
SejukSam | Joined since 2016-05-17

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a joker who likes to invest in equity markets





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2017-10-30 14:58 | Report Abuse

when it goes up...all tom dick and harry soooo excited...haiz


2017-10-30 14:08 | Report Abuse

looks good after rebound from 1.5

keep it up!

all the best


2017-10-30 14:05 | Report Abuse

why cannot buy?

At what price did the shareholders buy ah?


2017-10-27 16:45 | Report Abuse

chill la. mesti bid dulu

wct is bidding in ECRL as well


2017-10-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

oops drop back to 1.62 dy hehe


2017-10-27 15:10 | Report Abuse

coldinvestor bot c3 surely happy haha


2017-10-27 15:09 | Report Abuse

all those who say wct bad results bad bad bad surely regret

lesson learnt..there is no all down days and there are no all up days

stocks go down n then up, or up then down

always buy low n sell high

but how many can faham n learn? lol


2017-10-27 14:05 | Report Abuse

china related stocks are so cheap and are ignored mainly becoz local ppl do not trust them.

all china companies in bursa reports lots of cash in accounts...but stock price is sooooo low. why? surely must be a reason everyone dumps the china stocks. fairy tale accounting?

why are u all still in here?

kindly face the facts n go. or choose to gamble with your life's earnings

at the end of the day, the choice is yours.

be warned.



2017-10-27 14:00 | Report Abuse

so hard to buy at 9.5c dy

now 10c


2017-10-27 13:58 | Report Abuse

waa affin hwang kasi TP 2.46 ka


2017-10-27 12:42 | Report Abuse

curious2 i ingat u cakap wct no good dy? why still in here?


2017-10-27 12:39 | Report Abuse

trying to buy more warrants


2017-10-26 16:16 | Report Abuse

aiyo , those takut just sell la

no need to think too much ...nanti cant sleep at night hehe


2017-10-25 12:16 | Report Abuse

everywhere up klse no up


2017-10-24 16:12 | Report Abuse

why we suddenly spike up to 27c?

somebody play play?


2017-10-24 16:08 | Report Abuse

collecting warrants :)


2017-10-24 15:05 | Report Abuse

why go up :)


2017-10-24 15:04 | Report Abuse

i see, thx for the info

looks like a coincidence too :)

then i can collect more c3 too


2017-10-24 14:09 | Report Abuse

and we also have ppl who just luv to incite fear...pity :)


2017-10-24 13:51 | Report Abuse

those who says no hope n slow moving n blah blah

u guys obviously dun have much investing experience. pity that you will not even have the chance to make money...

its sad to say, but lots of ppl are just in for a quick style and with margin

and also...if they are really smart...hehe then they wont be buying reach shares at all as..... this is not your heavy volume traders type of shares



2017-10-24 13:46 | Report Abuse

c3 expire long dun worry


2017-10-24 12:48 | Report Abuse

thx hng33 for PP info

bought some c3 :)


2017-10-20 14:12 | Report Abuse

warrants has more upside due to their gearing nature

plus its cheaper to buy warrants and the upside is more in terms of % as can compared to mother shares

from 75 to 40c now is about a drop of 47%
from 40c to go back to 75 is a gain of 87%

warrants becoz they have a good premium due to a very long expiry date in 2022...even more

so its all your choice


2017-10-19 15:05 | Report Abuse

just wait patiently for the IB to give out report

with oil n gas recovering, they cannot resist it


2017-10-19 15:02 | Report Abuse

its amazing how newbies think....good for you hehe


2017-10-19 12:32 | Report Abuse

old bosses can, but when they sold to desmond surely there is a contractual obligation to NOT come back and also a business ethics/trust to not kacau kacau the new management. this i am very sure

this is my 2 cents. in business, trust is still very important..especially in big contract values

becoz if u dun have trust, like what is happening to empire city owner with its contractors the whole industry will know.

and malaysia's construction industry is very small


2017-10-19 12:28 | Report Abuse

ah to buy or not to buy...the never ending


2017-10-17 16:25 | Report Abuse

keeping for long term dy.

