
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2015-05-25 13:44 | Report Abuse

hmmm. is it possible that the market is trying to tell us something. could ahjib & rosm resignation be soon?


2015-05-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

slumping. is this going to be a Hanergy Thin Film?


2015-05-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

sluuuumping? whats up?


2015-05-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

slumping. 1.80 next?


2014-12-13 10:28 | Report Abuse

hmmm ... looks like sumatec will heading to 6 sen. closing price gap from 2011.


2014-12-12 23:48 | Report Abuse

sure the ruble will tumble. Russian oil majors have fixed costs in rubles, therefore the oil decline along with the ruble suits them just fine. Ask yourself. Is tight oil (shale) and oil sands more expensive or cheaper to extract than conventional? especially when your costs are USD or CAD?

anyway. irrelevant as SUMATEC probably heading to 5 Sen. Director's Chan Yok Peng, Ahmad Johari Bin Abdul Raza, Wan Kamaruddin Bin Dato Biji Sura @ Wan Abdullah all make BANK disposing worthless shares prior to rout.


2014-12-12 23:19 | Report Abuse

Never heard of the saying .. fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me ......


2014-12-12 23:17 | Report Abuse

Why Sumatec? Why do Malaysians buy rubbish penny's???


2014-12-12 23:14 | Report Abuse

Long way to go. Russians and Saudis want to kill Shale and Oil Sands. Maybe US$50 WTI on the cards...


2014-12-12 23:12 | Report Abuse

Long Way Till 0.05/5 sen. Long Way Down .... Whew!

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News & Blogs

2014-07-14 19:05 | Report Abuse

Its time to head to Cycle & Carriage Bintang to buy a new Mercedes.


2014-07-14 19:04 | Report Abuse

Sumatec's CFO sells 20m shares

KUALA LUMPUR: Sumatec Resources Bhd's chief financial officer Roshidah Abdullah disposed of all her 20 million shares in the open market on July 9.

A filing with Bursa Malaysia issued on Monday showed she had disposed of the shares or a 0.64% stake at 30.8 sen each.

Sumatec was in focus last Friday on expectations of a positive corporate exercise in its first step to be a large independent upstream oil and gas company.

After market close on Friday, it announced plans to buy the 100% stake in Borneo Energy Oil and Gas Ltd for US$250mil (RM800mil) in cash and shares.

It had signed a framework agreement with Abu Talib Abdul Rahman and Dr Murat Safin to buy up Borneo Energy, which owns 100% of Buzachi Neft LLP.

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2014-07-14 14:24 | Report Abuse

Doesn't know anything about Risk Management & Chinese stocks, Chinese stock research firms, and claims to have millions and wants people to email him/her

Classic SCAM, identity theft symptoms....


Don't email this fool.

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2014-07-14 13:27 | Report Abuse

i feel the need to repeat myself because everyone has now seen the $$$ signs and have not read my previous posting:

.."because I wish to engage you to manage some of my money. I have engaged KC Chong, Ooi Tiek Bee and Peter Yang of Kaisutraders"

while that is lovely, offering RM20 million money management to a random stranger on i3 is also probably not advisable (could end up being another XQ situation).

also, *NOWHERE* have i Claimed to be some Superstar Investor, like much respected members KC Chong, Ooi Tiek Bee and Peter Yang of Kaisutraders.

i have merely POSED/ASKED some questions. probably a bit upsetting to hear, but thats just life i guess. i was hoping you'd reply with some answers, NOT a job offer. more work is something i really do not need.

psS. putting your email with an offer of RM20 million money management etc is going to attract the wrong sorts of attention. not only that you're going to expose yourself to computer fraud, phishing attacks you will attract a flood of spam. please do be careful.

News & Blogs

2014-07-14 13:18 | Report Abuse

.."because I wish to engage you to manage some of my money. I have engaged KC Chong, Ooi Tiek Bee and Peter Yang of Kaisutraders"

while that is lovely, offering RM20 million money management to a random stranger on i3 is also probably not advisable (could end up being another XQ situation).

also, nowhere have i claimed to be some superstar investors, like much respected members KC Chong, Ooi Tiek Bee and Peter Yang of Kaisutraders.

i have merely posed some questions. probably a bit upsetting to hear, but thats just life i guess. i was hoping you'd reply with some answers, not a job offer. more work is something i really do not need.

ps. putting your email with an offer of RM20 million money management etc is going to attract the wrong sorts of attention. not only that you're going to expose yourself to computer fraud, phishing attacks you will attract a flood of spam. please do be careful.

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2014-07-14 11:46 | Report Abuse

thanks for the all reply's. i should probably just shut up now. i don't want to be seen to be rubbing salt into wounds. i just wanted to pose certain questions i thought pertinent. anyways, time for others chime in. Cheers! and all the best for your investments.

@sop - i also need a company to have a track record (5-10years) before buying the stock. just like hiring someone. would you pay a fresh grad RM100,000 salary?

