
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2018-11-30 23:26 | Report Abuse

I'm calling ur bluff and it's time to show hand.

Like I said, if you have nothing to show, put down ur balls and roll over like a pussy.

What are you waiting Pang72 for? Time to show that your are a man and u hv the right to keep ur balls man. What? You weren't born with balls down there? How pitiful. =D

A girls challenged this way stand up for herself liao. You still beat around the bush.


2018-11-30 23:22 | Report Abuse

Better question to ask is...what's Pang72 doing without evidence blowing more hot air?

He defense by stressing he is Gandalf and turn money into leaves with his walking stick works in his LaLaLand won't float in real world.


2018-11-30 22:57 | Report Abuse

Seacera, what happen to that fella? Fell from 2017 1.60 high down to 17sen.


2018-11-30 22:53 | Report Abuse

audentes fortuna juvat.
It's either audentes fortuna juvat or ICU with heart attack.

Anyway, it's just another counter in another day. You win some. You lose some.
That's life.

Important thing is, never lie to yourself. Be brave and face it.
That's the difference between a man and a pussy.


2018-11-30 14:58 | Report Abuse

The consensus is Armada is entering PN17. Lies opportunity maybe that consensus is wrong.

Now, the question is can those invested here going against the consensus, against all odds and come out RIGHT.

I fair the odds is around 1:100. Gutsy. Real gutsy.

The odd is better than 4D. So, I take investment in this counter as lost. Perhaps, most who holds armada feels the same.


2018-11-30 13:23 | Report Abuse

I don’t think that’s how bank works. First priority, is make money from credit. 2nd priority. Don’t lose money.

So, u squeeze armada too far. It can’t grow and more likely to default.

Another interesting case is perisai.


2018-11-29 17:55 | Report Abuse

So, panda...what's the next move? What do u think happened?


2018-11-29 17:54 | Report Abuse

167 Mil shares changed hand. Say average transaction price is RM0.225...RM37.5 mil exchanged hand.

Who is buying? Who is selling. It feels like somebody got margin call. The force selling took place right after session break. Force selling might be RM10-15 mil. The rest are the collateral damages from the selldown momentum.


2018-11-29 17:36 | Report Abuse

anyway, a million share at this point only 200K

that's not alot of money to EPF's portfolio.


2018-11-29 15:35 | Report Abuse

blood is on the street. bloody...bloody...


2018-11-29 14:03 | Report Abuse

The analogy to Pang72 situation is like this...

He "claims" that he walks into hermes boutique and bought a bag for RM500 and later sold that RM750.

then someone said..."NO WAY!" and calls his bluff and asked for proof of transaction which he deliberately failed to provided. His only defense was a bunch of hot air to further claim he did not lie.

Based on that delusion, he still thinks he can get the next hermes for RM500.

If you ask RJ what does Hermes worth. He will say "nothing". What's the numeric value? ZERO.
But if you ask ANYBODY that if it's possible to walk off a hermes boutique store with anything for RM500. The likely answer is still impossible.

So, it's not about VIS. It's about Pang and his lies. =D

P.S. Maybe Pang72 can get a Hermes Button for RM500. But because of his poor English literacy, he probably can't differentiate between button and designer bag. I guess that explains the confusion.

Looooooollll. I'm having much fun...


2018-11-29 13:03 | Report Abuse

That’s how penipu works. Put words into ppls mouth.

I said if VIS hit TP40, then TP 30 is not far. Itu common sense. But RJ didn’t say VIS should be TP30. So, both Nic and Pang owe RJ apologies.

Penipu...U say u put facts where is ur fact?


2018-11-29 01:58 | Report Abuse

Just in case pang72 too stupid to know what is fact. I give example.

