
batu88 | Joined since 2016-02-17

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2017-02-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

Gross value of C-34 = 0.244
But not sure got admin fees, valuation fees, etc or not.. But even have those charges, should be quite minimal i think. Net value should be around 0.243-0.244


2017-02-28 17:01 | Report Abuse

For C-34 holder,

22th Feb is 2.79 with volume 40.8M
23th Feb is 2.78 with volume 23.4M
24th Feb is 2.72 with volume 21.4M
27th Feb is 2.65 with volume 19.8M
28th Feb is 2.65 with volume 20.2M

Value of C-34 = 0.244
Seem like I'm quite good in guessing also. Almost same as my best estimate scenario. Hahaha..

Wait the pay cheque from CIMB now!!


2017-02-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

More 4m share q above 2.77. Let's see what is the closing price


2017-02-28 15:35 | Report Abuse

supermx2, congrat to you if you able to predict the market behavior so accurately. But so far I dont really meet any retailer earn money by guessing short term market behavior in malaysia stock. If you really earn money by these guessing, really congrat to you. Lol..


2017-02-28 10:35 | Report Abuse

For C-34 Holder,
Just perform some sensitivity test and estimate value for C-34:
Scenario 1 (best estimate): 2.65 with volume 20M ---> 0.244
Scenario 2 (high performance): 2.70 with volume 40M ---> 0.245
Scenario 3 (low performance): 2.60 with volume 40M ---> 0.235
Scenario 4 (low volume): 2.65 with volume 10M ---> 0.246

So these sensitivity test, we know that the closing price is not our major concern today. As long as today volume is low enough, then we will get better price on C-34. Lol..


2017-02-27 19:01 | Report Abuse

If you believe C-34 make AA price fall lower, then you should wait for one more day. Lol..


2017-02-27 19:00 | Report Abuse

As per what I know, tomorrow is last day but not today for C-34. Expired date is 28th Feb 5pm. And I strongly believe AA price and C-34 is independence now.


2017-02-27 18:56 | Report Abuse

I also dont know when cimb going to sent us cheque. should be within 7 working days. Hopefully get it asap. Depend on tomorrow price of AA, assume average price for AA=2.60 tomorrow with volume 20M, C-34 worth 0.241


2017-02-27 18:05 | Report Abuse

Toto, for your reference, I bought some at price 2.65 just now. But I cant buy more now since no more cash. Have to wait the pay cheque from C-34 then only can continue to collect. I will keep collecting if the price is below 2.80.
My recommendation is: Don't try to predict how the market work on share price. Do your own valuation on share price. If cheap in your view, just buy. If expensive, just sell. If invest liao cant sleep, then don't invest 1st. Good luck.


2017-02-27 18:02 | Report Abuse

1. I'm not sifu. Just a student level in stock market
2. I'm super weak in guessing stock term price movement. If I tell you is up, you better guess it down. Lol
3. I personally think that AA price fall 20 cent in 3 days is NOT because of C-34. I more agreed on SharkTank's view on this. You may refer to his comment. You may refer to recently blog from felicity, maybe small operators dont think that AA result is good on Q4 2016.
4. I cannot recommend you buy or sell. Because you are the one who take the risk on your owe money but not me. +I'm really new to market, not like other sifus can make recommendation already.


2017-02-27 17:12 | Report Abuse

thurston, tomorrow. wont change too much already. Price should be around 0.24-0.25, super hard to make it out of this range.


2017-02-27 17:08 | Report Abuse

Reference for C-34 holder.

22th Feb is 2.79 with volume 40.8M
23th Feb is 2.78 with volume 23.4M
24th Feb is 2.72 with volume 21.4M
27th Feb is 2.65 with volume 19.8M

Value of C-34 as at today = 0.249

Assume tomorrow AA price is 2.60 with volume 20M,
Value of C-34 = 0.241
Nothing to worried. Still higher than latest trade (0.235), lol..


2017-02-27 16:15 | Report Abuse

My toilet papers seem very expensive. C-34. Average price 0.17. Market price now 0.24-0.25.. erm.... next time try not to use toilet paper liao, so expensive.


2017-02-27 14:13 | Report Abuse

squeeze all my cash and buy in 2.65 just now. Not able to buy more even drop lower. Who can borrow me cash to buy more?


