
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-08-10 11:04 | Report Abuse

Roger. Najib & Ongkili & AG said land under pipeline belong to Fed---Check Mate by Muhyiddin.
Many things are complicate but usually sweep under the carpet when vested interest is
involved. Now process is inside Government Depts, no politicans can touch/change the
final direction until the package is out ( then emergency meeting will be arranged secretly )
Once News is out to public it is very difficult to change final outcome (esp. nowadays)


2015-08-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

Roger. Look at bursa carefully. Many goreng stock already down 20%-25%. Now as good as
puncak in fast upward push. I have stop buying 2 weeks ago. But started again today - small
qty. Market not good. After this week --goreng stock will come back.


2015-08-09 06:38 | Report Abuse

Have this urge to answer some of Roger comments while waiting for my plane this morning.

1) US$ is going to peak soon. Do you think US Fed will destroy its own Export economy??
See attached Rate Hike and US$ (historical Facts)
2) Puncak doesn't belong to Rozali---Surprise Roger!!!
Rozali is just a nominee. Who own Puncak is for Roger to find out.
3) 1MDB is going Bankrupt
Not so bcoz 1MDB's asset can be sold off quickly if the price is right (fire sale--maybe)
Even a Big potato from China ask me whether i have connection to buy TRX land
4) Do some real math on US$ interest rate-Roger
Fed at best is going to raise rate to 0.35% in 2015 ( Malaysia 3% for 3 month = 0.78%US)
The most US rate will hit 1% in Dec 2016 considering 0% inflation and possible
Deflation in US due to lower Oil price. RHB bank is offering me 4% in 2016 (till June)
5) Azmin is caught when Khalid signed the Master Plan and Now Fed is caught when
Muhyiddin help to sign the supplementary contract. So what to do--Roger. Both Fed and
States are trapped by their own People.
6) By the way export is Good. I received 10% more request for quotation from taiwan and
korea in this week alone. Depreciating Ringgit ( 2 sided knife )
7) Don't know what Roger is talking about (last 3 sentences). ....Plane arrived. Bye


2015-08-08 12:30 | Report Abuse

Jackychanbv. Your wish that AA's price will plunge bcoz of falling ringgit will Not come true.
Falling ringgit and low oil price is Counter Cyclical to Tourism Industries (Tourism is booming
in Greece ) 100-150 millions Chinese Tourists are expected to visit another Country in 2015-
2016 and ASEAN is top destination bcoz of falling currencies. AAX transfer Chinese tourists
from Thailand / Malaysia / Singapore and Indonesia in package deal.
The only stock that is Good at this time And you Missed it.


2015-08-08 12:04 | Report Abuse

OLH need about 61,065,072 OskP shares to mandatory takeover OskP. It looks like rather
difficult task. See my collected statistics:
1) 7,426,600 shares done on 17 July - 23 July ( first week--give and take 2% error from estimate)
2) 2,617,000 shares done on 24 july - 31 July ( 2nd week-- expected no error )
3) 582,900 shares done on 03 Aug - 07 Aug ( 3rd week--expected no error )

Another 6 weeks to go. Can OskP minority shareholders hold on to their shares???
If collection stay at below 500K a week (for next 6 weeks), OLH will end up with only 13,626,500 shares on 21 Sept


2015-08-07 14:29 | Report Abuse

I think IAA should forget about competing for local Indonesia market and concentrate on bring-in
foreign tourists using LCCT as a hub. Too many local competitors. Also cut flights from remote
Sarawak and Sabah area to Indonesia ( nobody ask Tony to do national service). Just concentrate on money making routes. Tony head has gone too big when he see Indonesia
as a huge pot of "Gold" but it is Not true (senseless competition )


2015-08-07 13:24 | Report Abuse

I think Jackychanbv bought AAX at 1.25. Have not stop complaining and whining since
he came into this forum. AAX price is being manipulated (if you don't buy now you will miss
the boat )


2015-08-07 10:06 | Report Abuse

It is 2 against 1. Forex loss is balance by load factor increase and 50% unhedged oil price.
Today bangla and Nepalis workers call from plane--it is 100% full going to Bangladesh & Nepal.
China buyers arriving from China said 95% full load coming from China
This peak travelling period will continue until December 2015--Jan 2016