Revenue Growth - 2016 (27.46Mil), 2017( 31.97 Mil), 2018(3 Quarters - 27.82 Mil)

2016 (4.2100 + 3.4400 + 8.0700 + 11.7400 = RM 27.46)
2017 (6.0500 + 8.7600 + 7.4900 + 9.6700 = RM 31.97)
2018 (7.1300 + 9.6600 + 11.0300 + estimate 9-12 mil = RM 35mil)

2016 (0.2400 0.0700 1.9700 2.1400 = RM 4.4200) margin: 16%
2017 (1.1200 1.7500 1.3400 2.4300 = RM 6.6400) margin: 20.75%
2018 (0.4200 1.9900 2.7400 Estimated 2.5 -3 mil = RM7-7.5mil) margin: 20%

Total Equity
2016 (RM 23.7200)
2017 (RM31.7800)
2018 (As of last Quarter - RM 36.83, should be circa 38-40mil by Q4)

In most tech counters, the market cap is Trading’s 3-4x it’s equity with positive earning for few consecutive quarters. This one only 2x.

Now that’s fact. I didn’t cook that up.

Lucky pang72 didn’t say Tp5 sen. Later, vis take its cash equivalent also can stone pang72 to death. *shakehead


2018-11-28 23:59 | Report Abuse

Guys, don’t laugh urself. Share with ur friends. The more the merrier.


2018-11-28 23:46 | Report Abuse

Else? interested in ur hot air mer?

The fact that it takes so long to produce ONE evidence shows how poorly his method works.

Evidence! More hot air doesn’t make it an evidence. U can also stress that you are Gandalf and with ur walking stick, u can turn leaves into money la. Tiuuu...

Bodoh tahap brp ni?


2018-11-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

Okok... can u pok pek pok pek about ur real gain later? Thank you. I sure give u big round applause. At least, u stop lying to urself. No matter how small or how big the profit is.


2018-11-28 23:07 | Report Abuse

EPF knows what they are doing...but what they are doing might take years to materialise. Do u hv a strong hand to hold?


2018-11-28 23:02 | Report Abuse

Market pretty bull in 2016-2017...2018-2019 could be different animal.

U go check 2018 stockpick performance. Should be conservative with the rebound.
Cant really compare 2016 and now.

Different sentiment.


2018-11-28 22:23 | Report Abuse

EPF don't support current Sapura management. But it's good time to buy more when the price is low so that they can kick the blardy useless CEO out. The problem now is they don't hv enough shares.

A good strategy could be buy and keep buying until gaining enough power to make managerial changes. To them, it's not about TP. It's about turning things around and try recover million dollar losses.

On their end, their game is very different. They are the pillars of Malaysian economy. That means it's more than just making money. If they cut loss, what they loss not only money but also control. Imagine the big chunk of shares at 60-80sen. If you lose control, u will never recover it back. That's one of the difference I can think of on how they invest and how we invest.


2018-11-28 21:47 | Report Abuse

How many understood these statements? Correct me if I'm wrong. Armada sold its properties at discount. And later declare all the potential future earnings plus the discount given as impairment loss. What kind of accounting is this? Create fake losses to spoke market further?

An analyst opined that the impairments were made during the quarter under review as the assets may not be sold at the carrying value.

“The impairment is made with asset monetisation in mind. They are taking the hit now.

“As the share price adjusts to the impairment charges, there will be a positive reaction to the share price if the assets are sold later,” he said.

In its management commentary in the financial report, Bumi Armada explained that the recoverable amount of certain vessels were assessed to determine if the carrying value of the vessels are recoverable.

“The recoverable amount of the vessels was compared to the carrying value of each asset with identified impairment triggers. If the recoverable amount is lower, the carrying value of the asset is reduced to its estimated recoverable amount and the difference is regarded as an impairment loss,” it said.

The recoverable amount of the vessels was determined based on estimates like utilisation rates, daily charter rates, discount rate, residual value, or the estimated selling price net costs of disposal, should the vessel be sold.

As such, the impairment proves to be in line with the group’s intention to monetise its assets and pare down debt.

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2018/11/26/more-impairments-for-bumi-armada/#TVr06pd1thxLf8MY.99


2018-11-28 21:26 | Report Abuse

When sentiment returns...I will be back....

no no no....VIS will be back. PE18 at EPS 6....around RM1...

