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2013-03-19 16:42 | Report Abuse

“This is not an easy battle… but it is worth (fighting for) as it is for our goal, as well as for the nation and people,”..

yes, very true indeed. Together we all rise & vote out this corrupted BN/UMNO & save our beloved Malaysia before it's too late. Please bring hope to our beautiful Malaysians , some of whom are living in poverty especially our Malay brothers & sisters. Let's all vote out BN/UMNO for common good of all....together we will bring our beloved Malaysia to be a country to be envied. If our overseas brothers & sisters are coming back by plane to vote out this corrupt government, then may I ask why shouldn't you too.

Do it my friends...together we can.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 16:31 | Report Abuse

DAP and PAS heavyweights, Lim Kit Siang and Salahuddin Ayob have announced their decisions to lead the election battle into the heart of UMNO-BN fortress in Johor to spark the Political Tsunami 2.0 for GE13.

We call on all Johoreans to answer the call for change and become part of history and making change happen in Putrajaya!

Some predict a handsome win for Pakatan Rakyat in the Gelang Patah parliamentary seat when the general election is held, but its candidate does not expect the battle to be easy.

Nevertheless, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang is willing to take the risk, in order to “set off a political storm” in south Malaysia and in Sabah and Sarawak as well.

Lim coined the term “political tsunami” to describe Pakatan’s gains in the last election in March 2008.

“This is a historic chance to decide whether there will be a regime change. We need to set off a political storm in Johor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan,” he told a press conference in Skudai, Johor, last night after he was named as the Pakatan candidate for Gelang Patah by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

“And then the storm must cross the South China Sea and reach Sabah and Sarawak. With this, the people can complete a movement for political awareness and democracy.”

Lim, the Ipoh Timor MP, said this would be his fifth move into a new state to contest the election in his political career spanning 47 years.

“This is not an easy battle… but it is worth (fighting for) as it is for our goal, as well as for the nation and people,” he said.

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2013-03-19 16:09 | Report Abuse

Yes, it's confirmed here..

Anwar saman blogger RM100j terbit gambar video seks

read all here please...

....a blog put up this new pic...see it..

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 16:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by alenac > Mar 19, 2013 03:49 PM | Report Abuse

The fact is that according to the previous UMNO Wanita lawyer Marina Yusof, it was Datuk Harun idris who starteD May 13 incident But then if you tell some people they insist it was DAP.

....well spoken brother alenac

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News & Blogs

2013-03-19 15:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, indeed brother alenac , very true to the point indeed. I had never call the Malays as stupid here and this guy simple talk nonsense saying I call Malays as stupid. I call him idiot and not the Malays who in fact are much more cleverer than him. I had many Malay friends and they think out of the box and they are the ones who really make the difference and not like this ningcumpook who talks without using his gray matter & just twist and turn. Enough said and I refuse to answer to this moron Ranger, period.

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2013-03-19 15:12 | Report Abuse

ok, brother ytlok255, silence is golden, thank you.

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2013-03-19 13:49 | Report Abuse

Politics and a cattle farm ― The Malaysian Insider

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Politics and a cattle farm ― The Malaysian Insider

March 18, 2013

MARCH 18 ― When public funds for a national cattle farm were found to be used to buy properties, is that politics or a crime?

What if the firm running the cattle farm is related to a government leader? Is it only politics or still a crime?

While the jury (a quaint phrase with no practical use in Malaysia) is still out on what went wrong with the National Feedlot Centre (NFC), Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil told a court today the opposition attack on the project was because they feared the strength of her Wanita Barisan Nasional (BN).

The Wanita BN and Wanita Umno chief had filed a RM100 million defamation suit against PKR strategy chief Rafizi Ramli and PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin over their statements, and the case was heard today.

“Your client was gunning for me as Wanita BN chief because he’s afraid of the strength of Wanita BN,” an angrily-gesturing Shahrizat told Rafizi’s lawyer, Ranjit Singh, in court today.

It may be politics, but it is still a crime, no?

Shahrizat might think that the entire world fears Wanita BN’s strength but her Selangor Wanita BN chief is also embroiled in a publicly-funded project that has yet to bear fruit...... more here please...

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:44 | Report Abuse

....too good to be true?

Anwar Ibrahim SAMAN Papa Gomo RM100 juta


Anwar meneruskan kerja resminya bukan rasmi! Resmi..maksudnya kerja biasa dia...

