
TeyPuki | Joined since 2016-01-26

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2016-04-08 14:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah....and lookie here...On Feb 2, 2016, the Indonesian SC decided to extend the suspension of PT Inovisi's counter citing their failure to submit audited annual report to the SC LOL LOL


The management of PT Inovisi would not be able to produce such report as currently they went hiding like the slimey mice they are LOL LOL

Inovisi also failed to pay the annual listing fee:


Can't pay rent and can't pay annual fee? that is the fate of nexgram. Believe that LOL LOL

Speaking of which....anyone got the update on Nexgram's special committee report on Gold Dynamic and PT STAR? No news? Obviously since both are fictitious company owned by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun...


Any news on this so called nexgram venture to property in Fiji? LOL LOL LOL


Another fictitious project from yours truly: Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun.

Prior to it demise, the management of PT Inovisi also made numerous announcement on such and such projects or this and that acquisitions, which now we know it fictitious LOL LOL...

Ooo..and blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. The heart of the people here has become dull. With their ears they scarcely hear and they have closed their eyes, otherwise with their heart, eyes and ears they will understand what illadanstormrage tried to conveyed on the similarities between Nexgram and PT Inovisi LOL LOL


2016-04-08 14:49 | Report Abuse


Poor tey and ooi...cannot debunk this fact so you went nuts LOL LOL



TeyPuki Nexgram's founders charged for fraud and perjury.

Nexgram itself probed by the sc over irregular business activities.




2016-04-07 22:54 | Report Abuse

Wow, it seems Tey and Ooi just splash million ringgit to i3....ten of my posts got deleted, but the moderators allowed Tey and Ooi's buzzers to spam this counters...nice jobs tey and ooi...


2016-04-07 22:51 | Report Abuse

The Company further wishes to announce that an ex-parte application for Mareva injunction against the 2nd and 3rd Defendants was filed on 29 March 2016 which was fixed for hearing on 31 March 2016 and 1 April 2016.

On 1 April 2016, an ad interim order was granted by the Court until the disposal of the inter-parte hearing which is fixed on 13 June 2016, restraining the 2nd and 3rd Defendants whether by themselves, their agents, their servants, their licensees or anyone of them or otherwise from:-

(a) removing from Malaysia any of their assets which are in Malaysia whether owned legally or beneficially by them and whether in their own name or not and whether solely or jointly owned up to the value of RM60million; and

(b) disposing of or dealing with or diminishing the value of any of their assets whether they are in or outside of Malaysia whether owned legally or beneficially by them and whether in their own name or not and whether solely or jointly owned up to the value of RM60million, and that this prohibition includes without affecting the generality of the foregoing assets, all properties of the 2nd and 3rd Defendants.

Ironically this actually helps 'preserve' some value for Nexgram.


2016-04-07 22:50 | Report Abuse

Here, the complete chronology of event from the first time Tey and Ooi got their hand on the OnG projects in Indonesia leading up to their offering to Protasco to get their shares in the project and ended at the demise of Tey and Ooi's empire in Indonesia:

Bonus round.

24 Oct 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee via Global Cap Venture signed Term Sheet with Herman Koswara, the controlling shareholders of PT Fas. The purpose of the term sheet is to acquire project kuala simpang timur oil field. It is agreed that Larry will purchase Herman's shares priced at IDR 6billion (Larry has only paid IDR 3billion).

1 November 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee and Benny Tjokro agreed on how to move forward with handling over Benny's shares at PT Fas, i.e. Tey Por Yee paid the operational costs of PT Haseba as of the date of the agreement and Larry Tey Por Yee take over Benny's debt at Mayapada Bank in the amount or IDR 23 Billion (both conditions are not fulfilled). However in the said date Larry already received the shares of PT Fas belonged to Benny Tjokro. Tey put the shares in PT Asi.

28 December 2012: Larry Tey Por Yee sold his shares to Protasco Berhad in the amount of USD 55million without notifying Herman and Benny.

21 May 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee sent a forged invitation for egms of PT Haseba which will be held at the office of Djamkk Asmur, the public notary in Aceh.

14 August 2013: to pay his debt to Benny, Larry wired in IDR 5billion and put Inovisi's shares as a guarantee. Few month later when Larry is in default; Benny attempted to execute the block of Inovisi's shares and finds that the value has dropped to a meager 10% of its initial value.

23 August 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee changed the directors and commisioners of PT Haseba based on the illegal egms.

24 February 2014 Herman Koswara and Benny Tjokro lodged police report against Larry Tey Por Yee alleging that he forged Herman and Benny's signature and defrauded them.

1 April 2014 Benny Tjokro through it vehicle PT Dayasakti Putradharma filed lawsuit against PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia at south jakarta district court.

25 April 2014 Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama filed lawsuit against PT Green Pine, Jerry Djajasaputra, PT Equator Securities and PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk arguing that it had invested IDR 125billion in PT Inovisi which was guaranteed by a block of Inovisi's shares. But it had not seen any profit and when they attempted to cash in on the shares, it shares dropped significantly.

11 December 2014 Benny Tjokro and Larry Tey signed settlement agreement in which Larry agreed to pay IDR 18billion, at the latest 28 January 2015. Up to this day Larry failed to honor this settlement agreement.

8 July 2015 The court ruled in favour of Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama and order Inovisi to pay IDR 200billion.

15 July 2015 Indonesian police raided the office of PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk.

December 2015 PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk closed down it business without prior notice to the investors and employees after failing to pay rent and utilities to Patra Jasa's building management. It management went hiding.


2016-04-07 22:50 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practiceList of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this old fart baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaking to the public like Ooi's sperm leaking inside his indon's maid.


2016-04-07 22:49 | Report Abuse


Unfortunately for you, I am not Kenny Chong nor affiliated with Protasco.

But obviously, if you see the chart passed over by Tey and Ooi to reporters, it is abundantly clear that the movement of money from Protasco to PT ASU and PT Goldchild went through numerous companies owned and operated by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun before it reach Mahaniaga.

Here, for example: PT Nusantara Rising Rich is managed by Dedi Francis (a nominee to Tey and Ooi) and it took private placement of 29,5million nextnation shares and a shareholders of Asdion and Hytex (both own by Tey Por Yee and his brother, Tey Por Yoong is a director fo Hytex).