2015-08-06 13:56 | Report Abuse

asia is living on pension pay check.( nothing to offer as collateral). He is just very careful
with his money--i have nothing against him--just pass time


2015-08-06 13:39 | Report Abuse

When you borrow 100,000 from bank, they will sue you till the of End of earth (if you default on payment)
When you default on 100 millions, the Bank will kneel on your Door step. If AAB is in trouble,
Banks will be the First one in Queue


2015-08-06 13:08 | Report Abuse

HaHa. Passed Level 1 CFA. @ 55years. Hit by mild dementia---wish him luck


2015-08-06 12:58 | Report Abuse

5mil @ 1.24 = 6.2mil not enough to cover Bank Interest payment


2015-08-06 12:54 | Report Abuse

TF sold bcoz AAB " menjunam". TF & Gang sold 5mil out of 531mil = 0.9416% of Tune Air
Wah so scary


2015-08-06 11:04 | Report Abuse

Air_Asia. I didn't made this up ( TF loan). I heard it regularly from Bankers.


2015-08-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

I think OLH is buying "down" OskH-wc to 30 cents. He is keeping OskH price low


2015-08-06 10:08 | Report Abuse

asia. You think TF & Gang got AA shares for FREE. They borrowed money from Banks and
you have to pay bank Interest. So on and off every year TF has to sell some shares if dividend
is Not enough to cover Bank interest payment ( Of course this is too difficult for CFA level 1 to
understand) And as a biz man he can arrange the timing of the sale so that he can "goreng"
a little bit if he knows "somethings more than us ".


2015-08-04 19:22 | Report Abuse

Roger. I don't know what new development you are asking me to look at? Fed & States staff
are working to satisfy contract requirement. The only thing that can throw this whole process
in trouble is Fed Don't have money to pay States. One party cannot cancelled/delayed the
contract. Please be specific bcoz you always banked on rumours


2015-08-04 10:25 | Report Abuse

MRCB has changed CEO. Current Boss is more professional and progressive in undertakings.
Within a very short period, MRCB has secured many projects and maybe even LRT3 which
will keep good earnings for many years to come.


2015-08-03 16:25 | Report Abuse

Only EPF got this type of muscle


2015-08-03 14:09 | Report Abuse

From political consideration, Azmin wants the restructuring to be completed asap. Pakatan
got more problems--PKR is slipping while DAP is gaining and PAS just vanished. General Election is not far ( 2 years is very short time)


2015-08-03 14:03 | Report Abuse

Yes, this restructuring is always 2 parts. If PAAB agrees, Splash's liabilities will be lifted later


2015-08-03 13:52 | Report Abuse

No increase in water tariff--my foot. Last time i said i am planning to move to Pahang bcoz
no money to pay for water bill after restructuring.


2015-08-03 13:46 | Report Abuse

wow. ct888. Got a complete price dress-down--impressive


2015-08-03 13:10 | Report Abuse

The Fed careless what Selangor want to do (delay Splash acquisition) once the land titles for
langat 2 are transfer to Fed. Langat 2 project will go Full blast once land titles are received.
There is No blockage on the Collateral for 2 billion cash--already confirmed by PAAB Ceo last
week (open house). The interest rate charge for 9.65 billions liabilities is a standard Fed rate
(again no dispute). Water Rate is charged by Selangor Gov--Nothing to do with Fed.
Only problem left is Splash new offer (always discuss in private meeting--no info )
Splash will Not get a lesser Deal ( news will be leaking out soon )
Big fishes coming.


2015-08-03 10:44 | Report Abuse

Warrant is value at 35 cents but opening price depends on OLH's buying strategy


2015-08-03 10:42 | Report Abuse

Tony said fuel hedge is only 50% and the other 50% is open market. Next year 2016--no more
fuel hedging.


2015-08-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

Muyhiddin is Not Anwar. Cannot mobilize mass protest therefore cannot spooked the market.
Nothing will happen on the Umno side. Najib in Full control.


2015-08-03 08:42 | Report Abuse

Didn't detect Any delay in Puncak deal from Open House conversation last week.
Azmin no longer holds advantage over Fed bcoz Langat 2 land titles transfer are expected
to be completed in 2 weeks time. At the same time, PAAB will receive collateral titles for 2 bil
cash also in 2 weeks time. All in all expect, 15 Aug, as the final date where all major transfer
to be completed.
I was also told to wait for news of Splash in coming 2 weeks--hoping for some break through.


