Blog Posts
2019-11-14 13:01 | Report Abuse
Yes acquire another 10% and privatized at 0.15. Then everybody go to roadside sell satays babi instead of eating satays.
2019-11-13 15:29 | Report Abuse
Waiting for another 2 months for VT to make the move. Close your book here and look for other good stuff to invest. The ding-dong game will be playing around 20 cents. Sometimes I just wonder how come this counter is worth just 20 cents, a rubbish stock? ?
2019-11-13 14:34 | Report Abuse
Berjayaland 在5 洋内都有Hotels 和 Resorts. 会差到哪里去吗?Ytlland 不是在UK 有房产业吗?贱世国际在澳洲不是卖的不错吗? 高端房屋 需要高端设计和建筑师, 包括CEO全都是高薪份子, 再加上還债务, 你们说世贱能赚多少?
2019-11-13 11:59 | Report Abuse
Fact is always fact., can't hide. A non dividend yield counter for years is consider rubbish. I think there are some ikan bilis stucked in Ewint now. 3 months on the road to see the impact! Dead or alive!
2019-11-13 11:49 | Report Abuse
Once Ecoworld dropped until the 70 cents point, I know everything is gone. The share may one day end up 20 cents and joint the others 2 brothers (Berjayaland and Ytl land) at 20 cents Mark's.
2019-11-13 11:39 | Report Abuse
Who want to bet BJL up or down 0.01 today?
2019-11-12 09:44 | Report Abuse
From Atlantic to Pacific ocean you can find BerjayaLand owned hotels and resorts but the share just valued at RM 0.20. What a rubbish !
2019-11-11 09:20 | Report Abuse
Tok tok where are you ?. WTK is going up now. I hope this will last. Good qrt is coming?
2019-11-10 23:37 | Report Abuse
杨大仙, 你还是等到0.45 , 买进avearage up 再等升到0.70 再卖出! 可能要等2年后吧!
世贱的CEO是优越的高薪老板, 优越到能使投资者没回报。 这和BjCorp和Bjland 又有啥两样?
2019-11-10 17:44 | Report Abuse
The facts are :
1) making profits every quarter but no dividends.
2) share price is dipping all the way.
3) one of the best paid CEO in Malaysia .
Talk so much rubbish for what ? Fact is fact. Rubbish stock is always rubbish! When you invest and get nothing back, this is call stupid investment. Can this stock limit up everyday when it move? I doubt so !
2019-11-10 13:52 | Report Abuse
This counter worths not more than 60 cents. I just don't understand why others dare to put their money at 1.00 plus on it ? Iron and steel industry is a very common industry and will face many competitors . China can produce cheap steel but their quality is not good compared with Europe and US.
2019-11-10 08:56 | Report Abuse
Aya, Sapu.....sapu semua ....20 cents only how much can you lose if this stupid counter drop further or delisted. Lost 20 cents in trading is chicken feed. So sapu just sapu...time to go up like eating 20 pills of viagra at one time. VT......hahaha 吃斋拜佛补罪恶 !
2019-11-05 21:36 | Report Abuse
Regarding this we don't have to worry too much as every dog will has his day. The time will come soon.
2019-11-05 09:24 | Report Abuse
After PH taken over JB city is down in every sectors. You can feel it if you are a local. Building, offices, new apartments, condos, and new shop houses to let and rent are abundantly scattered throughout JB city not only Plentong !
2019-11-04 10:29 | Report Abuse
Gtrade : Plentong 3.69m per acres. The location is around city areas (10-15 min drive to central) with majority Chinese residents, you said expensive?
If the location is in Kampung Malayu Majidee then I said it is expansive.
2019-11-04 09:49 | Report Abuse
Be aware now ! The stupid old horse is opening his dirty mouth and attacking US policy because of Iranian sanctions. He think he is the Asean taiko. A lot of action but no firing ! Afraid of Chinese but want Chinese's money. Local big corporation still force to quota the top posts to certain type of people. They just eat and shit there. Where is the fairness?? Dark side of Malaysian politics.
2019-11-03 22:28 | Report Abuse ...Cakap banyak, sokong Kedah. main dekat sawah boleh lah ! Tengoklah macam mana Johor ajarkan si Kedah tu. 3 telur untuk Kedah. 1 telur untuk coach, 1 telur untuk manager . last sekali untuk pemain.Main macam babe mana boleh menang wah hahah....a.