Oh right, Fast Global, the company which received money from PT Goldchild, received transfer of shares of 14million shares in Hytex and acquires 9,5million in Asdion.

So, everything linked up to Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun. And what a stupid move. In their desperation to divert attention from Protasco's suit, Tey and Ooi has opened to the world of list of entities that linked to the listed companies that Tey and Ooi's owns shares in or is associated with.

And now, the list of shelf companies owns by Tey and Ooi are about to be disclosed to public. Let me put it this way, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) which is funded by US Agency for International Development (USAid) has been notified of Tey and Ooi crimes against the United States (referring to the Tatto Media case), so Tey and Ooi is now targeted by the US Government. When it does happen, this would be a serious blow to Tey and Ooi's integrity, or lack thereof LOL LOL LOL..


2016-04-07 22:48 | Report Abuse

If the members of nexgram's special committee really are independent, then they will report back the following:

- pt star owned by tey por yee and ooi kock aun.
- dedi francis used to work in pt star and report directly to tey por yee.
- gold dynamic owned by tey por yee and ooi kock aun.
- dedi francis is a director at pt gold dynamic, the subsidiary of gold dynamic.
- dedi francis is a commisioner of pt anglo slavic utama.
- dedi francis is a nominee of tey por yee and ooi kock aun.



2016-04-07 22:48 | Report Abuse

So much anger....how to achieve transcendental awareness and happiness?

Let me assist you in understanding Godynamic Investment Ltd- GIL a BVI (British Virgin Islands) an offshore company.

As rightly pointed out GIL is and has always been an integral part of Nexgram (51% owned) since inception and perhaps packaged in for Nexnation's listing on Mesdaq back in 2004.To all effects and purposes TPY is the CEO and/or COO.GIL is also the vehicle for most of TPY's forays in Indon.

So the question that goes a begging is any transaction between GIL and/or Nexgram are Related party Transactions that TPY should NOT forget to mention.

The accounts for GIL be it at company or group should be very clear to TPY;he cannot be excused from making such elementary mistakes OR now he is laying blame on the auditor,CFO or accountant.So the statements to Bursa for one to be true the other has to be false.
That is a facepalm and contemptuous to Bursa.

When GIL makes such purchases or sales,are the monies equitably apportioned(51% cost and profits)

Those are questions shareholders should pose to TPY

hmmm ...why rant when I am assisting you???

DRwarrant: you are right FD would actually yield a better rate of return,whether taken from 2004 or 2014.

bye!!, gotta play wei chi with Kong Ming ......


2016-04-07 22:47 | Report Abuse

Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun were also notorious for not paying their rentals, to the point that their landlords had to threaten legal action and resort to cutting off the utilities to get what was owed to them.

Worse off were their suppliers, of whom many had to suffer the bitterness of bankruptcy because tey and ooi refused to pay them their dues. Tragically, one of them even committed suicide because of bad debts, courtesy of Dato’ Tey Por Yee and Dato' Ooi Kock Aun.

This was not the only blood on his hands. He used a friend, Dedi Francis from Indonesia, to stand as a nominee for Tey and Ooi. When the loyal Dedi pressed for payment on company debts to incurred by Tey and Ooi's manipulative schemes, he was given the runaround. Time finally ran out for Dedi. Desperate, with his back to the wall and creditors all around him, Dedi almost took his own life but was able to be brought to hospital by his family on time.


2016-04-07 22:47 | Report Abuse

At age seven, tey por yee was already showing signs of what he was destined to be: a thief and a liar. Ten sen, twenty sen, fifty sen…all would disappear “mysteriously” from his families drawers, savings and piggy banks. Later, bigger sums would go missing, from his father’s wallet to his mother’s purse. Tey would be placed at the scene of the crime but he always had an excuse or story to wriggle his way out of the situation.

For a while his parents believed him. Until he got caught red-handed one day. Then, his father had no choice but to punish him. If we hoped that would beat some sense and decency into him, we were sadly mistaken.

He took his bad habits with him to school. Already skilled at telling lies and manipulating people, he began cheating his classmates. The sums ranged from a few ringgit to hundreds of ringgit. The figures may seem small to some, but for a young schoolboy, the sum is enormous. As usual, his long-suffering father had to clear his debts and try to redress the damage done to his victims.

At age sixteen, Tey por yee had to audacity to go to his uncle’s house to borrow money. He said he needed RM2,000.00 because his father was sick and desperately needed the money for an operation. Believing his lies totally, the uncle gave it to him. His family never lived down the humiliation when the truth came out.

Since young, he has always been obsessed with money. Even when he had a lot of it, it was never enough. He wanted more and more. Never mind if it was obtained in a deceitful manner, just as long as he got what he wanted. It only goes to show that he is not only a pathological liar, but a pathological thief as well. With hundreds of millions already stashed away in private bank accounts, more than he can ever spend in ten lifetimes, he still remains greedy for more. So greedy that he is willing to lie, cheat and steal to achieve his end.


2016-04-07 22:46 | Report Abuse

Lookie, lookie....ooi kock aun was handcuffed. I have to compliment him. At least he did not hide his face like tey por yee LOL LOL LPL



Now, let wait if anyone here could get me picture or video of the chongs and handcuff LOL LOL LOL LOL

Anyone with a half of brain also know tey and ooi's companies are their alter ego mah...are you brain dead or what? LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-07 22:46 | Report Abuse

Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun should be wise to remember the warning from the damansara's heist conveyed to tey and ooi's employees: "tell your boss to not mess with us."

To quote Tyrion Lannister's advice to Joffrey Baratheon (aka the personification of Tey Por Yee if he is a charather in a show about tits and dragons): "Some of Tey and ooi's enemies are dangerous and just now shady businessman are dying like flies."




2016-04-07 22:45 | Report Abuse

Let recap:

- the owners of pt haseba are herman koswara and benny tjokro. Both signed agreements with tey por yee and the transaction were secured with inovisi's shares where ooi kock aun sits as finance director and actually is inovisi's ultimate shareholders.

- pt asu and pt asi are the owners of pt haseba. The director and commisioner of pt asu and pt asi, i.e. Tjoe Yudhis, Dedi Francis and Edward Farolan are nominees of tey and ooi.

