
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2017-12-30 18:36 | Report Abuse
Dragonball2017,I have been asking myself this question abt why shell could not give this kind of results when crack spread was much higher even in 2015 as you can see in this website till they have to sell so cheap.No one so far can explain.Since this china company taking over,they can give results so good despite the crack spread much lower now.Do they have a magic fomula?


2017-12-30 09:52 | Report Abuse

In my opinion,the "chong ker" of this stock intentionally created this correction.For all you know,the article in newspapers and edge daily were premeditated by them to lure buyers and confidence.If you look at the graphs from homily,they had been accumulating since $2.Like once someone said to me, the "chong ker" draws the chart.Whatever PE this stock will get depends on the "chong ker".I was looking at the 30 mins and hrly chart,there were negative divergence since Thursday and it continues till Friday till a hangman was spotted.Since then it crashes down.Had I highlighted this spotting here,I cannot imagine how I would have been bombarded and attacked especially when it's at the height of the rise.One should welcome different views and not get carried away.You are matured enough to read it and decide yourself.I don't believe saying something negative would bring down the price if "chong ker"wants it up. The million dollar question now is how low does the "chong ker" wants it to go to build a base?I learned to respect the market and not too gung hor abt it as sometimes there is no logic to it.As regarding the call warrants,I once spoke to a representative from a IB,he said his IB doesn't buy the mother shrs to hedge.I guess it differs from one IB to another.They have to manage their risk somehow to their call warrants issued.How they do it really depends on them.


2017-12-29 19:07 | Report Abuse

sold most of it left 1000 lots to wait for $6.


2017-12-29 13:20 | Report Abuse

Support this time round should be 1.1


2017-12-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

bought back wb and c26 and c21 but less than earlier.Don't want to bet too much


2017-12-28 20:52 | Report Abuse

I called registra for connect today.for those interested in PA,it's trading at a discount now,if you buy 100 lots at .13, you need to top up $750 cause the par value of pa is $.025 while mother shr is $0.1. In terms of percentage return,I guess best would be PA when mother shr really moves the next time.Bought PA today.


2017-12-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

Sold mmc and c8


2017-12-26 11:20 | Report Abuse

I cleared majority of wb and c26 and all of c21.No strength despite the announcement.Left with only 100 k of wb and c26


2017-12-24 12:28 | Report Abuse

Samueluke,one who differs in opinion doesn't mean is a place to encourage discussions and not promote unilateral thinking which I see as unhealthy.its the angle of his eyes and you don't have to agree with him.i hope we don't use personal attack's on people whose views differs.thank you


2017-12-24 11:38 | Report Abuse

From the chart ,hot money has been slowly increasing from the low whereas institution fund only came in when it gaps up on the Oct announcement.institution fund did sell some when it hits around .965 but then it increased back when it gaped up the second time and had maintained around 20 percentage position since then.however the hot money didn't sell any and had been aggressively increased it's position.


2017-12-24 11:30 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..,I read announcement letters as well as annual reports.smrt is going to it and aegb into healthcare,that's the reason why smrt sells the cyberjaya uni to aegb.due to the extremely high vol with little price increased,o liquidated almost all my position.i will buy back when it's lower.


2017-12-24 11:26 | Report Abuse

Three quarters already 38 CTS ma,how is it the price is still below $5? I do find find it's attractive at this price.there is a large gap at 6.05? Cimb three quarters also around there but the price is already abt $6.50.isnt there a possibility to fill the large gap around 6.05?


2017-12-24 08:00 | Report Abuse

Limit up? I don't think so lah.the first level is between 1.15 to 1.17
You see from there whether it will again consolidate or further up.i think wb and c26 will give clue to the movement of mother whether it will break .415 or consolidating ard .40 cts before it breaks new high.i see wb will eventually breaks new high to ard .50 CTS .


2017-12-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

It shows more hot money flowing into mrcb last Friday while institution fund percentage remains the same.however retailers are selling


2017-12-23 11:50 | Report Abuse

How to include a photo of the chart that shows the percentage of institution and hot money into mrcb? I just want to share with you all


2017-12-22 18:59 | Report Abuse

I believe aegb is not into IT related courses but with a few uni offering pharmacy and medicine courses is attractive to me.