i think oil price maybe heading for a bull run these few years..but thats just me thinking

invest at your own risk


2017-10-17 16:23 | Report Abuse

next Q no profit doesnt matter

with the oil price now going back up, another quarter will have profit


2017-10-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

maybe is desmond press WDs down to buy so he can own more of wct from just 20%

newspaper did say he may want WCT to be his flagship


2017-10-17 16:19 | Report Abuse

if the old bosses really wanna come back, they can buy up all WDs now n convert to mother shares later. so cheap

desmond only owns 20% of wct

when he bot from old bosses sure must have contract to say cannot come back.

thats why makes no sense for the old bosses to come back


2017-10-17 16:17 | Report Abuse

actually it doesnt make sense for ex boss to come back. the old bosses sold for so so much money to desmond lim.

why wanna come back? no point. he could have sold all his WDs long time ago dy

News & Blogs

2017-09-28 14:49 | Report Abuse

waa....wholesale car to other people still not car salesman ka..

so pandai pandai twist n twist again

all the best to u la. hehe

News & Blogs

2017-09-28 13:58 | Report Abuse

car salesman, its really impressive your ego and story tellings are getting as big as

looking at the big picture, if you really cheat and lie, u will get your dues from god. amen

if you are honest and sincere, u will get good dues...

all the best to you lol


2017-09-26 14:51 | Report Abuse

aiyo...see how this uncle

just buy at your comfort level folks.

all the best


2017-09-26 14:44 | Report Abuse

aiyo speakup cakap cakap aje.

this fella and his gang just shout here n there...all got hidden agenda one

i also own reach shares. just buy at your comfort level la.

think ceo so stupid like the big mouth uncle meh...cakap aje


2017-09-25 16:25 | Report Abuse

its like asking a question about when the sun will fall down..

goodness lol


2017-09-25 14:06 | Report Abuse

english pun tak boleh ciakap

please la, its our money our own risks to bear.

dun like it buzz off elsewhere. aint nothing more irritating than spammers with no education


2017-09-15 13:41 | Report Abuse

those who only think that a stock can go up 10-20sen like hengyuan or iwcity are crazy and really do not understand the stock markets

and that is why they will always lose...

all the best peeps and have a good day


2017-08-29 15:49 | Report Abuse

well, there are always risks in investing

scared, just go away or sell

brave, just continue to hold on or buy

no right or wrong

u think everyday sunday


2017-08-24 16:41 | Report Abuse

i ave been keeping reach wa since jan 17 at 15c until now

i dun bitch about it...i act on it

all the best to all


2017-08-24 16:40 | Report Abuse

there is no right or wrong in buying stocks

if in pain, sell n cut loss. thats just it...not complicated

the only issue is ppl tend to give in to emotions n hold on to it ....

why? becoz they are in denial n wont admit they bot the wrong stock at the wrong time

sad but true


2017-08-24 16:39 | Report Abuse

bought mother n son


2017-08-24 16:36 | Report Abuse

i think since Q is coming out...and shares not moving at all....not much profit lo

but good news more pesky CW to kacau at least until oct.

and the CW X price is at go figure hehe


2017-08-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

no call warrants to kacau kacau until end oct now

all the best peeps


2017-08-23 15:24 | Report Abuse

i have already bot some at 36.5

u can help to buy more too....instead of trying hard and asking us to do it



2017-08-23 14:55 | Report Abuse

trying to get more warrants now


2017-08-23 14:11 | Report Abuse

i think reach is at one of their lowest price so far

i also think that they can make money from usd50 per barrel..even tho the price of oil now is below that

again this stock is a long term thingy...its so cheap now...warrants n mother share. i also think that the long term price of oil will be above usd50 this year or next year. so why worry? things will eventually go up...even tho it goes down at first

will it drop some more? maybe.

those who never bot can but now. those who bot can average down too.

but its all your choices.

i do own warrants (my average is 13c) n bot some mother at 36.5c btw

with warrants expiring at 2020 why worry la. i am aiming for above 50c with my warrants

yea call me a

but lets see. all the best to all


2017-08-23 12:34 | Report Abuse

not much moving today

suspect might be c4 n c5 last day of trading is today 23 aug

X price is 0.385 for c4

such a coincidence right?