
SapuMalaysia | Joined since 2014-07-13

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2014-10-28 22:16 | Report Abuse

lol cyborg. good reply


2014-10-28 21:07 | Report Abuse

DC, ignore the noise and stick to your investment strategy. :) The November is coming; THSH run out of time for RI but sumatec price still hover at the bottom; so the only way solution is to release good news to push up the price. 40 cents is coming


2014-10-27 15:53 | Report Abuse

Very strong. Tmr open 38 cents close 40 cents.


2014-10-27 14:16 | Report Abuse

dickyme now twist and turn himself to support Sumatec?


2014-10-27 13:27 | Report Abuse

wow, sumatec lai liao~


2014-10-27 13:25 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon, captain Looiks!


2014-10-22 21:32 | Report Abuse

dji rebound and crude oil prices also stabilized. Waiting for post- deepawali present from TSHS. Definitely He will not sit there do nothing let the RI fail. More good news coming soon.

News & Blogs

2014-10-22 21:26 | Report Abuse

Hi 十面埋伏/扬帆启航 Nice articles and good write up ! Thanks for the efforts & sharing.


2014-10-19 22:33 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng: There is A Biblical Prediction On This .

Mind to share which verse ?


2014-10-15 15:02 | Report Abuse

KS_99: two months back.. The price going up 3% per day... Now, the price going down 3% per day....
Soon, the price will going back up 3% per day... Just wait... BE PATIENT pls...
15/10/2014 14:41

lolx KS99 was the one keep saying bad to this counter when suma price was 50 cents. Now twist his words after market down. Now we can tell and judge his credibility.

Hold if you can ; sell if you scare. Oil prices will be rebound the support line USD80.


2014-10-15 11:46 | Report Abuse

Looks like the price is able to survive 34 cents. Buying force is there. Oil prices also showing double bottom W pattern, support at USD 81 dollar. Take note on the rebound.


2014-10-14 18:41 | Report Abuse

Skpetro free fall sales from RM4.50 become RM3.60 today. Throw if u scare and hold if u have faith. Nov and december window dressing coming soon.


2014-10-14 11:57 | Report Abuse

Line, don't forget that this counter got Najib representative. Najib always travel there, with wife and daughter. For sure TSHS & Abu got the political connection between local & Najib government; they just hide behind the screen. We don't know how much they paid for under table money. U think normal ppl can easily set up a company and dig the oil (Country assets) in Kazakhstan? Where got so simple


2014-10-13 15:02 | Report Abuse

Suma has HUGE potential to grow from a small baby become a BIG giant. Their business are resilient and not like others--- The oil reserves is always there; it will not suddenly gone and disappear without any reason(Captain mentioned many times). Low oil price they can lower down production and vice versa produce more when oil prices back to USD100. Onshore oil also lower cost has much better profit margin compare to offshore oil.

Compare with the Sona/Bunga and other oil theme related counters, see how they goreng without any solid fundamental, suma still many room to move on. Actual now it's a good time gradually collect. Gradually collect and enter with good prices whenever possible. Multiple fold great rewards return. Unfortunately due to many tickets available in the markets, sumatec got big Inertia to kick start the move. But once it has moved, very difficult to stop it

Why dickyme always waste his time in this counter here? Got nothing better thing to do ?Really so bad like he said? The motive behind .....He understand, u understand and i understand...


2014-10-13 10:10 | Report Abuse

Time to rebound this week. Hold


2014-10-07 13:55 | Report Abuse

BJCORP = Blow Jxx company. Either u do for him to beg for price up or u do it for him to pay ur loss


2014-10-07 11:58 | Report Abuse

Haha ivan222 u still holding ? i also bought around that price but luckily only few lots. -ck.


2014-10-02 18:35 | Report Abuse

Almost 20+ counters in my watchlist are red today. Suma still showing strong resistant and yellow today. Not bad


2014-09-27 08:13 | Report Abuse

Nexgram: Directors resign following legal suit by Protasco. Three Nexgram Holdings directors have resigned following a legal suit against the company‘s founder, Tey Por Yee, filed by Protasco. Protasco had said it was launching a legal suit against Tey, a substantial shareholder of Protasco, as well as another Protasco director Ooi Kock Aun and Indonesian-based PT Anglo Slavic Utama (PT ASU). Nexgram said that three of its directors − Leou Thiam Lai, Ungku Razak Ungku Rahman and Yap Siok Teng − had resigned ―because of the newspaper report on Protasco filing legal suit against a director of the company. It did not elaborate further. (StarBiz)

GG nextgram


2014-09-26 12:28 | Report Abuse

Good price good counter. Too bad the directors likely are conman..


