
SK1008 | Joined since 2020-05-21

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2020-08-12 14:38 | Report Abuse

Stay cool. Just let the volatility have its way. At the end of it the ascend will return. The numbers don't lie. This quarter is fantastic and the next quarter is confirmed to be much better.

I am holding tight and not selling a single share.


2020-08-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

Supermx PAT 399.618M


2020-08-08 12:09 | Report Abuse

Whether it is US CBP ban, US-China tension, Dow volatility or political upheaval, Top Glove is immune to all these external factors.

What drives the share price is the earning prospect. With the world facing acute shortage of gloves and more than 500 days of orders in hand, Top Glove is not slacking for a day and is still churning out gloves every second. The profit prospect of Top Glove is not even dented the slightest.

The market has already priced in the negativity of the US CBP ban which is not necessary. So it will have to give back to Top Glove with a boom when the CBP ban is lifted. Newton Laws of physics of action and reaction.

Be confident. We are only about 5 months into the pandemic. With the number of new cases of Covid-19 showing no signs of abating, the next 2-3 quarterly results will blow you off your chair.

Top Glove will not be flying high but rocketing.

Stay invested.


2020-08-05 04:39 | Report Abuse

Topglov, Harta and Supermx.

The Big, The Best and The Joker.

Hold tight to reap maximum benefits.


2020-08-05 04:33 | Report Abuse

Topglov, Harta and Supermx.

The Big, The Best and The Joker.

Hold tight to reap maximum benefits.


2020-08-05 04:31 | Report Abuse

Topglov, Harta and Supermx.

The Big, The Best and The Joker.

Hold tight to reap maximum benefits.


2020-08-04 14:01 | Report Abuse

There will be a big migration of investors temporary abandoning Harta and into Topglove and Supermax.

Harta EPS 6.49 cents 30 June 2020 quarter

Topglove EPS 13.59 cents 31 May 2020 quarter

Supermax EPS 5.42 cents 31 March 2020 quarter
(With only 1 month of March into the Pandemic)

Therefore, hold on tight to Topglove and Supermax.


2020-08-04 14:00 | Report Abuse

There will be a big migration of investors temporary abandoning Harta and into Topglove and Supermax.

Harta EPS 6.49 cents 30 June 2020 quarter

Topglove EPS 13.59 cents 31 May 2020 quarter

Supermax EPS 5.42 cents 31 March 2020 quarter
(With only 1 month of March into the Pandemic)

Therefore, hold on tight to Topglove and Supermax.


2020-07-31 14:50 | Report Abuse

Call warrants after bonus issue.

I repeat my posting at Supermax Forum on 21st July. The only difference is the factor used is 3 for Topglov (bonus 2:1) instead of 2 for Supermax (bonus 1:1)


Jul 21, 2020 11:45 PM | Report Abuse

Adjustment of Call Warrant after bonus issue.

The premium of Call Warrant before and after ex bonus must be the same. Mathematically, to maintain the same premium, the Exercise price and Exercise ratio will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Take the example of Supermax C88.
Assume the closing price of mother share and C88 a day before ex bonus is same as today (7/21/2020). Mother share 17.88 and C88 3.74

Supermax bonus issue 1:1

1 day before ex bonus
Supermax 17.88
C88 3.74
Exercise price 2.65
Exercise ratio 4.2:1
=1.0267 or 2.67%

ex bonus
Supermax (17.88/2)=8.94
C88 3.74 (same as before ex bonus)
Exercise price (2.65/2)=1.325
Exercise ratio (4.2/2):1=2.1:1
=1.0267 or 2.67%

Same premium before and after bonus.


2020-07-28 04:37 | Report Abuse

Date of bonus issue.

Normally, an EGM is needed to be convened to sanction the issue of bonus as this is considered a special resolution. Under the Company's Act, an EGM can be convened by giving at least a 21 days notice. The EGM will have to pass the resolution and after that fix the ex date of the bonus.

We will be informed of the ex date after the EGM.

Meanwhile , we just have to wait patiently.


2020-07-26 00:32 | Report Abuse

Glove stocks have more legs to run.

New cases of Covid-19

The daily new cases of Covid-19 is increasing at an exponential rate.

I refer to the Daily New Cases graph at he worldometers.

Look carefully at the white vertical lines. Between two white lines, we term it as 1 band width and each band consists of 23 days.

From the graph, it can be deduced the following observations.

1) It takes 3 bands width totaling (3x23 days) 69 days from 14/3/20 to 22/5/20 to reach 100k new cases per day.

2) It takes 2 bands with totaling (2x23 days) 46 days from 23/5/2020 to 8/7/2020 to reach 200k new cases per day.

3) Currently we are at the 18th day of the next 1 band of 23 days and it looks like we are set to hit 300k new cases per day at the end of 23 days on 1/8/2020.

4) Following this rate of growth of new cases, to reach the next 400k new cases per day we will need only 1/2 band equal to 23/2 about 12 days estimated on 13/8/20.

5) Going forward the timeline to add every 100k new cases per day has gotten shorter and shorter. We should hit :-
-500k new cases per day by another (12 days/2) 6 days on 19/8/2020.
-600k new cases per day by another (6 days/2) 3 days on 22/8/2020.
-700k new cases per day by another (3 days/2) 1.5 days on 24/8/2020.
-800k new cases per day by another 1 day on 25/8/2020.
And by the end of August, the world will be adding not less than 1 million new cases per day.

