Please read the bursa announcement dated 20/7, there is bold letter content as follows on pg 13
It is the intention of the Offeror to maintain the listing status of OSK Property, unless sufficient valid acceptances are obtained to invoke the compulsory acquisition as set out in Section 5.2 of this Notice. In the event that OSK Property fails to comply with the public shareholding spread requirements under Paragraph 8.02(1) of the Listing Requirements pursuant to the Offer, the Offeror will explore various options or proposals to rectify the shortfall in the public shareholding spread of OSK Prope
Let us all the minority shareholder united and not do anything until the merger exercise over, If OSK shareholding cannot touch above 90%. The offer is not compulsory acceptance We can benefit more later as the merger exercise had indicate the fair price is about RM 3.50 if the company remain listed.
It is also not wise for any smart investor to exchange for OSK shares. The eps for the current year expect to be around 60 cts based on feedback from various experts in i3investor. Hence OSK prop shares value up more than OSK in future especially with not much public float. Similar case happen to Hong Leong Capital when Hong Leong failed to capture 90% shareholding.. Reject the offer.
At this moment many think the acquisition is compulsory though Only mandatory.If we reject the offer then the chance to get more Than 90 pct is harder. By maintaining listing status OLH and pac also benefit as they Still have more than 80 million of warrant which they had not declare their intention yet in the merger exercise.
You should hang on to your OSK Property and reject the offer.
In this financial year end. OSKP is estimated to make RM0.60 per share. OSKH is estimated to make RM0.32 per share (including RHB, OSKP n PJD profits).
The earnings are diluted and share price of OSKH will be lower than OSKP.
Let’s assume all minority rejected the offer, what can we (27% minority) do to the OSKP share price? United together to push up the share price and fighting to sell at the higher price among ourselves? Who want to put a bid at RM5.00 or RM6.00? We must know share price didn't move by itself. The question is, who want to jack up the OSKP share price for minority shareholders beside OLH?
I believed OLH will never do that for sure, he don’t need to do so. This is because 73% of OSKP profit will flow into OSKH A/C (his vehicle), no matter OSKP at RM1.95 or RM5.00.
As at now, OSKP still trading at RM1.95 level, this also means NO syndicates are in the action to against OLH, otherwise price surged. At least for now.
In this case, possibility of share price stay flat for many years with less trading activities even with greater profit in the next few year. But, OSKH price may already surged much higher because they still enjoy 73% of OSKP’s profit.
Beside received dividends if company still doing well, how long can we hold on to this flat price if no body put a higher bid. Definitely you won’t put at RM5.00 for me to sell right, so am I and vice versa.
Although we may think OSKH is slightly overvalued compared to OSKP in this deal. But, do we have a better choice?
How about “accept” the deal?
We will still hold OSKP. (OSKH already owned 70% OSKP)
We may think OSKP @ RM1.95 is in deep undervalue, but this also means OSKH is in deep undervalue after holding approximately 73% of OSKP shares at this moment.
If we believed OSKP going to perform very well in forthcoming years, I think to Hold OSKH is much better than hold tight in OSKP, because OSKH already owned 70% of the so called undervalued OSKP and for sure the profit will flow into OSKH a/c. With the higher EPS in OSKH, I guess OKSH share price will surge higher instead of OSKP.
Again, we must believe that the share price will never move by itself. Who is willing to put a higher bid at RM5.00 or RM6.00?
But if we get the deal done, we are riding together in OLH vehicle (OSKH).
AS at now, Instead of share exchange at @ RM1.95 (1 for 1), OSKP minority may consider to sell OSKP at RM1.94/95 and BUY OSKH at RM1.85/86 level and still get a discount of 8-9 cents as “premium”.
Refer to pg 16 of the offer notice Note:- The existing Warrants held by the PACs may be converted into new OSK Property Shares
It was not committed to sell to OSK for RM1.00. What is the reason may be convert to OSK prop shares? Can someone interpret the remarks. By suppressing the OSK price lower than OSK prop. does it mean someone discourage us from accepting the offer and want the listing status maintain.
OLH has given few options for the minorities. Cash out or conversion into OSK share or cash out plus buy OSK in the market at cheaper price. it's too simple for him to fetch shareholding above 75%. To be nasty, OLH may delist OSKP according to Bursa rules.
OLH need about 61,065,072 OskP shares to mandatory takeover OskP. It looks like rather difficult task. See my collected statistics: 1) 7,426,600 shares done on 17 July - 23 July ( first week--give and take 2% error from estimate) 2) 2,617,000 shares done on 24 july - 31 July ( 2nd week-- expected no error ) 3) 582,900 shares done on 03 Aug - 07 Aug ( 3rd week--expected no error )
Another 6 weeks to go. Can OskP minority shareholders hold on to their shares??? If collection stay at below 500K a week (for next 6 weeks), OLH will end up with only 13,626,500 shares on 21 Sept
AmInvestment bank will issue their advice to minority shareholders latest by 20th August. For those who are still holding the shares, you may wait until 21st August to know the outcome. Then you have few days to think before the offer is closed on 1st September. By then, OSKProp would have announced its Q2 result.
OSKH is busy collecting PJDev since they want to secure at least 50% of their shares.
Pls do not accept OLH's offer. If you accept his offer n exchange with OSKH, the share base of OSKH will be very much bigger. The earnings per share will be diluted n the upside of OSKH is much lesser as compared to OSKP (If the OSKP is remain listed.)
If you are sitting on paper gain right now, my advice is to sell the shares and bought other stocks which have been beaten down. When market has rebounded, you will make more profit rather than holding this shares.
AmInvestment bank will release their advice circular on thursday .My gut feeling tell me that they will say the offer is not fair but reasonable due to weak market condition.
OSK n PAC have already amassed 85% of the shares. It looks like OSK n PAC may succeed in taking over OSKProp. Why doesn't OLH leave OSKProp listed n merge with PJDev? This may be a better option where the share price of the OSKProp n PJDev merged entity will become benchmark price for the holding company OSKH. They can also spin off the hotel n Atria Mall as REIT taking over the listing status left behind by one of the merged company.
Usually, OSKProp quarterly results are released in the beginning or middle of the reporting months. This time it is very different. Only two more days to go. Is the results too good that it may influence the shareholders to reject his offer?............
"The Board of Directors of OSK Property wishes to announce that based on the Record of Depositors and number of shares accepted under the Offer as at 4 September 2015, the public shareholding spread of OSK Property is 5.92%.
As the public shareholding spread of OSK Property is less than 10% of the total OSK Property Shares in issue (excluding treasury shares), pursuant to Paragraph 16.02(2) of Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") ("Listing Requirements"), Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the securities of OSK Property immediately upon the expiry of 30 market days from the date of this announcement. The suspension will be effected on 22 October 2015, being the market day immediately following the expiry of 30 market days from the date of this announcement."
If OSK buys from the market now at a higher price, say rm2.10 which is higher than offer price rm1.95, Does OSK has to give the same rm2.10 to those who took up the offer earlier at rm1.95? How abt warrant shareholder, are those affected?
Thanks, III. OSKProp by itself. Now, it is bought over by OSK. Looking at OSK which has taken over OSK Prop, it is still attractive. However, the plus points are diluted as compared to OSKProp by itself.
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189 posts
Posted by III > 2015-07-22 12:13 | Report Abuse
I only accept share exc not cash term...