Federal opposition leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has today commenced legal proceedings against one Wan Muhammad Azri b Wan Deris who is the owner/operator of the Umno-linked website known as ” Papa Gomo “. On 16th March 2013, the Papa Gomo website published fake photos and vicious allegations against Dato’ Seri Anwar in an attempt to implicate him in another fabricated sex video. The faking and distribution of photos and false allegations of a sexual nature against Dato’ Seri Anwar has become a trademark of the gutter politics practised by Umno and its bloggers.

The blogger Papa Gomo is notorious for his close and confidential ties with the Umno leadership, including Umno Vice President Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. In December 2011, the blogger was even allowed privileged access to KD Tun Razak, which is one of our Navy’s newest and most advanced submarine, during a controversy between BN and PR on defence capabilities.

The hidden hand of Umno is thus clearly present behind this latest disgusting attack upon the character and reputation of the leader of Pakatan Rakyat. Umno’ s heavy reliance upon this type of sleazy politics and dubious bloggers highlights their utter moral and ethical collapse. It proves Umno-BN’s complete unfitness to continue to rule and administer our nation.

In the letter of demand sent today, Dato’ Seri Anwar’s solicitors have demanded that the blogger Papa Gomo withdraw his malicious allegations, apologize within 48 hours from today, and pay damages in the sum of RM 100 million. The sum of damages demanded reflects the blogger’s close ties with Umno amd Umno’s clear backing for him.

Vice President
Parti Keadilan Rakyat


Anyone can confirm this???

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:30 | Report Abuse

Aston, yes, three are both BN cockeyed supporters and the down to earth Pakatan Rakyat supporters here.

For the BN supporters , they see not, hear not & hoping for more free hand outs when they practically see that our beloved Malaysia sudah masuk longkang & the Malaysian people are having a hard life due to too much corruption. But on the other hand we have here the down to earth PR supporters who care so much for our beloved Malaysia and it's beautiful people and they want to put things right.

And Aston, I do hope that you make the right choice too.....cheers.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:23 | Report Abuse

Aston , yes, this topic as the name suggest is Dr Mahathir: Malaysia's debt still healthy and then suddenly you start criticizing the crowd must be Rais Yatim in disguse as he said Berseh 2 as only 10,000 people, idiotic isn't it??

And Aston, is your calculation so good as you presume you are??????

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:08 | Report Abuse

Ex-MACC Chief Apologises To S'gor MB In Open Court...

Ah Jib Kor, where to hide your face???

“I, Datuk Seri Panglima Ahmad Said bin Hamdan (pic), sincerely apologise to Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim, over my statement on February 21, 2009, that was published by the media,” he said as he read out the apology the parties had agreed on yesterday.

“The statement was made in my capacity as MACC chief at the time. It was made in response to a question that was asked of me by media representatives about the progress of MACC’s investigations on Abdul Khalid,” he added.

“I made the statement without any ill-intentions and without any intention to jeopardise the reputation, image and integrity of the plaintiff.”

...continue reading here please...

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2013-03-19 13:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by bingo > Mar 19, 2013 01:01 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Aston > Mar 19, 2013 12:57 PM | Report Abuse

I rather be realistic than give false hope and be dissapointed when the results comes out... some sort of "see all sifu"???? register here & started banging away here at this topic ..what's in your mind????

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:59 | Report Abuse

MIC and Gerakan to swap seats
B Nantha Kumar
| March 18, 2013

Malaysian Nanban headlines the deal struck by Koh Tsu Koon and G Palanivel for two state seats in Perak.

haa haa haa, 2 UMNO balls licking party want to exchange or no exchange , these 2 idiotic & spineless parties will be wipe out especially in Perak.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Mar 19, 2013 12:41 PM | Report Abuse

Either color blind or count with one eye

...haa haa haa.....good one brother Ooi

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:53 | Report Abuse

‘BN Pilihan Rakyat’ fails to sizzle
G Lavendran
| March 18, 2013

After tucking into free meals of chicken and receiving 'ang pow' packets, half the crowd left the event before the arrival of PM Najib........haa haa haa....BN/UMNO thik the people are take the BR1M 1 & 2 & vote for Pakatan Rakyat lah, haa haa haa

What BN/UMNO gives you take it as it's Rakyat money & NOT BN/UMNO money but when it comes to voting, you vote Pakatan Rakyat.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:46 | Report Abuse

Blatant show of arrogance by Shahrizat it FREE here..

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News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:35 | Report Abuse

Anwar’s not important, good governance is
Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz
| March 18, 2013

A good government is constituted by good people and the Umno-BN regime falls very short on 'goodness'.

