Bursa Malaysia (KLSE) Stock Investment Portal | I3investor

bahai4453 | Joined since 2018-03-28

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2019-04-27 09:04 | Report Abuse

seacera 列入PN17,又一土匪公司玩完了!


2019-04-26 18:28 | Report Abuse

So am I . Get out completely on the very first day after Botak Lim announced the wayang is over. I learned from my lesson very very hard. Last time I always can some good money but I was mislead by the forum sifu and members who always suggested that the TP will be so much and so much higher later. So, every time I hold and waited. But when I wake up the next morning the price limit down. Then I ended up either trapped or make a chicken feet only. Lessons No. 1 to learn ---don't be too greedy even though we are all greedy. Set your own TP ! Lesson No.2 wait for Ekovest and IWCITY to transform back into the cars again.


2019-04-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

I stepped in IWcity twice and got out with some profit. I have a braveheart on IWcity but not this one. I felt uneasy about this stock. Equity for long term ? Or short term ?? No ! this stock is designed for quick term !


2019-04-26 18:00 | Report Abuse

Insiders disposed at high time meant games over ?? Bandar Malaysia project is very very blur with no details being listed out. I just can't get the clearer picture out of it ?? Still early ??


2019-04-25 16:49 | Report Abuse

我当初会掉入ECOWORLD的圈套,是我在他们的directors board看到了Lim Lam Thye 的名,说老实的 我很几敬佩他 , 还有的是 报社和分析师都说的好 ,所以就被套了几个月。


2019-04-25 13:33 | Report Abuse

我看我的0.935 应该是出了!


2019-04-25 13:31 | Report Abuse

土匪也有好的呀!botak chin 就是其中之一, Robinhood 和 中国梁山的好汉等等。。


2019-04-25 13:19 | Report Abuse

But Tabung Haji is disposing their lots ???


2019-04-25 12:51 | Report Abuse

我查了, 0.65 应该是最好的价位进票。不玩这败家了!KWAP 搞的股难赚钱! 老兄 MRCB 该有潜能吧!我昨查看过了。该是没什么风险


2019-04-25 11:06 | Report Abuse

Yap !The fun is from you guys here. Give good opinions and jokes. Thanks for that. Any way I just thinking of trimming further down this counter's shares to look else where. I think I'm wasting a lot of my time here. At 0.935 I lost not much, only a few sens.


2019-04-24 20:25 | Report Abuse

It is a fun to be here !


2019-04-24 20:23 | Report Abuse

Good potential bright star to surface. keep faith on it ! Huat ah..


2019-04-24 20:21 | Report Abuse

Iron Lion will roar one day. Just wait for it to happen.


2019-04-24 20:20 | Report Abuse

Be aware MRT and Buildings need steel and iron bars. Just wait for ripe time to come. Tunggul Durian jatuh !


2019-04-24 20:17 | Report Abuse

Today I sapu a bit more. Why worry. The fundamental of company is good! Can keep for long term.


2019-04-24 20:14 | Report Abuse

what YAPSS show is for you to know beter about this company. All those stupid analytics and graph is another type of details for you to refer. The basic truth is, if no body goreng the share will never move either up or down. Just look at Berjaya Corp, MBSB and Ecoworld and Alcom and.more...others. Most of them their financial results are goods and they are making money, furthermore they have a sound capital and revenue. Only thing is no body goreng due to certain reasons and they just can not move! That say if they announce the company is giving 5 sens dividend for each share next week. I am very sure they will rocket up tomorrow.


2019-04-23 16:34 | Report Abuse

THIS company is making money all the way since last quarter of 2016. no joke about it. it worth to keep.


2019-04-23 15:51 | Report Abuse

Buy on rumours sell on announcement. only big shots are making tons of money. we managed only get some. when will be the next round of the game.
even now I still puzzled why after the PH old man announced the revival of BM, botak never come out and said both his company are not involved in the first place and waited until yesterday?


2019-04-23 14:58 | Report Abuse

Beware of another announcement !


2019-04-23 13:42 | Report Abuse

绿盛世国际我没兴趣 我对他们的管理层没信心!


2019-04-23 13:33 | Report Abuse

一大清早就把全部的iwcity清掉了,有钱进袋就行了 不要太贪,人往往就是给贪害。惨!前几天iwcity里的董事已抛售公司的股,跟作来就是大老板出面澄清 跟作来戏就演完了。为什么老鬼宣布BM重启计划时 老林不出来澄清呢?
Buy and sell on rumours. 说老实的 就是rumours 让我赚了不少钱 这就是它的妙处 哈哈!好戏还在后呢 !我想应该7月初上演吧。Ekovest 可要留意了!


2019-04-23 11:41 | Report Abuse

TP 1.13 - 1.25 你说这些鸟分折师是吃什么来的 !


2019-04-23 11:28 | Report Abuse

I make myself ready for the 3rd wave of rumours. Buy and sell on rumours. Beware of our pratta leader ! I think his family must made a lot of money from here.


