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2013-03-15 13:16 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is the root of most of our country problem.Do you agree?

Unfortunately for us as his supporters are so ignorant!!!

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 13:09 | Report Abuse


Video: Malaysia Needs Change (Tamil, BM, Chinese & English)

Malaysia Needs Change - Tamil Version

Malaysia Perlu Perubahan! - BM Version

马 来西亚需要改变! - Mandarin Version

Malaysia Needs Change! - English Version

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 13:06 | Report Abuse

...and the Chinese people too see what MCA had been doing too....carrying UMNO balls all the time, 50 over years, & never had the Chinese people interest at how does that make you feel?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 13:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 15, 2013 12:51 PM | Report Abuse

aisey, have to come to that! tsk.....

Brother KC Loh, I guess the temperature is getting hotter with each passing day. People seems to be getting frustrated with what the UMNO goons had been doing like threatening to burn down Party Keadilan Party HQ, etc, etc and yet no police action taken and Perkasa saying all sorts of things detrimental to the well being of the Malaysian public, etc, etc & no action had been taken by the authorities even though countless reports had been made but when says things against UMNO/BN, then strong action is taken brother, don't blame them as the people really feel frustrated & no here to turn to. How do you like to be in their shoes but then you a very strong supporter of BN/UMNO/MCA, I guess you are immune to this type of fact the opposite is perhaps your thought, like let them get or have it perhaps, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:59 | Report Abuse

WHY did Mahathir hate the Chinese SO MUCH ?

Why did MM discriminate & punish the Chinese? Because he
had some bad experiences/incidences with some Chinese in his younger
days. When Mahathir was a student, he was offended by the Chinese in
school and in the University and some business towkays. He held old
grudges and vowed for revenge. Knowing the Malays in Malaysia are the
majority race, he schemed and changed the law to suit himself and
changed himself to be a Malay. It is a fact, that he is the son of an
Indian who migrated from Kerala and he is a 100% Indian . Knowing that
the Malays are a simple-minded race, and needed a leader, he
conveniently placed himself to be the champion of the Malays. He made
himself a Malay and took over the power as PM. As Malays have a very
loving and accepting nature, they took Mahathir in as one of them.
Instead of being grateful to them, he has betrayed their trust.
He also create hatred and animosity between the races by INVENTING
well-known terms specially designed to benefit himself as we know:
BUMIPUTRA, NEP and SOCIAL CONTRACT. He is no champion for the Malays
as we have found out that he plundered and wasted the national wealth.
His sons are now Billionaires and have control of two oil fields from
He personally created NEP, and in the process improvished
the Chinese race and enriched himself and his cronies. He took away
all the rights and benefits of the non-Malays and left the non-Malays
to rot. Only a few Chinese cronies have benefited from him, as he used
them to siphon out billion of ringgits. Up to today, he still holds
hatred for the Chinese. Looking at his blog, you will realise he is
such a evil man that he would go to such lengths to destroy the
Chinese race. A very unforgiving man, who used his hatred to hold on
to power.

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:35 | Report Abuse


Video: Malaysia Needs Change (Tamil, BM, Chinese & English)

Malaysia Needs Change - Tamil Version

Malaysia Perlu Perubahan! - BM Version

马 来西亚需要改变! - Mandarin Version

Malaysia Needs Change! - English Version

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:34 | Report Abuse


Video: Malaysia Needs Change (Tamil, BM, Chinese & English)

Malaysia Needs Change - Tamil Version

Malaysia Perlu Perubahan! - BM Version

马 来西亚需要改变! - Mandarin Version

Malaysia Needs Change! - English Version

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:25 | Report Abuse

Sehingga 31 Dis 2012 Skim Mesra Usia Emas (SMUE), program kemasyarakatan kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Selangor telah berjaya mendaftarkan 203,106 orang warga emas dan OKU di seluruh Negeri Selangor. Manakala RM 87.6 juta telah dibayar kepada ahli keluarga mereka sudah meninggal dunia. Program sebegini yang memanfaatkan semua rakyat Selangor tak kira kaum dan agama tidak pernah dibiayai oleh kerajaan BN.

