Sam Singh

Sam_Singh | Joined since 2016-03-08

Investing Experience Advanced
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2020-12-15 10:18 | Report Abuse

A TopGlove director had significantly pared down his shares in the company.
What does that tell you? He knows it's now mostly downhill.

But fanboys still hold onto hope, not reality!


2020-12-15 10:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-12-15 09:53 | Report Abuse

Governments and customers in US, UK and EU now know how badly TopGlove treats its workers.

Human rights organizations will pressure them to boycott TopGlove products.
Better to cut your loss and sell NOW!

You want the stupid 18.5 sen dividend?...but lose more than RM2.00 in capital?
Try using your head for a change!


2020-12-15 09:44 |

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2020-12-15 09:32 | Report Abuse

Yes, "buy more for the dividend".
You get 18.5 sen dividend YAAY!...
But lose more than RM2.00 in share price.

TopGlove fanboys don't even understand simple maths.
People buy shares to make profits.
Fanboys buy to lose money HAHAHA!


2020-12-15 09:12 |

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News & Blogs

2020-12-15 08:20 | Report Abuse

This Uncle Koon Kunt has lost a lot of his credibility. Especially after conning his brainless followers into buying AT recently, with him cashing out.

His post here sounds so desperate. Far from his TP of RM24 (now grossly reduced to RM13), Supermax has now entered an Olympic event - "Diving".

The fact is, he had failed to correctly assess sentiment, which is far more important than fundamentals when it comes to share price. Now he is throwing a tantrum and blaming others instead of acknowledging his fault. LOSER!

News & Blogs

2020-12-15 08:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ricky Yeo > Dec 14, 2020 4:18 PM | Report Abuse

Here's a template of reasons when someone badmouth, downgrade a stock you own:
1. [The person/company] just want to depress the price to buy more.
2. [The person/company] is jealous.
3. [The person/company] has bad motive.
4. [The person/company] is a lot more intelligent and knowledgeable than you, and understands how to avoid huge losses.


2020-12-15 08:09 | Report Abuse

Top Glove has made it to the US, UK and EU's attention now!
Migrant worker at Malaysian medical glove manufacturer dies of Covid-19

These are its main markets.
Customers now realise Top Glove treats its workers almost like slaves.
They will be under tremendous pressure to take their business elsewhere.

If you have half a brain, better to sell Top Glove shares today.


2020-12-14 16:54 | Report Abuse

Headline in The Star Business:
"Supermax investors sodomized!"


2020-12-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

TopGlove fanboys don't even know basic Maths.
Cheering the 18.5 sen dividend.
But not taking into account 9.50 - 6.40 = -3.10

You still LOSE 2.91 !!


2020-12-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

Headline in newspaper business section:
"TopGlove investors sodomized!"


2020-12-14 14:16 | Report Abuse

"TopGlove price falls... opportunity for me to buy some more!!"
So say LOSERS in denial.

People buy shares to make profits, not losses.


2020-12-14 14:15 |

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2020-12-14 14:12 |

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2020-12-14 14:08 |

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2020-12-14 14:04 |

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2020-12-14 14:01 | Report Abuse

Based on his latest posts, Uncle Koon Kunt is clearly jittery.
But faking like he's `cool an calm'

He's clearly angry with JP Morgan. Insisting that "Supermax isn't included... because not mentioned". So desperate! HAHA!

Keeps pointing to the local IB analysts' price targets.
If those FOOLS are really good, they wouldn't be salaried workers churning out reports.


2020-12-14 13:56 |

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2020-12-14 13:20 |

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2020-12-01 20:05 | Report Abuse

This is the main difference between amateurs and pros, as seen at this forum:

Amateurs use emotion and become unthinking fanboys.
Not much different with football supporters.
They pride themselves for `being loyal'. Thinking it's `a good thing'. In reality, that's STUPIDITY.

Pros use their head and coolly analyse.
They recognise and accept trends and changes in the market.
Their sole objective is to make profits.
They have loyalty only to their bottom line.

Which is why pros see their capital ever increasing.
Meanwhile amateurs keep on losing money. And they become increasingly abusive when the market doesn't go their way. As we see in this forum.


2020-12-01 18:52 | Report Abuse

Amusing to see fanboys gotten so upset when others sell.
And abusive too.

Face the fact: investors look after THEIR interests and well-being. Not yours. They buy or sell according to THEIR judgement. Not what the fanboys want others to do.


2020-12-01 17:13 |

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2020-11-30 07:12 |

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2020-11-19 17:04 | Report Abuse

@Ibelieve Yes... Or listen to this:
Song from Game of Thrones

(House Targaryen supporter)


2020-11-19 16:31 | Report Abuse

Notice the truth in what I had said, regarding LOSERS
and those in denial.

So here they are, just popped out from the sewer.
Thank you for proving me right ... and showing how inferior you are LOL!


