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2021-12-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

Dr Noor Hisham please be reminded that there are more people die caused by Doctors in the Hospital unnecessarily, even cruelly; and MMC refused to justify.

Please open your eyes and see how MMC conducted bias investigation that encourage unscrupulous Doctors turned minor sickness into extreme suffering due to their total oblivious attitude; and finally lied for operation to eliminate evidences.

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2021-11-27 15:15 | Report Abuse

Generally, many people are still in the myth of PH's promises of clean Government; but what we see after the 14 GE is instability due to internal tussles; while the country is facing the Pandemic of Covid 19 with disasters of deaths.

Bursa become the worst hit stock market in the world while DJ is in its historical high followed by almost all other countries. We were once the 2nd highest infected nation after India due to delay in vaccination.

If DAP is Saint, why their contested Lawyer who failed to be elected this time did the following in "Dalam Negeri Melaka, Writ No: (2) A53KP - 02 - 04/Tahun 2016".

!. He get rid of Plaintiff's Witness Doctor by telling Dr TCL’s Lawyer before 1st hearing that he was not going to call Doctor; and caused his client unable to testify in Court.

2. He failed to strike out Dr TCL’s untrue Witness Statements about asking for consent of operation; but it was proven in Case Note that the operation was postponed to wait for Peritonitis to set in.

3. His assistant who did not follow the case was sent to attend re-examination of Dr TCL, and the document that has solid proof of operation postponed beyond Patient's death, was invalidated, because there was no clarification that the mistake on the Title was a typo error.

4. Dr TCL was also allowed to overrule his own earlier testimony of Bowel obstruction at med Ileum to no obstruction; and into Ischemia, without any objection from his Assistant.

5. Dr TCL was allowed to get away with delay in operation with 'Patient’s Relative refused operation' scribbled into his own typewritten Case Notes as their refusal, without Documented Proof from them.

6. Dr TCL was allowed to get away from failed to go to the Hospital when the Patient was Peritonitis with Septic Shock at 4th night, which both Doctors had testified that she need immediate operation; and denied her of her last chance of survival.

7. He failed to tell the Judge that regardless of whether the Patient had taken the medicines or not; cancellation of Medications after it were noted were tampering of Medical Documents.

8. He justified Dr TCL’s operation on Patient whose blood system was bleeding due to DIVC and was inoperable.

9. He added a fault statement of family member refused operation in the Submission to kill of the Case beyond appeal.

News & Blogs

2021-11-15 15:10 | Report Abuse

When questioning about others investigation, may be Mr Lim should also investigate DAP's Malacca Candidate, Mr Damian Yeo, who betrayed the Plaintiff, and helped Dr TCL to get away from very serious offense in:

"Dalam Negeri Melaka, Writ No: (2) A53KP-02-04/Tahun 2016"

Just pick up a few more important issues:

1. Mr Yeo get rid of Plaintiff’s Witness Doctor by telling Dr TCL’s Lawyer before 1st hearing that he was not going to call Doctor; and caused Plaintiff unable to testify in Court.

2. Mr Yeo failed to strike out Dr TCL’s untrue Witness Statements who stated that he asked for consent of operation on the 5th day morning; when in Case Note, he postponed operation waiting for Peritonitis to set in.

3. In re-examination, Mr Yeo's Assistant who did not follow the case allowed Dr TCL to invalidate a document, which contained solid proof of Dr TCL postponed operation beyond Patient's death, and was certified by Malaysia Medical Council, just because of an error in the Title.

4. Also Dr TCL was allowed to change his own earlier testimony of Bowel obstruction at mid Ileum to no obstruction, so as to change the Patient's Bowel Obstruction into Ischemic Bowel.

5. Dr TCL was allowed to take his own words of 'relative reluctant' and 'daughter refused' added in two Case Notes, where he had advised them to wait for Patient's Peritonitis, to pass the blame of delay in operation to them without documented proof of their refusal.

6. Mr Yeo did not point out that Dr TCL failed to go to the Hospital at night; when the Patient was Peritonitis with Septic Shock that needs immediate operation, and denied her of her last chance of survival.

7. He failed to tell the Judge that cancellation of Medications after it were noted were tampering of Medical Documents.

8. He justified Dr TCL’s operation on Patient whose blood system was bleeding due to DIVC and was inoperable.

9. He added a fault statement of family member refused operation in the Submission to kill of the Case beyond Appeal.

News & Blogs

2021-11-14 15:36 | Report Abuse

Reddit.com : douknowall

After reading the following, would you vote for Mr Damian Yeo just because he is DAP's member?

