
Stockhunter85 | Joined since 2018-01-04

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2020-03-16 12:26 | Report Abuse

Market will give lower PE in bearish market. its trick of big fund to release their stack to retailer if there is any weak rebound nos


2020-03-16 12:22 | Report Abuse

this stock is still expensive. wait for PE 10 .... then consider to buy. market wont give so high PE in bearish market


2020-03-16 12:20 | Report Abuse

PE is too high for bearish market. PE will slowly drop to 10 in coming economy recession. beware


2020-03-16 12:19 | Report Abuse

This stock PE is too high for bearish market. market will adjust the pe after bad next QR. Probably the pE should be around 20


2020-02-25 10:25 | Report Abuse

Someone told me ... not sure how true it is. Revenue 90m PBT 9m PAT 7.5m


2020-02-25 10:12 | Report Abuse

This quarter result is around 7.5m .... and dividen ! Insider news


2020-01-02 12:49 | Report Abuse

From 0.76 average all the down till 0.52 . Then now up back to 0.835


2020-01-02 12:48 | Report Abuse

I already keep for 3 years


2019-11-05 15:24 | Report Abuse

Hahaha .... godshen. See TA also know its upstrend.


2019-11-05 13:21 | Report Abuse

Krono is still way too cheap from its value. No point to sell now .... don’t dream it will drop alot if it has consolidation.


2019-11-04 17:10 | Report Abuse

Still undervalued. Waiting krono transfer to main board from ace market...


2019-08-19 23:07 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha .... hong kong india taiwan and asean revenue increased tremendously for this quarter. This is a good sign. Krono is growing well. Previously, krono mainly depend on revenue from singapore. We not only see the eps. We see the potential to grow. Good luck


2019-08-18 10:42 | Report Abuse

some revenue from Q1 deferred to Q2... Eps 1.25 x 4 quarter = 5 . Pe 15 x 5 = 0.75 sen. Krono should worth 0.75


2019-08-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

Defered profit from q1 plus profit from sanz solution and quantum china. The EPS will be around 1.2-1.25 for This coming QR2 . Krono should worth 0.72- 0.96 with PE of 15-20. Stay tune!


2019-06-01 00:38 | Report Abuse

not really .... the additional 6 million of profit from sanz solution will be divided in following 3 quarters only . most probably 2 millions per quarter for following quarters of 2019 as the profit was in hte first QR of FY2019. And that is not include Quantum china profit yet


2019-05-31 20:30 | Report Abuse

6.4 million gurantee profit coming in for following 3 quarters. Stay tune. And business not affected by trade war. Time to fly !


2019-05-24 12:28 | Report Abuse

Qes have factory based in vietnam ... and malaysia . Most probably will benefit from tradewar


2019-02-12 21:31 | Report Abuse

i heard the logging activity already resume .... Anyone from sabah sandakan ? can help to clarify about this?


2018-11-30 13:50 | Report Abuse

Up for sure in long term


2018-10-20 19:55 | Report Abuse

Monday confirm another 30% drop


2018-10-20 19:54 | Report Abuse

They claimed they obligate all the rules of logging also. And what happened to them now? PH now just want to clear all the cronies related to previous goverment.


2018-10-20 19:52 | Report Abuse

Run for life .... huge volume will come on monday. It will rebound untill they r clear from macc investigation which will take months or year. Go and have a look at what happened to pworth after under macc investigation. Good luck ....


2018-10-01 17:56 | Report Abuse

any pro here can explain why they keep on private placement?


2018-10-01 17:45 | Report Abuse

Krono maybe can go back to previous rm 1.28 after trend reversal


2018-10-01 17:44 | Report Abuse

Price surged because TA showed trend reversal ... SMA 50 going to cross SMA 200. FA wise .... Krono should worth at least 0.90 if PE 20. Following 3 Quarter reports will be good ...


2018-09-06 21:29 | Report Abuse

Good luck guys ....