2015-08-02 18:40 | Report Abuse

Those who had invested in AA Do Not need your comments --Ferisc and asia
We know what type of Risk we are taking. Do worry --you are Not to be blamed if we lose money


2015-08-02 17:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks rizerlee. I am enjoying AA running up everyday with my Cuban Cigar.
Big payday in just 2 months. You only stick to your wife till the very end---I didn't promise
" Miss AA" that i will stick with her till Dec 2015---No promise


2015-08-02 15:48 | Report Abuse

My advise to "asia", if you don't how bursa counters operate don't invest in Bursa bcoz
every counter that seem very attractive has a very rich conman behind it. A dead counter is
forever dead. If you don't make money in 6 months in "interested counter", most likely you
would lose your entire life saving or have your saving stucked for 3-4 years with No return.
Every syndicate has to make money and every hand(poker) can be a winner---you wait
for the moment


2015-08-01 21:36 | Report Abuse

S&P maintain Malaysia's A- sovereign rating. So Doom Day Oracles here are forecasting that ringgit is heading 4.20 and below actually believe they have better data collection than S&P Or their education level is far superior than those Phd holders in S&P.


2015-08-01 12:04 | Report Abuse

Good news come in drove. Next week heading 1.40 / 1.50


2015-07-30 22:28 | Report Abuse

Selangor approved Langat 2. Deal coming very fast


2015-07-30 14:44 | Report Abuse

As long as Najib is still PM, all contracts are Good. PAAB and Selangor are discussing finer
details only. Splash new offer will be coming in 2 weeks times. Sept completion is still on
bcoz no announcement till now.


2015-07-29 12:23 | Report Abuse

HaHa. Shark like OLH don't know how to read Charts


2015-07-28 21:39 | Report Abuse

Tomolo maybe EPF will out in full force bcoz current situation is created by LOCAL politics and
not by International events. Index rise as a sign to support Najib. Have to think out of box.


2015-07-27 14:21 | Report Abuse

Gamuda good buy if falls to 3.50. Kwap+Asb = selling , TA(sell call). 28bil MRT2 involved too
much money (maybe right issue required + increase Debt )


2015-07-27 12:49 | Report Abuse

Another week we should know. Keeping finger crossed. Either Win or lose, puncak is still a
go. We have placed bets on 2 silat masters---why worry


2015-07-26 12:05 | Report Abuse

Re-rating will come fast after restructuring. According to what he said in 2015 Agm, He wants
OskH to be 1st tier Company so that he can get a better Rate from bankers. Since properties market will be softer in 2016, I expect OLH acquiring Landbank in KL especially around "expected" High Speed Train terminal in KL


2015-07-26 10:19 | Report Abuse

Gheekong. I think OLH already anticipated the word dilution in OskH--he is on a buying spree.
As far as OskP is concern, he is buying with many accounts so in the event he cannot secured
90%--he does not have to sell back to maintain listing requirement. I think Free Floats can be
be held by 20 persons Or 2000 persons ( you do not have to report to bursa unless you are
holding more than 5% of total shares)
If OLH failed to acquire OskP, it will be a Very, Very illiquid share.


2015-07-24 19:44 | Report Abuse

I think Tony is Feeding Shorty so that they will NOT go another round of attack to collect
more shares. Shorties are Not able to collect shares while pushing the price Down (zero sum
game--Selling and Buying back one after another ) Once shorties are satisfied with their
collection--they stop their operation!!!


2015-07-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

Tena. Your TP 1.42 will arrive next week.(still parking in 1.25) I am sure next week you will
be whiny again


2015-07-24 16:40 | Report Abuse

When you hit the bottom even a dead cat will bounce


2015-07-24 16:31 | Report Abuse

Don't know what is ongoing rate for Roger's info.---must be juicy and out of Box type.


2015-07-24 15:03 | Report Abuse

HaHa. i am playing golf without him


2015-07-24 14:06 | Report Abuse

ec1705. Sold Jaks. But Jaks still going up. Syndicate controlled --trade with caution.


2015-07-24 11:56 | Report Abuse

For the entire week OLH hardly collected 500K OskP shares ( most of the done are created to instill FEAR ) Next week i will take another 100K of his OskP shares and see his reaction.