2014-09-25 08:25 | Report Abuse

Good morning world. Good morning Sumatec. The captain and tickets are always with us. Board in now to enjoy your comfortable ride. This times, engine upgraded to hydrogen fuel jet engine, bypass 51 cents station and directly to 62 cents. RI will be announced later after reached beyond that. Destination : RM X.XX


2014-09-19 13:50 | Report Abuse

Be patient and wait for captain looiks to check the tickets... those contra and speculators wish to take the train but don't want to pay for the price, need to kick them OUT first!!

If HS want to con your$$, why u still browsing in this suma forum?


2014-09-12 04:00 | Report Abuse

Good counter; going to spend more times to study this .


2014-09-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

Stop wasting time. ka..ka.. No point fighting... If this counter really so bad; why don't those hypocrites stop wasting their time in this counter and left the forum/thread ? But from what i see they still hang around (Annoying like flies) and even pay more attention than others to monitor here. The reason behind is they're also buying quietly while shouting bearish...

If you followed them, they're the one who really bring you to HOLLAND.. Remember when 40 cents, they said drop to 26 cents?? At the end, price go to 62 cents!! They're the devils whom BUY LOW SELL HIGH but those believed them are the sad SELL LOW BUY HIGH to them. WHO IS MISLEADING WHO ?

I'll take my good sleep ZZzzz while tunnggu suma engine start. More BLACK oil needed to lubricate the engine. I valued and respect those who gv warning/cautious call; some of them got the points. Will continue tunggu... To those flies, please continue to annoy others, haha , you'll got your KARMA in one day...


2014-09-11 22:25 | Report Abuse

whatsgood if you r man or woman enough...take up my challenge...I don't want u to fool ppl here...
innocent take us all as a fool....noraini, yk john, fan jenny........


Mislead ? fool others? Pls lar, everyone trade at own money and own risks; blame nobody but YOU yourself when you had made wrong decision. If you can't the risks or loss (high volatile counter like Suma) , stocks market is not suitable for u...I respect different opinion like DickyMe , but no like you keep shouting and asking ppl get lost.

You borrow loan shark bought in 62 cents and rugi besar ar? Yoou really look like a loser...


2014-09-11 21:54 | Report Abuse

Continue hold and tunnnnnngguu... waiting for my train. Next station 40 cents? Hmmmm.. take a nap
Wake me up when the engine starts Zzzzzzzzz


2014-09-06 13:52 | Report Abuse

Is dickey amma & anney same person ? wah liu eh


2014-09-04 17:17 | Report Abuse

Today drop 1.5 cents tomorrow will drop further. Price falls and testing our faith on suma , CMY and TSHS. Suppress the prices for them to collect cheap.But definitely TSHS soon will do something to push up price; remember RI indicative price is 40 cents. Who knows TSHS gv us surprise tomorrow just like the last friday merdeka gift?

Just patiently wait... if 30 cents can tunnggguuuu for so long, why so hurry to sell low now after uplifted ??


2014-09-02 07:07 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone. Today is the suma day. After fly to sky Semua happy


2014-08-27 22:08 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow limit up if good 2Q reports + CD news announcement.


2014-08-27 22:03 | Report Abuse

Q/Q Performance
1) Polymer segment - Consistent revenue at 5.9mil
2)Oil&gas segment - up 25% to 96mil (north sea project)
3) Technical services - big up 50% to 71mil

Q/Q and Y-to-Date revenue & business showing good but profit drop due to high operating expenses and set up cost of subsea business.

RI for 2 vessels. Director resigned and joined Reach. Many uncertainties due to arbitration case

Good counter or Dead counter ?


2014-08-27 20:29 | Report Abuse

Suma will be the hottest stock tomorrow. Many ppl will panic buy. Looking fwd for the exciting rocket show.


2014-08-26 17:16 | Report Abuse

conman counter... curse it down. Still hold the share with loss. Going to cut loss soon.



2014-08-26 16:47 | Report Abuse

I tried to call the number ; but can't get through. Seems too many ppl calling them now ?