2018-09-06 21:20 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow only will know what happen .... but 1 thing i learned is their management words is not reliable. Be cautious ya ..... They stated in the report that their profit dropped because of log ban. But, they told to press that the log ban wont have significant impact to them in June 2018

So, what i can say is dont fully trust what the management said. Eventhough, they claimed that they comply sabah rules of forest enactment 1968 and paid tax.

Please read the report carefully lo. Maybe they the QR today and let the big shareholders to escape tomorrow.

We see what happen tomorrow first. I will stay aside and observe first till the investigation outcome is clear then only will re enter


2018-09-06 21:12 | Report Abuse

Good news ....QR is out and no suspension.


2018-09-06 21:12 | Report Abuse



2018-09-06 16:37 | Report Abuse

no joke .... huge selling volume after lunch time tomorrow if they cant come out with the QR. Pray for the best


2018-09-06 16:32 | Report Abuse

true .... if the investigation outcome is negative during suspension period, then will be in deep shit


2018-09-06 16:31 | Report Abuse

haha ... alot of business.


2018-09-06 16:27 | Report Abuse

average 0.75 ... i m doing business


2018-09-06 16:23 | Report Abuse

kakashi ... me


2018-09-06 16:17 | Report Abuse

I know .... i mean will SGX allow company with internal problem to get listed ? How they gonna pay for the balance 235m?


2018-09-06 16:11 | Report Abuse

If the outcome of investigation is negative, Will it affect GSR to get listed in SGX? Since listing GSR is to raise 200m to pay FMU. How they going to pay the balance of 235m for FMU5?


2018-09-06 16:05 | Report Abuse

The outcome of investigation still unclear ...


2018-09-06 16:01 | Report Abuse

if thats the case, then i rather wait till investigation over, then only re enter.


2018-09-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

I think the best solution is dispose now. I think tomorrow after lunch time will be huge selling volume if qr still not out. For those confident with the pworth, probably can collect the ticket tomorrow after 4pm.


2018-09-06 14:53 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow will be a slaughter and purging day if QR not out by tonight


2018-09-06 12:22 | Report Abuse

Main concern is license being revoked


2018-09-06 11:23 | Report Abuse

Anyway, good luck to u guys . I hope the result will be good too


2018-09-06 11:17 | Report Abuse

Sarawak report gonna come out with a full story in this on 8th sep


2018-09-06 11:16 | Report Abuse

Numbers of log being investigated reported in sarawak report and all the newspaper r all matched. Hai ....


2018-09-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

They used only 25m for fmu5 downpayment only out of 105m collected from the RI. The balance 235m for fmu5 have to wait GSR to get listed in sgx to raise 200m. And koo mentioned that they will opt for other options to get the 200m failed to get listed in sgx. What does it mean? Mean private placement or right issue again? Can someone pro here to explain this in detail? Will the investigation on pworth will affect GSR to get listed in sgx or not?


2018-09-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

According to sarawak report, 3 of their subsidiaries r being investigated now. Priceworth s/b sinora s/b anika sinderan s/b.


2018-09-06 11:08 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys ... i just disposed my stake. Good luck all


2018-09-06 01:08 | Report Abuse

FMU5 is not for reserve ... Its for logging


2018-09-06 01:04 | Report Abuse

FMU (Forest Management Unit) No.5 Trusmadi Forest Reserve (Class II)
1. Lately, many concerns and criticisms have been expressed through the social-media, asserting that Gunung Trusmadi, the 2nd highest mountain in the country, will be affected by logging. Such a concern is appropriate. However, and unfortunately, it has been soiled by misfacts, distortions, and misinformation.

2. The facts are as follows:
(i) Trusmadi Forest Reserve was first gazetted as a Class II (Commercial Forest Reserve) in 1961, covering 175,897 hectares. From then onwards, it had been licenced and re-licenced for short term logging at least twice or more.

(ii) At one time, the peak of Mt Trusmadi was also licenced for 25 years as part of a concession licence.