As the vaccine is only expected to be available some time in the first quarter of 2021 in the optimistic scenario, the whole world will be engulfed by the pandemic in storm.

Will the situation drift to that deplorable condition. It is possible if no vaccine is in sight.

This is only a postulation and I hope we will not be in that situation.

Meanwhile, we must protect our family, our country from the emergence of 2nd wave.

My personal conclusion, Glove stocks have more legs to run.


2020-07-26 00:28 | Report Abuse

Glove stocks have more legs to run.

New cases of Covid-19

The daily new cases of Covid-19 is increasing at an exponential rate.

I refer to the Daily New Cases graph at he worldometers.

Look carefully at the white vertical lines. Between two white lines, we term it as 1 band width and each band consists of 23 days.

From the graph, it can be deduced the following observations.

1) It takes 3 bands width totaling (3x23 days) 69 days from 14/3/20 to 22/5/20 to reach 100k new cases per day.

2) It takes 2 bands with totaling (2x23 days) 46 days from 23/5/2020 to 8/7/2020 to reach 200k new cases per day.

3) Currently we are at the 18th day of the next 1 band of 23 days and it looks like we are set to hit 300k new cases per day at the end of 23 days on 1/8/2020.

4) Following this rate of growth of new cases, to reach the next 400k new cases per day we will need only 1/2 band equal to 23/2 about 12 days estimated on 13/8/20.

5) Going forward the timeline to add every 100k new cases per day has gotten shorter and shorter. We should hit :-
-500k new cases per day by another (12 days/2) 6 days on 19/8/2020.
-600k new cases per day by another (6 days/2) 3 days on 22/8/2020.
-700k new cases per day by another (3 days/2) 1.5 days on 24/8/2020.
-800k new cases per day by another 1 day on 25/8/2020.
And by the end of August, the world will be adding not less than 1 million new cases per day.

As the vaccine is only expected to be available some time in the first quarter of 2021 in the optimistic scenario, the whole world will be engulfed by the pandemic in storm.

Will the situation drift to that deplorable condition. It is possible if no vaccine is in sight.

This is only a postulation and I hope we will not be in that situation.

Meanwhile, we must protect our family, our country from the emergence of 2nd wave.

My personal conclusion, Glove stocks have more legs to run.


2020-07-23 23:56 | Report Abuse

My experience with Serbadk Dinamik.

In May, I had a reasonably big exposure with 300k mother shares bought at about 1.60 and 3.0M warrant bought at about 0.25. That was about the time after the private placement exercise. Following that, I saw day in day out a major shareholder disposing his free warrant and buying the mother shares. Effectively, there was actions preventing the mother shares from moving upwards to enable the major shareholder collecting cheap mother shares. Perfectly legitimate but the prices were restrained within a narrow range same as the warrant. I got fed up and disposed my entire portfolio and switched to buying gloves stocks. The decision netted me bumper profits today.

Looking at the prices of Serbadk and its warrant today. It is almost at the same level as when I exited this stock in May. Those holding it loyally suffered a really big opportunity loss.

Therefore,one can consider temporary switching to other stocks and re-visit this stock after the other action of a major shareholder disposing his stake in the company to another shareholder stop.


2020-07-23 08:10 | Report Abuse

Another record spike of new Covit-19 cases. ASPs has good basis to be sustained.


2020-07-23 08:08 | Report Abuse

Another record spike of new Covit-19 cases. ASPs has good basis to be sustained


2020-07-21 23:45 | Report Abuse

Adjustment of Call Warrant after bonus issue.

The premium of Call Warrant before and after ex bonus must be the same. Mathematically, to maintain the same premium, the Exercise price and Exercise ratio will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Take the example of Supermax C88.
Assume the closing price of mother share and C88 a day before ex bonus is same as today (7/21/2020). Mother share 17.88 and C88 3.74

Supermax bonus issue 1:1

1 day before ex bonus
Supermax 17.88
C88 3.74
Exercise price 2.65
Exercise ratio 4.2:1
=1.0267 or 2.67%

ex bonus
Supermax (17.88/2)=8.94
C88 3.74 (same as before ex bonus)
Exercise price (2.65/2)=1.325
Exercise ratio (4.2/2):1=2.1:1
=1.0267 or 2.67%

Same premium before and after bonus.


2020-07-17 07:53 | Report Abuse

The highest new Covid-19 cases in record yesterday at more than 240,000 cases.

The pandemic is getting worse.


2020-07-17 06:19 | Report Abuse

Exploitation of migrant workers.

I quote "The Thomson Reuters Foundation first reported in 2018 that migrant workers at Top Glove were working long hours to pay off debts, some up to 2000 Malaysian ringgit ($4700) taken on to pay the agents that secured them the jobs"

First, this agency fees is the fees the migrant workers paid to their agent in their own country. And what has that got to do with employer in Malaysia ? Take note that Malaysian employer has to pay its Malaysian agent agency fees for each migrant worker brought in.

Talking about exploitation, it is the agent in the migrant workers's country that put them in this predicament. The relevant party to curb this issue is the government of the migrant workers.

