
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2016-08-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

first time after a long long time,a direct deal of 13million shares crossed at .99


2016-08-15 18:56 | Report Abuse

ddnt be too gung ho yet. good chance will ease at 1.05 as that's the gap daown price when they announce the losses for that quarter

News & Blogs

2016-08-06 12:40 | Report Abuse

sure will one day perhaps just not now


2016-07-31 19:03 | Report Abuse

moneykj,under investing commodities ,there isn't any for aluminium.Hence wonder where did you find the future prices for it.


2016-07-31 18:19 | Report Abuse

moneykj,could you kindly provide the link for the aluminium price futures?thks


2016-07-29 21:16 | Report Abuse

what do you mean by this statement?


2016-07-29 19:28 | Report Abuse

just announced 3.37 cts per's the best so wonder vol is higher today


2016-06-23 08:35 | Report Abuse

I have been a silent reader for the past few days as it caused me 3 k as I was stunned by the speed it falls.In stockmarket,one of the common mistakes people make is over confident.We cannot completely trust what is shown in the financial reports only trust what you see i,e price action.There is a report frm Fred Tam this morning that shows the stunt they did on Comcorp in 2007.If it exhibits similar pattern there is a small rebound in the morning followed by another big fall before a rebound again then tapers off for a long long time.Be very careful


2016-05-06 20:50 | Report Abuse

Can even get plenty at .17! Gosh when are they going to stop depressing the price!


2016-05-05 07:49 | Report Abuse

Yesterday evening's announcement indicates that the latest 10% disposal of muiind shares is by PMIIND whom Khoo Kay Peng had taken private and buyer is his company.Is still left pocket to right pocket.You can see yesterday's movement,they are still depressing the price.Till it shows strength visible during the down market days then you will know they are going to push up the price.


2016-04-28 12:27 | Report Abuse

AS I have said before,it's difficult to understand corporate moves.Have to pay extra attention since the crossing deal yesterday of such high volume(10%) is the 1st for a long long time.Guess can buy on weakness if you don't have enough position.


2016-04-27 20:50 | Report Abuse

You might see the fall tomorrow perhaps to close the gap at .535 as today's result is really disappointing!


2016-04-27 17:46 | Report Abuse

However today the direct deal volume is so much bigger i.e 10.378%


2016-04-27 17:43 | Report Abuse

Yes! I was about to update this info.Wondering whether it's from left pocket to right pocket like the previous direct deals.


2016-04-09 09:13 | Report Abuse

Mostly the awarded contruction counters have gone up like azrb,kimlun ,zecon why hsl awarded almost 2 billion contracts still depressing the price!


2016-04-09 09:11 | Report Abuse

when i first bought muiind at .19 cts pmhld was .30 and pmccorp was .195.both have gone already,wondering why they are still pressing the price of muiind!


2016-04-08 13:58 | Report Abuse

Celcom cancelled contract with mmode already,still can meh?


2016-04-04 17:36 | Report Abuse

Ivan2222,Cd expireds on 31st march .The exercise price is 1.8 ,ration is 2:1 and jtiasa's price on 31st March is only 1.5.It's completely out of money hence you get zero value.In future pls check the exercise price,ratio,expirey date and mother's potential before you buy.Sorry for your loss,considered school fees paid.


2016-03-22 21:19 | Report Abuse

I just know that Noble started buying from the market in 2011 till 2014 ranging from .175 to abt .225 when the orher substantial shareholders exited,can't remember the name.They have not sell a single shr based on the latest annual report.Btw 35% stake in laura ashley which is quoted in london stock exchange based on 24.6 is worth 62.66 lbs multiply 5.75 alone is worth 360 million ringgit and based on closing of .185 market cap is only 542.5 million In any case if there is a major market correction,one need not fear even if the price is lower than this cause you know the company is worth much more.If one can wait patiently for this counter at this price,I am sure will be rewarded handsomely as this counter had not really have a big move since 1993! The longer a counter hibernate,when it comes,it would stunt you.The direct deals of 27.7 million is only less than 1 %.Will keep monitoring the direct deals everyday and update you guys .


2016-03-21 17:23 | Report Abuse

direct deal for mui of 27.7 million shares crossed at .18 cts today./

News & Blogs

2016-03-13 17:36 | Report Abuse

oh btw I bought 50k at .195 and 50 k at .183 recently.Not buying anymore as I dont want to have lots of money stuck for good few yrs if they want it get delisted by playing dirty!

News & Blogs

2016-03-13 17:33 | Report Abuse

As mentioned before,they could aim for delisting then do whatever they want without a need for approval and reporting to Bursa!Be prepared to be delisted for a good few yrs just like fountain view.Fountain though cash rich now still remain delisted where shareholders cannot get anything though it's sitting on 200 million cash according to one shareholder


2016-02-18 21:14 | Report Abuse

Like Calvin said the 488 acres of land in JB is valuable.They also own MPland building next to AMMB and book value is 320 million.Net gearing is abt 330 million.Looking at the assets owned,won't not go bankrupt but could management plays dirty and intend to let it get delisted?Once delisted they can do anything without anyone's approval.Like the case of fountain view,it went delisted cited reasons of financial constraint.It's been delisted for quite a few yrs already and recently the shareholder got a report it now has $200 million cash after selling the landbanks.Should it be more?Only they know! It's now in a waiting game what the management wants to do with the cash! Hence buying MPCorp could have the risk like the case of fountain view


2016-02-11 13:45 | Report Abuse

Why so superstitious ?