This coming general election is not about the culmination of efforts to make Anwar Ibrahim a prime minister.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his followers would want us to believe in that big lie. But it’s a lie that we must politely refuse if we still can do so politely.

Making Anwar a prime minister is secondary. The primary purpose is to install a good government.

Now, a good government is constituted by good people. That is the fundamental requirement.

We need good people, qualified, dedicated and selfless who work the system to make the country better.

When we say that, it is easy for people like Mahathir and Chandra Muzaffar (president of the International Movement for a Just World) to pour scorn and ridicule.

Mahathir in politics and Chandra in intellectual-dom cannot understand the contradiction.

It is as such not hard to reconcile the contradicting nature of people in Umno and people represented by Chandra.

They think and believe that ONLY they are capable of doing good and are unable to bring themselves to accepting that they can do wrong.

In order to “disbelieve” that “good” people like them can deteriorate into evil-doers requires a longer and indirect thinking process. It requires them to subordinate their emotions to rational thinking.

Mahathir has no time for that and it seems Chandra doesn’t want to do that either.

They prefer to continue believing that it’s ONLY them who can do good and it is impossible for good people like them to do “no good”.

Clean voting system

To believe that they, too, are fallible requires subordinating self-praise to rational analysis. Mahathir, we know, wallows in self-flattery and cannot comprehend why people want to limit his politics.

When Chandra said “it’s only people like us who can fulfil promises and who have the experience to govern”, he was representing a section of the thinking crowd who can never reconcile to the fact and reality that others beside themselves are capable of ruling this country.

So, what do we mean by good people working the system?

We mean a government that will preserve and strengthen the institutions that make a democracy strong.

We mean a clean system of voting process, the supremacy of Parliament, an independent judiciary, an efficient civil service, an incorruptible executive part of the government.

We mean institutions that safeguard our security – the police and military – who will be professional and act with full integrity and accountability.

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz is a former Umno assemblyman and is now a DAP member. He is a FMT columnist.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:30 | Report Abuse

Lim Guan Eng says BN give rebate for smart phone but Pakatan Rakyat will give free wifi for all towns.Which do you prefer?

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 12:25 | Report Abuse

I am still excited over the crowd attendance of the DAP 47th year anniversary in Skudai last night.A friend who attended says there are certainly more than 40,000 people despite it being a monday.There were no free food and drinks.No gifts and lucky draws.Everyone came with a "UBAH" mind.

It is damn shameful for BN in Seremban gathering,3000 tables of free food with lucky draw of Proton car n other attractive prizes but only20000 in attendance with half of them foreign workers.Although the original organiser is MCA but they are afraid to use their name but instead making use of Chinese Chamber Association to mislead the people to attend.....MCA always cheat the Chinese, damn

We hope to see change in johor, people are fed up with this corrupt and racist regime, we want a better tommorow for our future generation.

Sybas Joharean, Looks in Johore 'Ubah' looks very likely to happen. The people of Johore have read and understand the total situation of the country and are inpatiently looking forward for the 13th general election. The rakyat is becoming bored waiting for the Parliament to dissolve.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 01:21 | Report Abuse

So the speaker is saying Mahathir is saying is okay to give ic to the Filipinos coz Abdul Rahman did worse by giving Chinese and Indians citizenship after merdeka..if Tunku didn't do that the speaker ask..where will Mahathir be..CHENNAI!

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2013-03-19 01:16 | Report Abuse

We'll free nation from BN's shackles, says Guan Eng. We cannot agree more !

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News & Blogs

2013-03-19 01:08 | Report Abuse

No free dinner, no lucky draw but almost 3k people paid to attend our dinner in Lukut tonight and on top of that they donated another RM23,555 for DAP NS GE13 fund! Thank you very much for your great support!

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:51 | Report Abuse

#DAP anti-Islam

Adakah ini realiti... atau ilusi...?


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2013-03-19 00:45 | Report Abuse

I think there are no more safe seats for Chua Soi Lek in Johor.......he will only feel safe in Hotel katerina,Batu Pahat!

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2013-03-19 00:44 | Report Abuse

Lim Kit Siang has announce he will stand in Gelang Patah seat! I respect him for leaving his safe seat in Ipoh.This is the mark of a good leader.Will Chua Soi Lek do the same?

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:43 | Report Abuse

...add another photo of DAP ceremah in Scudai , Johore....a fantastic crowd that had never happen in Johore until now.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:27 | Report Abuse of my favorite rising stars, meet the ever popular Rafizi Ramli who is doing a great nation service for ou beloved Malaysia.