- the transaction between protasco and pt asu to buy pt asi's stakes in pt fas was secured with inovisi's shares. The shares were deposited to acclaim, a company established by tey and ooi, and on paper is run by Seh Poh Yee's wife.

- the website of pt asu is registered under a company which shares the same address as nexgram. Which company is a subsidiary of inovisi.

- tey and ooi have the power over pt gold child, pt nusantara rising rich, fast global, pt asu as evident from the fact that they are able to move around the money paid from protasco to pt asu and gold child which ended up in rs mahaniaga, dato chong's company as a repayment for the loan provided by dato chong so tey and ooi could finalize the deal to buy stakes in protasco.

Everything linked up to tey and ooi LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-07 22:13 | Report Abuse

Let recap:

- the owners of pt haseba are herman koswara and benny tjokro. Both signed agreements with tey por yee and the transaction were secured with inovisi's shares where ooi kock aun sits as finance director and actually is inovisi's ultimate shareholders.

- pt asu and pt asi are the owners of pt haseba. The director and commisioner of pt asu and pt asi, i.e. Tjoe Yudhis, Dedi Francis and Edward Farolan are nominees of tey and ooi.

- the transaction between protasco and pt asu to buy pt asi's stakes in pt fas was secured with inovisi's shares. The shares were deposited to acclaim, a company established by tey and ooi, and on paper is run by Seh Poh Yee's wife.

- the website of pt asu is registered under a company which shares the same address as nexgram. Which company is a subsidiary of inovisi.

- tey and ooi have the power over pt gold child, pt nusantara rising rich, fast global, pt asu as evident from the fact that they are able to move around the money paid from protasco to pt asu and gold child which ended up in rs mahaniaga, dato chong's company as a repayment for the loan provided by dato chong so tey and ooi could finalize the deal to buy stakes in protasco.

Everything linked up to tey and ooi LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

Yeah....and lookie here...On Feb 2, 2016, the Indonesian SC decided to extend the suspension of PT Inovisi's counter citing their failure to submit audited annual report to the SC LOL LOL


The management of PT Inovisi would not be able to produce such report as currently they went hiding like the slimey mice they are LOL LOL

Inovisi also failed to pay the annual listing fee:


Can't pay rent and can't pay annual fee? that is the fate of nexgram. Believe that LOL LOL

Speaking of which....anyone got the update on Nexgram's special committee report on Gold Dynamic and PT STAR? No news? Obviously since both are fictitious company owned by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun...


Any news on this so called nexgram venture to property in Fiji? LOL LOL LOL


Another fictitious project from yours truly: Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun.

Prior to it demise, the management of PT Inovisi also made numerous announcement on such and such projects or this and that acquisitions, which now we know it fictitious LOL LOL...


2016-04-07 22:10 | Report Abuse

Ooii....pumpkin, speaking of bribery:

Speaking of bribery, tey and ooi paid dirty lawyer to bribe indonesian police to bring charges against one of his nominee on ground of perjury. Idr 1billion went to a high rank officer and another idr 1billion goes to falsify forensics report to incriminate this nominee.

Despite paying off cops idr 2billion but tey and ooi efforts are in vain. In fact when this nominee lost his patient, he decided to make his counter attack and use the considerable resources, power and influences he have to teach tey and ooi a lesson of the danger in poking a sleeping lion. In fact, tey and ooi not only woken up the lion but the whole pride as well.

Not only tey and ooi's vicious attack is repelled, but inovisi, the once mighty stronghold of tey and ooi was destroyed to bits. It counter is suspended by indonesian sc; it office is raided by indonesian police and the public notary who made it possible for tey and ooi to establish many fictitious empty shell company is detained by the police. In the end, inovisi closed it business, and it managemen which all are tey and ooi's nominees went hiding into their rat hole LOL LOL LOL LOL

After the destruction of inovisi, jan adam tangkilisan and dedi francis contacted this former nominee to seek for truce and ask for a meeting. During the d-day, dedi francis who always bragged and acted like a hongkong triad chicken out and ran away from the scene when he saw the said nominee was protected by two indonesian special forces (kopassus). Jan adam followed suit after he was notified by dedi francis.

True story LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL..


2016-04-07 22:08 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: A former company director has been charged in the Sessions Court here with cheating the board of directors, making a false declaration and criminal breach of trust involving more than RM80mil.

Datuk Ooi Kock Aun, 49, was accused of cheating Protasco Bhd’s board of directors and its officers by withholding information that he had had direct involvement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, a company incorporated in Indonesia.

His action resulted in Protasco entering in an investment agreement on oil and gas in Indonesia via the purchase of 63% of PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia valued at US$22mil (RM68,393,170) with PT Anglo Slavic Utama.

The payment for the purchase was made in stages into two bank accounts.

The offence, under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating, was allegedly committed at Protasco’s office at Level 2, Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang, between November 2012 and Jan 30, 2014.

Ooi, who is now a businessman, faces a second charge of making a false declaration to the Commissioner for Oaths that he did not have any ties with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, its directors or shareholders when he knew that he indeed had an interest in the company.

The offence allegedly took place at Wern Li Morsingh commissioner for oaths office at Fraser Business Park in Jalan Metro Pudu, off Jalan Yew, on July 25, 2014.

The third charge reads that Ooi committed CBT involving PT Anglo Slavic property worth RM16,250,000 at CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd in Menara Southern Bank in Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, on Feb 4, 2014.

Ooi claimed trial to the charges before Sessions judge Suraiya Mustafa Kamal.

DPP Nurshuhaida Zainal Azahar offered bail at RM1mil in one surety for all charges.

She also urged the court to impound Ooi’s passport and prevent him from approaching all prosecution witnesses.

Ooi’s counsel Edmund Bon, in asking for a lower bail, said his client had cooperated with police throughout the investigation.

He said Ooi had a wife and four children and he was a respected individual in the accounting field.

Suraiya fixed bail at RM1mil in one surety for all charges and ordered Ooi to surrender his passport and prohibited him from approaching prosecution witnesses.

The court fixed Feb 26 for mention.


2016-04-07 22:08 | Report Abuse

The Company further wishes to announce that an ex-parte application for Mareva injunction against the 2nd and 3rd Defendants was filed on 29 March 2016 which was fixed for hearing on 31 March 2016 and 1 April 2016.

