
YkJohn11 | Joined since 2014-10-15

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2014-11-30 14:43 | Report Abuse

Mohd Fahmi Bin Jaes sell sell. price will 0.10-0.20
30/11/2014 13:43

Then who still dare to buy in?


2014-11-30 13:10 | Report Abuse

The Minister, however, expected that the price deterioration would end soon. “Extra supply in the oil market and the slowdown in the global economic growth will not last for a long time.

The market will gradually absorb the oversupply which will reflect positively on prices.” He highlighted the importance of the global economic growth on the oil market. An economic recovery means increased demand for crude oil and price rise, he suggested

We need some good news


2014-11-30 11:54 | Report Abuse

nomanland JkJohn11, "Look like game over?" my point of view, I am keeping my 0.54 priced lots and will deep freeze for xxx days/months ... who know when?
30/11/2014 11:41

Look like hard time

Us shale oil breakeven usd 40 only


2014-11-30 11:31 | Report Abuse


Look like game over?

From that news


2014-11-30 11:06 | Report Abuse

油價大跌 OPEC可能是最終的贏家
2014/11/29 03:59 鉅亨網編譯郭照青



WTRG經濟公司分析師威廉斯(James Williams)認為,OPEC石油部長面臨的難題,其實只是:是否願承受短期痛苦,迎向長期獲利。






The game just start

Need to hold half n a year


2014-11-30 10:48 | Report Abuse

So how next month

New month for rebound???


Keep drop until 0.10?

Possible meh?

What come down will come up

My own view is that the management is closely monitoring the situation and will release an announcement at the appropriate time which will clarify many of our concerns.

Miracle sooner

What announcement ?


2014-11-30 08:56 | Report Abuse

Sang jero

Yes UMNO----> PM brother...any link politic news?

Even loss more than 50%

What go down will go up

Think positive

Cut loss look like no point at all


2014-11-29 12:56 | Report Abuse

makemoneynow Dreamhunter - please can you stop just blindsiding others

The audit account just released on 27 Nov 2014 also stated the liabilities which has been utilized up to RM265 million. When will this profits be enough to Pay for this loan?

A12 Contingent liabilities
The Company has given corporate guarantees amounting to RM471 million to suppliers, licensed banks and financial institution for banking facility granted to the associate companies. Consequently, the Company is liable for the amount of banking facilities utilized by the associate companies totaling RM265 million.


Please read carefully Page 9.

Now can you do some homework instead of just picking on others all the time?


Good point


2014-11-29 11:42 | Report Abuse

DH...Looking at Sumatec numbers....I don't think it will be a problem for Sumatec to hit 2.30......I don't care if people said I am dreaming or what.....One of this days when you open your PC the price will just surge....I am POSITIVE.....

Don't ask me when...BUT it WILL.....

It is sad to not that many people doesn't know that SUMATEC has a SUPERB business model....They prefer to listen or give negative comments....


I think important key still is oil price

If cant rebound sure die

If rebound all reborn

That is it

Politic oil game


2014-11-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

dreamhunter Posted by region > Nov 29, 2014 11:16 AM | Report Abuse

One thing is keep bugging me is Saudi Arab, why they insist to maintain for this level of production knowing it will hammer the oil market. he also is not in a very good advantage as well instead they cont this level. Mean while Putin - Russia keep buying gold at this cheap level. i believe something big gonna happen to the market. I feel is not negative for market while is positive for market. something fishy.


Super bull 2016-2017 before market totally crush???


2014-11-29 10:48 | Report Abuse

86868 DH....It is sad to not that many people doesn't know that SUMATEC has a SUPERB business model....They prefer to listen or give negative comments....

What is the super???


2014-11-29 10:42 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng If Oil Price Crashes to $30 a barrel Sumatech's support at 20 cents will be broken. It might even fall near 10 cents support.
29/11/2014 09:29


Can down to 30??


2014-11-29 10:33 | Report Abuse


Thanks dreamhunter

Give me confindence. Back

Even the price keep drop like no eye see

But I still hold

Hope can go up back


2014-11-28 22:29 | Report Abuse


俄羅斯石油大亨 Leonid Fedun 週四 (27 日) 警告,石油輸出國家組織 (OPEC) 的油產政策,將確保美國蓬勃發展的頁岩油產業崩潰。而一旦 OPEC 完成任務,油價將在 2016 年反彈。

OPEC 週四油產會議後決議維持產量,未受到今年油價因美國油產大增而崩跌所影響。俄國第二大石油企業 OAO Lukoil 副總裁 Fedun 接受《彭博社》訪問時警告,美國石油公司恐怕會成為自身成功的受害者,因為以目前油價每桶僅 70 美元水準,對一些石油出口商而言,收入已接近不符合鑽油成本。

