
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2019-10-01 09:55 | Report Abuse

LIAR ckca, debt reduced 13B to 11.5B don't wanna admit. Increased operating profit don't wanna admit. Reduce 1B every year, debts will be half in 5 years.

Cash Generated from Operating activities increased YoY from 2 consecutive quarters. Profit for straight 2 quarters YoY. What else do you want? 15 sen for a profitable business?

Imagine if debts is halved, and operating profit continue to grow; u can still get it below 50sen ar?

Smart thing that Armada management did.
1) Sell underutilized asset above depreciated price to report profit.
2) Reducing operating cost by selling underutilized asset. See the administration expenses has reduced by 30mil. People like ckca, USELESS, fired!
3) Focus on profitable asset.

That has lead to reduced debts and increased operating income. It's reflected in last 2 quarter report. That's a fact that you can't deny. The debts is there. But reduced at a respectable rate.


2019-10-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

These are latest info. Not recycled from 2017 or smtg like lying ckca, Johnchew and geco.


2019-10-01 09:52 | Report Abuse

LIAR ckca, debt reduced 13B to 11.5B don't wanna admit. Reduce 1B every year, debts will be half in 5 years.

Cash Generated from Operating activities increased YoY from 2 consecutive quarters. Profit for straight 2 quarters YoY. What else do you want? 15 sen for a profitable business?

Imagine if debts is halved, and operating profit continue to grow; u can still get it below 50sen ar?

Smart thing that Armada management did.
1) Sell underutilized asset above depreciated price to report profit.
2) Reducing operating cost by selling underutilized asset. See the administration expenses has reduced by 30mil. People like ckca, USELESS, fired!
3) Focus on profitable asset.

That has lead to reduced debts and increased operating income. It's reflected in last 2 quarter report. That's a fact that you can't deny. The debts is there. But reduced at a respectable rate.


2019-10-01 09:18 | Report Abuse

He is IDSS trader. What you expect?

He will talk shit all day long la. But it won't change the fact Armada fundamental has changed for the better. That's for a FACT!

The purpose of him writing shit to reduce price support and HOPEFULLY he can recover his position. Remember, the higher the price go up, the deeper the hole he digs himself in. He is desperate to LIE now. So, think carefully if he is trying to help newbies or to save his pathetic @ss.


2019-09-30 23:55 | Report Abuse

I think ckca is the proof proof guy pearlwhite. Since he is f*cking wrong the last time. He came back with new account.

What a troll man. Someone try copy paste what the proof proof guy wrote and check how many are wrong?


2019-09-30 14:17 | Report Abuse

Can share link to hwang and JP research?


2019-09-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

US will promote war. It’s good for their business. Saudi will finance it by increasing oil price...and oil price will go up...

That’s has been American and oil price history. It came down Bcos Obama peace resolution. Trump is business resolution.

Keep kena bomb like this, who can tahan. Saudis only export income threatened.

U were guys were wrong once when it was 15sen. Now it’s 30sen. Next time when we hv this silly discussion. When it’s 60 sen. See what story u Kong kam gonna recycle.


2019-09-30 10:14 | Report Abuse

ckca you buy an asset for RM500mil. You don't do depreciation. When you sell at RM250mil. You are obliged to report RM250mil LOSS!

But if you buy an asset for RM500mil. You depreciate RM250mil a year for 2 years. When you sell the asset at RM250mi. You are obliged to report RM250mil PROFIT!

Kong kam like you, simple thing like this also don't understand. How to make money?


2019-09-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

very sohai one... who owns the 30% of the indian Armada or AK? u sounded very stupid.

AK finance Armada Project does not equate AK owns that 30% ok? So h*i betul.
But AK own 30% or more Armada, that's true la. So, AK will earn a portion of Armada's improve earning that's true la. But we who owns the remaining 70% also benefit mar.

So h*i betul.