He was the plaintiff's lawyer in Case: Dalam Negeri Melaka, Writ No: (2) A53KP-02-04/Tahun 2016; just pick a few reasons for losing the Case:

1. Mr Yeo get rid of Plaintiff’s Witness Doctor by telling Dr TCL’s Lawyer before 1st hearing that he was not going to call Doctor; and caused Plaintiff unable to testify in Court.

2. He failed to strike out Dr TCL’s untrue Witness Statements that he asked for consent of operation on the 5th day morning; when in Case Note, he postponed operation waiting for Peritonitis to set in.

3. In re-examination, Mr Yeo's Assistant who did not follow the case allowed Dr TCL to invalidate a document that had solid proof of Dr TCL postponed operation beyond Patient's death, and was certified by Malaysia Medical Council, just because of typo error in the Title.

4. Also Dr TCL was allowed to change his own earlier testimony of Bowel obstruction at mid Ileum to no obstruction, so as to change the Patient's Bowel Obstruction into Ischemic Bowel.

5. Dr TCL was allowed to take his own words of 'relative reluctant' and 'daughter refused' added in two Case Notes, where he had advised them to wait for Patient's Peritonitis, to pass the blame of delay in operation to them without documented proof of their refusal.

6. Mr Yeo did not point out that Dr TCL failed to go to the Hospital at night; when the Patient was Peritonitis with Septic Shock that needs immediate operation, and denied her of her last chance of survival.

7. He failed to tell the Judge that cancellation of Medications after it were noted were tampering of Medical Documents.

8. He justified Dr TCL’s operation on Patient whose blood system was bleeding due to DIVC and was inoperable.

9. He added a fault statement of family member refused operation in the Submission to kill of the Case beyond appeal.


2021-09-25 13:45 | Report Abuse

If no corruption how would Dr T get away from MMC's investigation and the Court, by adding and altering of Medical documents, which were an offend of felony, to change the history of the Patient and the whole circumstances in the Hospital during her stay?

Whereby, the Patient was being tortured without treatment and the family members were being fooled with lies to consent operation for Dr T to operate on her, when her blood system was bleeding, to eliminate evidences.

This is just an individual case yet it was unable to justify over 10 years, don't ever expect to curd corruption in politic.


Posted by Sslee > Sep 25, 2021 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

Haha if the most successful kleptocrat ex-PM still able to walk free and make famous his call card "Malu Apa Bossku" what that tell you about our nation and those suppose to uphold the law and those still kissing the hand of thieves?


2021-08-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

For you information, this case was handled by an elected DAP members, who betrayed the Plaintiff by giving fault information in the Submission, not only to pass the blame of delay in operation to the family members; but also to justify the inoperable operation for the Doctor.


2021-08-20 15:19 | Report Abuse

Changes will not make any difference, likewise with changes of PM. Everything will go back to where it is.

The former President had tried to rectify the following case, and was being sake by a plot within a few months.



2021-08-20 14:28 | Report Abuse

He has done nothing to improve the situation of covid 19, but just reporting everyday how many cases infected and how many death.

He has been the President of Malaysia Medical Council for 7 years; but he failed to curb unscrupulous doctors from taking Patients lives for granted. It is due to his failure in rectifying MMC's unfair investigation procedures.

Posted by Tobby > Aug 20, 2021 2:17 AM | Report Abuse

As for Minister of Health, let DG Hisham steps into that role! Pick only competent lawmakers into respective ministry!

News & Blogs

2021-08-01 14:55 | Report Abuse

To talk about Ethics and Conducts of Doctors is a big joke in Malaysia; when unscrupulous Doctors are protected by their own peers.

Malaysia Medical Council is found to have conducted investigations with unfair procedures which are biased towards the defendants. As such, they themselves already unethical, where else can the victims turn to for help?


News & Blogs

2021-05-15 16:54 | Report Abuse

How Malaysia Medical Council could say it was not wrong for Dr T:

1. To joke about Patient's stomachache as traffic jam, caused her to take some foods after vomiting thinking traffic jam cleared?