But that's when sentiments returns. Just in case Pang too stupid to understand what it means by sentiment returns. Meaning. Index around 1750. FBMT around 13K pts and net in flow of foreign fund. Actually, that time...any counter bought now as long not stupid like PRESBHD will make money then. I hope Pang better buy smtg.

Else, he will go gu gu like this again and go TP low low everyday because he didn't manage to buy low. =D

P.S. Actually, I would have educate him in a more polite manner if he behaves. But he insist to be a piece of shit. Well, that how I make fun of idiots.


2018-11-28 21:16 | Report Abuse

Bcos your one bomoh technique. Last night had a dream from LaLaLand give TP42.
Of cos nothing to explain la. What? U wanna explain how it's pulled out of your pitiful gapped ass ar? =D

CYF from DUFU just say "read prospectus. See my name there."
Damm steady nothing to hide. RJ chicken feed profit also can substantiate and proud of it publish it.

Piece of shit like Pang72, 6 figures profit have to beat the around bush. Drive still open. Go upload. Don't beat around the bush liao. Why? market gapped ur ass so bad that nothing left ar?

Neh, 6 figure from LaLaLand again. Ofcos got nothing to show la. How to bring profit from LaLaLand to real world. Cannot. Mar say private to save face lo. Pathetic.


2018-11-28 19:33 | Report Abuse

Jealous of LaLaLand earnings? Thanks but no thanks.
I wanna be jealous with substantiated profit. Not those from Pang's LaLaland type of profit. =D
Nic just find that Pang is so made of shit, and made a point not to step on it

Which I understand u will need time. Bad market. But, not even one counter that's profitable?
Is it that bad that u can't even substantiate one? You play 黑白 also go 50% right. This guys cant even get one?

Anyway, i'm not here to attend to that idiot. I need to edit my statement.

Revenue Growth - 2016 (27.46Mil), 2017( 31.97 Mil), 2018(3 Quarters - 27.82 Mil)

2016 (4.2100 + 3.4400 + 8.0700 + 11.7400 = RM 27.46)
2017 (6.0500 + 8.7600 + 7.4900 + 9.6700 = RM 31.97)
2018 (7.1300 + 9.6600 + 11.0300 + estimate 9-12 mil = RM 35mil)

2016 (0.2400 0.0700 1.9700 2.1400 = RM 4.4200) margin: 16%
2017 (1.1200 1.7500 1.3400 2.4300 = RM 6.6400) margin: 20.75%
2018 (0.4200 1.9900 2.7400 Estimated 2.5 -3 mil = RM7-7.5mil) margin: 20%

Q4 normally best QR. I tot next QR is Q1. My bad. So, coming QR with conservative estimate are like the above. The slightly bad QoQ should be in Mac,19. Not the coming one. Coming Q4,18 should be record high considering Q3,18 is record high.

Total Equity
2016 (RM 23.7200)
2017 (RM31.7800)
2018 (As of last Quarter - RM 36.83, should be circa 38-40mil)

Another part that I need to correct is, YoY is not 50%. More like 24% growth. Cumulative equity growth more like 25% too. My previous statement was pretty exaggerated. My computer was stucked with some script. Can't stop it to get the accurate data. I think I owe the public honest and accurate information. With these fundamentals, market is abit unfair to VIS. What to do, bad sentiment.

That's why RJ say, when volume comes back; get ready to hop on. It's not about TP42 or TP30. It's about VOLUME and MARKET SENTIMENT. Now sentiment is really bad and volatility isn't for anyone. Reason is, even if TP42 and Pang picks up. No one can promise it won't go TP35. If he doesn't hv strong hands nor believe in fundamentals, he would hv sold at 36sen. Then, when market is good. Like Nic said, he will go missing. Probably, not just cry father cry mother. Auntie uncle also kena.