The migrant workers are literally begging for overtimes to meet their commitments and many will just run away without it. I am speaking as an employer myself with personal knowledge. Where is exploitation when they beg for it. It happens also because the employers also face shortage of manpower as even replenishment of migrant workers is a big problem.

To arrest the problem, The Thomson Reuters Foundation should work to get the respective governments to do away with the agents (middlemen)
to benefit the migrant workers and the employers simultaneously.

But agents have long existed for the benefits of the connected.


2020-07-17 03:43 | Report Abuse

US CBP ban.

Luckily this is a sellers market.

Important thing is there is no interruption to the operations of Top Glove. It is still churning out gloves every second. And whatever that's produced will be taken up thanks to the acute shortage world wide. Top Glove management while racing to solve the CBP ban issue has various options to ensure its profitability, including diverting to other destinations.

I will hold on to Top Glove with my lower ABP(Average Buying Price) as its earnings potential remains intact.

Top Glove will still be at the Top down the road.

Panic selling will present another buying opportunity.


2020-07-15 22:03 | Report Abuse

Nothing is going to change to the destiny of Top Glove. Its profits is assured for the next 6 quarters, immune to the volatility of all external factors be it economic or political unless its factories are flattened by disaster.

For the vaccine, the difficult phase is not the discovery of it but the production of huge quantity of it at high quality to meet the more than 7.0 billion world population. What happen if 1 dose is insufficient and 2 doses are required and that will be a whopping 14.0 billion. A gigantic and lengthy battle ahead. It will take many years to produce sufficient quantity. Meanwhile, Top Glove is set to continue flying higher even after the vaccine is found.

Even at the current an infant stage,manufacturing facilities have been booked to produce vaccine for the exclusive use of certain countries. China has also started to build new manufacturing facilities in anticipation for its production. Clearly, government of companies producing it will want to keep it in its own country to benefit its own citizens. The timeline of widespread availability of vaccine to the general populace is still a big question mark.

I am fully convinced of the immediate and future potentials of Top Glove and therefore I stay invested heavily in it.


2020-07-11 17:11 | Report Abuse

Increasing spot orders to fuel profits.

All the big 4 are enjoying high and higher ASPs. Higher ASPs are complimented by spot orders on an urgent basis resulting in explosive profits.

With big epicenters such as USA, Brazil and India hanging onto the ugly
high cases, small epicenters are popping up one after the other. Adding to the list are Mexico,South Africa and Colombia. And look like more are coming.

Spot orders will be sustained as governments cannot afford to wait and forced to act urgently at all costs and it is the Joker fueling the incredulously huge profits.

Hold tight to our Gloves stocks, we are only entering the 5th month of the Pandemic.


2020-07-11 17:10 | Report Abuse

Increasing spot orders to fuel profits.

All the big 4 are enjoying high and higher ASPs. Higher ASPs are complimented by spot orders on an urgent basis resulting in explosive profits.

With big epicenters such as USA, Brazil and India hanging onto the ugly
high cases, small epicenters are popping up one after the other. Adding to the list are Mexico,South Africa and Colombia. And look like more are coming.

Spot orders will be sustained as governments cannot afford to wait and forced to act urgently at all costs and it is the Joker fueling the incredulously huge profits.

Hold tight to our Gloves stocks, we are only entering the 5th month of the Pandemic.


2020-07-11 17:09 | Report Abuse

Increasing spot orders to fuel profits.

All the big 4 are enjoying high and higher ASPs. Higher ASPs are complimented by spot orders on an urgent basis resulting in explosive profits.

With big epicenters such as USA, Brazil and India hanging onto the ugly
high cases, small epicenters are popping up one after the other. Adding to the list are Mexico,South Africa and Colombia. And look like more are coming.

Spot orders will be sustained as governments cannot afford to wait and forced to act urgently at all costs and it is the Joker fueling the incredulously huge profits.

Hold tight to our Gloves stocks, we are only entering the 5th month of the Pandemic.


2020-07-11 16:57 | Report Abuse

Increasing spot orders to fuel profits.

All the big 4 are enjoying high and higher ASPs. Higher ASPs are complimented by spot orders on an urgent basis resulting in explosive profits.

With big epicenters such as USA, Brazil and India hanging onto the ugly
high cases, small epicenters are popping up one after the other. Adding to the list are Mexico,South Africa and Colombia. And look like more are coming.

Spot orders will be sustained as governments cannot afford to wait and forced to act urgently at all costs and it is the Joker fueling the incredulously huge profits.

Hold tight to our Gloves stocks, we are only entering the 5th month of the Pandemic.

News & Blogs

2020-07-05 23:35 | Report Abuse

The pandemic resurgence in US has become a principal factor that will impact the pace of its economic recovery and hence influence the direction of Dow Jones.

For us, the containment of pandemic in our country is only relevant. If we are successful in preventing a 2nd wave, our economy recovery will be on track. And Dow Jone's volatility will have less weighting on our KLSE.

Companies wise, irrespective of 2nd or 3rd waves, Glove companies being in the high priority sector, will be business as usual and working at full steam. They are still going to make explosive profits.

Their earnings visibility is crystal clear.

Stay invested to reap maximum benefits. We are still at the early stage of the bull cycle.