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News & Blogs

2014-07-14 10:39 | Report Abuse

Before investing RM60,000,000 , probably advisable to hire a Forensic Accountant based in China, Lawyer based in China, Private Investigator based in China and also Assassin based in China (just kidding).

News & Blogs

2014-07-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

@cariyoyo. interesting points.

-"Mr. Koon must have invested not less than RM60,000,000 on Xingquan"

Really? How did you verify this information? his word? If it was even true, what does it say about his 'Risk Management'?

Another question - should we even be listening to people like Warren.B & M.Koon? Is their style and strategy appropriate for the average investor in Malaysia? Especially in the Malaysian context, where the political whims and fancies can destroy or create value to the tune of 100% overnight?

Again, where is the "Risk Management"? Why isn't this being emphasised?

-"He has not sold any of them but given them away to his children and grandchildren"

Again, this goes back to Poor Risk Management. It is of concern, and may reflect the "I am so old and wise" mentality that affects his generation. I am not impressed.

-"Maybe he thought Xingquan is going to be a winner but it turned out to be a dud!"

Fine. Then sell the bloody company. You don't want you grandchildren remembering you for a 'dud' Gift. And you sure as hell don't want to be 'announcing to the whole world' this information (again, reflecting his mindset).


2014-07-14 09:32 | Report Abuse

conservative estimate is RM2.00 - RM3.00. with oil prices heading north or USD200 later this year, this stock is a SURE bet!


2014-07-14 09:02 | Report Abuse

All interesting and valid points. Lets assume all are true. It still doesn't answer my question.

2013 77.29 152.00 7.2523
2012 75.50 120.00 7.6864
2011 83.20 100.00 7.9210

Tthe dividend per share is almost DOUBLE the earnings per share. How sustainable is this?

Let me simplify. Assume I have RM100 in the bank, my *Salary* is RM20, my *Expense* is RM40. How long can I continue to spend RM40, assuming the maximum I can increase my earnings is RM30, due to my size and various other costs?


2014-07-14 08:52 | Report Abuse

Check out EPS (earnings per share) and NAPS (net assets per share)

F.Y. Profit EPS NAPS
TTM- -47,907 -7.00 0.1100
2012 -65,656 -9.70 0.2300
2011 -85,725 -13.40 0.2600
2010 -143,397 -21.80 0.4000
2009 -182,645 -27.80 0.6100
2008 -55,242 -17.00 1.0300

Earnings Per Share (TTM) = - 7sen
Net Assets Per Share (TTM) = 11 sen.

Can TM change this? Only time will tell...



2014-07-14 08:40 | Report Abuse

All the best to GP shareholders. not my cup of tea. it is up to you to decide to push 'buy' button. Also PLEASE do check out my statements....

For me personally. No way. At 36 sen, got other penny stocks....



2014-07-14 08:24 | Report Abuse

Sure. Great. But remember, P1 is NOT Greenpacket. Greenpacket is NOT P1.

P1 is making money. Greenpacket is NOT making money.

P1 owns the spectrum, NOT Greenpacket.

Greenpacket is only a MINOR shareholder now. Most shares owned by others....


2014-07-14 08:20 | Report Abuse

Wimax and LTE is Different technology. please do some reading lah.

So Mee Goreng, Mee Siam, Pan Mee is the same because all have Mee in name?????

News & Blogs

2014-07-14 00:35 | Report Abuse

okay, i'm kidding around a bit (the Mr Hope etc), but quite serious about the policy of still holding onto your XQ shares (giving them away doesn't count).

many investors, myself included are faced with the same dilemma. my stock is going down, i've done my analysis, then some new information comes to light. but the stock is already down 30% (not a financial crisis situation). what to do?

which is why i asked you,

-What is your pain point/threshold?
-At what point do you cut your losses?

NOT to attack, disrespect or demean you, but rather to gain some insight. the following questions could apply to ANY investor!

a gift of Ekran stock doesn't amount to much today, does it?


2014-07-13 21:03 | Report Abuse

Additionally, P1 is the worst internet provider in Malaysia.


2014-07-13 21:02 | Report Abuse

P1 is Wimax lah. Different technology. Also, P1 is NOT Greenpacket. They are different companies, with a small link. Other companies, own most of the shares in P1.


2014-07-13 20:58 | Report Abuse

Maybank cannot afford PBBANK. and the is no synergies to be gained.

One is ultra Sh*t bank, with lousy stock returns. the other is very efficient and well run providing 127% + Dividends over the last 5 years to shareholders.

its like trying to marry a lazy broke fat man to a FHM model. ain't going to happen.


2014-07-13 20:44 | Report Abuse

i'm not sure if you guys have noticed but the dividend payouts significantly higher than earnings per share.

2013 77.29 152.00 7.2523
2012 75.50 120.00 7.6864
2011 83.20 100.00 7.9210

Look carefully. the dividend per share is almost DOUBLE the earnings per share. How sustainable is this? When will the money run out, if they are drawing down their cash balance like this?