2017-02-27 00:49 | Report Abuse

22th Feb is 2.79 with volume 40.8M
23th Feb is 2.78 with volume 23.4M
24th Feb is 2.72 with volume 21.4M


2017-02-25 13:21 | Report Abuse

JN88 , It's not fair to include AAC sale as profit. If you really wanna include it, the better way to include it should be = money receive from AAC sale - book value for AAC


2017-02-25 13:13 | Report Abuse

Normally dividend will base on net operating profit but not profit after tax. Boz only operating profit will generate cash but not all items in PAT will contribute as cash. Im not sure PP is entitled to dividend or not. If yes, then is exactly 10 cent base on 20% dividend policy.


2017-02-24 23:13 | Report Abuse

beige94, hahaha... even you ask this question to Tony Fernandes, he definitely will tell that "I don't know". If equity market is like math, 1+1=2, do you think that you still got chance to buy cheap and good stock?


2017-02-24 22:47 | Report Abuse

@ shortinvestor77 If you ask the questions as below, it only show that you dont know how to read financial report and nothing else. Someone show you 1+1, but you are blaming no one give answer on this question, not transparent at all. Sound silly to me.

The only thing i agreed with you is china business men is clever. But will this stop you not to do business with china man? hahahaha..

shortinvestor77 Do you guys know the AAC accounts? Its debt, how much? Installments or cash buy for aircrafts? Maintenance charges? Etc.. Is it really transparent AirAsia let you know?


2017-02-24 20:44 | Report Abuse

@ shortinvestor77, if you really study about aviation sector and understand more about economy on china. You will understand why china companies so keen to buy AAC. I bet one of china company will win the bid on AAC but not other company from other country. China company are too liquidity with flood of cash waiting to spend. Quite safe to buy asset in aviator sector since their asset always based on USD. Super high demand in china now (and all asia country) so they can collect good and stable yield in this business.


2017-02-24 20:35 | Report Abuse

Just finish listening the conference. Good presentation.
Would like to highlight my finding from Q4 16 conference call:
1. Collect brand license fees from others associated. This will improve in group income. Start to collect from Indo and Philip. Good move since they are going to have IPO soon.
2. Could be strongest Q1 in AA history for year 2017.
3. Final bid for AAC will be 27 March and early May will make the final decision. Q3 will receive the cash.
4. AAC is a huge disinvestment activity and will coming with a lot AAC in future. Unlock the cash and keep healthy balance sheet can cash flow with significant growth. So huge disinvestment activity like AAC will be become recurring activities in future. This is good move as well. Most of the airline company only earn the money from disinvestment activity but not from operation. But airasia able to do it in 2 way new: good underlying performance and earn handsome profit by selling asset (old aircraft and negotiated a good deal from aircraft provider)
5. CIMB ask a lot of questions (few CIMB person ask some questions) in conference and no question from PBB. So I assumed CIMB analysis is more reliable compare to PBB. Lol.. But this is just my personal preference. I always like CIMB analysis compare to PBB.


2017-02-24 18:41 | Report Abuse

Thanks. cruger.. Viewing now. Only 12 person views on it so far.. lol.. Seem like the number of person spread fear and negative comment without fact here is more than the person who really go to view conference. Haha..


2017-02-24 11:39 | Report Abuse

wiki123 , yes definitely. No worried, CIMB wont run away.


2017-02-24 11:38 | Report Abuse

sosfinance, AAC keep expanding. So you better you refer to last year result (2016) will do.. contribute about 25%-30% profit to AA. So if AAC worth 1.5 per share, how AA worth how much? hahaha..


2017-02-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

Quite sad to see today trading price. Hopefully later will trade at 2.78-2.80 again. haha..


2017-02-24 11:34 | Report Abuse

Me. Im holding c34


2017-02-24 11:18 | Report Abuse

One more item, 2017 will start with exchange rate 4.4 ringgit: 1 usd which is a good start for AA. Not much blaming on forex loss again in 2017. lol..


2017-02-24 11:17 | Report Abuse

I agreed on SharkTank, i believe 2017 will looks better than 2016 in term of accounting number. Gearing will look lower after receive cash from AAC and clear the debt from AAC. PE will significantly improve. PE for AAC is about 20 and PE (operantional profit) for core business is about 5. Total will around 6-7. So, after selling the AAC, you will see AA maintain stable 5 in 2017 (if the price maintain at this level) which is super cheap in airline industry.

Balance sheet look nice. Profit look more handsome. So should be better year in 2017.


2017-02-24 10:35 | Report Abuse

@ theintinvestor , TF mentioned the timeline before in Bloomberg interview. I believe 1.2B is still some estimation from CIMB because TF never mentioned about offer price for AAC in public. He mentioned AAC worth 1B USD and say happy with non-binding offer so far.