2019-11-03 22:08 | Report Abuse
Chinese always believe in 阴阳。Everything exist in this universe will have antithesis issues. Every conclusion or consequence is depending on how you look at it and handle it.
"Greediness" itself may sound bad. But on the good side of it is it improved human living standard and prolong human life. A lot of scientific invention are made possible due to greediness of human character rather than having the heart of the savior and work for free !
You play big you lost big ; you play less you lose less. you play nothing you get and lose nothing!
Meet on Monday, huat ah....
2019-11-03 21:36 | Report Abuse
khatulistiwa 1234 , "greediness" is always the weakness of human character and soul if you do not know to handle it.
Golden Lion roars again ! ? With more than 300 point surged at DJI on Friday, I think this stupid Lion may jump up again. Anybody poke the lion backside ???
2019-11-03 21:19 | Report Abuse
Liyilo, Mah Sing's "Debt to Asset only 7.85" ! Check before you write. Don't lazy listen to rumours, pls go and find out yourself. Company with cash-flow problem is usually tighted with heavy debt.
2019-11-01 16:52 | Report Abuse
Yeo 大仙,我不跟你闹了, 等0.45再见吧!have a nice day to you.
2019-11-01 09:40 | Report Abuse
0.20 can't even buy a small package of Hacks candy. Hahaha..
2019-11-01 09:12 | Report Abuse
Even with news these 2 counters won't go up ! Nobody believes old fox.
2019-10-31 18:45 | Report Abuse
Young man is too greedy. Now old cock is taking over if I not wrong. 大仙, you know what is leverage in business? Leverage is high risk if you keep on expanding and doing the same type of business with heavy debts. The answer to that is diversification. Once your only type of business is in red. You will end up dead ! Same go to investments in equity. Today may be oil and gas counters is good. Next week may be electronic counter is on & so for. Or else you just have to wait ! Waiting times cost money. Good example is YTL.
#Young Developer company doing leverage with 18 projects at the same time.# by yeochingu .
2019-10-31 15:51 | Report Abuse
One glance at the review of eco world. is perfect with every quarter made money . The only big questions are :
(1) No dividend given for years.
(2) Prices keep on dropping for almost a year. The drop is almost 50%.
Why? Why?
2019-10-31 13:09 | Report Abuse
香港的年轻人,素质 ,普通知识(GK)和道德观念很差。大马也好不到哪里。Form 3 至上到 Form 5 不用考试,直动上。国民中学里一大堆流氓,烂教师一大箩。华人富商赚的钱都要分点给那些主流的败家子!
你说外国华人移民会很想移居到西马吗?一个冲满了种族和宗教仇视的国家。我说移居到东马发展才是上策!Ecoworld 可以把目标转向东马了。
2019-10-31 12:32 | Report Abuse
童言屋语‧交叉补贴 让人民付出代价 - 中国报
在澳洲,以5万5000澳元(15万5375令吉)的年均收入,一名职场新鲜人可以用半年的薪资轻松购入一辆价值2万5000澳元(7万625令吉)的本田思域(Honda Civic)。
根据美景控股(MKH)Dr Foo所做出的一项题为“资本投入与合规成本对住房可负担性的影响”的研究指出,合规成本占据发展成本的大部分;分别占一座 公寓发展总值(GDV)的2.8%至19.9%,以及一间排屋单位发展总值的9.5%至35.1%。
因此,根据Dr Foo的研究,由于需要交叉补贴如提供廉价屋固打配额之类的额外合规成本,不仅导致市场极端扭曲,还造成我们现在正面对的高价房滞销问题。这些合规成本也限制了本来可以提供可负担房屋,但规模却不足以承担交叉补贴的中小型发展商的参与。
2019-10-31 10:26 | Report Abuse
Yes received 1 billion! Afterward Viagra Tan will come out and tell you all that they're going to invest in Cambodia casino and resorts.
Bloody bullshit type of people ! Full of con story to attract people to fall into this trap.
2019-10-31 09:46 | Report Abuse
@tasas : why I'm here? I'm here waiting for 0.45 to buy in.. Anything wrong with it ? Don't tell me this forum is your family property and no other member can comment here! Buy or sell is everybody 's choice and decision. They are not bulls that I can pull them around.
Another 20 cent down is possible anyway. Nobody can predict the lowest number.
Yeo 大仙 , 可以告诉我最佳进场的价位吗?
