
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-03-04 21:55 | Report Abuse

I was divided between AYS and Hiaptek! But i made up my mind! I shall equally divide between this two! As for oil stocks, i am out for a while! Hibiscus is just too overbought!
As for palm, i still holding on to FGV, the only palm stock that i have!
Now my focus is mainly steel stocks!


2022-03-04 21:53 | Report Abuse

So yeah, i bought AYS before closing! Guilty as charge! Hands too itchy! But i guess logic prevail! High risk high return! I will add more Hiaptek next week monday!
Steel price just broke the 5000 level! And now at 5100, it's just matter of time before we see steel at 6000! Perhaps 7000! Perhaps much higher!
So logically, we should see AYS and Hiaptek cruising and break new high as well! It's just matter of time! Just sit tight and hold on!


2022-03-04 21:44 | Report Abuse

The reason why i am not too keen with Hibiscus lately is because of it's very overbought position!


2022-03-04 21:43 | Report Abuse

Hence the reason for Tok Mat brave new statement! That parliment will be dissolve after Johor by election regardless of the outcome! Perhaps this is strategic on Tok Mat side! He wants to taste the water first!


2022-03-04 21:41 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri i think made a huge miscalculation! Perhaps he is greedy and wants to remain PM as long as he wants ignoring the fact that he is not fit to be in that position! His biggest mistake is snubbing Tok Mat! PM Sabri yesmen are weak warlords! Leaders like Annuar Musa, Tajuddin, and Hisham are not popular in the first place and certain don't have the clout over grassroot in Umno! Khairy in the other hand, doesn't have a choice! Either be in Zahid Najib team or Sabri camp!
Perhaps Tok Mat felt he has no choice either! And only Zahid Najib camp seems to accept him!
As long as PM Sabri in charge, chances of both Zahid Najib end up in jail is super high! And so Zahid Najib decided that only Tok Mat can save them! In exchange, Tok Mat will lead Umno into GE15!
Now, Tok Mat is among very few moderate leaders in Umno! Najib is a moderate leader! The original Bossku is Tok Mat! As for Ismail Sabri, he is the old school 'tuan melayu' advocate! And so Sabri will not appeal to non muslims!
This new strategy to put Tok Mat as Umno new face should see big win for Umno and also attract local chinese to vote for MCA! The thing is, local chinese had enough of the Lims! They are very dissapointed and already indicate to dump DAP if Tok Mat run as PM in waiting for Umno Bn!


2022-03-04 21:33 | Report Abuse

Upagain! Both Putin and Xi are dictators! Having said that, at least Xi is much smarter! As for India mainstream media, forget it, India media are bunch of liars!


2022-03-04 15:59 | Report Abuse

Qqq! Of course Putin want Zelenskyy to surrender! But the thing is, it's too late for Putin to regain trust from the rest of the world! Attacking a helpless sovereign nation like Ukraine is a huge mistake! No forgiveness for Putin! He should be hunted down like dog!


2022-03-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

Meistsk! russia is now isolated! Nobody wants to be friend with Russia! They can play with gold all day long! Nobody cares!


2022-03-04 15:29 | Report Abuse

Now, here's the thing! You don't have to be genius to trade in bursa! Because 70% of bursa stocks hardly traded!
This is the sad reality of our bourse of late! Local funds not even active nowadays!


2022-03-04 15:08 | Report Abuse

High risk high return! But i rather wait until weekend is over! I dont dare to buy now even with assurance that the fire and nuclear disaster averted!


2022-03-04 12:37 | Report Abuse

Steel price hitting high again! Unfortunately this Ukraine nuclear thingy hit at the wrong time! I dare not say anything until we are sure of what happen to Ukraine nuclear power plant! If we get positive development, then buy on dip! If not, i don't know! Best to wait next week!

News & Blogs

2022-03-04 12:35 | Report Abuse

Fortunately for me, i use very little oil! As i find using oil free air fryer better alternative!

News & Blogs

2022-03-04 12:33 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, you can't even find those subsidized oil packet! Can't even find eggs in supermarket! I am afraid many restaurants and hawker stalls will close shop! This two ingredients are essential! Anyway, good riddance to EU for snubbing palm oil! Now, they are begging for palm oil! As for palm farmers, they are laughing all the way to the bank! For us consumers and food business owners, it's a huge struggle!