2019-04-23 11:24 | Report Abuse

My opinion is this share will drop below 0.50 soon. They will make it happen. Be aware ! The racist old man put a lot of stupid conditions that is hard for the developers to shallow. First if you are selling me a pc of land with high price and demanded me to build low cost housings to accommodate those refugees and illegal immigrants from our neighbour countries, is it a fair deal ? Secondly you demanded me to give away all the contracts to only Bumiputra contractors, are them up to international standard or they are just middle men ? To any businessman time is money and good quality of products only can attract good buyers.


2019-04-23 10:44 | Report Abuse

Cheers for the bravehearts who ever playing in this counter! Buy and sell on rumours. One thing everybody must keep in mind especially the ikan bilis player like me - Don be greedy and must make money don care even it is one ringgit. Don lose must win. I am waiting for another round of rumours. Botak playing a very smart game all the while and just keeping quite on very first day when the racist old man announced the revival of BM. All the contracts must 100 % give to the Bumi companies and BM will be completed after 30 years time! What is the different between PH and BN ? Nothing!


2019-04-22 18:14 | Report Abuse

by is international business man. He is not interested in local market. He invested in China, Vietnam,Indonesia,Korea,Japan,Philippine and UK. His is a big shot. but Berjaya Corp? a 20sen counter. just wonder why everybody still here? If you cut lost and bought some IWCITY or evervest shares not only you get you refund, you will gain. I myself cut lost last year. because I don't want to be a bloody fool feeding VT family with zero return.


2019-04-22 12:52 | Report Abuse

all the banks tp is just for guidance and seldom right !


2019-04-21 13:09 | Report Abuse

"Buy on rumours when still low. sell during rumours when it stops going up," my sifu told me


2019-04-19 22:23 | Report Abuse

you are right nckcm never get involved in epf counter where they already in and the prices is on the highside4


2019-04-19 21:58 | Report Abuse

make money all the way from 2017. but give just chicken feet to investors. Very stingy and stupid bosses. another screw up counter


2019-04-18 11:48 | Report Abuse

Good counter why no players ?


2019-04-18 11:47 | Report Abuse

Somebody is telling me the different between Inari and Frontkn. It is the call warrant bond by Inari that make the difference. If Inari don beat the 2.00 mark in the month you better sell all and wait till next year or below 1.30 to enter. Whilst Frontkn has no restriction can limit up at any time if the Kuaytew kaki is here to goreng.


2019-04-18 08:53 | Report Abuse

Bloody shit I thought of going in at 1.17 but all the "over smart" sifu and market specialist said the price will go down to 1.00. but now is 1.24. shit..... The company had a good financial record and someone is talking about de-listing here. what is the logic about it ? 醉人说梦话?还是自讲自爽?Can I follow all these "sifu" wait till ......!


2019-04-16 18:11 | Report Abuse

IWCITY is for the brave. don worry about what TM said. 90+ years old and may be next couples of days whole Malaysia is mourning for his death. Life like shares hard to predict!


2019-04-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

"ks55 Believe Eco World is now facing cash flow problem.
Don't believe check with its main con and suppliers"

As what i know, certain company is having a very cunning and dirty tricks to hold their contractor bills up to minimum 6 months or max. 2 years. Their excuses always the same e.i. disputes on the invoice amount where additional work done are involved. Unless the project is a turn-key project.


2019-04-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

Are you sure Stanley ? Time to buy in ? But as they said all the steel companies are fighting with each other IRON Man. When compete with each others, the profit margin is low. where got the strength to go up ? Unless they take Viagra!


2019-04-16 09:04 | Report Abuse

Is it the director disposed just disposed merely 10,000 shares to misguide your opinion ? Time to get get out from here ?


2019-04-16 08:56 | Report Abuse

Cut lost and F.O. from this stupid counter forever. Hopeless counter!


2019-04-16 08:54 | Report Abuse

果条小贩还没做工 没人炒 没得吃!


2019-04-12 23:47 | Report Abuse

Monday will go down to 0.91 or 0.92. Any bet ??


2019-04-12 23:46 | Report Abuse

I like Eco World is not because of Leong Kok Wah or the Liew father and son, but just because of LIm Lam Thye, the best Malaysian politician I ever come across. But how come he was involved with all this sharks here??


2019-04-12 23:33 | Report Abuse

Ding-dong at 1.60 -1.68. Just wonder when it hit 2.00. This month will be the last month of the year to watch Inari Amertron perform ! Hope I'm not wrong. I hate to involve myself with EPF invested counter. They are the God of crane (鹤神)。


2019-04-12 23:16 | Report Abuse

why so quite at the eastern front? what is the reason they keep on buying back ? For what ? to cease the fall or to hold tight the share price.


2019-04-11 18:48 | Report Abuse

If you have no balls. pls don step into this counter.


2019-04-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

I put a gamble and hold tight here. Will cut win at 0.90. TP 2.00.


2019-04-06 14:54 | Report Abuse

and self centred . lousy counter. some fishy thing is goong around. just be awsre !


2019-04-06 14:51 | Report Abuse

All those guys in are over smart ,selfish and self


2019-04-06 14:33 | Report Abuse

wah..ha..ha someone is waiting for 80 sen . 痴人说梦话 !


2019-04-05 12:34 | Report Abuse

Liew father and son company is very similar to the Tan family of Berjaya corp. Never benefit the share holders. Soon ECOWORLD will end up 20 to 30 sen counter.