
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-02-24 06:44 | Report Abuse

Lala! Just google Zeti! You should get all the news! The whole world already knew about her involvement!

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 06:39 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer EU and US already lost big time! So no need to keep up with thing Ukraine thingy! EU and US only can scream and shout, roll on the street for who would care!
So we should hear plenty of self pity cries from US mainstream media! America is no longer the greatest nation in the world! I think americans should wake up to the fact that their president should be in medical facility!

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 06:35 | Report Abuse

Lala! Praising Putin is like praising Najib! Or Jho Low! Or Mahathir! Anyway, with Biden as president, even Iran will defeat him! US latest sanction is like taking candy from a child! So what, the kid has plenty of candy in her pocket!
We are witnessing a precedent! A shift of supremacy towards China at accelerated rate! If Putin is Judo master(come on, would you want to defeat Putin, i mean every russian judo would just play dead for Putin), the Chairman Xi is the one holding the gun!

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2022-02-24 04:00 | Report Abuse

Donald Trump latest statement, stating Puting 'genius' maneuver! Which is very true! While Putin put on 100k military assets bordering Belarus as diversion, and sent out fake 'inveasion' news to dumbass Biden, Putin secretly implement his main goal of sending 'peace keeping' military assets into Luhask and Donesk! Now, isn't that a masterpiece strategy! I am too stun to speak!

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2022-02-24 03:55 | Report Abuse

We should not cheer or feel remorse over Ukraine latest development! Rather we must accept that EU, US and Russia will be in for very long and unstable geopolitics! We are already more than 2 years into Covid pandemic! Ukraine will be far longer than that! So chill, it is what it is!

News & Blogs

2022-02-24 03:52 | Report Abuse

Putin is no hero! He is power hunger maniac! Anyway, the west is totally humiliated by Putin latest move! It's mind boggling how Putin turn 'invasion' into 'peace keeping' mission!
Putin has no remorse over killing innocent lives as how he ordered killing of innocent MH17 passengers! Just like how Iran accidentally killed a place fully loaded with civilians!
It's so unfortunate that russians and iranians are held hostage by maniacs!
Anyway, this is the reality of the world! Since ancient times!
Power corrupts, and corrupt absolutely! Those in power will be so corrupted their own ego that they think they are gods!
Going back to Ukraine, we should not expect any invasion! Basically this 'peace keeping mission' is the endgame for now! And what can EU and US leaders do! They can't do anything! It shows complete incompetence of this world leaders dealing with maniacs!
As the world supremacy shift towards China, and this will happen definitely, the whites, regardless US, EU, Russia, Israel will be too busy scheming and fighting each other! In short, we are witnessing the end of western supremacy!
Few decades from now as China takes center stage, may as well learn mandarin, for whites who want to remain relevant!


2022-02-24 03:42 | Report Abuse

All this while we were given impression that Queen Z, our darling governor has been clean and honest! All that is staggered! Queen Z is now known as one of 1MDB looters!


2022-02-24 03:41 | Report Abuse

Sad! So we finally piece up clues to how Najib wallop billions with consent from Bank Negara governor back then!
Yeah, our BN governor also got bribed by Jho Low!
What is really disappointing that the last stand in our financial system is also just as corrupted!
Tell me! How do you feel that it finally dawn to us that from top to bottom are so corrupted, a single person name Jho Low able to manipulate them all!
If Jho Low can do it, then of course major power can easily do it! No wonder China is keeping Jho Low happy back in mainland!
Just in case Najib recapture Putrajaya!
I say, we are tossed if Najib Zahid do really make a comeback! Malaysia has already pass point of no return!


2022-02-22 13:15 | Report Abuse

As there's no bloodshed, eventually, we will get back to normal!


2022-02-22 13:15 | Report Abuse

If 2 breakaway region want Russia intervention, what can EU and US leaders do! They don't even dare to impose sanction against Russia! Lame ducks!
As for Putin, he turn US invasion propaganda into a peacekeeping mission as Russia military enters Eastern Ukraine!


2022-02-22 04:47 | Report Abuse

Basically, all the military aggression is just a diversion! While quietly moving into Eastern Ukraine!
With unlimited oil wealth, Putin is putting it to bad use! But what can EU and US do!
Putin is snubbing them! They are helpless!


2022-02-22 04:45 | Report Abuse

So yeah! Hardly any bloodshed on Russia side! Eastern Ukraine is basically unofficially part of Russia now!
Why, because UE and US leaders are dumbass! They don't even dare to impose sanctions! Which Trump would do instantly!

News & Blogs

2022-02-21 20:02 | Report Abuse

Actually, it's EU leaders that should step up to the plate! US should not intervene in the first place!

News & Blogs

2022-02-21 20:01 | Report Abuse

Putin wants NATO to pull out from Ukraine! If EU leaders continue to play dumbass, then how can Ukraine crisis be resolved!


2022-02-21 19:36 | Report Abuse

Result out thursday!

News & Blogs

2022-02-21 17:06 | Report Abuse

If all our neighbours progress economically, then Malaysia will have no foreign migrants! Which is good!

News & Blogs

2022-02-21 17:05 | Report Abuse

It's good to see Bangladesh progress economically! So they won't come here anymore!


2022-02-21 15:01 | Report Abuse

For Putin, i think pullout of NATO from Ukraine should be enough to resolve this!
However, on Biden side, been busybody and has vested interest in military engaging will not agree!