(iii) In 1997, under the newly launched SFM (Sustainable Forest Management) forest policy, Trusmadi Forest Reserve ( 175,897 ha.) was split into 2 management units – FMU10 (74,736 Ha.) left for conservation, but still under Class 2 and the balance as FMU 5 (101,161 Ha., licenced under the FMU system for 100 years and to follow the model of Deramakot. It was licenced to Anika Desiran Sdn Bhd, one of the (10) pioneer licencees, chosen by the government at that time.

(iv) Unfortunately, the Licensee failed to meet its obligations, in that, little work was carried out on the ground except for some forest tending or silviculture and the establishment of a 600 hectare (approx.) rubber plantation. The rubber plantation failed due to physical and climatic reasons. No real harm was done because there was little or no logging allowed by the government. This stagnant situation persisted for at least (20) years. However, in another sense, it was a blessing in disguise because the forests grew back due to little disturbance except for community encroachments.

(v) In the meantime, to strengthen conservation and for the security of tenure of FMU 10, the other portion of Trusmadi Forest Reserve and unlicenced, was proclaimed by the Rt Hon CM, Datuk Sri Panglima Musa Haji Aman as a Class I (protection) forest reserve in 2014 and to be directly managed by the Forestry Department purely for protection and conservation.

(vi) FMU 10 also received the coveted award as a “well managed forest” under the Gold Standard of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) in 2015.

(vii) To distinguish the Class I and Class II areas, the Trusmadi Forest Reserve portion of FMU10, was renamed Nuluhon Trusmadi Forest Reserve – Class I. This is where Mt Trusmadi and its sister peaks are sited – in Tambunan. Not in FMU 5 – Ranau. Mistaken identity may be (1) reason for the confusion.

(viii) The State Government also canceled and revoked all licences issued by a previous government, that covered Nuluhon Trusmadi Forest Reserve (class I ), including the bizzare “Peak Licence”.

(ix) The next burden to be addressed was FMU 5, licenced to Anika Desiran Sdn Bhd.

(x) The licencee appealed to the government that they be allowed to go into partnership with a 3rd party who have successfully embarked on the management of their own FMU licenced area, subject to whatever conditions the State Government may wish to impose apart from what are in the Licence Agreement. This was in 2016.
(xi) In principle, this has been agreed subject to more stringent measures to protect the environment that include the following, amongst others.

(a) The licencee surrenders 12,241 ha. of good forests in its northern border with FMU10 (Nuluhon Trusmadi Forest Reserve) to be fused with FMU10 and made into a Class I protection forests. This exercise was completed at the November 2016 State Assembly, making Nuluhon Trusmadi Forest Reserve now 86,977 ha. (74,736ha + 12,241ha). In addition, the government gazetted 1,068 ha of stateland, in Tambunan and also fused it with FMU 10. This new reserve, gazetted in 2010 called Kiluyu Forest Reserve of 1,068 ha. is now managed under FMU 10, making a totally protected management area of 88,045 Ha.

With the excision, the Anika area is now only 88,920 ha, a reduction of 12%.

(b) Riparian reserves are now widened to 50-100m depending on the width of rivers and waterways, from a standard 30m – a 50% to 300% widening of buffers.

(c) Only NFM (Natural forest management) can be practiced. If there is need for planting in highly degraded areas with conversion, this is restricted to indigenous species only and needs prior verification and a comprehensive planting plan (CPP). The gross area will be no more than 10,000 ha.

(d) Ril (Reduced Impact Logging) is compulsory, using mostly winched cable systems – e.g. Log Fisher, Cable Yarders.

(e) Prohibited species remain protected with the addition of (2) new species, i.e. Oaks and Chestnut species which are fruit trees.

(f) HCVS (high conservation value areas) are to be excised from CHPs (comprehensive harvest plans).


2018-09-05 23:53 | Report Abuse

Actually its good news if government take action on all the illegal logging company. Provided pworth is not one of them. The supply of log will be less in market, and margin will be higher after all these investigation over. If u read through fajar taann flbhd jtiasa report, u will know limited log supply is always the main problem for them. i think now indonesia also cut down their supply alread y while for sarawak, i think they will have some extra tax if they export timber product.