2017-02-24 10:32 | Report Abuse

Haha.. really hope AAC can reach 1.2B USD as per what CIMB mentioned. 1.2B USD = 5.34B Ringgit = RM 1.00 Dividend per share + 2B ringgit cash !!!!

In 2017, MAA will get 7 aircraft. Thus, they dont need so many cash on hand. 2B from AAC + 1B from PP is good enough to keep gearing lower than 1. So distributed Rm1.00 as dividend is not a wild guess. Most likely will happen.

Don't think that AA will sell 70% stake. Because most of the bidder offer for 100% as per what TF say before.


2017-02-24 09:08 | Report Abuse

Yeah, buy 3 biji more at 2.70.


2017-02-24 00:51 | Report Abuse

Yalo, where you get this info? i got 20k bigpoint now. lol..


2017-02-23 23:44 | Report Abuse

@ RainT . TF already put his reputation on the line and say that AA will be listed in HK in year 2017


2017-02-23 23:42 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng, dont need promote your stock here. I aim for high growth company like AA. Dividend is not my target. But split some as dividend will make it more popular, no harm. If you wanna include special dividend, no stock in malaysia is comparable with Airasia now. Expected to have RM1.00 special dividend soon. Lol..

I feel super confidence about AA now. Thanks for your concern.


2017-02-23 23:29 | Report Abuse

Please prepare yourself better when you want to educate others. If you dont know about ancillary income, mean you dont know anything about Airasia. Try to act hero but at the end become a clown only.


2017-02-23 23:24 | Report Abuse

@ filidon, I believe receive dividend always a better option for investor. Plus this can add investor confidence. Generally company with healthy cash flow only able to distribute dividend. I think 10 cent dividend should be no problem. About 334M only which is quite close to Q1 staff cost. We as shareholder should receive some "bonus" also. Haha..


2017-02-23 23:16 | Report Abuse

@ valuegrowth
ya, a bit misleading information. You can write better than this reporter. Replace him/her and earn extra income. hahaha.. At the same time, we can get more accurate information.


2017-02-23 21:46 | Report Abuse

It's reinsurance business, nothing related to AA or equity market in MLY


2017-02-23 21:35 | Report Abuse

Feel like celebrating now but just stay at home alone. Lol..


2017-02-23 21:21 | Report Abuse

Good thing about calvintaneng is when he is here, AA sure fly in next day!!! accuracy 100% so far.. Hahaha.


2017-02-23 21:19 | Report Abuse

Seem like calvintaneng cannot differential between ancillary Income and airticket fare. Hahaha... like this still wanna teach and help us? please help urself 1st before helping others.


2017-02-23 20:31 | Report Abuse

feicsh, hope so. Im happy with 2.8. Every above this is extra bonus!! cheers!


2017-02-23 20:30 | Report Abuse

A bit worried on associate. Why all have negative PAT but TF say all contribute positive profit to group when last q conference.


2017-02-23 20:24 | Report Abuse

feicsh & winningpost, thanks for keep track. I also hold tank of c-34 now. Haha.. 35% of my portfolio. Let us huat together!!! hopefully average price will will around 2.8 and value for c-34 is about 26-27cent. Good enough!!!!

22th Feb is 2.79XXX with relatively large amount
23th Feb is 2.78XXX

We keep update here and huat here!! yeah!!!


2017-02-23 20:02 | Report Abuse

Good result to me as I expected (just meet expectation but not fabulous).
1. Total equity increase 11% compare to Q3 2016 position! Which is very good!!! Valuation by using asset 2.38 x 1.4 (normally i use 1.4 for airline) = 3.33!!!!
2. Gearing is improving to 1.34. Will keep improving next quarter since PP is in in Q1.
3. Net finance cost is just 47M Q4 2014! Q3 2016 is 90M. It's significantly improve.

Just too understand on associate contribution and forex gain/loss.


2017-02-23 18:27 | Report Abuse

Use 100m to trap person, sound like there are bunch of rich person love to spend money for fun.. hahahaha..


2017-02-23 17:30 | Report Abuse

hopefully they can upload it tonight and can get some clue on AAC. Hehe..


2017-02-23 17:20 | Report Abuse

will AA have conference call tonight for Q4 2016 result?


2017-02-23 15:02 | Report Abuse

supersaiyan3, Im more than happy to see your estimation is accurate. Cheers!