News & Blogs

2014-07-13 17:11 | Report Abuse

hey thanks Calvin for your input. you mention a couple of good points:

-"Insiders of Xinquan have been buying. "

Sure. Great. Why not just use the cash to privatise ala Tradewinds & Malakoff, instead of buying in dribs and drabs?

-"Perhaps Mr. Koon know the Operation & Management better since the lady boss (substantial shareholder) is from Macau."

That is a REALLY good point. So WHY hasn't he mentioned it??? instead he's been repeating this same line....

"I have given almost all my shares to my children and grand children that they can wait for it to turn around. I still have hope "

.....which quite frankly doesn't inspire much "hope" in me.

News & Blogs

2014-07-13 16:54 | Report Abuse

apparently Mr Hope, sorry Mr Koon still does. Very shocked and a bit distressed personally.

News & Blogs

2014-07-13 16:41 | Report Abuse

A couple of snippets for your perusal

Target RM0.62 (Stock Rating: REDUCE)

****It makes little sense for Xingquan to propose a private placement. It sends the wrong message to shareholders and has us scratching our heads since it already has more than RM500m cash.****** The interim results added to the negativity. At 85% of our FY6/14 forecast, Xingquan's annualised 1H net profit missed expectations due to continued deterioration of sales volumes in 2Q. We scale back our FY14-16 EPS numbers to reflect further volume declines. We are downgrading the stock from add to Reduce. Our target valuation is lowered to 0.3x P/BV, a 50% discount to the sector's 0.6x (previously at parity with sector) to reflect our fundamental concerns over the stock.

------Source CIMB (who, of course, earlier championed this counter)

Why these shares almost immediately trade below IPO price:

a) the usual question, why choose to list in Malaysia, that in itself is a difficult question to answer, how to dispel the rumours that they are too small to list back home

b) the pricing will have to be fair relative to what other red chips are being priced in SGX, Xinquan was priced too high at IPO

1) Investors will be concerned that they have never seen the operations and that they may never get "good research coverage" or even corporate news analysis on the counter.


for investors perception to change.... hmmmm.... I think balance sheet improvement is one major factor. I am really sceptical to see companies saying they have tons of money in their balance sheet but yet they seem to get 'value' or interest income from their vast pot of money. Why? Is the money real or not? And worse still, despite all these cash, these chinese companies still wants to raise money via share placement sale and TDR. Why? Got tons of money mah... but still want to raise more? Errrr.... and then some of the capex made by these Chinese companies seems rather exuberant. In XQ's case, the rebranding exercise simply blew my mind. In short, it's simple. For the perception to change, investors do not want to see questionable issues in the company they are investing in. And sadly for the Chinese stocks listed here, these questionable issues are the very same issue raised in Chinese stcoks charged with fraud.


Isn't the most pertinent question regarding Xinquan - If XQ is so good (financially) then why it is trading below IPO price and keep falling like a stone?

And this brings me to another point Mr Koon

What is your pain point/threshold? At what point do you cut your losses and admit you've made an error in judgement? Isn't the hallmark of any good investor knowing when to admit and correct a mistake?

"I have given almost all my shares to my children and grand children that they can wait for it to turn around. I still have hope "

I personally don't believe in "hope" as a sound investment dogma or strategy.

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2014-07-13 16:05 | Report Abuse

-Mr Koon, have you entertained the prospect that Xinquan could be cooking the books, like the other Chinese co?

A company does not necessarily have to pay out dividends, however one has to wonder why it doesn't seem concerned about putting investor jitters/minds at ease by putting in a dividend payout policy.

-Could you be a victim of just looking at the trees (financials) and not seeing the forest (the big picture)?

- Are you familiar with research, work done at Bronte Capital and Muddy Waters?



2014-07-13 12:44 | Report Abuse

as you say stonenut. in Malaysia;

-premium counter = PN17
-skilled management = Ahmad Johari Abdul Razak (nobel prize nominee)

By the way, any story about this?

Change in Shareholding (Director)
Date Name Remark
29/05/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
19/05/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
01/04/2014 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
01/04/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
27/03/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
27/03/2014 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
21/01/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
21/01/2014 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
09/01/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
09/01/2014 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
09/01/2014 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
09/01/2014 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
13/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
13/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
13/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
13/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
09/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
09/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
09/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
09/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
04/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
04/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
03/12/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
03/12/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
29/11/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
29/11/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
29/11/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Disposal via open market
29/11/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Disposal via open market
26/11/2013 TEKAD MULIA SDN BHD Married deal
26/11/2013 TEKAD MULIA SDN BHD Married deal
26/11/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Married deal
26/11/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Married deal
26/11/2013 CHAN YOK PENG Married deal
26/11/2013 WAN KAMARUDDIN Married deal


2014-07-13 08:06 | Report Abuse

no too Conservative lah ... MUST give this RM2.00 ringgits minimum! in contention to win Nobel prize in Economics! director Mr Ahmad Johari Bin Tun Abdul Razak