2. To fail to insert NG suction due to unawareness of her Bowel obstruction dilatation?

3. To fail to know she was dehydrated due to Bowel obstruction dilatation?

4. To threaten discharge when non of the family members were around?

5. To postpone emergency operation and allowed her Bowel to deteriorate until Ischemic and Peritonitis without treatment?

6. To failed to go to Hospital when she was in critical condition of septic shock and required immediate operation?

7. To fail to stop high blood medications when she was sepsis with low blood pressure?

8. To fail to know Patient in condition of sepsis and seriously low blood pressure at Noon, and postponed operation again, upon confirmation by her daughter?

9. To fail to inform the Relatives when he found out in the Afternoon from the Cardiologist that she was already Sepsis with DIVC and no cure already?

10. To ask for consent of blood infusion through phone in the Evening when she was no cure already with blood system bleeding and bowel dead.

11. To take her thumb print involuntarily, when she was in semi conscious condition not respond to pain?

12. To ask for consent of operation when she was not operable due to Severe sepsis of DIVC and Bowel dead?

News & Blogs

2021-05-15 16:12 | Report Abuse

When the 3rd leading cause of death is Hospital, don't you think to curb Doctor's oblivious to Patient's disease progression, and cause pain and death is as important as covid 19?

So, it is imperative to justify this inhumanity Case; and send a message to unscrupulous Doctors that you, Dr Noor care! Also to free all Malaysian from the fear of encountering unscrupulous Doctors in the Hospital and reluctant to go for treatment.



News & Blogs

2021-05-10 22:00 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Dr Noor,

Please be reminded that you have overlooked your duties as President of Malaysia Medical Council to ensure fair investigation for all parties. Such inhumanity should not be allowed to happen in the Hospital, please take action to justify the long overdue case, as soon as possible.

Thank You



2021-05-10 19:30 | Report Abuse

So serious, can cause life like inhumanity in Hospital or not?

Posted by Ppmaster > May 9, 2021 11:39 PM | Report Abuse

Whatsayyou, we must let the all the youtuber know, if you do wrong, you wont have second chance.


2021-05-09 22:59 | Report Abuse

Ppmaster, base on your concept, can I say that those who refused to support are inhumane?


2021-05-09 22:53 | Report Abuse

Ppmaster, I see that you are concerned about ethic and conduct of basic humanity; would you dare to support us, to ask Dr Noor Hisham to justify this Case?


Posted by Ppmaster > May 9, 2021 9:39 PM | Report Abuse

The hotest news new recently the YBB 杨宝贝 case youtuber, 一个完全没有道德和人性的网红, 如果还有艺人或商家支持她,我们就一定要boycott那个艺人和商品,我们要守护做人最基本的道德,要让她付出代价,不可以再给钱她赚,不然就做畜生好了,请把我说的话share 出去 !

News & Blogs

2021-05-09 18:29 | Report Abuse

Nobody should die of Bowel Obstruction; Dr T also said the Patient had 90% chances of recovery with Conservative Management of Drips and Sucks.

Dr V said it was upmost important for Bowel obstruction to keep 'nil by mouth'. If there was proper advice from Dr T, the Patient would not have taken some high fiber biscuits; and if he had made her vomit out the foods she just took when she seen him again; her Bowel would not have been obstructed.

If Dr T had examined the Patient and had inserted NG suction, he would have known that her Bowel was obstructed on the 2nd day. NG suction not only can reduce distention and dilatation of Bowel, the amount of fluids collected also indicates Bowel Obstruction.

Bowel obstruction was an emergency; if Dr T had allowed Patient to take CT scan or he had read the radiologist's report, he would not have misinterpreted the X-ray Bowel Obstruction, as not obstructed.

He postponed the operation and misled the Relatives that it could not be done with laparoscopy surgery that has minimum risks; and allowed her Bowel to continue distend and dilate until Ischemic and Peritonitis at night, without even insert NG suction or stop Buscopan, when obstructed Bowel could not move anymore.

Despite of indication of rapid heart beat of 100 bpm, and complained of serious pain with bulging abdomen, Dr T did not go to Hospital to see the Patient; and denied her of her last chance of survival. Her bulging abdomen subsided and she passed out a lot of urine indicated that her Bowel could be perforated.

News & Blogs

2021-05-05 22:05 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Dr Noor,

Even though you are busy with covid 19 Cases, as President of Malaysia Medical Council, don't you think you also should take some of your times to check the bias investigation procedures of MMC that resulted in unfair judgements to all Complainants.

