
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-02-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

If western nations suddenly impose sanctions now and freeze all Russia trade accounts, i think Putin will be overthrown!


2022-02-20 16:06 | Report Abuse

Quarter result out this friday!


2022-02-20 16:05 | Report Abuse

It's funny how western nations are screaming and shouting when in reality they can make Russia toe in line by just putting harsh sanctions on Russia!
I tell you, Putin will wet in his pants if the world suddenly cut ties with Russia immediately! I mean, that's what Trump will do! In fact that's what Trump has done!
Anyway, i think Biden is more interested in war than actually prevent it!


2022-02-20 15:58 | Report Abuse

The biggest winner from Ukraine war is China! Russia and western nations will go bankrupt! But for China, it's like going on shopping spree! That is why Great Britain gone bankrupt during WW2! Dutch has gone bankrupt during height of their colonization!
Japan too suffer deep humiliation after their crazed for global supremacy! Nothing good comes out of war!
War only bring out the worst in humanity! Nobody ever benefit from war! Even Hitler succumbed in the end! Napoleon died!
The only winners are those who capitalize it at it's tail end! US benefited during the last phase of WW2 as they gain technological advances from Jermany! And also from Japan! However, since then, US has lost so much more during Vietnam and Middle East wars!


2022-02-20 15:51 | Report Abuse

Honestly i don't see any reason for Russia to invade Ukraine! War is a very expensive hobby! Russia most probably will spend billions just for a week of full blown aggression! Military assets are extremely expensive!
And in todays world, we don't need manned assets to do the bidding! I think most of western nations have military drones enough to take out all the Russia assets along Ukraine border!
All i see is Biden administration obssession of seeing Ukraine erupt into chaos! And i thin Biden has lost his mind lately!
US lawmakers should demand for Biden resignation! During Trump administration, Putin hardly made any attempt to invade Ukraine! Why, because Putin fears Trump! It's the hard leadership of Trump that prevent many wars! We saw for the first time humanity experience total peace for a brief period during his era!
As for Biden, he seems exciting to engineer new war! And Ukraine sadly becomes victim of this!

News & Blogs

2022-02-19 23:08 | Report Abuse

Vietnam rapid adoption and success to new innovations are simply mind blowing!

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2022-02-19 23:07 | Report Abuse

Pas fake holymen already fulfilled their promises! Their followers already got ticket to heaven!


2022-02-18 22:04 | Report Abuse

Sure! You are free to vote whatever party there's on your vote paper! But end of the day, capitalists will control whoever lawmakers in Putrajaya!
If you think Najib is Malaysia No.1 kleptocrat, it's funny how Harapan leaders appointed Mahathir who is the bigger thief of them all!
If you think Badawi was clean, then you must be joking! Badawi too has his own cronies!
Then you have Malaysia new darling, Syed Saddiq! Boy, you guys must be living in denial as Syed Saddiq has been groom to be the youngest crony centric lawmaker of all!
You see, as long as capitalist is the name of the game, politics will be directly related! You cannot say politic is one thing, capitalism is another! They are like glove to a hand!


2022-02-18 17:48 | Report Abuse

Favco is not directly involve in oil industry! But quite good in downstream oil and gas! Slow and steady!


2022-02-18 03:45 | Report Abuse

Just let Omicron spread during Johor by election! This round, allow candidates to do daytime open ceramahs!
I think it's high time for freely by election! No more giving free advantage to Umno!

News & Blogs

2022-02-18 03:43 | Report Abuse

Here we go again! Biden crywolf! Engineered jitters!

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2022-02-17 23:36 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Yeah, so why set up DNB to milk 5G telecommunication providers!


2022-02-17 22:54 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Genting Singapore so so! But not bad! But i think Genting plantation will be huge! Expect huge divvy!
My hope is that Genting will give some divvy if next week quarter turns black!
However, i have zero prediction! The price movement tells what to expect!

News & Blogs

2022-02-17 19:36 | Report Abuse

Our leaders love to say fantastic things 10 years ahead! But you know i know almost all didn't come true! Remember Vision 2020! Yeah, expired 2 years ago! Still no flying mass transportation!


2022-02-17 03:18 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days where any Tom can set up a company, buy land and sell property at premium!
Have you see the price of construction cost today! Boy! All i see is developers struggling to keep up the ever increasing cost of materials!
It's a killer!
Not only developers! Even civil contractors are scared! It's like getting a tender only to find they can't even cut a tiny profit anymore! Now many are caught with loses instead!
All i see is tons of abandon projects in coming months!


2022-02-17 03:12 | Report Abuse

The rule of the game has changed! Putin has not! He is trap in ancient politics!
US and EU too trap in the old world! But China, that's different ball game!
We have seen how China drastically change it's maneuvers! No longer bide! But a strong force that can change how the world operates!
I believe Chairman Xi can see what's ahead of the curve compare to the rest of world leaders! And this is something world leaders including Putin should be aware of!