FaizalAziz just called sumatec office:

Tel : +603 2283 1368
Fax : +603 2282 6368

They confirmed tomorrow , yes TOMORROW is the board meeting and followed by announcement of financial report for quarter 30-6


2014-08-26 16:01 | Report Abuse

Waiting for the show. Panic sell


2014-08-26 10:33 | Report Abuse

Edmund u really kind heart . Good luck and all the best to u.


2014-08-25 18:38 | Report Abuse

Bumpy road ahead... dun panic sell panic buy and fall into trap! Berhati-hati


2014-08-25 18:24 | Report Abuse

Luo Li, thanks so much for your info abt PDT. Learnt something new to me. But seriously are u really 15 yrs old???Playing with this counter really like a psychological games. Must reverse thinking mindset. Just few more days to go still got pp panic sell.funny...ive decided stay away from screen and endure fluctuation to wait for my juicy fruits...

I will do nothing and hold until result out... Good luck to all


2014-08-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

All sharks are laughing when they see ppl in FEAR, panic sell panic buy.. After makan us then they happily buy cheap back suma tickets from us.. Who are the winners? Sharks, Bankers and your Brokers, they always win...and normal ppl like us always the loser...

Psychology game play with Mr.PN17 Market... Need rational and emotion control when taking roller coaster... I will continue my Tunnnngggu journey...
....Good luck to all suma investors today...


2014-08-20 18:51 | Report Abuse

Translate into English and simplify it ,

After 3:30pm , the big sell down of (SUMATEC 1201),(PDZ 6254) , (MARCO 3514)was due tot 1 investment bank announced the Notice to cut 50% Margin Position of these counters.

It caused the investors need to partially or fully sell out the shares in order to prevent the Margin Call.

To me...... bullshit..................

kkpocean1989 ''底發生了什麼事?幸馬泰資源(SUMATEC 1201)大眾控股(PDZ 6254)及馬可控股(MARCO 3514)這三家公司的股價在最後一個時,吐完昨日的漲幅。
引致大宗賣盤出現,是一家投資銀行的一紙通告,該投資銀行通知客戶,這三家公司的按揭價值(MARGIN POSITION)被腰斬一半。
這項決定令很多以按揭戶口交易這三家股票的投資者,必須出清部份股票,以避免明天出現補倉(MARGIN CALL)。


2014-08-20 18:22 | Report Abuse

Asked myself :

1) What's the reason I decided to buy this counter in the first place? (Profit and Growth prospect of company)

2) How much money i can lose? (Margin of safety)

3) Is the fundamental of counter still intact?

4) Management team

My answer tells me to Tunnnguuuu.......and observe with cautious

Warren Buffett:

Games are won by players who focus on the playing field – not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.

Good luck to all suma investors /contra kaki. Lets see tomorrow green or another big red candle.


2014-08-20 16:42 | Report Abuse

Fastening my seat belt. Let my emotion and heart beat cool down.. Still holding and safe keep in fridge.


2014-08-19 15:50 | Report Abuse

followme1955, in fact i a bit pity on you. So kesian.......You have missed the so many chances... and so many ppl is laughing you now.....

Tapi you jangan risau . At least you got 1 follower -- Sumatec CFO Roshida, now she is already in Holland.....


2014-08-19 12:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by shhreza > Aug 19, 2014 11:52 AM | Report Abuse

insider tp = 18.00 in 5 years. possible??

Shhreze.. you win liao lor .. highest TP i ever heard. if tat time Sumatec shares number is around 4billion; sumatec Market capital will be around 72 billion

For comparison,Public Bank is 75 billion

Resource link:

5 years times from PN17 become public bank; Hello, Are you kidding me?


2014-08-19 08:37 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all... Today will be the new benchmark for sumatech to break 60 cents....


2014-08-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

Thinking and waiting for price drop back and re-enter sumatec ?? No way man...see the price of past few weeks.. Must got balls to jump in and buy now !!


2014-08-18 16:19 | Report Abuse

Engine started~ Hydrogen fuel cell burning ! Vroooooommmmmmmmm


2014-08-18 15:33 | Report Abuse

Big player SAPU time !


2014-08-18 09:56 | Report Abuse

If u want to win Big, hold tight until it reach to your TP. Be bold and nvr moved by small gain. TP : RM X.XX