Bias investigation is worst then no investigation. So, please justify the Case in the open letter to you.

Thank you very much.


News & Blogs

2021-05-02 21:48 | Report Abuse

Same thing happened in Hospital, bias investigation of MMC caused complainant to lose the Case in Court.


News & Blogs

2021-05-02 16:02 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Dr Noor, please dont forget you are also the President of Malaysia Medical Council; and you have the responsibility to ensure fair judgement to all complainants.

MMC's investigation is totally bias towards the Defendants; there is no way any complaints could be fair under such one sided investigation procedures. It is irresponsible to simply say insufficient evidences when there were more than 20 proven evidences in Court hearing.

Please justify the Case as soon as possible, it was already 10 years late.


News & Blogs

2021-05-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Dr Noor, please dont forget you are also the President of Malaysia Medical Council; and you have the responsibility to ensure fair judgement to all complainants.

MMC's investigation is totally bias towards the Defendants; there is no way any complaints could be fair under such one sided investigation procedures. It is irresponsible to simply say insufficient evidences when there were more than 20 proven evidences in Court hearing.

Please justify the Case as soon as possible, it was already 10 years late.


News & Blogs

2021-05-01 14:26 | Report Abuse

Was Dr T not wrong for failed to inform the Relatives when he found out in the Afternoon from the Cardiologist, who examined the Patient in the morning, that she was already Sepsis with DIVC and no cure already?

Was it not wrong for him to ask for consent of blood infusion through phone in the Evening after finding out that her blood system was bleeding due to Severe Sepsis of DIVC and her Bowel was dead; when he should have told the Relatives she was no cure already?

Was it not wrong to take Patient's thumb print involuntarily, when she was in semi conscious condition not respond to pain?

Was it not wrong to lie about Patient's inoperable condition to request for consent of operation?

Was it not wrong for Dr T to wait until midnight to ask for sudden immediate operation without giving time for the Relatives to see the Patient?

News & Blogs

2021-04-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

Instead of making the Patient vomit out the foods she just took when 'nil by mouth' was upmost important for Bowel Obstruction; was it right for Dr T to tell her to 'bite the bullet' like his mother who was having appendix operation; when X-rays shown Partial Bowel Obstruction that did not require operation?

Was it not wrong for Dr T to ask Patient to ask her daughter to discharge her when none of the Relatives were around, and left the Hospital without examine her on Sunday?

News & Blogs

2021-04-25 16:08 | Report Abuse

Why so concern about other countries, Malaysia's rampant corruptions penetrate everywhere leave no place untouched!

Even Ministry of Health dare not to take action on Malaysia Medical Council's unfair investigation. They sent the complains to MMC to ask them to admit their own false.


News & Blogs

2021-04-24 22:34 | Report Abuse

Since MMC dismissed the Case it meant they think it was alright for Dr T to joke about Patient's stomachache, due to food materials congested in the Bowel, as Traffic jam; and caused her to take some high fiber foods, after vomiting clear the traffic, which was the main cause of her Bowel became totally obstructed.

MMC also think that it was alright for Dr T not to examine and monitor Patient's condition proven by his unawareness of:

* Patient Partial Bowel Obstruction became totally obstructed; so he did not reinsert NG suction after it was being pulled out for 3rd vomiting.

* Patient's mild dehydration due to Bowel dilatation deterioration even though BUSE taken shown catalysts in lowest and below normal level.

* Patient's Emergency Bowel Obstruction condition; so he postponed operation.

* Patient's Bowel Ischemic and Peritonitis in Septic Shock at night; even though she had rapid heart beat of 100 bpm; yet he did not go to Hospital to conduct immediate operation.

* Patient's low blood pressure, so he did not stop high blood medication the next morning.

* Patient's Sepsis with DIVC at Noon, so he postponed again the Operation when her daughter went to his clinic to confirm operation.

News & Blogs

2021-04-24 21:50 | Report Abuse

As President of Malaysia Medical Council, have Tan Sri Noor ever go through their investigation proceeding recordings to know how it were conducted.

It was a one sided investigation, whereby the Complainant was being queried and cross-examined by both MMC and Dr T's Lawyer. The complainant's Lawyer was not allowed to ask any question even though Dr T's statements and the Medical Document he submitted were full of discrepancies among them.

