
bryanll | Joined since 2013-04-15

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2013-05-01 18:48 | Report Abuse

yes,i think so....


2013-04-30 18:36 | Report Abuse

whether somebody has the ability to rule country is not depend on experiences,but the ability of the guy to thinks like a normal person.obviously,BN only has the first, not the second criteria. I think I can simply do much better than anyone of them from BN.seriously, bn dun have the strategy, direction to develop Malaysia...


2013-04-30 04:12 | Report Abuse

2.00??????take how long?


2013-04-27 11:37 | Report Abuse

will stay around 1.80...then 2.3 step by step


2013-04-27 11:33 | Report Abuse

proot n dksh =?if market judge it at certain pe because of good fountamental,that's the trend/....if u want wait for yours own pe,then mayb wat u get is rubbish or just goring counter...we have to jugde everycounter with their own scenario...

News & Blogs

2013-04-27 11:23 | Report Abuse

2013ubah is majority or at least half of msia population expectation,wat the logic of collap if everybody want to ubah?collap will only happen if it is out of people expectation. someone just simply assume things will happen follow history ???then everybody become multimillioniar,,,,hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 11:21 | Report Abuse

I think somebody like to play bomb,they bom tong sampah to raise drama.....stupid idiot....simply fitnah without any proof ,SB.pls imagine,somebody just bom their tong sampah n accuse u r the culprit...can u accept?


2013-04-25 18:57 | Report Abuse

more stable now at 1.60 compare to previously,it's's good enough near 1.60 before breakout....

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:03 | Report Abuse

buy in april,buy in may n go away (good foundamtl counter)


2013-04-25 12:00 | Report Abuse

have to wait few day,or after election, heading to 1.10,need to hold.tmr Friday,market weak


2013-04-24 23:17 | Report Abuse

y report came out early?to avoid election or wat?


2013-04-24 23:15 | Report Abuse

it reach 1.6 because to set it as breaking point,,it didn't drop 1.5 as it maintain as support level, not too far from resistant point, as it need the data to support the price.sure will up ,it may b after report or after election,,,now market too cautious,have to wait


2013-04-24 23:10 | Report Abuse

自己拿钱从外国买,VIRGIN ISLAND 也算外资,大做文章,赢了,乘机炒起,赚一论,输了,股市一样起,因为反对党不需经验都能弄到财政盈余,国阵赢,财账目亏不关事,反正他喜欢炒作,还算有东西捡,不会管理公司是没关系,起电费就可以了,大道稳赚,iskandar 那边吃了那么多地,自己炒起它,现在买地有排都卖不完,别公司有自己业务,他很神奇,卖地就好了。。轻轻松松,。。。敢敢去,马来西亚很神奇的,,,,


2013-04-24 19:22 | Report Abuse

just warm up, still early


2013-04-24 12:06 | Report Abuse

RANGER MANA perlu study fa ta,nanti org bg dia sikit tips,ikut sindiket goring island kawan baik

News & Blogs

2013-04-24 11:58 | Report Abuse


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2013-04-24 11:35 | Report Abuse



2013-04-24 11:07 | Report Abuse

michelle yroh, gi lawayi fb dia lah,dia tgh kena bom bertupi-tupi, rasa kerjayanya artis pun terjejas,sama aada sesiape sudi agaknya berlakom pun jadi tanda Tanya,mungkin bn nak bikin wayang...Michel tu org bn mah.


2013-04-20 20:00 | Report Abuse

this year I think 2.40 easily


2013-04-20 19:59 | Report Abuse

have to hold for certain period,anyway the warrant make it looks so attractive since the dvd yield not so impressive.bandar bestari is the main project now, with nonstop uptrend selling price

News & Blogs

2013-04-20 19:55 | Report Abuse

at current price,padini at defending their position,they need to have very strong marketing strategy to expand,it's not in my list yet.they need extra things to groeth


2013-04-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

just sidir2 dia dah x boleh tahan, gi mark abuse pula,jangan lah hati tersinggung, yg u selama ni posting cerita mengarut ni pun main2 aje, ada income, buat ape pula marah,,,,,


2013-04-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

Najib tanya, buat apa UBAH? ternak lembu di condo merupakan teknologi Malaysia yg paling canggih, pd masa kini, hanya Malaysia memiliki teknologi canggih ni, dan ia dilindungi dibawah akta keselamatan Negara.....