2017-12-22 17:31 | Report Abuse

Further buy c3 at .09 and .095


2017-12-22 17:29 | Report Abuse

Don't be too complacent lah as the vol traded is too high for a small increase in price


2017-12-22 17:27 | Report Abuse

I don't think so lah.good chance will move next week


2017-12-21 21:03 | Report Abuse

announcement out by smrt that specifies private placement of 210 million ageb shares to the different parties.


2017-12-21 13:47 | Report Abuse

From the warrant movement,there is intention to push the warrant shrs


2017-12-21 13:44 | Report Abuse

I believe for those risk takers,covered warrants will give you better returns in terms of percentage


2017-12-20 21:01 | Report Abuse

Anyone has any idea when is expected to announce the disposal of edl?


2017-12-20 11:57 | Report Abuse

completely bought back what were sold and more


2017-12-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

bought some at .095


2017-12-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

buying back c3 at .10 cts and 10.5


2017-12-19 11:49 | Report Abuse

i mean return for c21 could potentially higher than c26


2017-12-19 11:48 | Report Abuse

No choice buy back half of what I sold for wb.bought back 60% of c26.Can also look at c21.Though conversion is higher,percentage return could be higher than c21 is it kicks up to 1.15


2017-12-19 10:26 | Report Abuse

I think the low during this consolidation is ard 1.07 if this counter is going up.


2017-12-18 22:41 | Report Abuse

Cktan,you are wrong to say that there are no institution in this counter.There is a software that could categorise whether it's institution,retailer or hot money flowing into that counter.Apparently institution fund has risen from 90% from friday to 95 % today.Of course we layman cannot authentic the accuracy of that software.Since it's at such high percentage,just be aware when they start to sell.


2017-12-18 21:12 | Report Abuse

Though I took profit thinking it might consolidate left 1/6 of c26 and all of wb,I still think there is upside potential.So far all Or forms only goes down but not mrcb.I think someone is accumulating rather a lot.The million question is whether it will consolidate a few days before breaking up or go straight up from here.I still think it has good chance of consolidating before it has better momentum to break new high for wb and c26.


2017-12-18 21:04 | Report Abuse

heng1990 and apppolloang,such software exists.I don't the name as a friend came to our hse yesterday to show me.I was also very surprised such software exists.It costs him $10,000 for life.If interested I will check with him and update you all.Are you willing to pay?He is a newbie and he said he buy this software to exit hengyuan if it shows the institution funds selling.He told me henyuan's institution fund has increased from 90 % since friday to 95% today.I don't simply say things that doesn't exist lah!


2017-12-18 11:31 | Report Abuse

today cimb bought back all I sold


2017-12-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

better wait for those who have not bought the covered warrants


2017-12-18 11:25 | Report Abuse

decide to take profit scared of market correction!


2017-12-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

There is a software out there that could identify whether there are institution,retail or hot money entering the stocks.It was pleasantly surprised there are abt 20% institution fund in mrcb recently and even c26.Imagine if the percentage goes up to 80-90 % like Hengyuan?


2017-12-17 11:53 | Report Abuse

Actually,I do find MKLand at this price very very attractive as it's net gearing has reduced to below 400 million.I had chucked 24.5k aside for this counter.

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2017-12-17 11:17 | Report Abuse

In my opinion ,forum like this should be a place for critical thinking and open discussions.However in many instances,I do find it's a platform that do encourage unilateral thinking.People just cannot open their minds to read that's the angle of other eyes or wonder the reasons why that person asked such question or made such statements.They simply lumped that as attackers.Actually this could be dangerous as syndicates could use this platform to drive prices up/down to take advantage of those blind followers.I term blind followers as people who follow the crowd without questioning.It's not meant to be an offensive word or intentionally degrade others.Again it's solely my opinion only.


2017-12-17 10:38 | Report Abuse

I agree with you Teexian on c26 that 's the best cw if one wants to take position on mrcb.For those who are wary to trade cws,wb is the next best choice.


2017-12-15 17:40 | Report Abuse

C 3 is very cheap.good bey


2017-12-15 15:55 | Report Abuse



2017-12-13 18:05 | Report Abuse

I can only speculate for call warrants ch the reason it reduces the premium and not going up much despite low premium is cimb might have liquidated a lot earlier and it's pressing to accumulate back or perhaps they think it might consolidate at this level.