2020-07-04 22:03 | Report Abuse

Fully agreed with investmalysia, MQ's professionalism is questionable.

Why added " Bullish investors may consider MQ's call warrants TopGlove C79 and C80 " ?

There are many comparative TopGlove call warrants with 6-7 months maturity but offering at much lower premiums. Why recommending its own call warrants C79 with 84.94% premium and C80 with 50% premium ? Both are trading at high premiums and not considered cheap at the current situations.

Just avoid TopGlove C79 and C80 .


2020-07-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

Clement Anthony,

C82 is a big trap. Get out as soon as you can.
Reason it is going down when mother is going up is because it is trading at very high premium of 73.86%.
Closing price:0.22
Exercise price:18.80
Exercise ratio:50:1
Top Glove closing price 17.14
Premium = (0.22x50 +18.80)/17.14
Implying 73.86% premium.

If you are holding C82 at 0.22, for you to break even, mother share has to reach 0.22x50+18.80 =29.80. This is a target much higher than all the TPs given by all IBs with the highest being 25.00.

Therefore C82 is useless.


2020-06-28 21:14 | Report Abuse

Glove counters provide the clearest Earnings Visibility.

At least until 2022, we will be overwhelmed with more than 6-8 consecutive quarters of explosive profits to justify their high valuations. Be confident. I am holding tight.

Quoting from International Vaccine Institute on Covid-19 Vaccine.
3 important steps
(1) First to prove that it works.
With concerted efforts worldwide 12-18 months
(2) TO make it in huge and high quality.
(3) To determine how to use it and use it.
IT further states that it is possible to show that the vaccine is safe and effective but the biggest question that follows is can we make a lot of it at high quality?
Hundreds of millions/billions of doses of vaccine will be required to vaccinate upwards of 5-7 billions people with 1,2 or 3 doses. A huge undertaking.

Therefore, even a vaccine is found, it is still a long way before the pandemic is fully contained. Or may be we will never able to contain it


2020-06-28 21:11 | Report Abuse

Glove counters provide the clearest Earnings Visibility.

At least until 2022, we will be overwhelmed with more than 6-8 consecutive quarters of explosive profits to justify their high valuations. Be confident. I am holding tight.

Quoting from International Vaccine Institute on Covid-19 Vaccine.
3 important steps
(1) First to prove that it works.
With concerted efforts worldwide 12-18 months
(2) TO make it in huge and high quality.
(3) To determine how to use it and use it.
IT further states that it is possible to show that the vaccine is safe and effective but the biggest question that follows is can we make a lot of it at high quality?
Hundreds of millions/billions of doses of vaccine will be required to vaccinate upwards of 5-7 billions people with 1,2 or 3 doses. A huge undertaking.

Therefore, even if a vaccine is found, it is still a long way before the pandemic is fully contained. Or may be we will never able to contain it


2020-06-28 21:02 | Report Abuse

Glove counters provide the clearest Earnings Visibility.

At least until 2022, we will be overwhelmed with more than 6-8 consecutive quarters of explosive profits to justify their high valuations. Be confident. I am holding tight.

Quoting from International Vaccine Institute on Covid-19 Vaccine.
3 important steps
(1) First to prove that it works.
With concerted efforts worldwide 12-18 months
(2) TO make it in huge and high quality.
(3) To determine how to use it and use it.
IT further states that it is possible to show that the vaccine is safe and effective but the biggest question that follows is can we make a lot of it at high quality?
Hundreds of millions/billions of doses of vaccine will be required to vaccinate upwards of 5-7 billions people with 1,2 or 3 doses. A huge undertaking.

Therefore, even a vaccine is found, it is still a long way before the pandemic is fully contained. Or may be we will never able to contain it


2020-06-28 14:13 | Report Abuse

Glove counters provide the clearest Earnings Visibility.

At least until 2022, we will be overwhelmed with more than 6-8 consecutive quarters of explosive profits to justify their high valuations. Be confident. I am holding tight.

Quoting from International Vaccine Institute on Covid-19 Vaccine.
3 important steps
(1) First to prove that it works.
With concerted efforts worldwide 12-18 months
(2) TO make it in huge and high quality.
(3) To determine how to use it and use it.
IT further states that it is possible to show that the vaccine is safe and effective but the biggest question that follows is can we make a lot of it at high quality?
Hundreds of millions/billions of doses of vaccine will be required to vaccinate upwards of 5-7 billions people with 1,2 or 3 doses. A huge undertaking.

Therefore, even a vaccine is found, it is still a long way before the pandemic is fully contained. Or may be we will never able to contain it


2020-06-25 08:21 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones up or down, business of Glove companies are not affected.
They are the clear beneficiaries of the Pandemic. Profit determines share price of a company.

In actual fact, the surge in coronavirus cases that contributed to the drop in Dow Jones is not a negative for Glove companies.The time for the vaccine to be found and to be produced in HUGE quantity and made available and effectively administered onto human beings is the factor that will influence the share prices of the Glove companies.

Have faith in Glove counters.


2020-06-25 08:19 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones up or down, business of Glove companies are not affected.
They are the clear beneficiaries of the Pandemic. Profit determines share price of a company.