2022-03-04 12:30 | Report Abuse

Given worrying concern over Ukraine nuclear power plant, i am taking backseat for today! Pointless to monitor bursa until we totally know the status of Ukraine nuclear power plant! And for the next 2 days, we should get the answer!
So guys! Just take a leave from market first!


2022-03-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

To those who still support Putin, i say uraaa to you! You better que in line to be hanged as well!


2022-03-04 12:03 | Report Abuse

Personally, Putin has gone beyond crossing the red line! He is guilty as charge! He should be hanged!


2022-03-04 12:02 | Report Abuse

Latest attack on Ukraine nuclear power plant send global markets into tailspin! The implication of EU largest nuclear power plant spreading deadly radiation is beyond forgiveness!
Putin has cross the red line! There's no more forgiveness for this madman! It's time to declare Putin as war criminal leader!
He should be trialed as world No.1 war criminal!


2022-03-04 10:35 | Report Abuse

Putin not only mad but also really dumbass! Just to cut electric supply, he even go to extend destroying nucklear plant that will affect us all on earth! Yeah, uraaa to all the dumbass who support Putin! May you guys die from nucklear side effect first!


2022-03-04 10:28 | Report Abuse

World leaders must immediately cut ties with Russia over this attack! Attacking nucklear plant means attacking humanity itself!


2022-03-04 10:27 | Report Abuse

Yeah, that's why Mr Bursa suddenly drop today! It's horrible news! This madman Putin should know never to attack a nucklear plant as the impact would effect not only Ukraine but also EU even Russia and the rest of the world!


2022-03-03 21:11 | Report Abuse

Best to keep religion as personal endevour!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 21:08 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, we don't even have eggs in supermarkets! So i think we will have 'Keluarga Malaysia Telur' event soon!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 21:07 | Report Abuse

The usually temporary fix! A typical tactic of our leaders!


2022-03-03 21:06 | Report Abuse

Malaysia cannot even set minimum salary of only 1.5k! We look at our cleaners like rubbish! We treat our maids as if they are animals! We are a fail nation! We are also 2nd most racist nation in the world! Our children are separated by race! And our lawmakers are playing race and religion all day long! Tell me, how can we accept success like Singapore! We won't!


2022-03-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

That is why lately i start to understand the beauty of socialism! Where your cleaner salary is equal to your branch manager! Every job is highly respected! Every member of society play their role! Why i say this! Because that's where Singapore is heading! Singapore is one of those country that stop corrupt lawmakers from thriving and turn the democrazy system into a spin! That is why Singapore doubled the salary of it's cleaners so that every member of the society will be respected and play important role! How about Malaysia! Well, Malaysia has been total failure ! Democrazy has taken deep root!


2022-03-03 21:00 | Report Abuse

This is a sad modern charter of our modern history! And once Ukraine falls, the Chairman Xi will invade Taiwan! He is just waiting for Taiwan to cross the red line! The red line is an open secret! The day Taiwan declare independence is the day Taiwan suffer the same fate as Ukraine!
My advise to US and EU leaders, stop dragging the rest of Asia into their mind game! Taiwan was never an independent country and they refuse to help Taiwan seek declaration of as sovereign nation decades ago which they could!
As for taiwanese, better be prepared to accept that Taiwan is part of China! US and EU won't come running if China starts to invade just like Ukraine!
And the democractic nations should realise too! Stop been so corrupted! US is expected to enjoy another few more elections before civil war break loose in US! Why, because the crash of classes gap are too wide! The US elites control everything including outcome of US elections while the remaining 90% are slaves to them! That's why US has this senile president leading them after a rigged election!