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:20 | Report Abuse

Rakyat negara ini sepatutnya bersyukur dan bangga ditambah lagi sepatutnya kita rasa bertuah kerana dikurniakan Perdana Menteri yang bijak,pandai ,"BERHUTANG", dengan jumlah hutang negara terkini mencecah RM 501,607,000,000 ,hebat bukan?

Setelah disemak melalui Bank Negara Malaysia,Hutang Negara yang telah dikemaskini pada 14 Mac 2013 berjumlah RM 501,607,000,000..

Bayangkan jika sepenggal lagi ...Malaysia di tadbir Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak,tidak mustahil Hutang negara boleh mencapai 1 trilion,

(akan di kemaskini)

RM 501,607,000,000 jika macai-macai mandapat tahu perkara ini,jawapan mereka adalah bukan banyak pun jumlah tu,ataupun ini semua Fitnah,ataupun ini salah Anwar..anwar ejen BNM lah ejen bermacam ejen lagi..

Sumber : Bank Negara Malaysia.See More

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 02:12 | Report Abuse

Bandingkan sendiri rumah MB Pakatan Rakyat Kedah & MB UMNO/BN kedah(kalau menang la..)

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:51 | Report Abuse

Walaupun Suruhanjaya Pengecah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) cuba sedaya-upaya untuk memperkaitkan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dengan rasuah dan tuduhan-tuduhan liar, akhirnya SPRM terpaksa mengaku bahawa beliau adalah bersih.

Pada masa yang sama, mantan MB Selangor, Dato' Seri Mohd Khir Toyo didapati berasuah oleh Mahkamah kerana berpeluang membeli rumah mewah dengan harga yang terlalu murah daripada pihak kontraktor yang telah diberi pelbagai kontrak daripada kerajaan negeri semasa beliau memimpin, dari tahun 2000 sehingga 2008.

Apakah yang akan terjadi kepada kekayaan Selangor jikalau Khir Toyo menang dalam pilihanraya 2008 tidak dapat terfikir. Masalah pimpinan UMNO sekarang begitu rumit sehingga presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Najib Razak terpaksa dilantik sebagai Pengarah Pilihanraya Selangor BN kerana tiada pimpinan UMNO Selangor yang setanding dengan imej bersih Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Dan kalaulah, PR tewas di Selangor dalam PRU-13 yang akan datang seperti yang dijangka dan diharapkan oleh pemimpin UMNO, maka hartanah kerajaan Selangor akan sekali lagi diselewengkan kepada pemimpin dan kroni-kroni BN.

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:50 | Report Abuse

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Pulau Pinang di bawah PR dipimpin oleh Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng, jelas cekap, bersih dan bebas dari pengaruh penyeleweng. Manakala, mantan Ketua Menteri BN Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon lebih dikenali sebagai boneka UMNO, sehingga tidak berani me...ngambil tindakan ke atas ahli UMNO yang membakar gambar beliau.

Anda pilih siapa?

Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang di bawah pimpinan Lim Guan Eng sejak 2008 telah melaksanakan dasar "Cekap, Akauntabel & Telus". Pencapaian Pulau Pinang dipuji oleh Transparency International, Kerajaan pertama di Malaysia yang memperoleh pengiktirafan tersebut.

Pada masa yang sama, Pulau Pinang mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat dengan pelaburan tertinggi di Malaysia berturut-turut pada 2010 dan 2011.

Ini menunjukkan bahawa sesebuah pentadbiran negeri yang melaksanakan dasar tender terbuka dapat memperkayakan rakyat jelata.

Ini berbanding dengan pentadbiran di bawah Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon sejak 1990 ke 2008 di mana beliau gagal membanteras ekonomi kroni yang telah menyebabkan kerugian dan pembaziran perbelanjaan wang rakyat. Projek kerajaan negeri ditawarkan secara rundingan terus dengan kroni UMNO BN tanpa sebarang tender, dan kontraktor yang cekap dan murah dipinggirkan. Akibat pentadbiran yang lemah, pelaburan dan peluang pekerjaan kian merosot sebelum 2008.