2022-02-17 03:08 | Report Abuse

One must read into Chairman Xi endgame! Actually, Putin is just a dumbass who is living in his own world! A dictator living in comfort way too long!
Here's the thing! Who benefit the most if the west goes into war with Russia!
What is certain, Russia will be the biggest loser! US and EU will suffer huge blown! Militarily, Russian, US and EU will drain themselves hence weakening themselves if this war thing out to be a long drag!
But i am sure Putin should realise it by now! Invading Ukraine is just plain silly! Only dumbass would do it given how US and EU will intervene!
The thing is Ukraine is now EU prize country! No, not because it's rich resources but because Ukraine will be EU defense against Russia! IF Ukraine falls, EU will fall as well! It's just plain strategic in that sense!
For US, it's more of a ego than anything else! Then again US is full of jokers and nobody respect US like they used to!
But for China, It's Russia not Asia that will be China greatest conquest! Invading Taiwan does not give much for China! Colonizing US is just too easy! As for Asia, it's just plain easy to bribe those in power and control them!
But Russia, now that's the endgame in geopolitics! If China can control Russia, then China controls the world!
Hence if Russia invade Ukraine, Russia will collapse as EU and US will impose so much sanction and embargo! And Chairman Xi will of course moves in giving sweet deals Russia cannot refuse!
In the end, China will dominate into Russia! And Putin can only blame himself for trying to invade a small country only to end up losing Russia!


2022-02-17 02:57 | Report Abuse

Anwar is losing out! Rafizi on the other hand sees this as an opportunity! Wait and see! Whisper remain whisper!


2022-02-17 01:58 | Report Abuse

Next week quarter result out!


2022-02-17 01:56 | Report Abuse

Whispers that Rafizi only will comeback to PKR if he is elected as PKR president!
I think it will be sooner rather than later judging from Anwar declining influence!
If Anwar yet again produce another humiliating defeat in Johor by election, Rafizi will have better chance of topping Anwar in coming PKR election which will be held in April!


2022-02-16 11:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah, as predicted! Nothing will happen! US caught with it's pants down! Biden told the world that Russia will attack Ukraine today, but today Russia actually finishing up their military exercise!


2022-02-16 00:05 | Report Abuse

Putin is living in ancient reign! He is unconcern about Russia or her people! Despite vast oil wealth from oil exports, Putin rarely used it to develop Russia!
Russia could have HSR lines just like China! Instead, Russia largely remain in Soviet era! Strangely russians couldn't bother much either!
Actually, to curb Russia aggresion, US and EU could have easily counter this with sanctions and embargo! Cutting trades with Russia completely! And of course ban Russia oil exports! Give few years and Putin will crumble!
But then again US and EU are full of dumbass of late! Leading the clown show is of course Biden! I mean, why do EU leaders have such high confidence in Biden! Haix, we live in strange era i guess!
I don't see Russia actually invading Ukraine! It is one of the dumbass thing Putin will do! But i guess we will soon find out how dumbass Putin actually is!
Been in super high ride of his life, Putin has build a fairy tale of greatness! Flush with oil wealth, he has been dumping billions into PR industry to make him look pretty, love and cute! Just watch youtube, tiktok, instagram, you name it, all paint beautiful image of Putin! With such high dose of vanity and fakehood, eventually Putin will be in such extreme denial thinking invading Ukraine will not form a devastating chain of events that eventually bring down Russia!
A war over Ukraine will not only bring down Russia but also US and EU nations! War is extremely expensive hobby! War has brought down and bankrupt the Great Britain! War also brought down Japan! So do many countries that were involve in war!
However, for Chairman Xi, this actually present an opportunity! Opportunity to corner Russia, US and EU nations all in one stroke! And Chairman Xi doesn't have to lift his fingers!
If Russian, US and EU get heavy into Ukraine war, chances are, China will be the king of the world!


2022-02-15 23:52 | Report Abuse

Of course the Lims are very well aware of this! Then again, after tasting Putrajaya, everything is on the table including letting Mahathir used Harapan!


2022-02-15 23:51 | Report Abuse

They say be careful of thief with offerings! And i say, be careful of Syed Saddiq using youth as front for Mahathir cronies to get directly into politics!
It's no brainer that the 20-30 group is such a huge political vote bank! And Syed Saddiq saw this as an opportunity!
He clothed himself into Khairy wanna be! But in actually fact, he is imcompetence as lawmaker! It's all about been beautiful to impressible youth but once gain in power, he let's cronies do all the job! It's an easy way to be fabulously wealthy and powerful!
Syed Saddiq wants a head start! He wants to be the youngest PM and stay in power twice that of Mahathir!
And of course Mahathir is more than happy to see Syed Saddiq leading Harapan! That's Mahathir latest playbook! Behind Syed Saddiq is Mahathir and his cronies!