2016-02-11 09:40 | Report Abuse

Tian Tian tian Huat,keong hee huat chai ! Lu boh leow lah,only can say hui,hui and ha ha ha


2016-02-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

Holders of muiind have inevitable grown to have long necks hopefully don't look like giraffes!


2016-02-10 13:54 | Report Abuse

Calvin.I admire your patience and wisdom as you still say very nicely without talking bad back to people who criticize/condemns you.Keep up your good perseverance.

News & Blogs

2016-02-03 12:31 | Report Abuse

For more than 3 queue,Bursa charges for the price feed but not if you keep on 3 queue


2016-02-02 11:49 | Report Abuse

I cleared all my mother shrs and calls.Oil futures movement is really weak


2016-01-30 16:43 | Report Abuse

Nylex 's result disappointed considering crude oil has been low for so many mths.Drop even slightly from the previous quarter!


2016-01-29 20:23 | Report Abuse

Call warrants can reward you handsomely even better than mother shr when mother shrs rebounds strongly.Look out


2016-01-28 18:23 | Report Abuse

Don't be too bearish lah! All the negative news already factor in already.


2016-01-25 18:51 | Report Abuse

Don't be too sure on that! Sometimes I got carried away and overtrade!

News & Blogs

2016-01-25 17:39 | Report Abuse

Ai yoh you guys better stop attacking each other not good for your karma,lol!Gray and Desa must have made many enemies.If that's the case examine how you speak.I being a strong Buddhist believe in karma.Don't do what you don;t like people to do onto to you.You will get it one day.Not too late to change for the better,lol!


2016-01-25 17:34 | Report Abuse

For me it's not easy to trade this market.Once bet heavily on counter that is against you,one cut could have a deep cut into the accumulated gains.I am trying to minimise that and careful,Though careful sometimes also kena !


2016-01-25 17:09 | Report Abuse

Desa,I hope you are right there.As said before it's nervous to long oil futures and stocks as well.


2016-01-25 17:03 | Report Abuse

The oil prices is really weak!

News & Blogs

2016-01-25 16:59 | Report Abuse

Thanks,nothing concrete.

News & Blogs

2016-01-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

Tengkuleesai,can you pls elaborate what massive scandal at Tabung Haji that you are referring?Don't lah keep us all in suspense!


2016-01-25 13:31 | Report Abuse

I totally agree with Coolinvestor,you need nerves of steel to be very successful in sharemarket investing.No matter how very cheap you buy in terms of fundamental valuation,you can still suffer losses.massive if you wallop.Character of a person is also important in share investing.Some people just cannot stomach too much losses and on thr other hand some people just have the nerves of steel.The latter who viewed it rightly are handsomely rewarded.


2016-01-25 12:48 | Report Abuse

Yes indeed it has but the fact people who long on oil due to oversold has been slapped with heavy losses hence you can see many are very skeptical on oil bottoming and wanting to short on a higher level which they believe will come down in a few days time.People who long also are very nervous.The move downwards and speed it does of oil future is probably one of the worst that I have ever seen in my lifetime since I started trading 1992!


2016-01-25 12:41 | Report Abuse

Oil is 32,37 yesterday's high is 32.62 and today is 32.42.Looks like ard 32.4 is quite a strong resistance which is ard the low in 2009.Not surprisingly since it moves from 27 somethhing in just a few days time


2016-01-25 12:35 | Report Abuse

Yes,that what he is saying.The thing is the whole is so bearish on oil and he didn't say rebound but flaming big bull market lead by oil and gas counters.For that to happen there must be something happening for the whole world to change it's outlook on oil price to have a bullrun.The fact he has not be wrong in such a major call like this keep me looking at oil and gas counters.In fact I kiasu and went it earlry which I cut it out but went in again the call warrants when oil was hitting ard $28 something which in my opinion is rather low already.Of course low can get lower,I didn't a lot at atime till I see a rebound in oil on Friday.


2016-01-25 11:28 | Report Abuse

What price target would you consider a reversal?


2016-01-25 11:06 | Report Abuse

Desa20201956,that is his view.You don't have to criticize ,you don't need to agree either.It's a guessing game after all only time will tell whether you view it correctly or not.


2016-01-25 10:48 | Report Abuse

The trouble with you guys in the forum is using words that sounds like personal attack hence ego is dented.If we could debate on a pt without using those words,isn't it nice that both sides can see the other side's angle that could be beneficial to your decision making?


2016-01-25 08:35 | Report Abuse

One of the oil forum guys has just said Saudi agreed to cut production.Again how true the new is,we don't know.I am just saying whatever you see in the media and laid on the table,don't be too negative.Open your mind to possibilities and watch O&G stocks.Things could suddenly turn and you will just missed it. Even ClSA believes in feng Shui and gives out feng chart every yr without fail.There must be some degree of accuracy in it,otherwise why they spent money on it.You think cheap?Probably not.


2016-01-24 22:55 | Report Abuse

If you say US has so much oil to sell to the world then it's not US's interest to keep oil prices low,isn't it?What's the pt of plenty to sell but the price is low and create high inflation that they have to increase rate aggressively which would cause market crash!They had been trying hard to have market up since so many yrs ago!


2016-01-24 21:12 | Report Abuse

BTW,US still wants very much to be "Tai kor"! They can't afford to let US currency runs otherwise their technically bankrupt is confirmed officially PN4 already! WHich country in this world who borrows so much still can fetch so high value for their currency?Only US!