Kemajuan Pulau Pinang adalah terbukti dan ini menunjukkan bahawa PR lebih handal daripada BN untuk mengurus kerajaan demi kepentingan rakyat dari segi ekonomi, kebajikan dan keadilan.

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:48 | Report Abuse

Anda pilih siapa?

Selamat menyambut Ulang-tahun 308 ke-5!

Selangor semasa zaman BN telah menswastakan perkhidmatan kutipan sampah kepada syarikat Alam Flora Sdn Bhd tanpa sebarang tender. Pada 2010, selepas konsesi Alam Flora tamat tempohnya, kerajaan PR Selangor telah memperkenalkan tender terbuka yang diuruskan oleh setiap majlis perbandaran (PBT).

Akibat dasar telus dan terbuka, rakyat Selangor dapat penjima...tan sebanyak RM81 juta setiap tahun!

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Kerajaan BN mempunyai dasar menswastakan segala perkhidmatan kerajaan - seperti air, pengangkutan, jalanraya dll - yang boleh mendatangkan keuntungan lumayan kepada kroni-kroni mereka. Segala proses penswastaan adalah tidak telus dan tidak melalui sebarang tender terbuka untuk mendapat mutu tertinggi dengan kos paling rendah.

Perkhidmatan pengutipan sampah di negeri Selangor telah diswastakan kepada Alam Flora pada tahun 90-an, syarikat milik DRB-Hicom di mana Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary merupakan pemilik saham terbesar.

Selepas Pakatan mengambil-alih kerajaan Selangor, apabila konsesi Alam Flora tamat, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim cuba merunding semula konsesi untuk menurunkan kos kepada kerajaan. Akan tetapi, rundingan tersebut gagal dan Alam Flora memulangkan konsesi tersebut kepada kerajaan.

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim tidak cuba menswastakan konsesi tersebut kepada mana-mana pihak yang tertentu. Sebaliknya, beliau mengarah supaya perkhidmatan ini ditender terbuka secara terus oleh setiap PBT kepada kontraktor-kontraktor kecil. Dasar ini bukan sahaja dapat memberikan peluang secara langsung kepada kontraktor kecil tanpa "orang tengah" yang memakan komisen, ia juga mendatangkan penjimatan besar kepada kerajaan sebanyak RM81 juta setiap tahun!

Pada awalnya, semasa penyesuaian dan perlaksanaan dasar baru ini mendatangkan sedikit kerumitan kepada rumahtangga di Selangor. Akan tetapi, segala masalah telahpun dibereskan dan mutu perkhidmatan sekarang tidak kurang atau lebih baik daripada zaman BN, dengan kos yang jauh lebih rendah.

Kerajaan-kerajaan Pakatan akan menjalankan tender terbuka untuk semua projek kerajaan, tak kira samada penswastaan atau perolehan. Penjimatan beratus-ratus juta setiap tahun dapat dipulangkan kepada rakyat dengan infrastructure yang lebih baik dan bayaran kebajikan kepada pihak berkeperluan yang lebih tinggi.

Kalau kerajaan negeri yang begitu kecil bajetnya dapat menjimatkan beratus-ratus juta, apatah lagi kalau PR dapat menguasai Putrajaya yang mempunyai bajet 150 kali-ganda bajet Selangor.

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:44 | Report Abuse

'M'sian gov't financed smear campaign on opposition'

"...thanks to a disclosure form filed on Jan 24 with the US Department of Justice by Joshua Trevino... we now know that the Malaysian government was behind the most recent effort to smear the political opposition and its leadership." John Mallot

The campaign, which involved payments of nearly US$400,000 to Trevino and over US$130,000 to ten right-wing American bloggers, was conducted on behalf of Apco and later FBC Media.

In his official filing, Trevino (right) wrote that Apco and FBC Media received their funding from "the government of Malaysia, the ruling party, or interests closely aligned with either."