When DUFU price plunged from RM1.6 to RM 1. It was trading at PE6-8. I was having a hard time. Like VIS, I kept saying the fundamentals are intact. U can check my post there from last year. I only hold a handful of counters. Armada, Hibiscus, Qes and Vis. Used to hold dufu, frontkn, pmetal. When I say hold, it's at least 3 Quarters. Strong hands. Good holding power. No need pay bills or mouth to feed with this capital.

If u play poker, you wanna be in the game as long as you can. And be the last man standing.


2018-11-28 16:10 | Report Abuse

That's why i'm here. Vis is less sensitive to news backed by decent earnings.
Die also, won't hv 67% losses portfolio.

Decent QoQ and YoY growth. Resilient earnings.

Look at hibiscus. strong earnings. If feb result reports another EPS 5 sen. The annualised earnings is 21 sen. Trading at RM1 is PE 5. Strong earnings and no debts don't deserve PE5. Minimum PE15. But too sensitive to sentiment. If u hv the stomach for volatility. You can pick that up too.

I find it weird for people like Pang72 that appears during bad market. Any idea what's their objective? If economic uncertainty is unfavourable, best thing to do is find defensive resilient counter or FD. If TP42 happens, TP 40 is not far. And if I missed something about VIS fundamentally. I won't be surprised if it's TP30.

I will appreciate an intellectual discourse. An unbiased sector review or financial statement discussion. U wanna say VIS is over priced, it's trading at PE11. Vitrox trading at 40. U wanna say no growth, YoY performance more than 50% growth, cumulative equity growth about 100%.


2018-11-28 15:48 | Report Abuse

Don't feel too bad about losing la Pang72. Menang kalah itu adat permainan.
Yg penting jgn menipu diri.

There are only 3 winners out of 78 participants.

So really, none of you shouldn't feel bad about your losses. It's just bad market.


2018-11-28 15:41 | Report Abuse

10/10. Pang72 is that of shit I stepped on. How unlucky.

Like I said. No profit till now. Hv to wait the next counter.

pang72 after my next stock start getting profit..I will show to RJ sai....see how much jealous is him!!
27/11/2018 23:28

Look forward to it. I'm not a bad person. I always hope people make money. Not like u, go all over the place to TP TP low low so that people lose money. Here's what I recommend, stop practicing ilmu bomoh. Come back real word. And u might hv a chance.


2018-11-27 23:20 | Report Abuse

Like I say looooonnnnnggggg ago. I'm not very cun with market. I'm very cun with Pang's response.

If I put 10 shit traps, he will step in 10/10. Sigh....

Okla, let just pity me. I stepped on shit. I'm gonna go clean myself. Can let me off ar? Please.


2018-11-27 23:16 | Report Abuse

See, that's how a bodoh use his bodoh brain. He has no ability to understand the word "IF" or any form of sarcasm.

Inilah dimaksudkan Kebodohan Pang72 melangkaui kadar pertumbuhan kebodohan normal manusia.


2018-11-27 23:06 | Report Abuse

At least I do 80%, buy at 1.18 sell at 1.92 WITH EVIDENCE.

this stupid pang that buys at 3 sell at 4 get how much? And he is talking from fantasy land profit. No way to substantiate. Chicken shit Pang72 that talk 3 talk 4 about penny stock will come buy at RM3 counter? Mimpi siang got la. Pui.

Anyway, let say his mimpi siang come true la, pang buy RM3 and sell RM4? How much % he make? Can beat my 1.18 to 1.92 return? Bodoh. Simple math pon tak tau buat. Mmg bodoh.

I didn't call everyone stupid. I specifically points out Pang72 is stupid and delusional. Market must hv gapped his ass so bad man that he has to use teknik bomoh to cure his butt hurt. Anyway, this would be the last time I gonna attend to his pathetic attention trolling syndrome. Kebodohan Pang72 membesar melangkaui kadar pertumbuhan kebodohan manusia biasa. Amat membimbangkan.

P.S. Feel free to use my punchline against any stupid. =D
P.P.S: RJ don't claim he is the smarter investor. But RJ can confidently claim he is smarter than Pang72. Sekian.