2022-02-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

If NATO pulls out from Ukraine, then things will get back to normal!


2022-02-21 09:44 | Report Abuse

Russia has the right to demand NATO to pull out from Ukraine as it was basis that NATO would not build up military assets in Ukraine! Clearly NATO breach this very crucial gentlemen agreement!


2022-02-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

There's gentlemen agreement that NATO will not build up it's military assets in Ukraine!
However, NATO breach such gentlemen agreement!
To settle Ukraine, NATO must abide! There' no two ways about it!


2022-02-21 09:35 | Report Abuse



2022-02-21 09:32 | Report Abuse

No thanks to Biden big mouth, the world bourses suffer! NATO chief also join the fear monger!
I don't see any war erupts! However, as long as lunnies do their bidding, we can only watch and see!
At the moment, postpone your buying until the fat lady sings!


2022-02-21 09:30 | Report Abuse



2022-02-21 09:29 | Report Abuse

I call Genetec, Ukraine stock! As it is directly link to US!


2022-02-20 23:58 | Report Abuse

If you do some homework, you would find that only mainstream media telling us that war is imminent! Yet China media tell different story all together! I trust China media more at this point!


2022-02-20 23:35 | Report Abuse

What is clear, Biden and his Democrazy administration is the one that want to see war in Ukraine!


2022-02-20 23:34 | Report Abuse

I doubt Putin wants to start his invasion now! But Biden is pushing Putin! Declaring that Putin will invade Ukraine anytime soon is a way to push Putin! You know, it's humiliating for Putin to draw back his troops now!


2022-02-20 23:33 | Report Abuse

We have seen wars throughout humanity existence! And all started when the leader is charge reach his height of obsession! Power is so corruptible that it breaks one moral easily!


2022-02-20 23:32 | Report Abuse

When power corrupts, the height of such corruption is war! War is the ultimate lust!


2022-02-20 23:31 | Report Abuse

Well, Covid should have ruined China! Instead, China took extreme measure to contain Covid!
Instead the rest of the world suffered! Let's be very clear! Covid is man made! And China Wuhan thingy is engineered accident! Behind it is Fauci! Enlightens enabler!
And then you have Ukraine! Biden must having a ball! I mean, engineer a new war is like dream come true for him! It doesn't matter if western nations drag into this silly expensive hobby! Of course Biden knew Putin put on a show on Ukraine border months ahead!
Putin is a dumbass! He is walking into a trap and he knew it!


2022-02-20 23:27 | Report Abuse



2022-02-20 21:11 | Report Abuse

As long as Harapan leaders continue with their whining and grousing, rakyat may not vote for them again!
The painful nightmare of 22 months really left huge emotional impact on rakyat!
It was total disaster to put it mildly!
Unfortunately until today Harapan leaders have not learn anything from that experience! So sad!


2022-02-20 19:14 | Report Abuse

If Ukraine war really happens, then tech stocks is a big no!

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 19:13 | Report Abuse

Honestly, that twin payaya is ugly! I prefer the new one!

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 19:13 | Report Abuse

Yeah, those twin peak really hit Mahathir's ego!


2022-02-20 18:18 | Report Abuse

Umno is not even a strong opponent nowadays! In fact Umno is much weaker! But given choice between bad and worst, rakyat have not choice really!


2022-02-20 18:17 | Report Abuse

Problem with Rafizi is that he is not popular among Dap lawmakers! Even if he becomes president of Pkr, he be able to unite the opposition front!
But what is more serious is Harapan narrative itself!
You see, rakyat only want few things which Harapan leaders fail to address!
First is stability! Harapan cannot offer a stable government! The opposition mentality is core to Harapan way of thinking! And then there's element of vengeance which LGE is fond of! We saw how during 22 months Harapan leaders where too busy fighting among themselves and making self inflicting statements and actions! Example Lynas, HSR and ESRL! Foreign investors were hurt! Lynas should be addressed with sanity in mind! But no! It was sensationalized! Same with HSR and ECRL! In the end, Harapan was seen as anti investment! A stable goverment is all about managing nation with common sense and future planning not based on emotional politics!
Cost of living of course very dear to rakyat! Our goods are controlled by cartels! Government come and go but cartels will bribe lawmakers! If you remove cartels, our cost of living actually way lower!
And then there's employment and minimum wage! Which nobody dare to address!
This are the few things rakyat want to see! If Harapan fail to see this and make this part of their political narrative, i say good riddance!
This is what Harapan has not been in spotlight of late! They scream and shout in parliment over lawmakers politic and nothing else! I mean, rakyat are not interested in this kind of office politics!
Harapan is seen as pro Mahathir! Anwar is too self absorbed with his own fake greatest!
As long as Harapan continues this way, Rafizi comeback will be just another side show nobody interested to see!

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 16:18 | Report Abuse

Anwar is to blame for Pkr declining popularity! He made too many blunders!


2022-02-20 16:11 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! China is now going nucklear in energy! China already have few smaller ones! But eventually nucklear will be the main source of energy!

News & Blogs

2022-02-20 16:10 | Report Abuse

Tony is just a proxy! The real boss behind him is a woman! They used to call her iron lady!


2022-02-20 16:07 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Kamala is the real president! She is smilling ear to ear watching Biden making all the blunders!