2013-04-18 16:06 | Report Abuse

nape bn suka duduk sama lembu?projrk ternak lembu buat kat kondo,tandas x sumbat? nanti generasi masa depan ranger ke anak2 ranger dikertawakan org dimana2 aje kerana duduk sama lembu, macam zaman zahiliah dulu, ranger hati u x rasa salah atau kesal ke buat anak mcm tu? hanya dengan wang, maruaH SANGGUP DIGADAI...U ORG BERDOSA kerana buat maysia diketawa oleh mtkt antarabangsa,kerana ternak lembu di condo.....kalau tak rasuah, dan seandainya ikut pemikiran kerajaan bn bhw pbelanjaan wang ternak lembu di condo adalah mematuhi segala peraturan yg sah ,..maka hal ni dikira rumit kerana sama ada RASUAH atau BODOH.


2013-04-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

Ada pihak tertarik dengan perkataan 'ubah'.
Seolah-olah yang penting itu ialah untuk mengubah daripada apa yang mereka ada pada hari ini. Tetapi sebaliknya yang penting ialah bukan mengubah yang sedia ada, tetapi keberhasilannya untuk mengoda kekayaan rakyat secara optimum demi kepentingan sesame di antara cn ummno dengan taktik2 rasuah serta kejahilannya menawarkan janjijanji manis dan kosong tanpa melibatkan kos rasuah yg tinggi.

"Itu yang patut kita tanya pada diri kita. Samada perlu kita mengubah kerajaan yang ada hari ini untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan yang diharapkan ataupun kita kekalkan kerajaan yang ada pada hari ini kerana kerajaan hari ini telahpun membuktikan keberhasilan yang mampu diperjuangkan oleh kerajaan sedia ada supaya dapat terus memikmati kehidupan mewah ,rumah mewah, kereta mewah, beg mewah,kandang lembu mewah, pejabat mewah,majlis mewah, company mewah, tol mewah, cukai mewah, api air mewah, semewah-mewahnya....

News & Blogs

2013-04-17 13:07 | Report Abuse

I rasa Ranger ni memang otak ada sikit masalah,semua orang tau u dibayar utk tulis ni, maka u tulis ape pun x guna, yg suka putar belit kenyataan hanya buat org lg pandang rendah ,semua yg nampak budak2 punya cerita ni dicipta utk menpertahankan kepentingan peribadi u org.....berkuasa-kita rujuk pd org yg mentadbir ngr ,menguruskan sumber rakyat,..limks dan anaknya pegang posisi lama,jawatan tu x ada wang,kena tahan,...I rasa u pun x minat utk jawatan dah 50tahun,,,Dah giler kuasa agaknya. Otak dah berkarat nak memerintah negara???? hahaha,bn langsung x point utk support sendiri, lg cakap lg salah, lagi teruk, seluruh struktur dibina bn dah rosak,seluruh pemikiran bn dah terpesong, mana nampak masa depan ?I rasa I x perlu pengalaman pun boleh perform jauh lagi baik dp mana org hanya tau 1 taktik bangun ngr iaitu tarik pelaburan,ape tau lg?i sendiri jauh lg pandai


2013-04-15 16:02 | Report Abuse



2013-04-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

看来还没看懂我说什么。。。。重点:外资进场的理由未必像你说的那样,。。。反而我那假设更有可能。 再说,换个更全面的角度 =当全部或大不分人所期待的结果没发生,才会产生失望。 问题是好像大部份这里的人并没期望bn连任,即然这样,何来失望?如果下调,因是有利益关系的人不安而抛售,呵呵。。。。。影想不大。。


2013-04-15 12:03 | Report Abuse