2022-03-03 20:53 | Report Abuse

I say stop hoping Ukraine will win this conflict! They won't! Apparently Putin has been planning to invade Ukraine like forever! So whatever he says, it's all lies! This is a madman that wants to 'unite' the old Soviet the day Soviet Union falled!
But i think Putin didn't forsee the world to turn against him! Then again, after Ukraine is totally invaded, the west will forget and things will return to the old democrazy that we knew! And the west will continue to be in denial mode once again!
The thing is US and EU are powerless against Putin!
For those who admire Putin and rationalize that Putin is doing what US has been doing is simply dumbass!
Yes, US has engineered many wars! But humanity has changed! Humanity no longer view war as acceptable! Then they say, how about Israel attacking palestians! Well, the palestinians refuse to accept the jews! They never wanted peace deal with the jews! The jews according to their fake Holy Book are dogs and should be killed! But i do not support Israel attacking palestians! But they did offer a peace deal which palestian leaders refuse over and over again!
Anyway, Ukraine is looking certain to fall! The comedian president knew of this! But he has no choice! Either die as hero or run away as coward! That's not a choice at all!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 12:47 | Report Abuse

Malays are prone to obesity due to their bad diet! Too much beef, too much santan, too much of everything! Chinese diet are the healthiest! Unfortunately younger generation are into western diet which is really bad! If you are overweight, try eating small portion and less rice! Avoid oil! Eat plenty of vege and boiled meat! Or just head to those chinese hawkers to get your healthy food! That's why chinese look thin because their diet! Just take beef once in a while to balance your diet as chinese diet are lacking in beef!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 00:54 | Report Abuse

Maybe i am wrong but for me, oil stocks will be taking a backseat! The world is going to face shortage of steel! And steel is a commodity which China supply half of the world demand! As for oil, at usd100, downstream industry will take the lead now! Of course Favco will be in full book mode soon! But never mind, because, for steel, China can make half of world buyers scream and shout!
With Ukraine conflict on full blown, supply of iron is now reduce drastically! And China is looking pretty at the moment! And China can decide to reduce supply at it's will which what China is doing lately due to environment concern back home!
Decision is yours! In coming weeks or months, there's going to be panic for sure! Sad for developers who will find the price of rebar going up the roof! What can they do! Other industries which need big amount of steel too will be badly affected!
Hence those who knew what's coming will stockpile as much as possible! Hence the sudden surge in steel price in coming days!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 00:45 | Report Abuse

I have sold my oil stocks anticipating big on steel stocks! I only have Hengyuan which i will immediately sell once i recovery my capital! Of which steel stocks will be my preference!

News & Blogs

2022-03-03 00:43 | Report Abuse

Knowing Grandpa Koon, do remember, he is buying when he spread fear! I bought big on Ays today! Why, because steel will be bigger than oil in coming months! Do you know half of world steel supply comes from China! Go figure! China will use this position since Ukraine and Russia are in conflict!


2022-03-02 17:09 | Report Abuse

There's no reason for Genting continous sliding! Can't explain why!


2022-03-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

China already closing down on polluting steel factories! So there's no issue of China dumping steel in the future! The problem is, China will have to import steel instead!


2022-03-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

I mean, would you miss the opportunity to make mega money! We will see steel price hitting new height as supply crunches and panic buying from steel buyers! As Ukraine and Russia will not be in supply chain of iron, where else would buyers go!
Decision is yours! I am very certain of this! Steel stocks is going to be for huge wave!

News & Blogs

2022-03-02 14:28 | Report Abuse

The biggest benefactor of surging steel price is Hiaptek! But what do i know! Wait for it's coming result this month!


2022-03-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

Very safe time to buy as Ays is totally oversold!


2022-03-02 14:25 | Report Abuse

We can see that price of steel is rebounding strongly after Ukraine war first started! The reason is, supply of iron will be limited in coming days!
And supply of steel will surely dwindled! This will be a huge advantage for steel manufacturers in short term! We should see fantastic quarters!
However, this has yet been reflected in our steel stocks! Buy on dip!


2022-03-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

It's already predicted that Zahid Najib will pull out their support after Johor by election! And once again, Agong will call all lawmakers to get their views! There are many scenarios out of such meeting!
Firstly, PM Sabri will remain in office even without majority support! As this is actually totally Agong discretion! Nobody can challenge Agong decreed!
2nd, Agong may force PM Sabri to resign especially if Harapan lawmakers do not support him!
But given the outcome of Johor by election which will show dwindling support for Harapan, it would be a huge disadvantage if GE15 IS to be held this year! Especially with tight SOP for campaigning!
Therefore, the best course of action would be for Harapan to give conditional support for PM Sabri as long as their MOU with PM Sabri is not breached!
Meaning, PM Sabri will have to ensure all that agreed to be tabled in parliment! Of course PM Sabri will extend the tabling of proposals to buy himself sometime!