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2021-07-12 20:42 | Report Abuse

We will stop here! Good Luck and all the best for your dream with Genting!


2021-07-12 20:38 | Report Abuse

Let us enlighten you all and teach you what is actually happening in Malaysia! Stop all your nonsense claim on whatever statement! The cry of the frontliners in Malaysia speak it all! Malaysia is heading towards “the train to busan”!


2021-07-12 20:26 | Report Abuse

Health minister is the chief executive health team in Malaysia! He spoke Spanish flu as Spanish fly! Goodness. Wondering his executive ability to bring the covid curve down. We are seeing covid number and covid Ro raising in trend during his tenure as health minister! Those who see covid number down today, hv you think about the delay the covid lab test due to lack of reagents and some more this happened over weekends, staff working over weekends are less in government setting.


2021-07-12 20:13 | Report Abuse

If you don’t know covid Ro, you r not fit to talk about recovery theme! You r just to short sighted! Good Luck for your investment!


2021-07-12 19:58 | Report Abuse

Tell you what, casino and night club will be the last to open, coz no social distancing… good luck… all other recovery sectors will recover first, casino will be the last to recover!


2021-07-12 17:17 | Report Abuse

Careless investor only look at covid numbers, worse still, look at Malaysia only, imagining bad things to good, good things to bad…

We are sharing endless unselfishly, ppl looking at world infection rate, the trend, the Ro number (infectivity), mutation rate!

Malaysia Ro number still increasing… no sign of dropping yet…

Good Luck!


2021-07-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

World covid numbers are ever increasing, not dropping at all… death rate increasing too…

You know what, the invisible are playing in the Genting Highland casino…


2021-07-12 16:57 | Report Abuse

Well predicted by China expert!


2021-07-11 19:54 | Report Abuse

Wu Chang, KYY and foreign investors like us, hv cashed out! What you r waiting for? To be trapped?


2021-07-11 19:52 | Report Abuse

Please remember this EMSVSI et al and claim your losses from EMSVSI et al for the misleading info to con you to buy from EMSVSI et al ie for EMSVSI et al to cash out coming week.

We are very sure that Malaysia can’t reach 70-80% fully vaccinated by end of September/ early October 2021. We all know how’s the Malaysia government efficiency, ever changing policy, U-turn, back-door etc…


2021-07-11 16:43 | Report Abuse

This is the real fact! Reuter hv summarized the covid number for the whole worlds! Look carefully, most countries are in red, raising covid numbers!


2021-07-11 16:40 | Report Abuse

Genting revenue getting lower and lower, declared losing money in quarterly report, one followed by another, of course, we expecting red in the coming quarter too, and in fact, the new covid cases in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the rest of the worlds are ever rising, to make things worse, covid virus is ever mutating and changing! Vaccine is not proven to be effective for the mutated covid virus! Bull run for Genting is total bullsh*t!


2021-07-11 15:26 | Report Abuse

There are so many videos circulating around the public regarding hospitals status in Klang valley, no better than what we witnessed in India!


2021-07-11 15:20 | Report Abuse

KYY agreed with us finally! Get out of stock market! Thumbs up!


2021-07-11 15:19 | Report Abuse

Distance from KL to Genting Highland is 55km. If ambulance is driving 110km/hour, will reach Genting Highland in 30minutes! We make ways for time wasted in climbing the hill to Genting highland, plus and minus fast driving in federal road and highway, should reach Genting Highland no less than 45minutes!

Investmalaysia, you calculated wrongly for the timing to reach Genting Highland! This make us very worried on you. Hope you didn’t calculate wrongly for your investment. Good Luck!


2021-07-11 15:05 | Report Abuse

Lo and behold, kyy also agreed with us, get out from stock market! Good Luck!


2021-07-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

KYY agreed with us finally! Get out of stock market! Thumbs up!


2021-07-11 14:55 | Report Abuse

Stocksa*player has delusion on things… looking bad as good… good as bad… good luck to your investment!


2021-07-11 12:17 | Report Abuse

List of Solid Facts for today,

(1) COVID-19 NEW CASES is BREAKING RECORD HIGH 9353… Very Bad News for tourism industry such as Genting!