On 1 April 2016, an ad interim order was granted by the Court until the disposal of the inter-parte hearing which is fixed on 13 June 2016, restraining the 2nd and 3rd Defendants whether by themselves, their agents, their servants, their licensees or anyone of them or otherwise from:-

(a) removing from Malaysia any of their assets which are in Malaysia whether owned legally or beneficially by them and whether in their own name or not and whether solely or jointly owned up to the value of RM60million; and

(b) disposing of or dealing with or diminishing the value of any of their assets whether they are in or outside of Malaysia whether owned legally or beneficially by them and whether in their own name or not and whether solely or jointly owned up to the value of RM60million, and that this prohibition includes without affecting the generality of the foregoing assets, all properties of the 2nd and 3rd Defendants.

Ironically this actually helps 'preserve' some value for Nexgram.


2016-04-07 22:06 | Report Abuse

Holy crap on the crapper....from 64 mil to 7 mil in just one year? Why no uproars from the shareholders????


2016-04-07 22:05 | Report Abuse

Here, the complete chronology of event from the first time Tey and Ooi got their hand on the OnG projects in Indonesia leading up to their offering to Protasco to get their shares in the project and ended at the demise of Tey and Ooi's empire in Indonesia:

Bonus round.

24 Oct 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee via Global Cap Venture signed Term Sheet with Herman Koswara, the controlling shareholders of PT Fas. The purpose of the term sheet is to acquire project kuala simpang timur oil field. It is agreed that Larry will purchase Herman's shares priced at IDR 6billion (Larry has only paid IDR 3billion).

1 November 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee and Benny Tjokro agreed on how to move forward with handling over Benny's shares at PT Fas, i.e. Tey Por Yee paid the operational costs of PT Haseba as of the date of the agreement and Larry Tey Por Yee take over Benny's debt at Mayapada Bank in the amount or IDR 23 Billion (both conditions are not fulfilled). However in the said date Larry already received the shares of PT Fas belonged to Benny Tjokro. Tey put the shares in PT Asi.

28 December 2012: Larry Tey Por Yee sold his shares to Protasco Berhad in the amount of USD 55million without notifying Herman and Benny.

21 May 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee sent a forged invitation for egms of PT Haseba which will be held at the office of Djamkk Asmur, the public notary in Aceh.

14 August 2013: to pay his debt to Benny, Larry wired in IDR 5billion and put Inovisi's shares as a guarantee. Few month later when Larry is in default; Benny attempted to execute the block of Inovisi's shares and finds that the value has dropped to a meager 10% of its initial value.

23 August 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee changed the directors and commisioners of PT Haseba based on the illegal egms.

24 February 2014 Herman Koswara and Benny Tjokro lodged police report against Larry Tey Por Yee alleging that he forged Herman and Benny's signature and defrauded them.

1 April 2014 Benny Tjokro through it vehicle PT Dayasakti Putradharma filed lawsuit against PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia at south jakarta district court.

25 April 2014 Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama filed lawsuit against PT Green Pine, Jerry Djajasaputra, PT Equator Securities and PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk arguing that it had invested IDR 125billion in PT Inovisi which was guaranteed by a block of Inovisi's shares. But it had not seen any profit and when they attempted to cash in on the shares, it shares dropped significantly.

11 December 2014 Benny Tjokro and Larry Tey signed settlement agreement in which Larry agreed to pay IDR 18billion, at the latest 28 January 2015. Up to this day Larry failed to honor this settlement agreement.

8 July 2015 The court ruled in favour of Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama and order Inovisi to pay IDR 200billion.

15 July 2015 Indonesian police raided the office of PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk.

December 2015 PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk closed down it business without prior notice to the investors and employees after failing to pay rent and utilities to Patra Jasa's building management. It management went hiding.


2016-04-07 22:05 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Three Nexgram Holdings Bhd directors have resigned following a legal suit against the company’s founder, Tey Por Yee, filed by Protasco Bhd.

Protasco had on Monday said it was launching a legal suit against Tey, a substantial shareholder of Protasco, as well as another Protasco director Ooi Kock Aun and Indonesian-based PT Anglo Slavic Utama (PT ASU).

Nexgram told Bursa Malaysia yesterday that three of its directors − Leou Thiam Lai, Ungku Razak Ungku Rahman and Yap Siok Teng − had resigned “because of the newspaper report on Protasco filing legal suit against a director of the company.” It did not elaborate further.

In May, Nexgram revealed to the bourse it was engaged in preliminary discussions with Protasco on a mixed development project in Cyberjaya.

In the suit by Protasco, PT ASU is the first defendant, while Tey and Ooi were named the second and third defendants respectively.

In the Monday announcement, Protasco said it was claiming US$22mil (RM72mil) in damages against the first defendant for the alleged breach to a sale and purchase agreement (SPA), as well as pre and post interest rates of 5% per annum on the sum it is claiming.

Protasco also said it was claiming US$27mil (RM88mil) in damages for fraud and conspiracy as well as aggravated and exemplary general damages against the second and third defendants.

The company is also claiming pre and post interest rates of 5% per annum on the sum it is claiming against the second and third defendants.

Protasco is claiming for a refund of the purchase price paid under the restated SPA dated Jan 28 from PT ASU and/or damages – and/or for damages – arising from the breach of contract.

Its claim against Tey and Ooi is premised on the breach of their fiduciary and statutory duties, including the duty to disclose their interest in the transaction, conspiracy to defraud Protasco and the making of secret profits.

According to earlier announcements, Protasco had entered into an SPA with PT ASU in late-2012 to acquire a 76% equity interest in PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (PT ASI) for US$55mil (RM181.3mil). However, after undertaking a due diligence, the terms of the SPA were revised.

Subsequently, on Jan 29, Protasco entered into an amended SPA with PT ASU for the acquisition of a 63% stake in PT ASI for a total purchase consideration of US$22mil. This came with a profit guarantee of US$22mil spread over four years.

The proposed deal lapsed as conditions to the restated SPA were not fulfilled by the vendor and the security provider within the stipulated timeframe.

