
SaveMsiaFromPHGov | Joined since 2018-10-24

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2019-02-26 14:03 | Report Abuse

And so, nancy-boy international oil traders need to start learning to NOT pee & shhit in their pants every time Trump issues some moronic anti-oil statement on Tweeter.

Of course he will only be saying that 'oil price is too high'. What else do they expect. He has been saying the same thing since Brent was 50.


2019-02-26 13:56 | Report Abuse

Trump does not own this planet. It is up to OPEC what price they want for oil, not up to Donald.


2019-02-26 03:42 | Report Abuse

Oil traders over-reacting to another silly anti-oil tweet by The Rump. That is all. No change in OPEC production cutting policy.


2019-02-26 03:14 | Report Abuse

And nancy-boy oil traders need to learn to NOT pee in their pants every time Trump issues some silly anti-oil statement on Tweeter.


2019-02-25 17:35 | Report Abuse

1.70 eh? Ronnie must be inhaling petrol again.


2019-02-25 17:06 | Report Abuse

Barakah around 11 is puntable, I reckon. But only for someone with high risk appetite, and who likes to punt. Personally, I myself would feel safer with Perdana.


2019-02-24 17:59 | Report Abuse

It IS an election gimmick, that toll abolition thing. Abolishing toll on those four highways is just going to bring much more traffic, hence much more congestion. Might gain revenue from the new congestion hour toll, but congestion is exactly what Semenyih rakyat do not want in their area.


2019-02-24 17:54 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha. If 1mdb not the superbadaess one, then how come idiot ph leaders harping all day all night about it.

Semenyih, idiot ph fanboys. Semenyih is going to be, for ph, what Waterloo had been for Napoleon.

Get it?


2019-02-24 08:28 | Report Abuse

If 1mdb is really all that bad, then how come China companies quickly pounced on the power generation component part of it, i. e. Edra Energy as soon as it became available for sale? Becos they understood that Edra is a surefire future multi-billion profit generator, unlike idiot ph leaders & the multitudes of idiot ph fanboys.


2019-02-24 08:20 | Report Abuse

ph gov leaders & ph fanboys will keep harping on 1mdb and keep painting it as the evil of all evils until the waters of the oceans dry up completely into the sky. but they never care about discussing how many billions of accumulated losses proton made during madir's time.


2019-02-23 04:43 | Report Abuse

Brent futures now attacking 68. And they're now forecasting 64 to press it down.


2019-02-23 04:39 | Report Abuse

Americans are amazing. They just never stop boolshietting. They even reckon that they can read the minds of Saudis & Russia.


2019-02-21 19:48 | Report Abuse

Okay Mssrs Ramada, WindCloud, T800Terminator & Ron90. If no dumping tomorrow, you guys eat your missus' or gf's period-soiled tampons dunked in diarrhoea-grade chicken shhit.


2019-02-21 18:51 | Report Abuse

Share the URL for the report please, SNWong.


2019-02-21 18:48 | Report Abuse

Yes, Nicholas. And also make some freak out, scream & curse, butt their head against the wall, and perhaps also cry bucketfuls.


2019-02-18 14:36 | Report Abuse

I have bought my desired amount. Done it early. Now just lying bsck & goyang kaki.

Panic buying is not my cup of tea, doesn't give me even the tiniest thrill. I only like to watch in fun when other guys start getting into a buying frenzy. While I myself consider it silly, chaotic & disorganised behaviour. Not to mention amateurish also.


2019-02-16 06:09 | Report Abuse

GoldenHarvest1, LOL.

Poor dude. Idiots will always be idiots, I guess. Not much point telling them to change their ways.


2019-02-15 17:07 | Report Abuse

Expect more O&G news from Petronas next week


2019-02-15 03:11 | Report Abuse

Itu lame kuan yeng, dkt luar juga cakap banyak busat banyak lanxi. Masuk dalam prlimen titon juga dia punya kerja.


2019-02-15 03:05 | Report Abuse

Susah la, construction sector under PH gov. Cakap saja mcm dia org saja yg perfect, dia org saja yg pandai, previous gov sumua buruk, kunun kununnya.

Tp implementation, sumua hopeless juaga.


2019-02-13 12:35 | Report Abuse

Not no power, but only the selected, privileged few can understand & see the power, i. e. the enlightened, intelligent, inspired, patient & positive-minded people.