We know from Apco's filings with the Justice Department that the funding came from the government. Other sources, particularly the investigative work of Sarawak Report, indicate the same for FBC Media. The Malaysian government paid for both of them.


Why did all these people - all right wing, conservative bloggers, with no knowledge of Malaysia and no history of writing about foreign affairs - suddenly start writing about Malaysia?

From the very beginning, it was clear that "something was up." Everyone suspected the government's hand - and now Joshua Trevino has confirmed it.

And once again, millions of the taxpayers' money have been wasted on a failed effort.

Trevino says the goal was to influence Malaysian opinion, not American.

Clearly, that has failed. Because millions of dollars later, despite all the effort and all the smears, there is a real chance that Anwar and the opposition might come to power.

If we have learned anything from this, it is that the Malaysian government should stop wasting the taxpayers' money on schemes pitched to it by foreign PR firms.

JOHN R MALOTT was the US Ambassador to Malaysia, 1995-1998, and continues to follow developments in that country closely.

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:40 | Report Abuse

Konsesi tol 50-tahun RM1.55b dianugerahkan kepada AZRB tanpa sebarang tender dengan pinjaman mudah RM635juta.

Konsesi tol Lebuhraya Pantai Barat 60-tahun RM5.2b ditawarkan kepada Europlus secara rundingan terus. Kerajaan masih memberikan pinjaman mudah RM2.24b dan subsidi RM980j kepada syarikat tersebut.

Kerajaan BN cuba sedaya upaya untuk membantu kroni-kroni mereka mencapai keuntungan lumayan berbilion-bilion. Manakala rakyat jelata disuap bayaran BR1M RM500. Inilah dasar "Kroni Didahulukan" BN.

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:34 | Report Abuse

BN menuduh bahawa dasar air percuma 20m3 akan membankruptkan Selangor. Tetapi selepas 5 tahun dan subsidi sebanyak RM650 juta kepada rakyat, Selangor bukan sahaja tidak bankrupt, kewangan negeri telah menjadi lebih sihat dan cergas.

BN songlap wang rakyat semasa memimpin. Pakatan memulangkan kekayaan kepada rakyat.

Anda pilih siapa?

Kerajaan Selangor mampu memberikan subsidi sebanyak RM130 juta setiap tahun kepada rakyat Selangor tanpa membebankan kewangan kerajaan. Malah, kerajaan Selangor telah mencapai rekod lebihan bajet sebanyak RM180 juta pada tahun 2012.

Pencapaian cemerlang ini hanya terjadi kerana pimpinan Pakatan yang jujur dan telus. Projek kerajaan ditender secara terbuka, projek yang membazirkan dibatalkan dan hutang kroni dikutip sepenuhnya.

Selain daripada air percuma, Selangor juga melaksanakan Skim Mesra Usia Emas, peruntukan tetap untuk sekolah-sekolah yang dipinggirkan oleh kerajaan pusat, Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor, Hadiah Anak Masuk Universiti, Skim Mikrokredit dan lain-lain program kemasyarakatan dan kebajikan. Skim-skim ini merupakan skim baru membantu rakyat Selangor yang tidak pernah dijalankan oleh kerajaan BN.

Kerajaan Pakatan telah membuktikan kemantapan pentadbiran dan pengurusan kewangan negeri, dan menunjukkan bahawa rakyat akan bermanfaat besar jika kerajaan tidak rasuah dan bazir seperti zaman BN.

Anda pilih siapa?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:29 | Report Abuse

talk about UMNO spending Rakyat's money like their grandfather's money & why can't they follow what YB LGE is doing in Penang?

News & Blogs

2013-03-15 01:27 | Report Abuse

talk about UMNO spending Rakyat's money like their grandfather's money & why can't they follow what YB LGE is doing in Penang?

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 19:29 | Report Abuse

Did airstrikes ‘cover’ terrorists escape?
Luke Rintod
| March 14, 2013

What Sabahans want to know is how 130 armed men who were heavily surrounded managed to escape.

KOTA KINABALU: The Kampung Tanduo stand-off weeks ago and the current crisis gripping Sabah is fodder for coffeeshop banters.