2019-09-30 09:33 | Report Abuse

Rate of Armada reducing it's debt shows that it's capable of handling both the interest and long term repayment. Now, it's has less issue handling it's current liability with more cash injection.

that's all a fact. You fighting against fact.


2019-09-30 09:30 | Report Abuse

Better depreciate asset. So that when it's sold above depreciated value; that's a gain. If it's not done like that; it has to report loss for every underutilized asset they sold. That's why I say this management not bad in handling financial statement.

Pile up all the bad news; tank the price at every level from 2017-2018; sell all the way down from 60sen to 15 sen. Keep the price at 15 sen for 2019 for collection and later push it back up by releasing good news.

You know sometimes, people buy undervalue asset. Later, re valuate the asset and report appreciation gain.

You are too dumb to know what's going on.


2019-09-30 09:21 | Report Abuse

u really soh*i la...Take more debts. You argue more interest. Take less debt, u argue not enough pay interest. You don't feel so hai at all?


2019-09-30 09:19 | Report Abuse

Now debt reduce. U also beh song. In the end of the day, u just wanna say u beh song only.

So what point? what fact you need? For a fact, debts have reduced and cash flow strengthen. Those are for a fact. But u gonna beh song anyway.

When it bcomes 70sen. Lu confirm lagi beh song.

You see short seller; armada strengthening balance sheet is unfavourable. Unlikely for armada got back 20sen as it's undervalue at this point. Better short yinson better. Over valued with shitstorm coming it's way.


2019-09-30 08:45 | Report Abuse

When the power of all monkeys combines, we have captain monkey! = ckca...



2019-09-30 08:44 | Report Abuse

By giving RM72mil...AK makes MORE money by strengthening Armada's cash flow la...soh*i.

When Armada back up to 70sen, market cap is 4bil. He owns 25% = RM1bil. That's ALOT FASTER than selling his profit unit at lelong price. Besides, he can pump Armada up to 70sen first, then use the excess cash to buy the profit unit. It's not mutually exclusive. That's common sense monkey brain like ckca and johnchew will never have.

The question AK will be asking himself; can Armada make this money? Answer is YES. And so he put in more money to make more money. Rich gets richer.

Monkey gets more monkey. ckca + johnchew + geco = monkey.


2019-09-30 08:36 | Report Abuse

So, ckca! How did Armada total debt reduced from RM13bil to RM11.5bil?

How?! it's making money la.


2019-09-30 08:34 | Report Abuse

Sohai ckca and Johnchew, what and when was Armada's highest debt?

It was in 2016, Rm13-14Bil. Now is 11.5Bil. It has reduced. Cash flow generated in 2018, 1Bil.
Current cash generated Rm582.04mil.

Wait Kraken revenue starts flowing in and you know how much money Armada can make.


2019-09-29 16:40 | Report Abuse

Why would anyone will be worried if your grandfather and father is gonna be alive tmr?

No one gives a shit yo!


2019-09-29 16:31 | Report Abuse

johnchew! What's and when was Armada's highest total debt. Drop or increased?

Why go and talk about ur grandfather story here?


2019-09-29 13:04 | Report Abuse

Easy question Johnchew, when and what was Armada's highest total debt. Answer this and will answer all you question. Don't be so h*ai. Faster answer.


2019-09-29 09:03 | Report Abuse

I can guarantee there are a lot of company have total debt at it’s all time high.

For some reason, u will say, they are doing expansion.

Armada too, expanded and now trying to see if its profitable. Other company on their way expanding is more dangerous than those expanded.


2019-09-29 08:39 | Report Abuse

Ckca, can add ur lan jiao in also add la.

What’s the highest debt armada have?


2019-09-29 08:36 | Report Abuse

Kong kam ckca. Read the question the again. I said TOTAL DEBT. Total debt = current liability + long term debt.

What and when is the highest TOTAL DEBT.


2019-09-29 02:12 | Report Abuse

Ckca, u know how to differentiate between current liability and long term debt or not?