Protasco said the legal proceedings it had initiated had no significant immediate adverse impact on the current financial position of the company, adding that it would make an impairment on the purchase price if necessary, in consultation with its auditors.

Nexgram, formerly known as Nextnation Communication Bhd, is essentially a mobile applications and platform provider. Tey emerged as the second largest shareholder in Protasco in late-2012.


If it was the case that whatever befallen to Tey and Ooi had nothing to do with Nexgram, then why Nexgram's directors resigned from the company, citing protasco's suit as the main reason?


2016-04-07 22:04 | Report Abuse


Unfortunately for you, I am not Kenny Chong nor affiliated with Protasco.

But obviously, if you see the chart passed over by Tey and Ooi to reporters, it is abundantly clear that the movement of money from Protasco to PT ASU and PT Goldchild went through numerous companies owned and operated by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun before it reach Mahaniaga.

Here, for example: PT Nusantara Rising Rich is managed by Dedi Francis (a nominee to Tey and Ooi) and it took private placement of 29,5million nextnation shares and a shareholders of Asdion and Hytex (both own by Tey Por Yee and his brother, Tey Por Yoong is a director fo Hytex).


Oh right, Fast Global, the company which received money from PT Goldchild, received transfer of shares of 14million shares in Hytex and acquires 9,5million in Asdion.

So, everything linked up to Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun. And what a stupid move. In their desperation to divert attention from Protasco's suit, Tey and Ooi has opened to the world of list of entities that linked to the listed companies that Tey and Ooi's owns shares in or is associated with.

And now, the list of shelf companies owns by Tey and Ooi are about to be disclosed to public. Let me put it this way, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) which is funded by US Agency for International Development (USAid) has been notified of Tey and Ooi crimes against the United States (referring to the Tatto Media case), so Tey and Ooi is now targeted by the US Government. When it does happen, this would be a serious blow to Tey and Ooi's integrity, or lack thereof LOL LOL LOL..


2016-04-07 22:03 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practiceList of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this old fart baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaking to the public like Ooi's sperm leaking inside his indon's maid.


2016-04-07 11:21 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practiceList of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this old fart baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaking to the public like Ooi's sperm leaking inside his indon's maid.


2016-04-07 11:15 | Report Abuse

So, if you think that Protasco is at loss because the foiled OnG's project, then you couldn't be more wrong since the project is not clean and clear to begin with as evident from the fact that the previous owners (Benny Tjokro and Herman Koswara) has not been fully paid by Tey and Ooi. BenTjok and HerKos also alleges that Tey and Ooi initiated an illegal EGMS by forging their signatures, actually this is a trait of Tey and Ooi.


2016-04-07 11:12 | Report Abuse

Yo Indiaman (just realize something...are you a clone of Chinaman?)

Here, the complete chronology of event from the first time Tey and Ooi got their hand on the OnG projects in Indonesia leading up to their offering to Protasco to get their shares in the project and ended at the demise of Tey and Ooi's empire in Indonesia:

Bonus round.

24 Oct 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee via Global Cap Venture signed Term Sheet with Herman Koswara, the controlling shareholders of PT Fas. The purpose of the term sheet is to acquire project kuala simpang timur oil field. It is agreed that Larry will purchase Herman's shares priced at IDR 6billion (Larry has only paid IDR 3billion).

1 November 2012 Larry Tey Por Yee and Benny Tjokro agreed on how to move forward with handling over Benny's shares at PT Fas, i.e. Tey Por Yee paid the operational costs of PT Haseba as of the date of the agreement and Larry Tey Por Yee take over Benny's debt at Mayapada Bank in the amount or IDR 23 Billion (both conditions are not fulfilled). However in the said date Larry already received the shares of PT Fas belonged to Benny Tjokro. Tey put the shares in PT Asi.

28 December 2012: Larry Tey Por Yee sold his shares to Protasco Berhad in the amount of USD 55million without notifying Herman and Benny.

21 May 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee sent a forged invitation for egms of PT Haseba which will be held at the office of Djamkk Asmur, the public notary in Aceh.

14 August 2013: to pay his debt to Benny, Larry wired in IDR 5billion and put Inovisi's shares as a guarantee. Few month later when Larry is in default; Benny attempted to execute the block of Inovisi's shares and finds that the value has dropped to a meager 10% of its initial value.

23 August 2013 Larry Tey Por Yee changed the directors and commisioners of PT Haseba based on the illegal egms.

24 February 2014 Herman Koswara and Benny Tjokro lodged police report against Larry Tey Por Yee alleging that he forged Herman and Benny's signature and defrauded them.

1 April 2014 Benny Tjokro through it vehicle PT Dayasakti Putradharma filed lawsuit against PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia at south jakarta district court.

25 April 2014 Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama filed lawsuit against PT Green Pine, Jerry Djajasaputra, PT Equator Securities and PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk arguing that it had invested IDR 125billion in PT Inovisi which was guaranteed by a block of Inovisi's shares. But it had not seen any profit and when they attempted to cash in on the shares, it shares dropped significantly.

11 December 2014 Benny Tjokro and Larry Tey signed settlement agreement in which Larry agreed to pay IDR 18billion, at the latest 28 January 2015. Up to this day Larry failed to honor this settlement agreement.

8 July 2015 The court ruled in favour of Koperasi Sejahtera Bersama and order Inovisi to pay IDR 200billion.

15 July 2015 Indonesian police raided the office of PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk.

December 2015 PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk closed down it business without prior notice to the investors and employees after failing to pay rent and utilities to Patra Jasa's building management. It management went hiding.


2016-04-07 11:08 | Report Abuse

Actually not...the ex directors are smart fellow. After working for them for years, the directors realized that Tey and Ooi are criminals who used Nexgram in the scheme to make it more legitimate. Here for example:


Now, please remember, before the relationship between Protasco and Tey-Ooi became sours, Tey and Ooi offered Sepang project to Protasco in a bid to ties Nexgram together with Protasco. Fortunately the negotiation failed to materialize or Protasco will suffer the fate of Asdion.

So, the fact that Tun Daim, the Godfather of Malaysia Corporate World is protecting Protasco had nothing to do with the resignation of Nexgram's directors. By the way, the fact that Protasco is heavily fortified by the blessing of Tun Daim clearly make Tey and Ooi looks stupid as ever for creating a beef against Protasco. Won't you agree?