A litany of questions have risen over the whos, whys, whereofs and how the shock intrusion happened, the handling of the crisis, the “missed targets” and the precarious political position Sabah is in now.

The answers are still slow in coming, so the rumours, interpretations and speculations of black magic continue to circulate.

What many here want to know is how did 130 armed men who were surrounded by security forces escape, considering the entire village was deserted except for the owners whose house the intruders used?

Also baffling was the contradictory statements from the army following the attack.

Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) chairman, Jeffrey Kitingan, who is as perplexed as the man on the street about this Houdini act by the terrorists, also asked why there had been no directive for a “lightning strike or decisive action” from the Malaysian army if the village was empty.

“If there were no ordinary people within the four km square in Tanduo, then why did the police not act immediately and why did they suddenly say days later [after attack] that the armed men were trying to masquerade as civilians?

“Didn’t they say there were no more civilians within the surrounded area?” Jeffrey asked, adding that it was puzzling that the military would order a bombing within the four km area if there were still civilians trapped in the area.

Jeffrey also questioned how the aircraft could have “missed” their targets and wondered if there had been a blunder with the military intelligence.

Judging from the reports of “missed targets” following the few rounds of bombings, it was obvious that army had no clue of the target spots.

The theory among locals here is that the heavily armed Sulu men had used the airstrikes as a cover to slip out of the heavily guarded security zone unscathed.

“This [the escape] is baffling and I share the same concern of the people at large about the whole going-on, whether it is about army’s competency or government misleading our citizens,” Jeffrey said.

He also said that it is vital to bolster public confidence in the country ‘s ability to secure its borders against similar intrusions.

He said it is best that communication briefs be handled by professionals as in other developed countries so as to bolster confidence and security.

“We cannot take our people to be stupid and easily hoodwinked into believing everything the state has to say,” he said, adding that blacking out of information on the Tanduo seige was another grave mistake by the government.

Since the attack, a special security corridor has been in place spanning the coastlines from Kudat in the north to Sandakan, Lahad Datu, Semporna and Tawau in the east-coast of Sabah.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 18:47 | Report Abuse

This "panglima telur" wants to burn down PKR headquarters and yet no
action taken! Is this Najib tranformation policy?

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 18:37 | Report Abuse

Tahukah Anda : Lim Guan Eng dipenjarakan di Penjara Kajang pada tahun Ogos 1998 kerana membela nasib seorang gadis melayu yang dikatakan dirogol oleh Ketua Menteri Melaka, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik.. Disebabkan tuduhan ini beliau terpaksa meletakkan jawatan Sebagai Ketua Menteri Melaka beliau tidak dituduh secara rasmi bagi kes rogol Dimahkamah walaupun kertas siasatan sudah Lengkap Tapi Tida...k Didakwa Sebaliknya Orang Yang Dedahkan Yang kena dakwa dan disabitkan kesalahan..

Orang Itu Ialah Lim Guan Eng Yang Ketika Itu Menjadi Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Kota Melaka dan disabit kesalahan oleh mahkamah di bawah Akta Hasutan dan Akta Pencetakan & Penerbitan Dan Dipenjarakan selama 18 bulan...

Lim Guan Eng tidak dapat bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum 1999 dan 2004 atas sebab ni

Jika Lim Guan Eng sanggup dipenjarakan kerana membela nasib Melayu, sanggupkah anda cakap DAP extreme?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

...and you know who Tun Musa Hitam is, don't you? And Tun Musa major in economics if I am not mistaken.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 14, 2013 06:02 PM | Report Abuse

I am sure PR govt will cross the bridge when these come too! :)

Another BN pulling wool over the eyes on TV? must be sleeping to see what TV3 or RTM telecast.

Please read what I posted on what Tun Musa Hitam said...the headlines is "Pakatan regime won’t bankrupt nation"


News & Blogs

2013-03-14 18:03 | Report Abuse

Alamak, is this true...see what the Manila Bulletin screams with this headlines.....