In actual fact, the surge in coronavirus cases that contributed to the drop in Dow Jones is not a negative for Glove companies.The time for the vaccine to be found and to be produced in HUGE quantity and made available and effectively administered onto human beings is the factor that will influence the share prices of the Glove companies.

Have faith in Glove counters.


2020-06-25 08:18 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones up or down, business of Glove companies are not affected.
They are the clear beneficiaries of the Pandemic. Profit determines share price of a company.

In actual fact, the surge in coronavirus cases that contributed to the drop in Dow Jones is not a negative for Glove companies.The time for the vaccine to be found and to be produced in HUGE quantity and made available and effectively administered onto human beings is the factor that will influence the share prices of the Glove companies.

Have faith in Glove counters.


2020-06-25 08:17 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones up or down, business of Glove companies are not affected.
They are the clear beneficiaries of the Pandemic. Profit determines share price of a company.

In actual fact, the surge in coronavirus cases that contributed to the drop in Dow Jones is not a negative for Glove companies.The time for the vaccine to be found and to be produced in HUGE quantity and made available and effectively administered onto human beings is the factor that will influence the share prices of the Glove companies.

Have faith in Glove counters.


2020-06-25 08:16 | Report Abuse

Dow Jones up or down, business of Glove companies are not affected.
They are the clear beneficiaries of the Pandemic. Profit determines share price of a company.

In actual fact, the surge in coronavirus cases that contributed to the drop in Dow Jones is not a negative for Glove companies.The time for the vaccine to be found and to be produced in HUGE quantity and made available and effectively administered onto human beings is the factor that will influence the share prices of the Glove companies.

Have faith in Glove counters.


2020-06-22 23:15 | Report Abuse

Ya, the prospect of the IB depressing the mother shares cannot be discounted. Unless they act collectively, a single IB of a particular call warrant cannot rival the entire market.

But I believe the IBs could have taken remedial measures much earlier as Top Glove's shares surged such as hedging by buying into the mother shares (Remember the margin cap of Glove shares) and the buy back of their own call warrants, thus mitigating their potential losses.

Even if they do sustain some losses from the old warrants,they will recover from the issuance of new warrants. That's why IBs continue to launch new warrants one after the other. Except this time with veryhigh
premiums manipulated into them. A very unfair practice. That's why I try to create awareness on the incredulously high premiums of all the new warrants.


2020-06-22 20:39 | Report Abuse


First and very important, Call Warrants are cash settled. They cannot be converted to mother shares.

At expiry date, you will receive Cash from the issuer of the C57 according to the following formula:
For C57,
Exercise Price : 5.18
Exercise Ratio : 6:1
Maturity date : 30/6/2020
Cash value of C57 at expiry : Cash
Closing price of Top Glove on 29/6/2020 = P

Cash = (P-Exercise Price)/Exercise Ratio

Assume Top Glove closed at 17.80 on 29/6/2020,
Cash = (17.80-5.18)/6
= 2.103

Therefore, holders of 1 lot of C57 shares will get 2.103 from the IB. Some IB may use AVERAGE of closing prices of Top Glove for 5 market days preceding the expiry date to get an average figure for P.

With only 7 days to maturity, one should not buy this warrant. Perhaps the only party buying is the IB. Of course we can still sell if there is a buyer rather than waiting for the settlement from the IB.

Hope useful to you brother.


2020-06-22 06:24 | Report Abuse


Low priced C78 is not necessary worth holding. Premium is still very high at 44.16% with the Expiry date shorter than for instance C74. Even if the mother share surge higher, C78 may not move but stay stagnant until the premium is narrowed to realistic level. C78 is also another new warrant manipulated by IB to unrealistic high premium upon listing on 11/6/2020. Its price has continue to drift lower to narrow the premium ever since. Consider switch to other warrants with low premiums.
It is still not too late to switch. If you continue to hold, you are expecting the mother share to achieve (0.41 x Exercise ratio) + Exercise price = (0.41x20)+14 =22.20 by 26/2/2021 (maturity date) for you to break even at 0.41. Not that easy.

This is my opinion only.


2020-06-21 22:22 | Report Abuse


2 new Top Glove call warrants were listed on Friday 19/6/2020.
Topglov C79 and Topglov C80.

(1) Topglov C79
Exercise Price: 26.00
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 26/2/21
Life span : 8 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.29
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.29x22)+26.00]/15.40 =2.1026 or 110.26%
(2) Topglov C80
Exercise price: 19.88
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 29/1/2021
Life span : 7 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.325
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.325x22)+19.88]/15.40 = 1.7552 or 75.52%

The issuer of the Call Warrants has manipulated the Bid and Ask prices even on the first day of trading to trap all buyers at very high premiums.

New buyers are attracted by the LOW PRICES of about 0.30 range instead of the many old warrants trading at a dollar or more. In actual fact all these low priced warrants are very much more riskier at ridiculously high premiums.

Lets compare with an older call warrant Topglov C74,
(3) Topglov C74
Exercise price: 8.00
Exercise ratio: 7:1
Maturity date : 22/3/2021
Life span : 9 months
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 1.20
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(1.20x7)+8]/15.40 =1.0649 or 6.49%

In summary, Topglov C79 Topglov C80 Topglov C74
Life span 8 months 7 months 9 months
Premium 110.26% 75.52% 6.49%
Very simple analysis, C74 has a longer life span and yet is only trading at a low premium of 6.49%. Big big difference.