Few armada debts are supposed to be converted to long term debts with kraken final acceptance. As they got acceptance after financial year means they hv to renegotiate repayment on current liability. Or get someone else to pay first la so that no need cough out 8-10billion in that year alone.

Kong kam that can’t differentiate current liability vs long term debt are quick to say armada default it’s loan.


2019-09-29 02:01 | Report Abuse

Easy question, when and what was armada’s highest debt?

Johnchew, and Ckca, answer this question...is made easy enough for you liao.

Please don’t so h*ai anymore.


2019-09-29 00:41 | Report Abuse

I wouldn't say IDSS is wrong. I'm timing some overvalued business to tank also. But you won't see me go proof proof. Later tak jadi; come off so ha*i only.

Bcos, I have a hunch it's business going bad. And the management is not aware about it.
If i'm right; i improved my business sense. If i'm wrong, opportunity to learn more. Very important skill for entrepreneur to identify good business and stay away bad business.


2019-09-29 00:34 | Report Abuse

Johnchew! when and what was Armada's highest debt. Answer the DAMM QUESTION!

Ofcos cannot. Read also cannot. How to count?


2019-09-29 00:32 | Report Abuse

I give ckca easier question. it's FROM THE PAST. What's is the highest total debt that armada had and when?

Slightly more difficult is if the number increased or reduced.

And even more difficult question; if it reduced; how it reduced.

His question is very so h*ai. Ask about future; might as well go buy to jackpot!


2019-09-29 00:25 | Report Abuse

Hiaptek got quick return. It pops up on my radar from last QR analysis. Although lose money; but got activities that points will be profitable this QR. That time not convinced bcos my filter still beta version. Not very stable yet identifying key metrics in predicting increase revenue. Now abit more confident.


2019-09-29 00:17 | Report Abuse


Go get educated about armada. Let's talk about debt. See balance sheet statement armada's debt peaked at in 2016. It was as high as 16Bil. That was for Armada Kraken. (Pssssttt....why ckca and Johnchew, or proof proof guy never say it was 16Bil in 2016 and it's 11.5B in 2019. Of cos they won't tell la. 3 years 16B to 11.5B. 2 years reduce 4B debts Give 6 years debt no where to be found. They got ask how did Armada actually reduced the debt from 16B to 11.5B? Got or not? Can Armada reduce another 4Billion another 4 years? See cashflow statement)

Two years time, dropped about 20-25%. Every 2 years, about 2.5 billion debt repaid. 6 years the debt is gone. Open eyes big big, the debt is growing or reducing! Debt reduction is WITH finance cost paid ya. Remember , finance cost is finance cost. Debt reduction is debt reduction. Don't mix them up ok. Don't say debt reduction how many billion is for paying interest. That's really super so h*ai liao.

Now move over to Cash flow statement. In 2014, Cash generated from operating activities was RM680mil. Tank to RM300mil in 2016. And 2018, rose to RM1068mil. This one does no include maximum production of Kraken yet. It's better Armada don't start new project first; wait another 2 years strengthen it's financial statement. Also not wrong to take new project, increase it's revenue and pay debt faster. If India one small job; then don't worry too much about impairment. If 1 years generate 1Bil, 4 years 4B sap sap sui la.

You do big project to make big money. Ofcos need loan la. During project delivery, sure got problem and beh song. Beh song here beh song there also need to negotiate and comes to term. And now it's finally about time to settle everything and cash in...best time to buy in; you guys talk 3 talk 4 about project loan la; project problem la. Recycle old stories. Better question to ask is about the future. How much revenue Kraken can bring for next 10 years and what's the margin. Simple common sense also don't have. Project like this, big or small nia. What's has been proven so far, debt HAS REDUCED from 2016 high of 16B to 2019 11.5B.