2016-04-07 10:46 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Three Nexgram Holdings Bhd directors have resigned following a legal suit against the company’s founder, Tey Por Yee, filed by Protasco Bhd.

Protasco had on Monday said it was launching a legal suit against Tey, a substantial shareholder of Protasco, as well as another Protasco director Ooi Kock Aun and Indonesian-based PT Anglo Slavic Utama (PT ASU).

Nexgram told Bursa Malaysia yesterday that three of its directors − Leou Thiam Lai, Ungku Razak Ungku Rahman and Yap Siok Teng − had resigned “because of the newspaper report on Protasco filing legal suit against a director of the company.” It did not elaborate further.

In May, Nexgram revealed to the bourse it was engaged in preliminary discussions with Protasco on a mixed development project in Cyberjaya.

In the suit by Protasco, PT ASU is the first defendant, while Tey and Ooi were named the second and third defendants respectively.

In the Monday announcement, Protasco said it was claiming US$22mil (RM72mil) in damages against the first defendant for the alleged breach to a sale and purchase agreement (SPA), as well as pre and post interest rates of 5% per annum on the sum it is claiming.

Protasco also said it was claiming US$27mil (RM88mil) in damages for fraud and conspiracy as well as aggravated and exemplary general damages against the second and third defendants.

The company is also claiming pre and post interest rates of 5% per annum on the sum it is claiming against the second and third defendants.

Protasco is claiming for a refund of the purchase price paid under the restated SPA dated Jan 28 from PT ASU and/or damages – and/or for damages – arising from the breach of contract.

Its claim against Tey and Ooi is premised on the breach of their fiduciary and statutory duties, including the duty to disclose their interest in the transaction, conspiracy to defraud Protasco and the making of secret profits.

According to earlier announcements, Protasco had entered into an SPA with PT ASU in late-2012 to acquire a 76% equity interest in PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia (PT ASI) for US$55mil (RM181.3mil). However, after undertaking a due diligence, the terms of the SPA were revised.

Subsequently, on Jan 29, Protasco entered into an amended SPA with PT ASU for the acquisition of a 63% stake in PT ASI for a total purchase consideration of US$22mil. This came with a profit guarantee of US$22mil spread over four years.

The proposed deal lapsed as conditions to the restated SPA were not fulfilled by the vendor and the security provider within the stipulated timeframe.

Protasco said the legal proceedings it had initiated had no significant immediate adverse impact on the current financial position of the company, adding that it would make an impairment on the purchase price if necessary, in consultation with its auditors.

Nexgram, formerly known as Nextnation Communication Bhd, is essentially a mobile applications and platform provider. Tey emerged as the second largest shareholder in Protasco in late-2012.


If it was the case that whatever befallen to Tey and Ooi had nothing to do with Nexgram, then why Nexgram's directors resigned from the company, citing protasco's suit as the main reason?


2016-04-07 10:36 | Report Abuse

Are you kidding me Indiaman?

Yes, legally-speaking, Tey Por Yee is no longer a shareholders or a director of Nexgram. But, his brother, Tey Por Chen is, hence the protasco's ex-parte mareva injunction.

In that effect, it is evident that Tey Por Yee is pretty much still controlling Nexgram through his brother cum nominee. So, on contrary, whatever befallen him got everything to do with Nexgram, moreover Tey and Ooi repeatedly used Nexgram in scamming their victims. This is also admitted by the directors of nexgram who were resigned citing protasco's suit.


Well, Tey and Ooi should be afraid of the FBI and the CIA. I am eager to wait the day Tey and Ooi are extradited to the US to serve justice.


2016-04-07 10:23 | Report Abuse


Unfortunately for you, I am not Kenny Chong nor affiliated with Protasco.

But obviously, if you see the chart passed over by Tey and Ooi to reporters, it is abundantly clear that the movement of money from Protasco to PT ASU and PT Goldchild went through numerous companies owned and operated by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun before it reach Mahaniaga.

Here, for example: PT Nusantara Rising Rich is managed by Dedi Francis (a nominee to Tey and Ooi) and it took private placement of 29,5million nextnation shares and a shareholders of Asdion and Hytex (both own by Tey Por Yee and his brother, Tey Por Yoong is a director fo Hytex).


Oh right, Fast Global, the company which received money from PT Goldchild, received transfer of shares of 14million shares in Hytex and acquires 9,5million in Asdion.

So, everything linked up to Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun. And what a stupid move. In their desperation to divert attention from Protasco's suit, Tey and Ooi has opened to the world of list of entities that linked to the listed companies that Tey and Ooi's owns shares in or is associated with.

And now, the list of shelf companies owns by Tey and Ooi are about to be disclosed to public. Let me put it this way, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) which is funded by US Agency for International Development (USAid) has been notified of Tey and Ooi crimes against the United States (referring to the Tatto Media case), so Tey and Ooi is now targeted by the US Government. When it does happen, this would be a serious blow to Tey and Ooi's integrity, or lack thereof LOL LOL LOL..


2016-04-07 08:50 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practiceList of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this old fart baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaking to the public like Ooi's sperm leaking inside his indon's maid.


2016-04-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

I never said establishing SPVs is breaking any laws right? Beside, if SPVs is prohibited, it will stop an actual foreign direct investment all together which means the dead of capitalism.

But....the thing is, the practice of creating shelf companies, like the one owned and operated by Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun are with sinister purpose, which is to avoid paying tax; to make shady business deal; and launder money.

So, everybody and especially Tey and Ooi, in the list already shedding negative light unto themselves on the day they decided to form a offshore companies.


2016-04-06 15:06 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practiceList of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this old fart baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaking to the public like Ooi's sperm leaking inside his indon's maid.


2016-04-06 15:01 | Report Abuse

Yo Kingsaham...never provoke mah...only telling the truth.

Indiaman. it means that owning a special purpose vehicle in a tax haven countries is a business practice for businessman who attempted to hide his income from his government. Some SPVs also being used to funneled bribe money to the party concerned.

So, question to be beg is why I point Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun? Well, because this counter is for Nexgram, a company founded, owned and controlled by Tey and Ooi, two scum ponds of Malaysia corporate world.