In what circumstances would PIC II Chairman dismissed the Case; when Dr T had found to have violated code of conduct adopted by MMC on 9 Dec 1986 under:

Part II - Forms of Infamous Conduct
Section 2.14 Abuse of Privileges Conferred by Law: Certificates, Notifications, Reports, etc

News & Blogs

2021-04-18 15:59 | Report Abuse

Hospital Errors is the 3rd largest killer after Heart Disease and Cancer; without fair investigation from Malaysia Medical Council, it is impossible to curb unscrupulous Doctors from taking Patient’s life for granted, in the Hospitals.

News & Blogs

2021-04-18 12:28 | Report Abuse

Section 2.14 Abuse of Privileges Conferred by Law: Certificates, Notifications, Reports, etc.

Registered practitioners are in certain cases bound by law to give, or may from time to time be called upon or requested to give particulars, notifications, reports and other documents of a kindred character, signed by them in their professional capacity, for subsequent use either in the Courts or for administrative purposes.

Practitioners are expected by the Council to exercise the most scrupulous care in issuing such documents, especially in relation to any statement that a patient has been examined on a particular date. Any registered practitioner who shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Council to have signed or given under his name and authority any such certificate, notification, report or document of a kindred character, which is untrue, misleading or improper, will be liable to disciplinary punishment.

News & Blogs

2021-04-18 12:26 | Report Abuse

Dr T had bridged the Code of Conduct adopted by Malaysia Medical Council on 9th December 1986 under:

Part II - Forms of Infamous Conduct

1. Neglect or disregard of professional responsibilities

1.1. Responsibility for Standards of Medical Care to Patients

a. conscientious assessment of the history, symptoms and signs of a patient's condition;

b. sufficiently thorough professional attention, examination and where necessary, diagnostic investigation;

c. competent and considerate professional management;

d. appropriate and prompt action upon evidence suggesting the existence of condition requiring urgent medical intervention; and

e. readiness, where the circumstances so warrant, to consult appropriate professional colleagues.

News & Blogs

2021-04-10 22:45 | Report Abuse

Alteration and addition of words in Case notes and other Medical Records were tampering of Medical Documents, and it was an offense of felony. If Doctors are allowed to change matters and incidences to rectify their false, then no investigation will be fair to the Patient.

News & Blogs

2021-04-10 14:08 | Report Abuse

As MMC still refused to justify the Case, it was sent to Ministry of Health for investigation; but MOH sent the complain back to MMC because they said they dont have the rights to investigate Dctors in Private Hospital.

Despite of the 20 to 30 evidences proven in Court; MMC still claimed that there were not sufficient evidences to support the complainant allegation!

News & Blogs

2021-04-09 20:43 | Report Abuse

Thank you, Tan Sri Noor for being so concerned about public health; but as President of Malaysia Medical Council, have you ever go through their investigation proceeding recordings to know how it were conducted.

Base on a 10 years old unjustified Case, investigated by Preliminary Investigation Committee II from 2010 to 2012; which consisted of a Chairman, 4 retired Doctors, 4 Secretariats and a Lawyer, they were temporary stuffs who attended only once in everyone of the 3 short meetings, 1 adjourned. Doctors only give Medical Advice, those short term inexperience stuffs would not be able to understand Medical Case, so the Chairman was the sole decision maker.

MMC and Defendant's lawyer cross-examined the complainant in 2 meetings. On the last meeting, the Defendant submitted his statements with Case Note, Medical Records, Report, which consisted of a lot of unfounded matters and incidences, resulted in a lot of discrepancies among them. MMC dismissed the Case without any enquiry.

Many attempts to justify the Case to higher authorities, failed; the Case was finally brought to the Court in 2016 and it was again dismissed in 2018. The main reason was because the Defendant was allowed to verify all the untrue incidences in those unjustified Medical Documents, in Court.

Last 2 years, the Complainant had again sent for MMC to justify; but they asked for new evidences to restart the Case with the same Bias Investigation Procedures. When there were already 20 to 30 evidences to prove Defendant's serious faults of oblivious to Patient's pain and suffering and had also conducted an inoperable operation.

The Complainant who has totally lost trust with MMC rejected; moreover, all the evidences were already proven in the Court and were complied meticulously for them. The Case could be justified just by going through it, instead of wasting another few more years.

Please justify the Case and stop inhumanity in the Hospital; so that the deceased could rest in peace.

Thank you very much