I quote his famous words....

Tadi sempat singgah di Warung Borak-Borak di Desa Pandan milik salah seorang jentera Pandan. Terima kasih Kak Maya. Seronok melihat keakraban semua, macam ahli keluarga yang besar.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:13 | Report Abuse

jom balik undi ! malaysian,this time we must vote! its now or never! vote or die! 我們一定要回家鄉投票! if they can fly all the way from another country back home to vote,you got no excuse at all ! your vote is very important! 你的一票非常重要! 一票都不能少!

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:11 | Report Abuse

Jom Balik Undi (Malay) = Let's Go Home and Vote!

Jom Balik Undi is a campaign initiated by Malaysians overseas to urge all Malaysians living abroad to fly home to vote in the 13th General Elections to realise the possibility of a cleaner and brighter future for all Malaysians.

We are Malaysians who are passionate about our beloved country. There are many reasons why we are where we are but what connects us all is we hold Malaysia close to our hearts.

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:04 | Report Abuse

Mahathir says Lim Kit Siang move to Johor will not affect BN.....What do you think?

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2013-03-18 23:58 | Report Abuse

You dont need to give money to earn respect! A genuine smile and a caring heart will do!

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:52 | Report Abuse

CSL......Come Sexy Lady!

Showing off his ejaculation skills!Don't be jealous of Dr CSL .Girls don't like sissy but someone like Dr who is manly n can shake well.Do you think he still can satisfy lady? He is supported by VIGRA, HA HA HA

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:45 | Report Abuse

More than 30,000 people attended DAP 47 anniversary celebrations in Skudai.Friends message to say more are coming despite it being a monday! See the live link here

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:37 | Report Abuse

Many people claim that the economy is under the control
of the Chinese, which in a way is true. But if you dig deeper, you
will notice that all the good and profitable companies are in the
hands of the cronies of UMNO, and the GLCs as well as a few cronies
from the Chinese section. In term of Big businesses, all of them are
in the hand of UMNO and their cronies.The majority of Chinese
companies are poor and they number up to at least 85% of the total
SME. Do all Chinese become towkays? The answer is a definite NO. The
self-employed towkay is only around 15% to 20%, while the rest of the
Chinese population work as employees, such as: coolies, clerks,
office-boys, shop-assistants, Accountants, managers, grocers, cooks,
drivers and cashiers and their salaries range from a low of RM500 to a
high R2,000.. It must be noted that these majority of Chinese at 80%
to 85% could hardly survive in the high inflation environment in
Malaysia. Every month, this group of Chinese try very hard to budget
and balance their limited income. As we know, as for the
self-employed, these are small time businesses such as hawkers or
grocers, and not all SMEs are prosperous or can provide the secure and
sustainable livelihood and incomes that others who are ignorant of the
real conditions of these enterprises seem to imagine is the case with
every SME.

Most Chinese SMEs are family-run businesses that are
barely able to scrape a decent living through heavy self-exploitation
of family members and extended family labour. Often working in
dangerous and appalling conditions, they are ill-equipped to compete
in an increasingly competitive and globalised environment.

The reality is that besides continuous harassment from
government officials and politicians bent on extracting coffee money
and beating them down for non-compliance with various local council
rules and regulations, many SMEs are trapped in low productivity
operations and lack access to technological know-how, larger markets
and R&D capacity.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:24 | Report Abuse

If the Malays have become better for all these largesse
from the UMNO led BN government ,then the Chinese might not have
minded it so much because then as the Malays benefited and become a
better people, so would the Chinese and the others become better
people. We can all together rise to the higher level in life. But this
did not happen.

Instead the Malays have stagnated and with their
stagnation, the other races, especially the Chinese, have stagnate
with the Malays. And for this the Chinese as well as other races are
angry because they feel that the Malays have held them back. The
economy as a whole is in ruin and has lost its competitiveness.

The Malays must wake up to the fact that the Chinese are
powerless and are not in a position to steal from them. The Chinese
is not stealing, but the one who is actually stealing are UMNO and the
cronies themselves. Every form of authority and power as well as
wealth is in the hands of the Government and UMNO and they have full
control of it , Let me quote one Bryant (of India) who wrote an open
letter to Mahathir online: “As you are aware, the Malays control the
rights to all the lands and natural resources in this country. They
control all government institutions, GLC and state-owned companies.
The Malays also dominate the lawmaking process in Malaysia including
the decision-making processes in the formulation of the country's
economy policies."