Malaysian Forces Bombed
Sabah Air Strikes Hit Wrong Target; Kiram’s Army Spared

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 17:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 14, 2013 05:52 PM | Report Abuse I had just said, the PR government will cross the bridge when it comes to it.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 17:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 14, 2013 05:45 PM | Report Abuse

areas affected, namely Lahad datu and sempona can be postponed. i think that is fair. The general election basically can continue in other parts of Sabah! another argument by PR shot down about whole general election delay! KCLoh, we can safely say this below in the snapshot.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 17:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Mar 14, 2013 05:37 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by bingo > Mar 14, 2013 02:54 PM | Report Abuse
brother KCLoh, GST hasn't been implemented yet, so how to abolish it? Please don't twist & turn, ok brother?

bingo, please read further back. This was an answer to someone!

That person said about GST which the present government say it will implement but what has that got to do with PK manifesto?

I am confident that the PR government will cross the bridge when it come to it. Don't put the cart before the horse please, thank you.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 17:23 | Report Abuse

BM-Premium B IP
BM-Premium C IP
BM-Premium D IP

| Print |
Negara tidak akan bankrap terbukti di Kelantan

Harakahdaily, 14 Mac 2013

KOTA BHARU: Kenyataan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tun Musa Hitam bahawa negara tidak akan bangkrap jika Pakatan Rakyat memerintah mendapat sambutan pelbagai pihak.

Antaranya Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz, Menteri Besar Kelantan.

Ekoran kenyataan Musa itu, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz teringat inilah juga tohmahan jahat yang dibuat oleh Umno ketika PAS mula-mula menang di Kelantan pada tahun 1990 lalu.

"Saya membaca kenyataan Tun Musa Hitam bahawa negara tidak akan bangkrap jika Pakatan Rakyat memerintah sebagaimana tuduhan pihak-pihak tertentu.

"Suka untuk saya ingatkan, inilah juga tuduhan yang dilontarkan kepada Kelantan apabila Umno tewas pada tahun 1990, ada yang mendakwa bahawa Kelantan akan bangkrap dalam masa tiga bulan.

"Alhamdulillah, hingga ke hari ini, Kelantan tidak bangkrap bahkan membangun sebagaimana negeri-negeri yang lain," tulis beliau dalam facebooknya.

Bagi Mursyidul Am PAS itu, itulah juga yang akan berlaku jika Pakatan Rakyat memenangi pilihanraya, "negara tidak akan bangkrap Insya-Allah.....".

Tun Musa Hitam menegaskan tidak adil jika menganggap negara akan bankrap jika pembangkang berjaya memerintah negara.

Menurutnya, sekiranya mengambil alih Putrajaya, gabungan tersebut akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mengekalkan ekonomi negara berkembang dengan baik, lapor Sinar Harian.

Harian itu melaporkan Musa (kanan) sebagai berkata, perkara penting adalah memberi gambaran baik terhadap ekonomi negara supaya mampu menarik pelabur.

"Itu kenyataan politik, bagi pendapat saya tidak, malah saya telah ulas perkara ini secara terbuka, termasuk kepada pihak bank dan orang luar. Ini adalah pendapat dan pendirian peribadi saya.

"Jika pembangkang memerintah, mereka tidak akan membuat pelabur dari luar negara lari.

"Mereka tidak akan buat sedemikian dan membuat ekonomi bankrap," beliau dilapor sebagai berkata dalam sidang media, kelmarin.

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 14:54 | Report Abuse

brother KCLoh, GST hasn't been implemented yet, so how to abolish it? Please don't twist & turn, ok brother?

News & Blogs

2013-03-14 00:58 | Report Abuse

Musa knew about Dr M’s bad economics
FMT Staff
| March 13, 2013

According to a former Umno assemblyman, ex-DPM Musa Hitam's latest comment suggest that Umno leaders are liars.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former deputy prime minister Musa Hitam’s sudden ‘support’ of Pakatan Rakyat has left Umno leaders bristling, according to a former Umno assemblyman who was once in Najib Tun Razak’s inner circles.