2019-10-30 08:43 | Report Abuse
Sometimes beauty is just for the eyes only. What we're looking for are truth and facts.
2019-10-30 08:03 | Report Abuse
贱世老板花招一大把, 搞出一箩筐得概念产品。
貿易战要是搞的不好, 影响到世界经济, Ecoworld 将是第一个大公司倒台! 0.45已经是给他们面子了。
2019-10-30 07:43 | Report Abuse
What VT waiting for? Bjland is worse than Bjmedia - a PN 17 counter. Get it delisted! Already a rubbish stock in Bursa. Sampath.
2019-10-29 16:05 | Report Abuse
Berjaya media a PN17 counter is trading at 0.38 but Berjayaland is trailing at 0.20. Is there any logic on it ?
2019-10-27 18:46 | Report Abuse
别人没做过什么是令父母觉得骄傲的,没做过什么对社会有贡献的, 这些你也知道,你可以改名叫yeo大仙了,未卜先知。难怪是云顶赌神,包赢赌神...敬佩敬佩。
"取之社会,回馈社会" 我加多一句:“吃斋拜佛,弥补罪恶“。阿弥陀佛....。
27/10/2019 6:44 PM
2019-10-26 19:02 | Report Abuse
小的都卖给老的0.45 . 自家都打出45分的牌,又有什么不可能,难道刘家族又出老千?出暗招的就是奸商。害人的手段和毒贩有何区别?
2019-10-26 18:05 | Report Abuse
2019-10-26 17:12 | Report Abuse
2019-10-26 17:05 | Report Abuse
#上升股包括合營鋼鐵業( AISB, 2682)和榮達鋼鐵( LSTEEL, 9881);下跌股包括金獅工業( LIONIND, 4235)、馬鋼鐵廠( MASTEEL, 5098)和協德( HIAPTEK, 5072)等。
值得一提的是,安裕資源( ANNJOO, 6556)本月7日宣佈,與南達鋼鐵(SSTEEL, 5665)計劃成立一家總值16億5000萬令吉的聯營公司,壯大業務規模求存。
另外,安裕資源老總林鴻泰指出,我國鋼鐵業務面對產能過剩的局面,主要是因為中資公司- -聯合鋼鐵( Alliance Steel)在本地市場搶灘。#
2019-10-26 16:52 | Report Abuse
Huat ah ! 0.20 lorong price. don't miss the chance huat gao gao.
2019-10-26 16:43 | Report Abuse
当年进世贱就是看在它的P/E ,EPS 不错,虽然债务有点高,票只是双倍,是不错的股。没看到DPS是零!人生就业最怕就是进错行,买股最怕是买错股,你说是吗?
2019-10-26 16:00 | Report Abuse
说到mcd我一年没吃过2次, 原因是我不爱吃面包,只爱吃大米(南方人嘛)。
鲍鱼呢,我爱吃小鲍鱼,老的难咬也难消化。Raja所说的鲍鱼汁还没吸过,不知道味道如何? 但目前最想吸的是人奶,3 岁断奶就没吸过了,好想吸啊。
Jiahui, 我又改目标价进货了:0.45 以下, 老刘卖给孩子0.45,难道不照应一下我们这些铁粉丝吗?又是同乡,所谓 ;同乡见同乡,两眼泪汪汪。1.20 到0.66 不泪汪汪也不行了。
什么金三角?1百万1个unit, 留给贩毒商家吧。
2019-10-26 10:02 | Report Abuse
Haha Haha...Golden lion will perform lion dances for our hindu friends to celebrate Deepavali.
2019-10-24 20:57 | Report Abuse
Jiahui, 东尼 AirAsia 粉丝今天又在高歌跳舞了!
2019-10-24 17:36 | Report Abuse
From Indonesia, Myanmar, nobody reacted positively to viagra tan's announcement and investments. 老陈现在是骑虎难下了, 他没有办法了。
只好用私有化来骗我们那些老鸟! 菜鸟对这dingdong 在 一两分的烂股没兴趣!
2019-10-24 17:17 | Report Abuse
哈哈哈哈哈! 金毛狮王老了, 他改教了,再也不是明教,而是睡教。
2019-10-23 17:27 | Report Abuse
Hahahahaha........Haha. 0.195 talk so much!
2019-11-14 22:25 | Report Abuse
Now 1.50 coming ? Possible?