Therefore, it is impossible for the Chinese to steal or do
anything, as they have absolutely no power. All government
departments jobs and contracts are in the hands of UMNO and cronies.
UMNO and cronies have "sapu"(swept) all jobs and the wealth from the
nation. The Malays should direct their complaints to them. If you have
not benefitted from the nation, it is because the wealth and jobs are
in UMNO and cronies' hands and you are simply not connected to them
(ie: you are not their family members or friends).
The Malays must wake up and fight the corrupt UMNO who
have stolen the wealth of the nation and as a result made them poor.
It is NOT the Chinese they must fight as they themselves are powerless
and have been abused and discriminated for the last 30 to 40 years.The
Malays as a whole have not benefitted from the nation, and the stolen
wealth has gone into the hands of the few elite UMNO and cronies.
Let it be known that, Mahathir single-handedly destroyed
the nation, impoverished millions, especially the kampung Malays,
abused his power, brought corruption to every sector of government,
wasted billions that could have brought prosperity to the nation if
well spent, created racial disharmony, brought disrepute to the
judiciary, caused distrust upon the civil servants, etc. etc. etc . .

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:23 | Report Abuse

Did the Chinese steal the Malay's jobs and the nation's wealth?
The Chinese have been the punching bag of Mahathir and
UMNO, whenever UMNO or Mahathir want to divert the attention of their
scandalous / crisis problems. Without fail, they continue to accuse
the Chinese of stealing jobs and wealth from the Malays. Sure enough,
the Malays will alway follow their accusations without finding out the
truth. If the Malays knew the truth about the real situation, they
will not support them and will instead get rid of them and their
corruption. Yes the Chinese are the favourite bogeyman UMNO loves to
blame for all the ills in Malaysia, whether racial and religious.

The Chinese are now asking themselves: Why is this so ?
“Why Me?” Why does UMNO and the Malays want to target a race that has
always believed in the virtues of hard work and who pride themselves
in their ability to survive and succeed in life through whatever
trials and tribulations thrown at them? A race that have contributed
more then their fair share towards the economic success of this
country. Is it not enough that they have had to compete on an uneven
playing field with the Malays in business, faced overwhelming odds
when competing with Malays in any tenders and projects from the
Government and if that was not enough, have the education of our
children and our civil liberties manipulated to favour the Malays?

Many Malays know this, but many are brain-washed by the
BTW course and most Malays are in total denial. A corrupt and
irresponsible government that has chosen to treat the Chinese as their
favourite whipping boy? UMNO has prosecuted, abused and denied the
Chinese their rights in almost every which way the Chinese choose to
turn. And of course after enduring these abuses for so long the
Chinese are now not taking it sitting down! And they intend to do
something about it! They want the Malays to wake up to the
manipulation of UMNO.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:18 | Report Abuse

...and why give salary naik plus bonus to these government office workers such a higher salary but when it comes to the private sector asking for a minimum salary, the government just drag it's feet. So if the BN/UMNO really care for the Malaysian people? These BN/UMNO are ONLY interested in gaining power again and want these government workers to VOTE for them ONLY & nothing else & that's why the INCREASE IN SALARY & BONUS.....please use your head. VOTE WISER FOR OUR BELOVED MALAYSIA AND OUR BELOVED MALAYSIANS.

Never give BN/UMNO a 2nd chance, they waste it for 50 over years.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

Ask yourself if it's ok to the government servants???? Soldiers & police, I agreed do give them the raise in salary but definitely NOT those government office workers. The armed forces and the police are really under paid compare to other countries but these other government workers are really overpaid for doing little no no work at all. Walk into any government office and tell me what do you see? Are these government workers really working?

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:02 | Report Abuse

BN give more bonus and salary increment to whom and for what? You so naive to think BN did it for you? They just did it to get these government servants votes, that's all.

Isnt it true enough to vote for BN? foot, never in a million years. The country is nearly bankrupt and still BN/UMNO wamt to give bonus & salary increment to the government servants??? Want to end up like Greece?????? Again you never use your head to think.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 18:04 | Report Abuse

Sambutan Ulang Tahun Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) ke-47 "Buka Lembaran Baru"

Tarikh: 18 Mac (Isnin) Masa: 8pm

Siaran langsung @

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2013-03-18 18:01 | Report Abuse

Our oil production ranking and domestic oil price comparison with Brunei which is currently the 5th richest country despite they only produce about 20% compare to ours.

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2013-03-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

MB Khalid to get apology from ex-MACC chief over graft allegations

...padam muka lah