According to ex-Pulau Pemanis elected representative Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz, Musa has set himself up for a lynching over his comments about Umno-Barisan Nasional leaders’ knee-jerk reaction to Pakatan’s economic policies contained in its Buku Jingga.

According to Ariff, the former home minister had now “placed himself on the opposite side of (Tun Dr) Mahathir (Mohamad), Najib and all the Umno/BN” and was prepared for the backlash.

“Musa Hitam isn’t a man unfamiliar with or afraid of controversy.

“He already knew, having gone through personal experience with Mahathir and all who share Mahathir’s method of economics, that it will ruin this country.

“In fact Musa said all these statements (spun by Umno-BN leader) are political statements.

“Musa appears to suggest that political statements are in the beginning untrue statements until proven to be true.

“Which means those who make political statements like the people from Umno and BN are to be taken as liars until proven to be truthful persons.

“And that means Najib is a liar. Muhyidin is a liar. Mahathir is the biggest liar,” he wrote in his blog sakmongkolakak47 today.

Ariff, now with DAP, was responding to reports that Musa had dismissed Umno-BN claims that the opposition’s economic policy would bankrupt the nation.

Opposition not stupid

Speaking to reporters after attending a programme in Karangkraf yesterday, Musa said: “Even if the opposition (gets) to rule the country they will not be so stupid; they will not let the economy go bankrupt like the rest think.

“I don’t think any party will willingly and intentionally let the economy fall because it is a responsibility and a mandate to govern given to them by the people.

“So, I do not think the economy will be destroyed. What we basically have to do is take care of the investment community.”

Musa was asked to comment on claims that the national debt will worsen if Pakatan adopted its economic policies.

Among the proposals in the Buku Jingga are the elimination of tolls, reduction of oil prices, free education and reduced car prices.

Pushed further Musa mused that it was perhaps time that all parties accept the fact that it is possible in a democratic political reality for change to happen.

“Their (Pakatan) hopes are like others, they too want to serve the people. That’s why they compete to win in an election to prove who is more qualified,” he said.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-13 19:05 | Report Abuse

I think Pakatan should not fight fire with fire...what will the Rakyat think. If Pakatan really wants too then there are many PAS Warriors just let it be for now.

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 18:34 | Report Abuse

these BN/UMNO goons becoming more & more disturbing as no action had been taken by the authorities. May I suggest that UMNO send these goons to Sabah to fight those invaders....sort of "try someone your size". I dare them....think these g will shiver in their pants first haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 18:07 | Report Abuse

PKR headquarters attacked (more visual)

....hear what these UMNO goons talk, dirty language indeed....damn.

The main talker looks like a mamak too & not a Malay..correct me if I am wrong please.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:57 | Report Abuse

brother moven00, very correctly said.

Buat Jahat lama-lama orang pun tahu....sekarang dengan gambar sini, semua orang tahu, haa haa haa

Bahasa English ialah, "you can run but you cannot hide", hee hee hee

Dah 55 tahun memerintah tapi tak matang berpolitik. Menggunakan kekerasan. Ajak berdebat takut. Macam ni pun rakyat masih tak nampak kerakusan dan keganasan BN UMNO & sekutu²nya nak pertahankan kuasa. Belum lagi penyelewengan rasuah bagai.

Cukuplah.. KUBURKAN BN!

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:51 | Report Abuse

Dah 55 tahun memerintah tapi tak matang berpolitik. Menggunakan kekerasan. Ajak berdebat takut. Macam ni pun rakyat masih tak nampak kerakusan dan keganasan BN UMNO & sekutu²nya nak pertahankan kuasa. Belum lagi penyelewengan rasuah bagai.

Cukuplah.. KUBURKAN BN!

News & Blogs

2013-03-13 17:46 | Report Abuse

Musa Hitam: Tidak bankrap jika PR memerintah.

Tiada lagi negara didunia yang bangkrap kerana memberi kebajikan kepada rakyat, tetapi banyak negara bangkrap bila pemimpinnya boros dan rasuah...Laporan audit membuktikan Pakatan boleh mentadbir dengan lebih baik.