2022-02-15 17:27 | Report Abuse

Sold all at 1.20! I am not complaining! Seems overbought!


2022-02-15 03:09 | Report Abuse

Dnex is the new Genetec! Yeah, totally miss out on Genetec! Maybe this round i should buy Dnex!


2022-02-14 22:21 | Report Abuse

Lurker! Putin should cut his PR budget! I mean, he spend billions on social media to maintain his cute and loveable image! Have you notice there's zero negative vibe about him! All super loving and positive! Yeah, money can buy admirers!


2022-02-14 21:49 | Report Abuse

If Trump is in charge now, i think Russia already see tons of sanctions! Russia businessmen ban from travelling! Russia trade would already collapse even before Putin can move assets on Ukraine border!


2022-02-14 21:47 | Report Abuse

Just go to youtube and see the invasion drill! It's so lame! Just few helicopters and tanks shooting aimlessly! And tons of Russia military assets sitting idle on Ukraine border!
It's more like Russia parking their military assets on Ukraine border and nothing else! It does not look like Russia going to invade anytime soon!
But look at Biden reaction! Totally dumbass! Biden over react! And declare war with Russia even before Putin actually did anything!
Personally all i see is imcompetence on Biden side! If Biden can't even control US borders, what make you think he can control Ukraine border!


2022-02-14 21:27 | Report Abuse

This Ukraine invasion thingy is nothing more that copy of Kim Jong Un playbook! While Kim main card is nuke rocket aim at US, Putin card is invasion Ukraine!
This is just a tactic with huge financial gain in mind! Kim endgame is to get billions from dumbass US president of the day! Putin on the other hand is to make sure oil to go higher and higher and higher!


2022-02-14 21:23 | Report Abuse

If Trump is in charge, i doubt Putin even consider invading Ukraine! Trump instead will make Putin jump up and down!
Thoughout US leadership history, only Trump will be remembered as the only peace morger president! The rest would take easy way by declaring war!


2022-02-14 21:21 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately Democrats are not the brightest lawmakers around! They are very good at politicking and character assassination but outside of US, they are laughing joke!
Do you know why Putin didn't even raise Ukraine during Trump era! Because Putin knows Donald Trump is a very hard ball! Trump will not play politics! Trump will push the button! As in case of China dan North Korea, Trump doubled down rather than go on defeat cover of 'negotiation' like Biden is doing with Putin!
Putin is having great time now! He knows how weak Biden is! And so he is playing around with Biden like dumbass!
Do you honestly think Putin would move and invade Ukraine in hurry! Don't you think Putin is doing all this to push oil much higher! Russia been the biggest benefactor of high oil price will use Ukraine card to keep the fear as long as possible!
Putin will only invade Ukraine when US and EU are at their weakest! So we should see a long game been played! The constant 'Russia will invade Ukraine soon' mantra is a huge advantage to Putin!
The thing is, the longer US and EU allies stay in Ukraine, the bigger the financial constraint on them! What, you think having huge military assets in Ukraine is cheap! Most probably US will spend hundreds of billions just to keep this military assets on stand by!


2022-02-14 21:08 | Report Abuse

I should have known about cup and handle formation! Chill, lucky for those who buy on dip! Watchout for further breakout once consolidation is over!


2022-02-14 21:06 | Report Abuse

To me, the only oil stocks that i am willing to risk are Hibiscus, Favco, Hengyuan and Petron! However, i don't have Petron which is a huge mistake on my part! The rest not worth it! Dayang, Serba, Knm, Saprng totally out of my radar!

News & Blogs

2022-02-14 20:33 | Report Abuse

Pkr has given 3 seats to Muda! Muda instead demand easy seats from Pkr! Go figure!


2022-02-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

For years i refuse to accept Mahathir as the main instrument in Harapan efforts to capture Putrajaya! I always assume Mahathir was at the right time at the right place!
But of late, the way Anwar handles Harapan as alliance, we can see how Anwar fail to gather support even from his own party!
Anwar dreamt of been PM for over 20 years now! Okay, almost 24 years! But since he took over PKR from Wan Azizah, we only see so much divide within PKR and Harapan itself!
Perhaps Anwar should accept his fate! He is not meant to be PM! That he doesn't have it to unite an alliance and all this while he was shiok thinking he and he alone can gather rakyat support to realize his dream!
At last after many by election, he is already losing influence and worst, Dap and Amanah already hinting they are dropping him and embrace Mahathir as their source of support!
Dap and Amanah willingness to give easy seats to Muda shows how much they admire Mahathir over Anwar!


2022-02-14 15:20 | Report Abuse

They say chart don't lie! Looking at current Genting and Genm price movement, we may see another disappointing quarter! Wait and see!