Last reminder, try to avoid NEW Call Warrants at the present moment. IB is trapping new buyers.

I do keep some C74 but my major investment is in the mother shares.


2020-06-21 22:20 | Report Abuse


2 new Top Glove call warrants were listed on Friday 19/6/2020.
Topglov C79 and Topglov C80.

(1) Topglov C79
Exercise Price: 26.00
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 26/2/21
Life span : 8 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.29
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.29x22)+26.00]/15.40 =2.1026 or 110.26%
(2) Topglov C80
Exercise price: 19.88
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 29/1/2021
Life span : 7 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.325
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.325x22)+19.88]/15.40 = 1.7552 or 75.52%

The issuer of the Call Warrants has manipulated the Bid and Ask prices even on the first day of trading to trap all buyers at very high premiums.

New buyers are attracted by the LOW PRICES of about 0.30 range instead of the many old warrants trading at a dollar or more. In actual fact all these low priced warrants are very much more riskier at ridiculously high premiums.

Lets compare with an older call warrant Topglov C74,
(3) Topglov C74
Exercise price: 8.00
Exercise ratio: 7:1
Maturity date : 22/3/2021
Life span : 9 months
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 1.20
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(1.20x7)+8]/15.40 =1.0649 or 6.49%

In summary, Topglov C79 Topglov C80 Topglov C74
Life span 8 months 7 months 9 months
Premium 110.26% 75.52% 6.49%
Very simple analysis, C74 has a longer life span and yet is only trading at a low premium of 6.49%. Big big difference.

Last reminder, try to avoid NEW Call Warrants at the present moment. IB is trapping new buyers.

I do keep some C74 but my major investment is in the mother shares.


2020-06-21 22:19 | Report Abuse


2 new Top Glove call warrants were listed on Friday 19/6/2020.
Topglov C79 and Topglov C80.

(1) Topglov C79
Exercise Price: 26.00
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 26/2/21
Life span : 8 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.29
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.29x22)+26.00]/15.40 =2.1026 or 110.26%
(2) Topglov C80
Exercise price: 19.88
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 29/1/2021
Life span : 7 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.325
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.325x22)+19.88]/15.40 = 1.7552 or 75.52%

The issuer of the Call Warrants has manipulated the Bid and Ask prices even on the first day of trading to trap all buyers at very high premiums.

New buyers are attracted by the LOW PRICES of about 0.30 range instead of the many old warrants trading at a dollar or more. In actual fact all these low priced warrants are very much more riskier at ridiculously high premiums.

Lets compare with an older call warrant Topglov C74,
(3) Topglov C74
Exercise price: 8.00
Exercise ratio: 7:1
Maturity date : 22/3/2021
Life span : 9 months
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 1.20
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(1.20x7)+8]/15.40 =1.0649 or 6.49%

In summary, Topglov C79 Topglov C80 Topglov C74
Life span 8 months 7 months 9 months
Premium 110.26% 75.52% 6.49%
Very simple analysis, C74 has a longer life span and yet is only trading at a low premium of 6.49%. Big big difference.

Last reminder, try to avoid NEW Call Warrants at the present moment. IB is trapping new buyers.

I do keep some C74 but my major investment is in the mother shares.


2020-06-21 22:17 | Report Abuse


2 new Top Glove call warrants were listed on Friday 19/6/2020.
Topglov C79 and Topglov C80.

(1) Topglov C79
Exercise Price: 26.00
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 26/2/21
Life span : 8 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.29
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.29x22)+26.00]/15.40 =2.1026 or 110.26%
(2) Topglov C80
Exercise price: 19.88
Exercise ratio: 22:1
Maturity date : 29/1/2021
Life span : 7 months warrant
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 0.325
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(0.325x22)+19.88]/15.40 = 1.7552 or 75.52%

The issuer of the Call Warrants has manipulated the Bid and Ask prices even on the first day of trading to trap all buyers at very high premiums.

New buyers are attracted by the LOW PRICES of about 0.30 range instead of the many old warrants trading at a dollar or more. In actual fact all these low priced warrants are very much more riskier at ridiculously high premiums.

Lets compare with an older call warrant Topglov C74,
(3) Topglov C74
Exercise price: 8.00
Exercise ratio: 7:1
Maturity date : 22/3/2021
Life span : 9 months
Closing price on 19/6/2020 = 1.20
Closing price of mother share = 15.40
Premium = [(1.20x7)+8]/15.40 =1.0649 or 6.49%

In summary, Topglov C79 Topglov C80 Topglov C74
Life span 8 months 7 months 9 months
Premium 110.26% 75.52% 6.49%
Very simple analysis, C74 has a longer life span and yet is only trading at a low premium of 6.49%. Big big difference.

Last reminder, try to avoid NEW Call Warrants at the present moment. IB is trapping new buyers.

I do keep some C74 but my major investment is in the mother shares.


2020-06-18 00:10 | Report Abuse

NEW CALL WARRANTS - BIG TRAP by IBs (Investment Bankers)


All the IBs are trapping the investors with high risk call warrants of very high premiums.


IBs are bankers, they control and manipulate the prices.