2018-11-27 20:14 | Report Abuse

Calvin, the EKSON...Good call...It's current asset is 4X market cap. Cash Equivalent 1X market cap.

I think owner should consider to privatize it. Market is valuing it way too low.
This one I agree got kang tao.


2018-11-27 19:55 | Report Abuse

put PMBTECH in the list too...another up crazy as F counter....I'm sure pang72 will say he bought 50c at some point.

Anyway, no matter how stupid RJ87 is, he will never be as stupid as Pang celebrating his profits from his fantasyland.


2018-11-27 13:54 | Report Abuse

RJ will load at 30-35sen, if it can drop to 42 sen, it won’t stop at 42sen.

Heads up ya. QoQ performance drops, YoY performance maintains or slightly better. How market reacts to that, I don’t know.

If market irrationally drive the price above 65sen, I think good time to take profit. Bcos the price movement is unwarranted.

But if it drops, below 40sen sapu back from pang. The fundamentals are intact. Wait 2 QR, sure make money if U collect below 40sen. Itu katak sure sell and say he make money. =D


2018-11-27 12:38 | Report Abuse

Elsoft is quite over priced. 800 mil market cap with 24 mil revenue. If compared to VIS 90 mil market cap with 11mil revenue.

Why the price difference of 1.24 and 50sen? Elsoft got good investors. Vis got more pang than RJ.



2018-11-27 11:21 | Report Abuse

Yu and Me, so u think next QR EPS drops from 11sen to 1 sen or what? If u think it will, might as well Tp50 sen.

Don’t u find that stupid?


2018-11-27 11:18 | Report Abuse

This is how I think retailer lose money.

If u revert the calculation, prime investor who collected 3.3 yesterday has made 10% today.

Well, if EPS report 8 sen a quarter. U see pecah or not.


2018-11-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

What’s else in KIV list Nic? I KIV AA and penta and elsoft.

Reach total equity has doubled too in 2018 like hibiscus. But the NTA pershare is quite low.


2018-11-26 15:23 | Report Abuse

Ifcos I like girl la. I love pussy man.

What? Now, pang that makes a lot money in his fantasy world turned him gay in real world? Well, I guess the market gapped his ass so wide he is one now.


2018-11-26 15:18 | Report Abuse

Who likes liar and boast out their fantasy profit?

I don’t doubt Nicholas. Bcos he is about the same type investor like me. We don’t apply technique bomoh. We buy we buy. We don’t buy we don’t buy. We win. We win. We lose, we lose.

Technique bomoh is see which counter up last week and claim he buys. When down this week down say thank you that he sold.

When ask evidence, say private. Don’t u find that coincidence all bomoh student do the same? Just pointing out to public that pang is another bomoh student bragging on his fantasy profit.

Katak lompat sana lompat cni still ok. Katak sudah mampus muncul dr dunia ghaib datang pok pek pok pek di dunia nyata tu yg tak tahan.



2018-11-26 13:39 | Report Abuse

Foresight say don’t do for free. Hindsight realised profit say private. Big bunch of hot air la u pang.

It’s sounds more like no foresight and no profit. Only big bunch losses dunno wanna hide where. Only place to hide is dunia ghaib kamu.

Only thing useful to ask from u, how u contact real world from your fantasy land? Do they use celcom also?



2018-11-26 13:29 | Report Abuse

I check 2017 counters with equity doubled, the price up 4x. In 2018, counters with equity double price maintain or went lower. Most notable one are property/construction sector.

And if u interested, I can share with u counters with equity that has double for past 4 quarters but not the price. Should give good margin of safety backed by strong earnings.

Penta and AA damm attractive. Like naked woman wiTh big tits and nice curves. But I don’t live in Pang’s world to TP 1 for penta or TP 50sen for AA.


2018-11-26 13:20 | Report Abuse

Nicholas, if you lose abit here and there is normal. Don’t take the dark path of bomoh and lie to urself. Mau tipu siapa?

If u check 2018 stockpick contest. All bloodied.