2019-02-07 17:16 | Report Abuse

Great Lord! What is this glorious land coming to. Stone the flippin crows. Save Msia from this PH gov.

News & Blogs

2019-02-06 16:07 | Report Abuse

If you had simply swallowed the advice of some so called 'sifu' wholesale, without knowing head or tail about the company's backround, performance record, future promise (including turnaround prospects, business upside etc.) etc., but you made some profit, then you're just a lucky idiot. No more, no less. And you have not learned anything about investing at all.

If you had done exactly the same thing, and the advice of your 'sifu' turned out to be not so wise, and you lost YOUR money, then you're just a stupid idiot. No need to go around wasting even more of your time scapegoating anyone.

Moral of story: Take full, complete 100% ownership of your investing life. None of it should belong to any so called 'sifu'. It will take not a little effort to keep learning & keep improving your investing skill. But it will be worth its weight in gold in the end.

News & Blogs

2019-02-06 15:47 | Report Abuse

If you bought something becos you yourself have thoroughly studied it and you yourself believe it has a reasonable chance of gvg you reasonable ROI, that is already something good. Give yourself a pat on the back for investing like a proper investor.

You will then keep getting better & better with time. The money will eventually come. Just be patient and continue learning & improving. Instead of simply taking the easy way out & simply riding on some so called sifu's recommendation.


2019-02-02 10:11 | Report Abuse

Okay la, Miss Jellyfish. You buy me a drink somewhere, then we talk about taliban all night.


2019-02-02 08:54 | Report Abuse

And then, as he is recovering from the brutal injuries in his home, he goes, 'Look, Mama, no dikkhedd!'


2019-02-02 08:48 | Report Abuse



2019-02-02 07:54 | Report Abuse

Really. Well then, you know what to do if that happens. IF it really happens.


2019-02-02 07:15 | Report Abuse

And he also tried to force BN to change according to his specs. Who does he think he is.


2019-02-02 07:08 | Report Abuse

Nope. BN never wanted to evict anybody. Only WKS wanted to evict himself out.


2019-02-01 22:05 | Report Abuse

Not trying to burst your bubble, fellas. But mathir only made gimmick appearance at bts lrt becos he now scared shhitless about ph losing semenyih by-election to bn, after ph gov had cancelled so many infrastructure projects important to the rakyat.


2019-01-22 12:17 | Report Abuse

I mean, he's even saying that a GE is so called 'around the corner'. Now, you can't be any more of a morron than that. While that site for which he gave the link does not even exist.

Oh yes. It's really amazing, what desperation can do to some people.


2019-01-22 11:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-01-21 02:44 | Report Abuse

LOL. AhBeng didn't have da balz to jump aboard at 18.5, so he has missed da boat. Now he's got sour grapes, so he posting bollox to drag price down.

Sorry, AhBeng. Won't cut any ice with us.


2019-01-19 02:03 | Report Abuse

Aik! Reach, Barakah & Armada all potong Perdana kah. Mana boleh ini macam.


2019-01-18 00:06 | Report Abuse

GoodBoy also spraying racun kah


2019-01-17 16:00 | Report Abuse

Counter memang la kena jaga. Tapi different kind of counter & different kind of jaga.

Tak payah layan customer. Sendiri layan diri sendiri juga.


2019-01-17 12:59 | Report Abuse

Then 30. Then 33.


2019-01-17 12:54 | Report Abuse

No fear. 27 coming.


2019-01-14 11:24 | Report Abuse

You guys are wasting your time arguing & getting distracted. Instead of focusing on studying & identifying the most high potential stocks for making gains.


2019-01-14 10:31 | Report Abuse

PH Gov leading Malaysian economy to slow & steady ruin. And PH fanboys & fangirls still spinning blame-BN broken record & singing blame-BN old song.


2019-01-12 16:55 | Report Abuse

Good to see CindyBull still around, alive & kicking. I thought she had disappeared, maybe demoralised by mca withdrawing from bn.


2019-01-12 16:30 | Report Abuse

Itu B4B4 & itu SpeakUp pun sudah lari juga.


2019-01-12 16:12 | Report Abuse

Itu Nicholas Ming mana sudah lari


2019-01-12 15:59 | Report Abuse

Yes, serious investing is really hard work. That is, if you're in it for the purpose of actually generating wealth, instead of for having happy thrills & spills fun throwing money away down the drain.


2019-01-10 02:25 |

Post removed.Why?