On the 1st day of listing, they already trapped all the buyers with warrants of very high premium by setting very high bid and ask price.

Take a look at Kossan C8

Exercise Price : 14.50
Exercise Ratio : 13:1
Listing Date : 16/6/2020
Maturity Date : 29/1/2021
Life Span : 7.5 months warrant

I will calculate the premium in reference to the closing price of Kossan (RM 8.19) 1 day before listing that is 15/6/2020.(assumption only)

On 16/6/2020 listing date.

C8 opening price 0.30, premium = [(0.30 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.24, in other words 124% premium.

C8 closing price 0.20, premium = [(0.20 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.08, in other words 108% premium.

Today, Kossan mother price is the only Glove counter in green, closing at 8.40 (Apparently propped up by IB to give a good picture)

C8 closing price 0.19, premium = [(0.19 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.40 = 2.02, in other words 102% premium.

For the warrant to be in the money, the mother share must move up to = (0.19 x 13)+ 14.50
= 16.97

Do you honestly believe Kossan will achieve 16.97 by maturity date of 29/1/2021, only 7.5 months down the road. For you to make money, Kossan will have to close above 16.97 on the day of maturity.

VERY VERY DIFFICULT !! So the only way now is for C8 to continue to drift lower and lower.

First day transaction record of Kossan C8 on 16/6/2020

Open : 0.30
High : 0.30
Low : 0.185
Volume: 22.419M
C8 Warrant Issue Size : 20M

On the 1st day, all 20M shares are initially in the hands of IB could have been sold.

So assume IB sold all the shares at prices of 0.185-0.30, say average 0.25.

The IB netted RM 5M in the 1st day. Great!

All buyers will be losers.

Similar modus operandi is happening for Supermex C93 & Top Glove C76 & Top Glove C78

Supermex C93 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.59 to 0.31 (62% premium) today.

Top Glove C76 listed on 4/6/2020 (expiring in 12.0 months)
Price drifted from high of 1.05 to 0.53 (49.9% premium) today.

Top Glove C78 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.75 to 0.515 (54.8% premium) today.

Now,they make their warrant penny to attract investors like Kossan C8 by configuring a very high exercise ratio of 13 and high exercise price of 14.0,thereby magnifying the risk.



2020-06-18 00:09 | Report Abuse

NEW CALL WARRANTS - BIG TRAP by IBs (Investment Bankers)


All the IBs are trapping the investors with high risk call warrants of very high premiums.


IBs are bankers, they control and manipulate the prices.

On the 1st day of listing, they already trapped all the buyers with warrants of very high premium by setting very high bid and ask price.

Take a look at Kossan C8

Exercise Price : 14.50
Exercise Ratio : 13:1
Listing Date : 16/6/2020
Maturity Date : 29/1/2021
Life Span : 7.5 months warrant

I will calculate the premium in reference to the closing price of Kossan (RM 8.19) 1 day before listing that is 15/6/2020.(assumption only)

On 16/6/2020 listing date.

C8 opening price 0.30, premium = [(0.30 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.24, in other words 124% premium.

C8 closing price 0.20, premium = [(0.20 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.08, in other words 108% premium.

Today, Kossan mother price is the only Glove counter in green, closing at 8.40 (Apparently propped up by IB to give a good picture)

C8 closing price 0.19, premium = [(0.19 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.40 = 2.02, in other words 102% premium.

For the warrant to be in the money, the mother share must move up to = (0.19 x 13)+ 14.50
= 16.97

Do you honestly believe Kossan will achieve 16.97 by maturity date of 29/1/2021, only 7.5 months down the road. For you to make money, Kossan will have to close above 16.97 on the day of maturity.

VERY VERY DIFFICULT !! So the only way now is for C8 to continue to drift lower and lower.

First day transaction record of Kossan C8 on 16/6/2020

Open : 0.30
High : 0.30
Low : 0.185
Volume: 22.419M
C8 Warrant Issue Size : 20M

On the 1st day, all 20M shares are initially in the hands of IB could have been sold.

So assume IB sold all the shares at prices of 0.185-0.30, say average 0.25.

The IB netted RM 5M in the 1st day. Great!

All buyers will be losers.

Similar modus operandi is happening for Supermex C93 & Top Glove C76 & Top Glove C78

Supermex C93 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.59 to 0.31 (62% premium) today.

Top Glove C76 listed on 4/6/2020 (expiring in 12.0 months)
Price drifted from high of 1.05 to 0.53 (49.9% premium) today.

Top Glove C78 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.75 to 0.515 (54.8% premium) today.

Now,they make their warrant penny to attract investors like Kossan C8 by configuring a very high exercise ratio of 13 and high exercise price of 14.0,thereby magnifying the risk.



2020-06-18 00:08 | Report Abuse

NEW CALL WARRANTS - BIG TRAP by IBs (Investment Bankers)


All the IBs are trapping the investors with high risk call warrants of very high premiums.


IBs are bankers, they control and manipulate the prices.

On the 1st day of listing, they already trapped all the buyers with warrants of very high premium by setting very high bid and ask price.