Fedun 認為,美國頁岩油業的蓬勃發展,就像當年的網路產業泡沫一樣,最後只剩強大的業者能存活,弱小的業者將消失。他並預言,到了 2016 年,當 OPEC 完成「清除美國邊緣市場」的目的後,油價將再度開始上升。

Fedun 指出,一些美國油企現在還能存活,是因為他們順利讓油價避險維持在每桶 90 美元左右;一旦這些避險措施到期,這些企業的存活就會更困難。而俄羅斯石油產業受到油價大跌的傷害程度較低,因為成本本來就較便宜,且盧布貶值也提供緩衝。不過 Fedun 預期,俄國明年油產也仍將被迫減少。

This politic oil war game


2014-11-28 21:19 | Report Abuse

Noraini Ismail YK.....for those thinking bottom fishing....think again.....it's best to stay out.....
Cut what????? ...... 0.25 was my RI 2013 price ..... Back to square one.......
28/11/2014 14:07


This forunm get active again

Those who sell at 0.60

Sure will come back collect again

Then we cut and sell to them....hmm....

Then better hold and wait

The cycle is getting near...

Who still hold??

I m still hold...


2014-11-28 13:57 | Report Abuse

Noraini Ismail Bigmachine.......sorry brain injured today.........spoil my holiday in Bali .......
I thought since market bearish ...I go short & buy back almost everyday......sure my average oredi drop to 0.27 but price keep dropping......this "oil war" seems to be never ending.....affecting almost all oil related counters.......it's best to stay out....

Posted by Bigmachine > Nov 28, 2014 12:39 PM | Report Abuse
Kak Noraini, what is your take on this for your Sumatec possession?

Mean game over????

Cut it?


2014-11-28 13:07 | Report Abuse


Many expert opinion

Which one follow????





2014-11-28 10:59 | Report Abuse

Let us see

Can rebound turn green 4pm or not


2014-11-28 10:58 | Report Abuse

Look like some big shark start

Accumulate the share at low

From the buyer volume

Up n down


2014-11-28 10:56 | Report Abuse

Ring BE is one of d good asset which cannot be missed.RI is awaiting for Bursa approval.Suma hv shown profit n no bank borrowings so I belief approval is on d way but right now mkt forces is deciding d price n sharks hv their own motive.In this situation what is RI price going to be is everybody's guess??????
28/11/2014 10:22

Ring: good point

But we still can believe Halim?????????

Believe his plan????


2014-11-28 10:09 | Report Abuse

Big good news



2014-11-28 08:49 | Report Abuse


Big up today


2014-11-27 23:38 | Report Abuse


So how tmrrw

Hold cut buy?


2014-11-27 23:27 | Report Abuse




2014-11-27 22:42 | Report Abuse

ozzie75 Yk...can you sleep better tonight? he..he..
27/11/2014 22:07

Is this good result???


2014-11-27 21:39 | Report Abuse

Noraini Ismail YK......3QR 14m profit eh...... Good good for Suma......hope this news reacts differently from KNM oso made profit 3QR.....went up north gaining 2.5 sens then down back 2 sens yesterday & today down another 2 sens.......

Hope can celebrate @ TGIF Bali tomorrow....
27/11/2014 20:55

Thanks Noraini

Enjoy ur holiday

So can support by tmrrw!?

Dun drop again ya


2014-11-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

Wait for result first

See any good number


2014-11-27 15:50 | Report Abuse

Waiting for good news



2014-11-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

Let us wait see tmrrw meeting

May be miracle soon


2014-11-27 13:06 | Report Abuse

Noraini Ismail At 0.27 Suma is below MA200....to be precise trading now @ MA500....super duper bearish......still thinking of buying to catch bottom???.....don't kid ourself.....wait for Suma to show some strength first....it has to beat 0.30 & stay above .....meanwhile I stay sideline & occasionally shorting........I recond nothing much will happen next couple of weeks .....unless miracle like fantastic 3QR, increase in crude oil ( if OPEC succeed in cutting oil production) or if HS decide to "goreng"........let's see.....
27/11/2014 12:36

Noraini :


Let us how Halim goreng

All drop today

Coz oil keep drop

Waiting Open meeting


2014-11-27 13:04 | Report Abuse


I still hold

Who said I sell ....


2014-11-21 20:45 | Report Abuse

2:59PM Nov 21, 2014
更新 从12月1日开始,政府不再津贴RON95及柴油,并根据“管理式浮动机制”决定其价格。

What sign of this ??

Mean oil price rebound soon??

So government start this ???


