
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2019-10-02 09:43 | Report Abuse

geco has his brain grown in his ass.
That's a FACT too. =D


2019-10-02 09:42 | Report Abuse

ckca, you forgot that i'm making 20K a month and looking to make 30K next year.
Because i'm so hardworking, mommy want to participate in my success by parking 50k in my business. Okla, because I am who I am because of mommy; can have some profit from my success.

You know right ckca, you are piece of shit. Wanna get dollar from mommy also difficult. =D
Else, why have to IDSS? =P


2019-10-02 08:57 | Report Abuse

soh@i ckca,

ckca soh@i can't differentiate Armada revenue with orderbook.
Can't differentiate current liability with long term debt.

Informed investor will hold onto their shares until this fair value materialize. He is just a heartless IDSS. And IDSS ONLY makes money when YOU LOSE MONEY. Yes, it is endorse by Bursa. IDSS will sell to you at high, and then buy back from you at low with cut loss as excuse. IDSS will always want you to cut loss for their gain. That's all that they.

What you can do for yourself is buying and hold. Never sell back to IDSS to cover their position. Fundamentals are turning around with this new management. Debts reduced and core operating cash increased. Debts will be services by orderbook. Profit will start to roll in prudent management.

ckca/IDSS is scared shitless with their current exposed position shorting from 20sen to 30sen. Boss, asking, "When you are gonna buy back ya!" Don't believe in the b*llshit of recycling old stories. Those were the old days. If you don't like Armada. Don't buy. If you buy, then don't cut loss. The answer to IDSS should be "we sell back to you at 60sen". Now until then, you pay interest through your nose from your bad karma.


2019-10-02 00:45 | Report Abuse

Is there anyway I can contact mikekim? Need to discuss something.

*Only for adults.


2019-10-02 00:39 | Report Abuse

Where's my pot. I need to calm myself down.


2019-10-02 00:34 | Report Abuse

I don't think you own any property. I doubt you have a car even.
Anyone who bought a property or a car will know how loan works.

My Car loan is 300K. my housing loan is 1.5mil. but my annual income 200K. Bcos mommy borrow me 50K to pay monthly installment this 3 months; this is why i'm not bankrupt yet.

That's how dumb and ignorant you sounded. hahahahhaha

You blardy forget that I could make 2.4mil 10 years later and I can afford another 600K interest despite you totally ignore my ability that I will make RM300K a year next year. Bank loves me man.


2019-10-02 00:25 | Report Abuse

Where do you think the average revenue of RM500mil per quarter comes from?

I did give you a good example on how airasia buy their plane from airbus. Ofcos they don't pay or get paid one lump RM4Bil la....On airbus end, we see how many that airbus delivered and how much they get paid. Then, count the margin from there. On Airasia's end, we see the increased asset generates how much more revenue over interest expense on the new asset. Tiu, why you so stupid one?

ckca, seriously! did you just wrote that?
The RM2.4 billion sales have to service repayment ( interest + portion of principal ) for a debt of RM11.5 billion each year.

Now, you can't differentiate current liability and long term debts.

Omggggggg...what else you don't know?!


2019-10-02 00:15 | Report Abuse

ckca, you proved how dumb your are by pretending you know but you get everything wrong.

Ironically, you have the cheek calling the person educating (kicking your ass) god level stupid.
You must hv lost your mind in your own delusion.


2019-10-02 00:13 | Report Abuse

Eh kids...It's enough lesson for a day and it's way past bed time. Go sleep.

We continue this lesson some other time. I have alot to share about my analysis.
Not just Armada, we can bring this discussion elsewhere on different counter.


2019-10-02 00:11 | Report Abuse

The latest figure is already deducting orders from Perdana and Claire la soh@i. Else, it's alot higher la soh@i. Else, why do you think Armada ends up in such a shit show?

U were debunked factually by fact present by me. And you deliberately showed your stupidity over and over again.

What makes you LOOKED REALLY STUPID is you can't differentiate what's revenue and orderbook. I take that you are a LIAR back.



2019-10-02 00:07 | Report Abuse

Why this soh@i ckca, so stupid one? Omg...u might as well call yourself soh@i

Someone else please educate this boy what's revenue and what orderbook?