(2) Genting revenue DOWN 60% to 2 billion from previous glory of near 6billion… Throughout 1 year, making cumulative net loss accounting up to 40 cents per shares! Very bad stock performance…

(3) Genting Malaysia revenue Worse … DOWN 75% to 0.6billion from previous glory of near 3billion…. Throughout 1 year, making cumulative net loss accounting up to 50 cents per shares! Very bad stock performance also…



2021-07-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

Swabbing everyone is good move! Concurrently, the health authorities must vaccinate this group of people after swabbing! Else, will go back to square one, clean vulnerable unvaccinated persons are potentially exposed to the COVID-19 virus! This COVID-19 virus is ever changing and evolving from alpha, beta, gamma, delta, lambda and so on… Stop all mass gathering businesses especially tourism is a must till government able to get the infection curve down and vaccination rate up! Government should protect health care businesses (vaccine-, PPE-, medicine-, ventilator-producing factories) because these are the bullets to fight the COVID pandemic!


2021-07-11 11:20 | Report Abuse

Malaysia要达到全体免疫,非常难,要知道,小孩至少年人0-17岁,占Malaysia的总人口30+%,covid vaccine是不适合让小孩至少年人接种,政府要如何解决这COVID-19每日愈糟,还是摸不出头绪,疫情已严重到,找不到病源(cluster) ,因为大部分已是零星病例(sporadic cases),无接种疫苗的大马人,尤其是小孩至少年人0-17岁,是COVID病毒变异的温床,这个缺口已开,一切回归原点,接受现实,清洗罪恶无知人类吧。


2021-07-11 10:36 | Report Abuse

Malaysia的医务工作者已完全接种疫苗,还是被COVID-19病毒感染,有者病轻,有者病重,美国、英国也面对同样的问题,病毒再度爆发,可见疫苗(vaccine)接种不是仙丹,要找出病原,对症下药(anti-viral medicine),杀掉病毒,才是真正解决问题的根源,不然,就只有纸上谈兵,一切皆徒然。


2021-07-11 10:24 | Report Abuse

关掉世界销量第一的手套工厂,手套短缺,会否影响医务人员检查病人的SOP ,要知道医务人员必须穿上PPE,双层手套,当手套短缺,医务工作者无法正常服务,痛苦的还是病人,我们早已提醒您,Covid-19 病毒已在您左右,您会否是下一位Covid-19的病患,在手套短缺的时候,没有医务工作者愿意,违反常规SOP,冒生命危险去照顾病人,受苦的人也很可能是您,您自己保重!


2021-07-11 09:35 | Report Abuse

Since most of the businesses are closed, may I ask who will use the refinery products from HengYuan? Ghost perhaps… Good Luck!


2021-07-11 09:31 | Report Abuse

Crack spread price dropping + covid number ever increasing and break record high… good luck!


2021-07-11 09:08 | Report Abuse

Based on data collected from MOH, Reuters predicted Malaysia COVID-19 cases are going to rise higher and higher! Good Luck!


2021-07-11 09:03 | Report Abuse

All international bodies are pessimistic on Malaysia way of fighting COVID-19 pandemic, even labeling Malaysia as failed state! Despite lock down and billion ringgits poured in, COVID-19 new cases still ever breaking new record high in the history! Go and walk around the government hospitals in Klang valley, you will understand how badly the covid pandemic hit the heart of economic growth in Malaysia! DG MOH is doing his best in controlling Klang valley ppl from panicking in the midst of covid pandemic and hope for the best in the mercy of All Mighty!


2021-07-11 08:12 | Report Abuse

Since Hotels in Genting Highland are ordered not to operate, MOH should suggest to government to use Genting Highland Hotels under emergency act to isolate COVID-19 patients! Hospitals in Klang valley are overwhelmed by the COVID-19 patients! If the rooms are not enough, we can use the empty car park to nurse the patients too. Genting Highland is just nice to cater the desperate need for COVID-19 health emergency!


2021-07-11 08:03 | Report Abuse

We speak with solid facts without discrimination! TQ. All the best for your investment!


2021-07-11 08:02 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, only serious enough news will be broadcasted by National TVs. These showed that how severe COVID-19 transmission in Genting Highland! Despite over one month of investigation, MOH yet to find out the source of COVID-19 in Genting Highland! People walking around in Genting Highland may harbor the COVID-19 virus, the cold weather at Genting Highland is in optimal condition for the COVID-19 virus to transmit from one person to another! No one will deny the fact that Genting Highland is one of the epicenter of COVID-19! Tourism in Genting Highland will not recover for at least 1 to 2 years! Good Luck!