2020-11-19 16:13 | Report Abuse

@chivalry - And who the heck are you?
Anyone important?


2020-11-19 16:12 | Report Abuse

---> will75 @ Sam Singh. I bought even lower RM1.0 only.
One of my previous comments about these losers in denial,
and telling white lies ...
Well, here's one.

You need psychiatric help.
Clearly lost touch of reality.
That's what happens when you refuse to listen to experts.


2020-11-19 16:08 |

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2020-11-19 16:02 | Report Abuse

@will75 Few thousand dollars (as in US$) - this is a typical *one* buy of Bitcoin.
Now multiply that with staggered buys at different price levels over the weeks and months.
They add up to quite a bit. Especially when x RM4.10 or thereabout.

That's just the Bitcoin portfolio.

Those who are successful would toast this.
Because we are cut of the same cloth of "success".
Which LOSERS like you are so resentful of.

Now get down and bow to me.
Or you will remain a loser.
Your choice.


2020-11-19 15:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-11-19 15:50 | Report Abuse

@will75 - Looks like the LOSERS here are angry. Like you.
You can't face the truth
and you are extremely jealous, resentful of those who are successful.
Like me.

Unless if you change, you will remain a loser.


2020-11-19 15:25 | Report Abuse

Not to brag
but if you brainless fanboys want to see
what a ..... WINNER ... is:

---> ME <--

* March 2020, had bought Supermax at RM 2.20. Before bonus.
* Also bought TopGlove
* And Bitcoin (BTC) at $5,000 (now $18,000)

You fanboy LOSERS should listen to people like me and several others
who understand human nature and price movements.

This is a lot more important than simpletons' analysis,
like "vaccines will still need gloves", "IB analysts say..." HAHA!

Now get down and bow to me and the REAL pros here!


2020-11-19 15:12 | Report Abuse

These Supermax fanboys are living in the past.
The big money i.e. in capital gains have already been made - the cycle is OVER!

But we can see how desperate many have become.
Stuck at high average prices, they are under immense pressure.
Which is why they become testy and abusive when others show them reality.

Typical characteristics of LOSERS.


2020-11-19 12:22 | Report Abuse

This projected demand for gloves is exaggerated.
Especially for Supermax's products.

Various entities and people are finding ways to deal with this.
Because they have working brains.

It's only earlier on that they were rushing. Buying at whatever stupid price.
Same mentality then as with people who rush to supermarkets to buy and hog... stupid toilet rolls!

"Each time the vaccine is injected on someone, must use a different pair! So huge demand!!"
.......... NONSENSE !! ..........


2020-11-19 11:56 | Report Abuse

johnny cash - From KL. King's Landing


2020-11-19 11:48 | Report Abuse

..... "I hope people sell! I'm just waiting to buy more Supermax!!" .....

---> BIG TALK by small fry. Had already bought at RM10, 9.50, 9, 8.50, 8.
Now in big trouble. That's why they are so angry when others point out the truth.

So typical of LOSERS.


2020-11-19 11:36 | Report Abuse

Amusing to see those in denial latching on to any sort of `good news'.
"Analysts say target price RM13, 20 or whatever"
Links to Covid-19 outbreaks.
...... ETC. .....

So desperate to convince themselves :-)


2020-11-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

You can also recognise the Supermax or whatever counter's investors who are shouldering big losses right now. Based on their comments.

They are angry, very defensive when others give negative opinions.

They'd also tell white lies. Insisting they "had bought at lower prices".

LOSERS, who can't face reality.


2020-11-19 09:52 |

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2020-11-19 09:14 |

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2020-11-18 14:07 |

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2020-11-18 13:57 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, Uncle Koon Kunt will rescue!
Next week he will write a new post:

"ATS will manufacture Anti-Covid19 underwear!"
"Donald Trump oso order already!"


2020-11-18 12:49 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon Kunt says:
"Correction, must edit the TP."
"Typo. Not 0.70 but 0.07"

"Sorry. To err is human.
But I already sold at 0.26 to you suckers MUAHAHA!"


2020-11-18 11:38 | Report Abuse

Tip for Uncle Koon Kunt worshippers:
Go buy a talisman - Koon Kunt's pubic hair (only RM1,000 a piece)

Paste to your forehead with transparent cello tape.
It acts like 4G signal!
Will know when to buy a counter.


2020-11-18 11:34 |

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2020-11-17 12:13 |

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2020-11-17 12:06 |

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2020-11-17 11:24 | Report Abuse

Now every monkey and its aunt claim they will manufacture gloves.
AT conspires with Koon Kunt to hype up.
Show pictures of buildings.

Doesn't prove anything. But Koon Kunt's worshippers got excited.
Bought at 0.26.
Today `kena'.

Please use your head first.
If not will remain Suckers for Life.


2020-11-17 11:19 |

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