2016-04-06 12:17 | Report Abuse

Yo, Indiaman....of course ICIJ is not ICJ..your point is?

Actually, the practice of SPVs by some shady businessman like Tey Por Yee or Ooi Kock Aun or Jan Adam Tangkilisan is what you call a lex mercatoria...law of the merchant...a habit among businessman....it may not illegal right now but it is frown upon as most countries know that the purposes and existence of shelf companies is to support illegal business, including hiding income and ergo tax.


2016-04-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun should be afraid. Their SPVs are about to be exposed LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

One of the prime minister’s sons, Mohd Nazifuddin Mohd Najib, is among those named in a massive leak of information from a Panama-based law firm.

According to the documents uncovered in the leak, he had held directorships in two companies based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), namely Jay Marriot International and PCJ International Venture Limited.

However, this does not imply any wrongdoing on his part.

“There are legitimate uses for offshore companies, foundations and trusts,” said the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which led the investigation together with Germany-based newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.

“We do not intend to suggest or imply that any persons, companies or other entities included in the ICIJ Power Players interactive application have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly,” it said.

According to the ICIJ, Nazifuddin became one of two directors of Jay Marriot in 2009.

The other director was reportedly Ch’ng Soon Sen, who was reportedly then the executive director of the property developer Malaysia Pacific Corp and is now its CEO.

The ICIJ report also noted responses to the leaks from Nazifuddin and Ch’ng.

Ch'ng reportedly confirmed acquiring Jay Marriot together with Nazifuddin in 2009, but there had been no business activity “since formation”.

In addition, he said Nazifuddin has transferred his shares in Jay Marriot to Ch'ng's sister and resigned in 2011.

As for PCJ International, Nazifuddin reportedly set up the company together with developer Megat Daniff Shahriman Zaharudin, but the company was shut down a year later.

The report also notes that Megat Daniff is a financial adviser of the NGO Youth on Unity, which is headed by Nazifuddin.

Nazifuddin reportedly told the ICIJ and Süddeutsche Zeitung that PCJ International was set up for conducting international business, but there had been no business transactions and the company was subsequently shut down.

Both companies had been registered in the BVI by the law firm Mossack Fonseca, where an employee supposedly leaked the documents to Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Largest data leak

It has been described the largest data leak that journalists ever worked with, comprising 2.6 terrabytes of data, 11.5 million documents, that shed light on 214,000 shell companies.

It reportedly took the combined efforts of 370 journalists in 78 countries to sift through the documents, dubbed the ‘Panama Papers’.

Offshore companies such as those in the BVI, Cayman Islands and Delaware, USA, are notoriously secretive due to opaque tax and corporate laws in these jurisdictions. For this reason, its use has been controversial.

Apart from legitimate business transactions, such shell companies had also been used for illegitimate purposes such as money laundering and tax evasion.

The BBC, which is among the news organisations that sifted through the data, had reported that the documents expose a money-laundering ring involving Russian President Vladimir Putin’s associates and Bank Rossiya, the latter of which is the subject of US and EU economic sanctions.


2016-04-06 10:04 | Report Abuse

Yo, Indiaman....did you ate too much curry this morning?

Actually, Tey disposing most of his nexgram's shares and keeping the majority of his stakes in Protasco.

And, obviously sport ministers will say that since Najib's son is implicated in the Panama's Papers.


Simply put, the purposes of establishing SPVs are: to hide your tax; to hide your interest; to bribe or receive bribe. So, indeed owning offshore account is not a crime in it self since it is not regulated. But, ask yourself this, if you are a good, honest taxpayer businessman, why you need to hide your name in a paper company?


2016-04-06 09:50 | Report Abuse

List of shelf companies owned and operated by Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.
•Assetia Worldwide Inc.
•Private Finance Group
•Crown Equity Resources Ltd
•Private Finance Group Ltd
•Assetia Worldwide Overseas Inc.

Wah lau, this baldie got so many friggin shell companies...wonder which one he hold for Tey and Ooi...it is only a matter of time for list of tey and ooi's shelf companies are leaks to the public.


2016-04-06 09:45 | Report Abuse

Exactly like Tey and Ooi, their nominee have a hobby to establish offshore shell/shelf companies, you know to hide taxes and pay bribes where ever required and other heinous crimes.

As fate would have it, one of the big fish in Tey and Ooi's defunct Indonesian empire, one Jan Adam Tangkilisan is caught red handedly by the ICIJ of possessing many SPVs.


You may heard about ICIJ from the now famous Panama's Papers. ICIJ was the one who initially release the leaks to the public since it is their mission to disclose the secret world of offshore/tax haven/money laundryng practices.


2016-04-05 20:05 | Report Abuse


So sleazy lah tey por yee and ooi kock aun. Attempted to hide their assets because they knew that they were as guilty as sin LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-01 12:58 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: A former company director has been charged in the Sessions Court here with cheating the board of directors, making a false declaration and criminal breach of trust involving more than RM80mil.

Datuk Ooi Kock Aun, 49, was accused of cheating Protasco Bhd’s board of directors and its officers by withholding information that he had had direct involvement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, a company incorporated in Indonesia.

His action resulted in Protasco entering in an investment agreement on oil and gas in Indonesia via the purchase of 63% of PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia valued at US$22mil (RM68,393,170) with PT Anglo Slavic Utama.

The payment for the purchase was made in stages into two bank accounts.

The offence, under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating, was allegedly committed at Protasco’s office at Level 2, Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang, between November 2012 and Jan 30, 2014.

Ooi, who is now a businessman, faces a second charge of making a false declaration to the Commissioner for Oaths that he did not have any ties with PT Anglo Slavic Utama, its directors or shareholders when he knew that he indeed had an interest in the company.

The offence allegedly took place at Wern Li Morsingh commissioner for oaths office at Fraser Business Park in Jalan Metro Pudu, off Jalan Yew, on July 25, 2014.

The third charge reads that Ooi committed CBT involving PT Anglo Slavic property worth RM16,250,000 at CIMB Islamic Bank Bhd in Menara Southern Bank in Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara, on Feb 4, 2014.

Ooi claimed trial to the charges before Sessions judge Suraiya Mustafa Kamal.

DPP Nurshuhaida Zainal Azahar offered bail at RM1mil in one surety for all charges.