I never say Armada don't hv debt. But i'm pointing out those A-hole when they talk about debt, they talk about HALF story. Like so h*ai only. I didn't go proof proof as I need the price to rise and fall for swing trade. U think armada day day up like hockey stick mer. It takes time. So, can swing trade to make pennies for abalone and lobster. Then, a yacht or a condo when Armada reaches it's fair value. Do some studies; do number crunching; assess the risk rewards and the fair value. You decide your entries and exit yourself.


2019-09-28 14:26 | Report Abuse

ckca, incorrect...u need market to sell back to you at a loss...Geddit?
If the market sell back to you at a gain; YOU will be making a loss...

Promoters will buy low sell high. And we genuinely hope whoever bought will get to sell higher when then company is doing better. You can't equate that as the same. It's NOT!.


2019-09-28 10:50 | Report Abuse

I agree with shpok, pls sell...we need new investors. Not so h*i.

So h*ai please take so h*ai Johnchew advise and sell...the lower the better...
After all so h*ai being flushed out; then the price will move upward.

P.S. Maybe Johnchew, ckca, and all the naysayer; they are the unsung hero when the price went up to RM1. And people like Mabel, mikekim and Armadien Jedi will owe them a big gratitude for flushing out weak holders.


2019-09-28 10:44 | Report Abuse

U know why I say that Johnchew so h*i and dunno how to count?

When calculating revenue from India project, he know how to use "30%" of the 8.8 billion. For some so h*i reason; when come to calculate the finance cost, he suddenly dunno how to use the 30%.

You see this fella...either really dunno how to count; or willfully deceiving the market to collect low.

P.S. Sometimes, I want the price to come down so that I can collect.


2019-09-28 00:36 | Report Abuse

With kraken, armada revenue is RM500 mil a quarter.

Kraken bring less revenue than India project. If Revenue from India project starts coming in, Johnchew! Armada revenue mar shoot through the roof?

Thank you for pointing that out. Get on board boys. We are in for a ride to the top. Johnchew say a lot more revenue coming!


2019-09-27 12:27 | Report Abuse

this business, got shitty paymaster...Ask people do machine first...after doing kaw beh kaw bu...
offer "Like this la, since u already make, I pay u 50% la!" Then VIS management think think; "aiya, don't sell also pile up in the inventories like the other 12-15mil inventories also, better sell. Can la can la. Something better than nothing!".

If you ask me, walk away...write off...It's more important protect your value and margin. If you go cheap once, you will never get back up.


2019-09-27 11:17 | Report Abuse


That’s how lifeless this fella is....lol!


2019-09-26 20:34 | Report Abuse

“During this current period, there were R&D Engineering machines selling at loss to a willing party which consequently resulted in the lower profit margin.”

Knew it.


2019-09-26 18:22 | Report Abuse

Johnchew confirm got shot in his eye


2019-09-26 17:04 | Report Abuse

Johnchew confirm got 0


2019-09-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

Waste time blow only...gonna leave it be...


2019-09-26 16:05 | Report Abuse

4pm...see if any magic hands enters....


2019-09-26 15:08 | Report Abuse

If u going to die liao...people still borrow you money ar?

obviously, ppl confident in Armada won't die....no problem....take take take...
Scared Armada don't want borrow money. Cannot earn interest. =D


2019-09-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

one more minute to go...

Proof proof guy dare not come liao. All he proved is he is stupid.


2019-09-26 12:32 | Report Abuse

see...lai liao lai liao...


2019-09-26 12:29 | Report Abuse

try to create panic sell. What they didn't notice is if support is too strong; they will get burned.


2019-09-26 10:54 | Report Abuse

I see that u tried to tank the price by recycling bad news...

Maybe u r right. Market quickly queue in to support hoping to collect low. But no luck. Lol


2019-09-26 10:18 | Report Abuse

not working isn't it Geco. Disappointed?


2019-09-26 10:04 | Report Abuse

This new wave of investors won't sell until above 40sen...now waiting to wash out stupid investor first then it will start to move...


2019-09-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

Eh Geco, u wanna average down at what price?

See after u collect, u can shut up or not. Repeating old news like broken record is stupid le.