Only winner are penipu diri. When ask for evidence; they can’t show evidence from fantasy land. Mar say it’s private. It must hurt so bad to say it’s private when he sees the reality of their portfolio.


2018-11-26 13:12 | Report Abuse

Or u blowing hot air that u no way to substantiate. Grandiose like u, if u got win abit also so show off like u r superstar liao la. The problem is you can’t. Next best thing u do mar say it’s private lo. What’s new. Only thing new is how much believe in ur own lie la.

Pattern anak buah bomoh semua sama saja... siapa tak kenal? Puiiii


2018-11-26 10:55 | Report Abuse

In pang72 dream land, his portfolio +ve gao gao. In reality when prompt to screenshot his realises P/L, he says he doesn’t wanna show off. But, he still wanna go all over the place claiming he win this win that.

Those that went bomoh class are very deep in their limbo. Screenshot ur P/L and everyone give u big round of applause. You are good, u r good la. U r bad, u r bad la. If u r liar, then u r liar la. Deliberately hide ur P/L on ur un-substantiated claims reflects u r nothing more than a liar.

For understandable reason, lost too much. Dunno what to do but lie lo. What to do.


2018-11-26 10:20 | Report Abuse

Overall invested about 330k in KLSE. current performances positive 10-20% for 2018. Only 50k here. The rest at net cash company.

I don’t take class with bomoh. So, dunno how to add a zero the back or hide my losses.

Like panda, probably, I start feeling stupid to make money elsewhere and pour down here. =D But, I guess that life. You win some, you lose some. Don’t hv to feel too attached to it. Important thing is you are still in the game have fun playing it.


2018-11-26 10:06 | Report Abuse

Pang72, 127big lot. Average price about 45sen. Small position in this counter. I don’t need to pay bills with this counter. I very honest. I don’t blow hot air like u. Got buy then got buy la. No buy then no buy la. Win money then win money la. Lose money mar lose money lo. What’s the big fuss? I don’t understand some ppl go take class with bomoh and lie about they bought next low and sell next high. Then say thank you for nothing.

Eh, u le? Still nothing on the table ar? Better this way, u need money to pay bills and buy food. Better stay at sideline. Good for u. *thumbs

I do feel superbull could be right RI on its way. So, keep tab on this counter fo average down next year after Q1 or RI.


2018-11-25 13:52 | Report Abuse

Pang, I got money to burn...and u know I got money to burn. And I haven’t share my return on frontken. =D

I know how to identify growth company. Net cash with good investment direction.

I’m here to learn turnaround company. Debt ridden. I know myself, only way I will go to the details is I get myself invested heavy enough. What can u learn if u r just invest 1000 or 2000. U studies won’t get passed what’s the current ratio.


2018-11-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

I don’t play small lots la. That’s for kids. =D


2018-11-25 01:37 | Report Abuse

Superbull better be right. 25sen 1 month.
Standby 200lots. If I tak sempat collect and price went up, I’m gonna go collect money from u. =D


2018-11-25 01:08 | Report Abuse

Awake enough to know ur TP hasn’t arrive yet and doubting u made any money here.

Chicken shit like u talk 3 talk 4 on 50c counter will come buy RM3 counter? Puiiii

Anyway, that’s just my opinion. Don’t wanna throw pang’s face anymore. Later he cannot sleep. =D


2018-11-25 01:02 | Report Abuse

qqq3, My “insider” says Mr K collaborate with Mr T to bring the TP to come sooner.

Between now and 3 quarters from now, there will be a lot price volatility to make money from Technical and good safety net of fundamentals.

Bcos, with DCF, if the valuation is Rm6 in next 6 quarters, we can either slowly wait until it reach RM6 6 quarters later or drive the price up to RM5 and let in drop to RM3 and pump to RM5 again.

In between RM3 and RM6, can make many many rounds of RM2 before eventually exit at RM6. The real dumping ends when the profit stops.

Don’t be surprise to see the same punters around from opposite ends bickering at one another. Price volatility itself is opportunity.