2014-11-21 19:41 | Report Abuse

Market look like rebound soon

Hope sumatec rebound too

China surprises with interest rate cut to spur growth



2014-11-21 19:38 | Report Abuse

Oil hit 77.03

Pray for rebound

See how next week QR3

Hope HS do something


2014-11-21 17:03 | Report Abuse

Push down everyday after 4pm

Smarter shark


2014-11-21 16:54 | Report Abuse

Got someone push down the price

Look at the buyer 0.28 just now

Got 10000lots

Reduce to 5000lots now


2014-11-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

Touch 0.28

Strong 0.28 now


2014-11-21 15:53 | Report Abuse

Noraini Ismail YK.....how?...
If break 0.29 .....
Likely go to 0.28
Vol very thin....
Still hold with me?
Yr YK syndrome very infectious....
Got cure?
Wait oil to rebound...
Don't know.....

Noraini: still hold with you

Dunno how

Pray ...


2014-11-21 15:26 | Report Abuse


Turn green ald

Sumatec still steady at there


2014-11-21 15:18 | Report Abuse

ozzie75 yk...

You got many fans..

When is a good time...

To have an autograph session...


I think all crazy already......

I m waiting QR3 next week

Pray for good result


2014-11-20 13:05 | Report Abuse

No ask drop
Ask also drop


2014-11-20 12:26 | Report Abuse


U still hold????

What is ur average price now??

I no idea now

Is it Game over?

Keep drop everyday


2014-11-19 18:45 | Report Abuse

Japan's Shock Recession: Here's What it Means for You

Wednesday 19th November 2014

Japan's economy fell back into recession... again.

No economist had predicted that this would happen, according to the Wall Street Journal. It was a complete surprise.

Yesterday the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, announced that there will be a snap election in December. It is widely expected that he will win the election.

However, what is not being talked about in the media are the important consequences of Japan's recession for Europe and America, and its effect on currency markets.

In today's essay I'll explain to you the incredible opportunity this opens up and what you can look for...


How to Trade Your Way to Financial Independence

Live Webinar with Simon Shepherd and Alessio Rastani
Wednesday 26th November, 8pm GMT UK (3pm Eastern)
Click Here to Register

Japan has been stuck in a deflationary nightmare for over a decade.

Deflation is every bank's worst fear: people expect lower prices and stop spending money. This causes lower profits for businesses and thereby more unemployment.

When Shinzo Abe became Japan's PM, he made it his mission to rescue Japan from deflation and boost its economy.

He did this through an aggressive form of quantitative easing - or "money printing" - which is now referred to in Japan as "Abenomics".

Since 2013 the Bank of Japan has been devaluing the Yen and flooding its economy with cash. The idea was to inflate its stock market and get people to start spending. The latest injection of cash (or printing money) was in October.

By the way, deflation is the same bad dream that Europe is suffering from. That is why European central banks are copying Japan (and the US) by devaluing the Euro and exporting their deflation.

This extreme downward pressure on BOTH the Euro and the Yen has caused the US Dollar to explode higher.

If Shinzo Abe wins the election in December (and we expect he will), I believe that Japan's government will continue doing what it does best: aggressively rolling the "printing machines" and plunging the Yen much further lower.

People in Japan (and Europe) will have no choice but to move their money away from cash savings and into the stock market.

The consequence of all this will be that Japan's version of the Dow, the "Nikkei", will surge to unimaginable levels.

Don't believe me?

Take a look at this chart of how the Japanese stock market has performed so far against both the US and UK stock markets:

Since 2013, Japanese stocks have nearly doubled! The Nikkei is up almost 95% in two years. Compare that to the S&P's 50% and the UK stock market's 20%.

I expect that Japanese stocks will continue to outperform US and European stocks into next year in 2015, specially if Abenomics goes back on track.

The fall in the Yen will also push US stocks much higher as they have an inverse correlation.

The recent news of Japan's recession and the upcoming election in December will probably create some temporary uncertainty in the coming weeks. This uncertainty may cause a pull back in the Yen, the Nikkei and the US markets.

However, any major pullbacks and weaknesses in Japanese and US stocks will be buying opportunities.


2014-11-19 18:19 | Report Abuse

xiaolingling Pity xiao John John…I think you are almost same age with me…cos you murmur like how I murmur to my father everyday until he begged me to shut up …
19/11/2014 17:55

Hope it can go up when stop comment...


2014-11-19 17:44 | Report Abuse

musashi69 i think sumatec will start to fly once ykjohn stop asking questions! please do that ykjohn..if u want to see sumatec fly!!!!
19/11/2014 16:40

Ok stop....


2014-11-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Look like got show after 4 pm...


2014-11-19 11:50 | Report Abuse

U all believe this is their planed game???

All is about their timing game

Play up n down

Win win win the different up down ???

Dunno why

I still believe they will push up again

Am I stupid feel like that???