When Airasia sign contract with Airbus to order 10 Airbus A320Neo for Rm4Bil, do you think Tony Fernandes pays Guillaume Faury RM4Bil right away ar? woah, like this Airasia bankrupt right away liao lo. the 10 plane hasn't arrive yet. But have to start paying Interest on RM4Bil liao. Guillaume Faury mar sibeh song. Havent do anything collect RM4Bil, put in bank make interest also HUAT liao. Manufacture what plane summore? Ofcos it doesn't work that way la soh@i.

If you guys have been following ckca, this proves your have been following a 12 years old kid.

Genuine advise for anyone that's going to take equity market serious...I recommend you to take accounting class; corporate finance;macroeconomics and possibly, do a MBA.

At least, read "The Intelligent Investor"-Benjamin Graham.


2019-10-01 23:54 | Report Abuse

Ur level ckca, too noob la...

Are u paying me consultation fees on education corporate finance and strategy?
No right. Only take away is ckca is a LIAR. and rather dumb one.

I can make better rebuttal against myself. If I make my point against myself, I also shut up.


2019-10-01 23:49 | Report Abuse

Asset tied to the orderbook RM20Bil with RM10Bil extension and assets churning money no need sell. Sell the rest that's not making money. Now, the question is how much of this RM11.5B debts comes from asset generating revenue and how much of the debt is from asset not generating money. Perdana was one of the asset not generating money when freaking nigerian company went bankrupt. But Perdana loan already settle one. So do Armada Claire's loan also already settle one the moment Woodside withdraw the contract.

One of the smart move management did was to settle all Armada's Claire loan. Else, Armada Claire loan will incur interest. I don't think the court will allow the interest cost to be included in compensation. Wait, so h@i like you start reading since when? What do you know?

They depreciate their asset SO HARD. Harder than ckca depreciate its asset. Armada Perdana is free liao. Maybe Armada Claire is also free liao. Book value? Nothing. How much it cost? NOTHING? Sale of any of these asset is profit! U ever ask where depreciation cost go to?Depreciation loss HAS ALREADY FACTORED IN COGS. If Armada decides to declare less depreciation, do you know what will happen to it's Operating Profit. So high that they will have to pay more income tax. Now Armada need more cash to invest in project, pay less income tax better. Next time when sell useless asset only pay income tax. Soh@i like you know mer?


2019-10-01 23:35 | Report Abuse

ckca, some say I only talk about debt... very boring. Promoters can set any beautiful target price. BUT that boring debt issue will kill Armada... it just matter of time before PN1 is announced.

stupid, which part of Armada orderbook 20Bil and potential 10Bil you can't understand?
That number does not includes underutilized, OSV and OMS assets. Currently, it's circa 30-50% utilization. You squeeze it to 50-70% and see, more money come out.

Don't know if you math or ur eye got problem. Hahahaha


2019-10-01 23:31 | Report Abuse

stupid, which part of Armada orderbook 20Bil and potential 10Bil you can't understand?


2019-10-01 23:26 | Report Abuse

ckca, 20Bil orderbook with potential 10Bil orderbook extension can easily service the 11Bil debts. Don't leave this out too.

And don't leave out the 1Bil compensation and redeployment of Armada Claire. Don't forget the improvement from OSV and OMS. These are underutilized asset. Don't forget Kraken revenue has not materialize fully yet.

Current state alone without ALL THE GOOD THINGS YOU INTENTIONALLY LEFT OUT. IT'S MAKING RM78mil profit.

You are neither blind or willfully blind. You are just a LIAR ckca. =D


2019-10-01 23:21 | Report Abuse

Now, problem is short seller can't cover their position. Desperately, recycle old news to press the price down.

New financial data indicates REDUCED DEBTS, STRONG OPERATING CASHFLOW RECOVERY. YOU SELL AT A LOSS only benefits short seller. Doesn't benefit you. But you hold onto your shares and sell alot higher laters benefits everyone EXCEPT short seller.

You decide who you want to benefit.

I'm gonna go full frontal attack on IDSS. Next stage is I'm gonna HANGGGG THEMMMMM.


2019-10-01 23:18 | Report Abuse

Investors still holding all their shares. Market didn't buy from investors. Market buy from IDSS. IDSS short sell to market. Now IDSS CHEAT/LIE market to sell back at IDSS at lower price. Now, who is the evil one?

You guys better grow a brain and see.

We can hang them by buying from them but not sell it back to IDSS. Within weeks, IDSS will hv no choice but buy back at higher price. The share they loan to short sell comes with hefty interest and transaction fees. They will die an ugly death.


2019-10-01 23:15 | Report Abuse

Wilfully blind and dumb ckca, if you scroll all the way up. You will know most of the investors here have been holder large stakes since the drop from 60sen to 15sen.

Although without concrete evidence of turnaround, with faith, we collected even more at 15sen.
I think most of our average is around 22-25 sen. How to pokai? Since we don't borrow any shares from anyone? We can hold as long as we want. The question now is make more or less only. But given evidence from changes in fundamental; we believe market will price Armada fairly soon at 50-60sen near term.

BUTTTTTT...those who short all the way from 20sen to 35sen...Different story la. How to explain to your boss ar? Or how to cover your position ar. 10 million share short sell at 25sen that's not covered yet? Yalo, everyday come here recycle b*llshit. You can tell which one is desperate.

The one that causes the 1bid up or 1 bid down are small retailer. The one that sapu all the way from 25-35sen are not selling so soon. IDSS 10million shares short sold big lot at 25sen -30 sen now jialat. Now only chicken shit selling to you at 32sen at small lots. If this drags, you are in deep shit.

Your saviour now is fund manager dumping. As long they hold, interest on loaned shares I gonna kill you. If fund manager or new fund manager come sapu, God bless you bro. I'm pretty sure you gonna be wash straight coconut tree.


2019-10-01 23:14 | Report Abuse

Since u such a huge fan of saying debts is bad. TM, TENAGA, AXIATA ALL BIG DEBTS
Can u admit that if loans are serviceable by strong cash flow. There is nothing wrong having debts?

Can you agree with that. Or too bodoh to not understand or admit that?

Like I say, ARMADA DEBT HAS REDUCED. If you see TM, TENAGA, AXIATA never come down one. And PSSTTT...Their asset really useless one. Upycycle their fibre optic become your sarong ar? STUPID.


2019-10-01 22:34 | Report Abuse

If you track my post, it dates way back to 2015. Not like some idiot here that created account last month and wanna come talk 3 talk 4 here.

Click on his nickname and you will know everything about him


2019-10-01 21:40 | Report Abuse

Some daily. The interest on the borrowed shares are WAYYYYYY higher than those Armada will ever have. I don't talk shit about counters I short. Unlike the pathetic despo here.

It's very easy to HANGGGGGG THEMMM.


2019-10-01 21:36 | Report Abuse

Let's talk about debt. Do you know Tenaga has RM50Bil debts? Do you know Axiata got RM25Bil debts? Do you know TM also got RM10Bil.

Go there say they pokai lo.


2019-10-01 20:43 | Report Abuse

Reduction from RM13B to RM11.5. Give it some time; might come down to RM5B. Bodoh ke? =D


2019-10-01 20:42 | Report Abuse

Wilfully blind and dumb ckca, if you scroll all the way up. You will know most of the investors here have been holder large stakes since the drop from 60sen to 15sen.

Although without concrete evidence of turnaround, with faith, we collected even more at 15sen.
I think most of our average is around 22-25 sen. How to pokai? Since we don't borrow any shares from anyone? We can hold as long as we want. The question now is make more or less only. But given evidence from changes in fundamental; we believe market will price Armada fairly soon at 50-60sen near term.

BUTTTTTT...those who short all the way from 20sen to 35sen...Different story la. How to explain to your boss ar? Or how to cover your position ar. 10 million share short sell at 25sen that's not covered yet? Yalo, everyday come here recycle b*llshit. You can tell which one is desperate.

The one that causes the 1bid up or 1 bid down are small retailer. The one that sapu all the way from 25-35sen are not selling so soon. IDSS 10million shares short sold big lot at 25sen -30 sen now jialat. Now only chicken shit selling to you at 32sen at small lots. If this drags, you are in deep shit.

Your saviour now is fund manager dumping. As long they hold, interest on loaned shares I gonna kill you. If fund manager or new fund manager come sapu, God bless you bro. I'm pretty sure you gonna be wash straight coconut tree.


2019-10-01 20:41 | Report Abuse

Ask the SACKED/RESIGNED CEO and CFO la...Mess that they created. Now new CEO come fix it.

And it's working. =P


2019-10-01 20:22 | Report Abuse

ckca, after refinance, every year still have to pay bank interest and a portion of the principal lah. you think after refinance no need to pay anymore kah ? for a RM11.5 billion debt, the bank interest and small portion of principal repayment is enough to sink Armada.


Yes. That's well covered by Armada stronger cash flow. Armada has been generating enough cashflow to pay BOTH repayment and finance cost. You can read from cashflow statement. Only thing that sank was debts. DEBT HAS SANK FROM RM13B to 11.5B. With this direction, Armada gonna sail strong.

SELL all useless depreciated asset. Report strong profit.
FIRE all useless staff that's not generating profit.


2019-10-01 17:53 | Report Abuse

We can make them help use push the price up. Simply by buying from them and not sell it back.
That simple.


2019-10-01 17:52 | Report Abuse

ckca, you ask them to buy at such a high price, when cannot go up sure cut loss lah what do you expect them to do ?


I'm still holding all my shares. They didn't buy from me. They buy from you. You short sell to them. Now you CHEAT/LIE them to sell back at you at lower price. Now, who is the evil one?

You guys better grow a brain and see.

We can hang them by buying from them but not sell it back to them. Within weeks, they will hv no choice but buy back at higher price. The share they loan to short sell comes with hefty interest and transaction fees.


2019-10-01 17:46 | Report Abuse

You see guys. If ikan bilis sell back to IDSS at 32sen after buying from them at 35 sen is only your fault for believing crap they say.

But I'm pretty sure they are still naked after shorting from 22 to 32. How to cover? with coconut leaves ar? Siao.


2019-10-01 17:43 | Report Abuse

How to PN17 if debts is reducing. Explain!


2019-10-01 17:42 | Report Abuse

you didn't mention debt has reduced to RM11.5B in few quarters. That invalidates you point that Armada is sinking. Armada took loan to expand it's operation as it's paying off!

That's the complete statement. And not LIES! Your refusal to acknowledge Armada's ability to reduce debts and improving operating cashflow is getting disgusting.

RM11.5B is good. Next year 9.5B is better if operating cashflow increased 2X. Then, I will suggest Armada to take another 5Bil loan and make it 15Bil to double the operating cash flow.


2019-10-01 16:22 | Report Abuse

Blind geco, debt reduced from 13B high to 11.5B.

Debt reduced and core operating profit increased. Good turnaround. TP 70sen.

Huat ar!


2019-10-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

Ikan bilis got slaughtered. Told you, don’t sell back to them at a loss.


2019-10-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

Load at any price. Just don’t sell back at a loss. Cut loss if support is broken is pretty dumb idea if fundamental is intact.

Reason is...there could be a soh@i got margin call and forced selling, They will sell at any price. Case like this I don’t bother support. Only collect once the forced selling finished to average down.

Price will quickly rebound.

At this point it’s trading side way. Investor who invested at 15sen taking profit at 30sen is normal. U expect gain 200% in a month? That’s a fat dream. But 3 months from now; pretty sure it will.

Now the question for new investor is if Armada will continue to do well and trade at higher price.


2019-10-01 16:03 | Report Abuse

Geco, debt is reduced from 13B to 11.5B.

I’m not dreaming. It’s in the balance sheet?
Buta Nombor kah?


2019-10-01 14:54 | Report Abuse

Did I mention current NPV has not include underutilized OSV and yet to be deployed Armada Claire.

If that happens, Debt will be very much lower than NPV = Armada TP RM1. =D

These are facts, not lies. Use brain. Don't listen to soh@i. They can't bring anything new.


2019-10-01 14:50 | Report Abuse

Debt reduction will make ARMADA

Debt lower than NPV = ARMADA TP 70sen.


2019-10-01 14:49 | Report Abuse

I'm pretty pissed as you SHAMELESSLY LIED.


2019-10-01 14:48 | Report Abuse

geco, answer this question and you will immediately point out that you LIED!

When was armada's debt the highest and how much?

even ckca hv a braint to twist it by saying reduction of asset RM7Bil to reduce RM2Bil debt.

The point is DEBT IS REDUCED! I wanna see you this geco soh@i gonna say what.


2019-10-01 14:01 | Report Abuse

Investor will hold on their share as they truly believe that Armada is undervalue. Here's what people like geco will do...They are IDSS trader. What they will do is sell you the shares they don't have and LIE about Armada so that you will sell back to them lower. You have to lose money so that they can gain.

IDSS wish those sell back to them by immediately losing money. Investor might sell to you later at
higher price. But we genuinely hope they you will thrive further with you investment by selling at even higher price.

Ordinary people that dislike the business would just stay away. They won't put so much effort to LIE about a counter. Only IDSS will have such motivation. Investor may suffer abit from price being depressed in near term. We can't lose if we don't sell. But you, all the newbies, IDSS have to make sure you lose by selling them lower and to cover their position. Investor dont have such pressure. That's the truth.

So, if you lose money in Armada; it's because you bought their share at high. And was deceived to sell back to them at low. It's not promoters fault. I believe most promoters hold on their shares tight tight. Its people like geco, Johnchew and ckca HAVE TO BUY BACK LOWER. You are not obliged to sell to them lower. See the big picture. Debt reducing, Core operating profit increasing.


2019-10-01 13:34 | Report Abuse

Dunno how to see debt reduced and core operating profit improved ar?

Now, full revenue from Kraken haven't materialize. Full administrative expense already incurred.
Profit margin will only improve.


2019-10-01 11:27 | Report Abuse

Correct. Fix your own mess. And it's important people around them to make sure they come up with a correction plan immediately and make sure they commit to it. At any point, what they do, doesn't reflect what's promised. Call out their hypocrisy and f*ck them up nicely.

These people can thrive is because the society enables them. Hence, it's important to have awareness that the society does not tolerate incompetence. Will never tolerate hypocrisy.


2019-10-01 11:23 | Report Abuse

They f*cked off. But damage is done. 15sen. Thanks to them. I manage to collect more.
Look at the bright side.


2019-10-01 11:19 | Report Abuse

Rmb, mikekim said the EX-CEO and EX-CFO f*cking need the final acceptance and refinance the current liability? They had one year and they did nothing there. I would have sacked them if I'm BOD.

This new management; CEO go down Kraken himself. Immediately, refinance most current liability. that's hardly few months as CEO. Be smart investor. See who is leading the team and what's happening

Don't be stupid investor listening to s*hai recycling broken record.


2019-10-01 11:16 | Report Abuse

last I sold armada was 65 sen. Cos, I really hate the previous CEO and CFO. They are really really s*hai. I can't brain anything they do.

Only start buying in with new CEO and studies what he has been doing. So, most stuff that he did makes sense.

Liar still equate new management with old management recycling old stories. LIAR.


2019-10-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

The truth is ex CEO and CFO performed poorly by buying alot of garbage hence high asset but low cash, poor revenue and margin. High impairments. Price dropped from 90sen to 15sen. They not thick face enough to stay and know when to f*ck off. You performed so poorly and you wanna stay and take big salary ar? Please la. Unfortunately, liar face too thick. Still don't want leave.

New management sold underutilized assets above depreciated price and reports profit. That reduced operating expenses(circa 20-30mil in administration expenses saving). Sell all the garbage, focus on what's profitable. Debts has reduced for straight 2 quarters. Margins has improved straight 2 quarters. Price has recovered from 15sen to 33sen. Still a long way to fair value in long term. Fair value and prospect in short term should be circa 50-60sen.

You call lies a truth. Then your sunrise from the west and sets in the east.

you listen to ckca, Johnchew, geco, don't be surprised if you wake up in Holland tomorrow.


2019-10-01 11:00 | Report Abuse

smart investor look at reduced debt, improved margins and cash flow.

Soh*i, play old stories like broken record.


2019-10-01 09:55 | Report Abuse

let's start a spamming competition


2019-10-01 09:55 | Report Abuse

LIAR ckca, debt reduced 13B to 11.5B don't wanna admit. Increased operating profit don't wanna admit. Reduce 1B every year, debts will be half in 5 years.

Cash Generated from Operating activities increased YoY from 2 consecutive quarters. Profit for straight 2 quarters YoY. What else do you want? 15 sen for a profitable business?

Imagine if debts is halved, and operating profit continue to grow; u can still get it below 50sen ar?

Smart thing that Armada management did.
1) Sell underutilized asset above depreciated price to report profit.
2) Reducing operating cost by selling underutilized asset. See the administration expenses has reduced by 30mil. People like ckca, USELESS, fired!
3) Focus on profitable asset.

That has lead to reduced debts and increased operating income. It's reflected in last 2 quarter report. That's a fact that you can't deny. The debts is there. But reduced at a respectable rate.