She also urged the court to impound Ooi’s passport and prevent him from approaching all prosecution witnesses.

Ooi’s counsel Edmund Bon, in asking for a lower bail, said his client had cooperated with police throughout the investigation.

He said Ooi had a wife and four children and he was a respected individual in the accounting field.

Suraiya fixed bail at RM1mil in one surety for all charges and ordered Ooi to surrender his passport and prohibited him from approaching prosecution witnesses.

The court fixed Feb 26 for mention.


2016-04-01 12:57 | Report Abuse

One "old story"

So tey and ooi got a beef with a powerful malay politician. And at the same time tey and ooi treated their employee badly....so one time the security employed by tey and ooi was contacted by the people of this politician who were seeking dirt on tey and ooi. Coincidentally the security know the exact time and date of the next money withdrawal of tey and ooi's company, so he notifying this to tey and ooi's enemy which then robbed tey and ooi's money in broad day light LOL LOL LOL LOL

Tey and ooi failed to realize the dire of their situation. At the time being, a group of shady individuals are watching their every move including their wives and childrens LOL LOL LOL


2016-04-01 12:57 | Report Abuse

Looks like tey trying to hide his assets should the court finds him guilty LOL LOL LOL...

KUALA LUMPUR: Businessman Datuk Tey Por Yee has sold his entire 24.82% shareholding in Asdion Bhd through off-market trade, while transferring his shareholding in Ire-Tex Corp Bhd to his younger brother Por Chen.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Asdion said Por Yee made the disposal of the 24.82 million shares in the company in an off-market transaction on Feb 25, but did not disclose the transacted price.

Last Friday, The Edge Financial Daily reported that Asdion saw the same number of shares traded off market at 27 sen, a sharp discount of 38.64% over the then-closing price of 44 sen.

In a separate filing yesterday, Ire-Tex disclosed that Por Chen emerged as a substantial shareholder through an off-market acquisition of 30.6 million shares, equivalent to a 22.96% stake, in the corrugated packaging services provider on Feb 24 as well.

Por Yee, 40, was formerly the non-executive director of construction and property group Protasco Bhd. On Jan 16, he claimed trial at the Ampang Sessions Court to two charges of cheating and perjury involving RM68 million.


2016-04-01 12:53 | Report Abuse

At age seven, tey por hee was already showing signs of what he was destined to be: a thief and a liar. Ten sen, twenty sen, fifty sen…all would disappear “mysteriously” from his families drawers, savings and piggy banks. Later, bigger sums would go missing, from his father’s wallet to his mother’s purse. Tey would be placed at the scene of the crime but he always had an excuse or story to wriggle his way out of the situation.

For a while his parents believed him. Until he got caught red-handed one day. Then, his father had no choice but to punish him. If we hoped that would beat some sense and decency into him, we were sadly mistaken.

He took his bad habits with him to school. Already skilled at telling lies and manipulating people, he began cheating his classmates. The sums ranged from a few ringgit to hundreds of ringgit. The figures may seem small to some, but for a young schoolboy, the sum is enormous. As usual, his long-suffering father had to clear his debts and try to redress the damage done to his victims.

At age sixteen, Tey por yee had to audacity to go to his uncle’s house to borrow money. He said he needed RM2,000.00 because his father was sick and desperately needed the money for an operation. Believing his lies totally, the uncle gave it to him. His family never lived down the humiliation when the truth came out.

Since young, he has always been obsessed with money. Even when he had a lot of it, it was never enough. He wanted more and more. Never mind if it was obtained in a deceitful manner, just as long as he got what he wanted. It only goes to show that he is not only a pathological liar, but a pathological thief as well. With hundreds of millions already stashed away in private bank accounts, more than he can ever spend in ten lifetimes, he still remains greedy for more. So greedy that he is willing to lie, cheat and steal to achieve his end.


2016-03-30 22:46 | Report Abuse

Yo monde...never believe a financial report as it can be cooked. Don't believe me? Ask enron, aig, lehman, parmalat etc...


2016-03-30 20:52 | Report Abuse

Nexgram 4 cent, nexgram 4 cent LOL LOL LOL


2016-03-30 20:45 | Report Abuse

One "old story"

So tey and ooi got a beef with a powerful malay politician. And at the same time tey and ooi treated their employee badly....so one time the security employed by tey and ooi was contacted by the people of this politician who were seeking dirt on tey and ooi. Coincidentally the security know the exact time and date of the next money withdrawal of tey and ooi's company, so he notifying this to tey and ooi's enemy which then robbed tey and ooi's money in broad day light LOL LOL LOL LOL

Tey and ooi failed to realize the dire of their situation. At the time being, a group of shady individuals are watching their every move including their wives and childrens LOL LOL LOL


2016-03-30 20:44 | Report Abuse

LOL LOL LOL........Tey been dragging this counter since his trial is started.

Ooii....pumpkin, speaking of bribery:

Speaking of bribery, tey and ooi paid dirty lawyer to bribe indonesian police to bring charges against one of his nominee on ground of perjury. Idr 1billion went to a high rank officer and another idr 1billion goes to falsify forensics report to incriminate this nominee.

Despite paying off cops idr 2billion but tey and ooi efforts are in vain. In fact when this nominee lost his patient, he decided to make his counter attack and use the considerable resources, power and influences he have to teach tey and ooi a lesson of the danger in poking a sleeping lion. In fact, tey and ooi not only woken up the lion but the whole pride as well.

Not only tey and ooi's vicious attack is repelled, but inovisi, the once mighty stronghold of tey and ooi was destroyed to bits. It counter is suspended by indonesian sc; it office is raided by indonesian police and the public notary who made it possible for tey and ooi to establish many fictitious empty shell company is detained by the police. In the end, inovisi closed it business, and it managemen which all are tey and ooi's nominees went hiding into their rat hole LOL LOL LOL LOL

After the destruction of inovisi, jan adam tangkilisan and dedi francis contacted this former nominee to seek for truce and ask for a meeting. During the d-day, dedi francis who always bragged and acted like a hongkong triad chicken out and ran away from the scene when he saw the said nominee was protected by two indonesian special forces (kopassus). Jan adam followed suit after he was notified by dedi francis.

True story LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL..