was thinking more like 1sen top. This is only attractive to big kaki with money to buy few million shares as part of syndicate. No ordinary "investor" with a right mind will put their money in Fintec. Unless they are ready to swim with sharks. Majority don't.

Like I say in the past, if BOD trying to make get the most shares back without buying expensive. What do u do? This is exactly it. RI another half, existing NOOB shareholder will pass on the RI sell OR and 5sen. With attitude of getting something better than nothing.

Meaning to say before the RI, outstanding shares are BOD50% - Public 50%. BOD wanna buy as much as possible from public without paying premium. How? RI 1:1. Distribution becomes BOD 25%, Public 25% and another 50% RI sold at 8sen. Who do u think will buy most from the 50%?
At the end of the exercise, the BOD will own 75% of fintec and shit load of warrants.

Say if they sold fintec and declare 10sen dividend. Do you know what happen to their 75% ownership and warrant. Market is gonna make them f*cking rich.


Estimated valuation of the Fintec-OR is 6cts....too bad contra players will have to sell it and for those with holding power, it is better to subscribe for the rights...


2020-11-26 10:41 | Report Abuse

It's a good bargain for anyone


2020-11-26 10:40 | Report Abuse

if they sell their warrant say at 3sen on opening bell, their cost drop to 5.5sen. U declare a 30sen EPS, u don't think the price iwll bounce to 15sen - 20sen? 300-400% return?

oskchoon If they bought OR at 0.005, their cost to get one new Fintec is only 0.085 sens per share , if they bought one million OR, they will get 800 thousands free warrant, it is a good bargain for the big boys... Beware.


2020-11-26 10:38 | Report Abuse

You are disappointment bcos u plan to sell ur OR. You are trying to exit.

Me on the other hand very happy with the market. I'm waiting to buy at 0.5sen. So that I can collect more. My cost becomes 8.5sen 1mil share with 800K warrant. By end of Dec, I should be making next round of money.

If u have the knowledge, u will either not touch this counter at all or, know when to ride along and swim with the sharks.

azfar8 A bit disappointed with the trading of fintech today, not because of the price, but there are so many people that are not being thankful and not smart enough to discern info. The -OR reference price 0.035 men, but why did they still throwing kaw-kaw? Doesnt makes sense sometimes how people think, if just thinking your money can buy anything, just switch to your money buy knowledge... buy knowledge on investment...


2020-11-25 23:49 | Report Abuse

Lets see if this kkl123 is honest man....

@kkl123, where do we get to sell our newly converted shares and WC?


2020-11-25 17:31 | Report Abuse

Just in case u lose alot of money...can go find this See Jovin kira2 abit...hahahaha


2020-11-25 12:24 | Report Abuse

Got another tips up my sleeve. Don't want share first...Wanna keep to myself. =P


2020-11-25 12:23 | Report Abuse

And be EXTREMELY careful with entitlement date before u can sell ur shares.
You might accidentally SOLD shares you don't hv yet and forced to buy back at far higher price.

Scams like Esceram and ICON pulled last time.

P.S. Damm, why am I telling u guys this. I could hv sold my Fintec at 20sen by not sharing this.

kkl123 OR end trading day 4/12/20
that means on that day you cant seeOR in vomputer
RI and warrant you got
OR no more with you.will disappeared fr your computer
replaced by new share and wc


2020-11-25 12:18 | Report Abuse

it's something along this line...

(Ex-date Price X No Share + RI price X No RI share + WC X No WC share)
sum of (No. Share + No RI Share + No WC share)

Basically calculating the dilution plus raised capital from the exercise.


2020-11-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

Like everyone else...what do u think is their exit plan?

Make YOU rich is definitely not one of them. =P
Now what I see is they are trying to save their asses. If they can make RM4.5 the new support...They will exit everything and pass the problem to you.

The million dollar question is are they trying to exit RM3 or RM4.5?


2020-11-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

I apologize for my offensive tone. Peace out.

Read up on different corporate exercise and learn how EX-date price is calculated.

RI, Bonus Issue, Share consolidation or stock split. Only useful one is actually RI. The rest are 2 50sen for a Dollar. Useless one.

HamsterHuat ComeOn.....the forum is for sharing.


2020-11-25 11:13 | Report Abuse

yepejan If I subscribe i had to pay 0.08 per share and i will get mother share free warrant C right?

Yep. It puzzles me that there are still volume despite know this fact.


2020-11-25 11:07 | Report Abuse

HamsterHuat, maybe u r just too ignorant to hv just understand this. What u buy also dunno. When to buy also dunno. What else do u know? *Shakehead


2020-11-25 10:28 | Report Abuse

Not need bother who I know....

Price movement like this. It's one operator exit, the other operator start. Entry price around RM3, now die also hv to support the price.

But remember, operator can only be successful if market come play along. Else they can't exit.
if market keep throwing, they don't support the price now, next time they support is RM1. What happen to the shares they above RM2? Now many TA sorzai believe the support is RM2.20 lo.

See vivocom, when operator exit. U tell me mana support. Die standing got la


2020-11-24 15:47 | Report Abuse

Got one gang exiting. Another gang starting.

U guys wanna pay this kinda no fundamental company. Buy low, park long long. Nvr buy high.
Jalan liao don't average up. Drop time, u tak sempat sell I tell u.


2020-11-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

Now good question is how many s*hai don't realise if price stops at 0.855 and not drop is because it hit limit down. If no limit down, this counter will be trading at 20-30sen.


2020-11-24 15:42 | Report Abuse

u think syndicate lose money here....the drive the price up, wait s*hai come scream sailang after after up 200-300%. Then, when s*hai average up. Syndicate exit liao.

But when s*hai notice price can't go up further, that s*hai sell. Bunch of s*hai follows. Another new bunch s*hai come catch falling.

So stupid one. Omg. If there is anything to learn. Learn this upward reward vs downside risk. No fundamental company like this. Downside unlimited. U catch what price also lose money. Dai mer?


2020-11-24 11:59 | Report Abuse

cb CIMB warrant market maker...Keep propping the C16 price up...


2020-11-24 10:40 | Report Abuse

Dunno if same gang with Vivocom. Last 2 days, let it drop without any support.


2020-11-24 10:39 | Report Abuse

these CBK operator really heartless. This newbie ikan bilis that buy from them high is gonna get their first taste of eating by sharks alive.


2020-11-23 13:23 | Report Abuse

Better speculate which counter FIntec going to goreng with the fresh RM160mil. We hv focus at RM5bil market cap. Fintec exited GPA. Which other counter?


2020-11-20 18:47 | Report Abuse

Another worth recommending if USD 3 Trillion hits the market. BAuto, not the mothershare, but C16, where share price above strike value. I made a handsome return on maybank C74.

When stuff on discount, don't buy mother share, buy the warrants with Mother share price close to the strike. Go hv a look on my recommendation for near term play.

And how many of u a aware that Maybank and Kenanga has already started issue PUT warrant on the gloves counter. Most volatile one is Kossan.

Don't get too hung up with ur research. Be abit flexible. Don't be like me last time.


2020-11-20 18:34 | Report Abuse

i3lurker, u r right. Armada's assets are well covered and collateralized with oil price above 35-40.
That keeps banker on their chair.

But u need to know, our market is dominated by kong kam at the moment. U look at how market movement...It's more like "kong kam see, kong kam buy. Kong kam see, kong kam sell". U wanna try explain collateralized loan to kong kam? Good luck.

P.S. U go read 2019 post on armada. I'm done explaining how awesome armada and their turn around. It's just market is just too stupid to see, read or understand. Might as well, just understand them, and make profit from them. Better go see what KYY scream what to buy next. Easily make 100-200% like AT, 600-800% on Supermx. Come here read report until eye swell, make that puny 10-20%. Gimme a break.


2020-11-20 18:28 | Report Abuse

Don't forget to sailang Sapura too... Sapura dilution from RI is geng until my calculator ran out of decimal place to compute it's EPS.


2020-11-20 18:26 | Report Abuse

Anyway, JoshuaMS7...if u so sure, sailang la....

Why so anxious? Just either 30sen Dec,20 or 30sen June 2021. What's the hurry?


2020-11-20 18:24 | Report Abuse

U r not answering the question...Will any of US 3 trillion stimulus package will be used to pay Armada's debt 1.5bil debt interest free? if yes, u sell ur wife, TP RM10. Aiya, u wanna trade on that sentiment, buy what also 10-15% up one la.

The reason why the price was hammered pre june 2019 was because of this loan. I don't see how it would be any different this time. Show starts when Armada Luke Targett and Gary give armada a good announcement on another tranches of loan for another 3 years.

Actually no worry one la. As long as Kraken(the goose that's laying golden egg) doesn't blow up. The bankers will happily continue to collect the finance cost and make a profit from whatever u make. That's a common sense, but not a common sense many have.

Like HSBC and PriceSolution every month see how I spend on credit card and make settle, every monday come kacau me ask me if I want loan. I say if can give me 3 years 2%. I on for 200K. Park everything in Maybank.


2020-11-20 18:08 | Report Abuse

Joke of the day..."good fundamental stock"...

Fintec is NEVER a good fundamental stock. It's a scam stock. It's just a matter of how to benefit from this scam. Now, i'm speculating they going to take our 160mil RI and closed their position in GPA. That's alot of money...which counter they are going to push next...U will hv better luck there.

Operators need to support the price. Queue 10mil to block the drop. Else, RI exercise will fail if there is not enough benefit for people to subscribe.

azfar8 Initially, i think that it's this counter that will be shine, but however, look at the behaviour these past few days, especially just now, whenever 0.11 become buyer, and the quantity buyer put more than 10 million, but in a blink of eyes, all 10 mil was gone, looks like there are "somebody" trying not to move this share price easily, it's frustrating these kind of people exist in a good fundamental stock. I am thinking to just exit this company.


2020-11-20 18:00 | Report Abuse

in 2019, after they shifted their current liabilities in 2019 to structured loan due in May 2021, price soared from 20sen ish to 55 sen high in dec 2019. Now this may 2019 loan is gonna due in May 2021...

Until it's resolved, it's not clear price will go above 30sen la.

Disclosing one of my few armada surprise surprise. Better trade with knowledge than to trade with emotion. Meow meow can't save armada if they make Right Issue (although highly unlikely).

The ability to meet this commitment will appear in Feb 2021 QR. Knowing this, syndicate will also think twice to goreng...U know, waste the effort to goreng it up just to see it come down...Well, might as well wait dust settle, goreng from june 2021 to Dec 2021.

Have a nice weekend peep.


2020-11-20 17:49 | Report Abuse

not after it breach 24sen first...No rush to collect....

Operator will shake of weak holders first...Cos, QoQ dropped...YoY sure drop without disposal gain like last Nov. Operator also know what they do, the price won't move alot cos how market see the result won't be good.

Even Meow also didn't add position. Only waiting to take profit.


2020-11-20 16:42 | Report Abuse

This market....better see money take money...

This is not glove or vaccine related counter....it's gonna s*ck a while...


2020-11-20 15:13 | Report Abuse

Wait for surprise surprise...It's good...but too many surprise surprise under it's sleeve...

U wait kenanga buy in first, the TP will change to 60sen above like how AmInvest change from 10sen to 51sen. If that India project suffer the same fate as Claire, it will revisit 15sen.

Armada take on so many project to create jobs for it's OMS division.
That comes with risk unlike Yinson. By right, Kraken is fully operation, other projects got extensions. The firm orderbook from FPSO will put Armada in same position as Yinson.
Just the OMS now (shit that Leon Harland left behind. OMS are filled with dutch built vessel I suspect)

Now under hawkish Gary Christensen and Luke Targett rule. Risk is greatly reduce.
Wait them settle the OMS problem first. Sure rocket one.