2017-12-13 07:11 | Report Abuse

To add on what I had said earlier,call warrants is similar to warrants except call warrants cannot convert to mother share,it has exercise ratio and normally not 1 to 1 like warrants and normally has much shorter expiry date.Call warrants do not dilute mother shr's earnings as you cannot convert to mother share.Call warrants are issued by investment banker and not the company.


2017-12-13 06:57 | Report Abuse

There will be a revised exercise price and ratio in all call warrants if there is a bonus or right issue but not for dividens.Not sure how they calculate the new revised price.Just be wary of the premiums you are paying when you buy call warrants.Premiums will be adjusted during correction or even rise of the mother share when date of expiry is near or even if the issuing hse thinks there is no immediate catalyst or mother share is toppish at that time.How much premium of the call warrants is really up to the investment banker.It is not true that higher premium call warrants will not rise more than others as it really depends whether the issuing hse wants to push the call warrants.Sometimes you will find two call warrants from the same issuing hse have a better premium for it's call warrant that has a higher exercise price,higher ratio and shorter expiry date than the other.There is no logic in it.Noticed CF has higher premium than CG though ratio and expiry date is the same.You noticed earlier you would have make more in percentage had you bought CH instead of CD or CA cause the issuing hse is really pushing.The premium for CH then is ard 16-17 cts compared to Ca which fluctuates ard 2 to 7 cts.Then though ratio is the same for CA and CD and CD's exercise price is longer,you will find that it's better off in percentage if you had bought CD instead of CA.Now the premium for CH is .065. I am more incline to CH now due to longer expiry date than CA and CD.Though ratio is more i.e 12 verses 8 but CH still exists for two more quarters of results.It's the lowest premium for calls warrants that still exists for two more quarters.Of course lower ratio is better as normally it would rise more when mother share moves but will equally drop more if mother shrs falls.Hope this helps to enlighten a little for those who are still not so familiar with call warrants.


2017-12-08 22:11 | Report Abuse

probability and stockraider,it's not that you both are not handsome.It's just I cannot blindly trust.I went in when they 1st ann .93 cts eps ,little did I know I lost money on it.I took it off my screen till it keep appearing as gainers.I trade it with extreme caution.I did go in ca at .44cts again and clear out before the result ann.I manage to recoup my earlier loss and make gain of same amt as I lost earlier.I trade based on my analysis and judgement and rarely influence by others.Can either one of you answer my question below.When someone commented the good factors already priced in,I google the crack spread for many yrs.I noticed the highest crack spread was in 2013 which $41.What do you think the reasons were that they could not yield the kind of results and the price then was $9.The other reason I was told by someone working in shell the reason they sold the refinery is because profit margin is very thin.Thanks in advance


2017-12-08 21:52 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi,it doesn't mean I agree with the SC act.In fact I really don't know why SC act doesn't allow a remisier to give advice,what value add can a remisier give?Anyway remisiers need to follow the act otherwise you know the consequences.I believe this act still has not changed.Since Alex Yoong brought up the subject,as an observer who has silently been reading this thread,I felt a need to caution.I know you have many followers and had gain respects frm many but at the same time,you seem to also attract a lot of attackers as well.Hence one need to be careful as well cause you will never know who are the readers.


2017-12-08 21:19 | Report Abuse

My comment here is merely stating the fact SC rules officially states a remisier cannot give advice nor manage funds.To do that you need a separate licence for it.Of course a remisier can follows clients order to execute instructions given.It is not illegal to execute orders given by clients.My comment has no intentions to attack anyone If comments stated implies a remisier is managing funds in a forum like i3 where you could have viewers from SC dept could compromise the remisier's position.Hence just caution one could exposure yourself to violation of SC act.I just realised in this forum,one's view that seems to differ from the majority would be seen as attackers.Why can't one read it with maturity and take it as another angle of the eyes?


2017-12-08 14:35 | Report Abuse

What Alex yoong said is valid.If SC wants to catch you,they can cite those reasons.Remisiers by the book cannot even give advice.Need the licence that Alex referred to for that.Hence it's wise not to write too much about it as they can nail you if they want.