Take a look at Kossan C8

Exercise Price : 14.50
Exercise Ratio : 13:1
Listing Date : 16/6/2020
Maturity Date : 29/1/2021
Life Span : 7.5 months warrant

I will calculate the premium in reference to the closing price of Kossan (RM 8.19) 1 day before listing that is 15/6/2020.(assumption only)

On 16/6/2020 listing date.

C8 opening price 0.30, premium = [(0.30 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.24, in other words 124% premium.

C8 closing price 0.20, premium = [(0.20 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.08, in other words 108% premium.

Today, Kossan mother price is the only Glove counter in green, closing at 8.40 (Apparently propped up by IB to give a good picture)

C8 closing price 0.19, premium = [(0.19 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.40 = 2.02, in other words 102% premium.

For the warrant to be in the money, the mother share must move up to = (0.19 x 13)+ 14.50
= 16.97

Do you honestly believe Kossan will achieve 16.97 by maturity date of 29/1/2021, only 7.5 months down the road. For you to make money, Kossan will have to close above 16.97 on the day of maturity.

VERY VERY DIFFICULT !! So the only way now is for C8 to continue to drift lower and lower.

First day transaction record of Kossan C8 on 16/6/2020

Open : 0.30
High : 0.30
Low : 0.185
Volume: 22.419M
C8 Warrant Issue Size : 20M

On the 1st day, all 20M shares are initially in the hands of IB could have been sold.

So assume IB sold all the shares at prices of 0.185-0.30, say average 0.25.

The IB netted RM 5M in the 1st day. Great!

All buyers will be losers.

Similar modus operandi is happening for Supermex C93 & Top Glove C76 & Top Glove C78

Supermex C93 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.59 to 0.31 (62% premium) today.

Top Glove C76 listed on 4/6/2020 (expiring in 12.0 months)
Price drifted from high of 1.05 to 0.53 (49.9% premium) today.

Top Glove C78 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.75 to 0.515 (54.8% premium) today.

Now,they make their warrant penny to attract investors like Kossan C8 by configuring a very high exercise ratio of 13 and high exercise price of 14.0,thereby magnifying the risk.



2020-06-18 00:07 | Report Abuse

NEW CALL WARRANTS - BIG TRAP by IBs (Investment Bankers)


All the IBs are trapping the investors with high risk call warrants of very high premiums.


IBs are bankers, they control and manipulate the prices.

On the 1st day of listing, they already trapped all the buyers with warrants of very high premium by setting very high bid and ask price.

Take a look at Kossan C8

Exercise Price : 14.50
Exercise Ratio : 13:1
Listing Date : 16/6/2020
Maturity Date : 29/1/2021
Life Span : 7.5 months warrant

I will calculate the premium in reference to the closing price of Kossan (RM 8.19) 1 day before listing that is 15/6/2020.(assumption only)

On 16/6/2020 listing date.

C8 opening price 0.30, premium = [(0.30 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.24, in other words 124% premium.

C8 closing price 0.20, premium = [(0.20 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.19 = 2.08, in other words 108% premium.

Today, Kossan mother price is the only Glove counter in green, closing at 8.40 (Apparently propped up by IB to give a good picture)

C8 closing price 0.19, premium = [(0.19 x 13)+ 14.50]/8.40 = 2.02, in other words 102% premium.

For the warrant to be in the money, the mother share must move up to = (0.19 x 13)+ 14.50
= 16.97

Do you honestly believe Kossan will achieve 16.97 by maturity date of 29/1/2021, only 7.5 months down the road. For you to make money, Kossan will have to close above 16.97 on the day of maturity.

VERY VERY DIFFICULT !! So the only way now is for C8 to continue to drift lower and lower.

First day transaction record of Kossan C8 on 16/6/2020

Open : 0.30
High : 0.30
Low : 0.185
Volume: 22.419M
C8 Warrant Issue Size : 20M

On the 1st day, all 20M shares are initially in the hands of IB could have been sold.

So assume IB sold all the shares at prices of 0.185-0.30, say average 0.25.

The IB netted RM 5M in the 1st day. Great!

All buyers will be losers.

Similar modus operandi is happening for Supermex C93 & Top Glove C76 & Top Glove C78

Supermex C93 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.59 to 0.31 (62% premium) today.

Top Glove C76 listed on 4/6/2020 (expiring in 12.0 months)
Price drifted from high of 1.05 to 0.53 (49.9% premium) today.

Top Glove C78 listed on 11/6/2020 (expiring in 8.5 months)
Price drifted from high of 0.75 to 0.515 (54.8% premium) today.

Now,they make their warrant penny to attract investors like Kossan C8 by configuring a very high exercise ratio of 13 and high exercise price of 14.0,thereby magnifying the risk.



2020-06-10 06:22 | Report Abuse

Careplus may trend higher with the market.But still be caution.

Company accounts are audited by auditors and presented to the board and approved by the board of directors. Unless alteration is sanctioned by the auditors and re-submitted to the board for approval, the announced accounts stands.
Auditors must have satisfied themselves that some inventories are rejects and have no more commercial value before the exercise of write off. They have no more value and pointless to be taken back to paint a new picture of increased earning to mislead investors.

Hence, the EPS is still 0.21


2020-06-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

There are still some times before vaccine will be widely available.

Many hurdles to overcome.

See what Dr Jerome Kim, Director General, International Vaccine Institute has to say.