
chong | Joined since 2010-07-13

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2012-05-16 08:44 | Report Abuse

Today BIMB shoots as son CB RIP.....good luck to all....cheers.


2012-05-16 08:44 | Report Abuse

Brother Ameer Khan , go to the Stock Exchange forum & look for the topics......cheers.


2012-05-16 06:53 | Report Abuse

Brother bschen3 , please check your mail now....many thanks & cheers too.

News & Blogs

2012-05-16 06:51 | Report Abuse

Yes, yesterday was the the 1st day or goreng, today & more days to goreng later...cheers.


2012-05-16 06:45 | Report Abuse

Hopefully our bursa move north too & what say you on BIMB. Today I got the gut feeling that BIMB will move further up monitor please, thank you all & wish you all good luck on this wonderful Wednesday.

Yesterday you have seen that BIMB & son CC is moving up but to be spoil by Ambank depressing BIMB price & the insistence to bring down son CB to RIP.

So today BIMB should shoot up perhaps.

Cheers & good luck to all too.


2012-05-16 01:04 | Report Abuse

Above brothers & sisters, check your mail please....thank you.

News & Blogs

2012-05-15 18:55 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother kl foong, these so call army veterans thought the are "damn smart" but to all Malaysians alike they are real idiots to the highest level....damn

Now go to this youtube & read the Malaysians comments..

News & Blogs

2012-05-15 18:47 | Report Abuse

The Malaysian public will not be lulled into believing that the tide has actually turned in favour of the BN. Facts do not support this presumption.

They will ask, “Why is it only in 2012 that are you bothered by their plight and their suffering? Is it because the election is round the corner?”

They can see through your game plan. You cannot hoodwink them anymore!

Former Aliran president P Ramakrishnan currently serves as an executive committee member

News & Blogs

2012-05-15 18:45 | Report Abuse

Tuesday, 15 May 2012 12:59
Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd?
Written by P Ramakrishnan

Umno, how much did you spend to bring your crowd?

Much has been made of the so-called 100,000 turnout of Umno members at the Bukit Jalil Stadium to observe Umno’s 66th anniversary celebrations. Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak was obviously elated in seeing the sea of Umno members dressed in red that greeted him on his arrival at the stadium.

He remarked that they too can bring in the crowds. And he was jubilant thinking that support for Umno had returned. You can’t fault him for being carried away by the euphoria of the occasion.

But little does he realise that his optimism was misplaced.

Who were these people who came to the stadium? Why did they come? How did they come?

These were Umno members and supporters. They were induced to come. More than 2,000 buses brought them from across the country to the stadium. They did not come of their own free will, at their own expense. Everything was paid for; everything was taken care of.

Supposing each of the 2,000 buses carried 40 members; that would give a total of 80,000 members and supporters. How much would it have cost to bring all these members to Kuala Lumpur?

The buses had to be hired; that costs money. The 80,000 people had to be fed; that costs money. They had to be accommodated for the night in a reasonable hotel; that costs money. They had to be paid an allowance; that costs money. Taking all this expenditure into consideration, the question to ask is, how many millions did it take to bring them to KL?

The 80,000 members who attended out of a proclaimed membership total of 3.5m works out to less than 3 per cent of Umno’s total membership.

The actual attendance was less than 10 per cent of the earlier boast of that the event would draw one million

This lower-than-expected turnout was what was achieved after all the effort to outshine the Bersih 3.0 crowd and after spending millions of ringgit. It is nothing to crow about!

Based on this crowd, it makes no sense to claim that Malay support has returned to Umno. Facts do not support this assumption.

You only brought in a fraction of your members; you did not bring in the crowds – unlike Bersih 3.0. It is as simple as that!

The only non-Umno members who turned up – dressed in red as well – were from Barisan Nasional component parties! But we don’t know whether these allies of Umno who play a supporting and certainly a subordinate role in the BN really have the support of the people. Their presence does not amount to anything to draw comfort from.

Yes, we must not forget the presence of the others as well. According to the New Straits Times of 12 May 2012, “Among the government agencies taking part were the Royal Malaysia Police, Election Commission, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and SME Corp Malaysia.”

Why are these government agencies taking part in a function organised by Umno for its members? How do we justify the presence of these agencies at a political function? How are they aligned to Umno? Or are they actually aligned to Umno? Are they members of Umno as well?

Compare this event where everything was facilitated to ensure attendance at the Umno do to that of the Bersih 3.0 crowd. Many would immediately say, “There is no comparison!” And they would be absolutely correct.

The Bersih 3.0 crowd came willingly and voluntarily and spontaneously. There was no inducement. The only compelling factor that propelled them to come was their desire to support Bersih’s eight demands to ensure that the elections would be clean and fair.

They were all fed up with the Election Commission and the way our elections have been conducted all this while. They could no longer tolerate the biased and one-sided electoral process that had worked to the unfair advantage of the BN.

The crowd of more than 250,000 that came in support of what is considered to be the biggest gathering in support of a just cause far outstripped the Umno crowd. It must be remembered that Bersih – unlike Umno – had no members to fall back on. These were all individuals from all walks of life who came freely. There was no compulsion whatsoever.

And they came fully knowing that there would be obstacles and challenges that would be very intimidating. They came ready to face – if necessary – whatever they might be subjected to. They could not be discouraged by the threat of tear gas and water cannons. That’s how determined they were; that’s how dedicated they were to the cause espoused by Bersih.

The Land Public Transport Commission would not grant licences to allow buses to bring in the Bersih crowd from out of town. Otherwise, the crowd would have been even bigger. But this transport commission had no problem in allowing more than 2,000 buses ferrying in Umno members from all over the country.


News & Blogs

2012-05-15 18:21 | Report Abuse

Army veterans do 'butt exercises' at Ambiga's house

A group of retired armed forces personnel held ‘butt exercises’ in front of the residence of Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan in Bukit Damansara early this morning.

The participants, who claimed to be members of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Association (PVTM), said the event was held to protest against Ambiga for being an “enemy of the nation who had smeared the country’s name”.

On May 10, a ‘burger protest’ was also held in front of Ambiga’s house by a group of traders who claimed to have suffered losses due to last month’s Bersih 3.0 rally.

Today’s ‘butt exercises’, which took place at 8.30am, is the second demonstration to be held in front of the Bersih co-chairperson’s house in a week.

“We armed forces veterans have the right to protest against an ‘enemy’ who tried to smear the nation’s name,” said group president Mohd Ali Baharom.

“We are giving a stern warning to Ambiga to immediately apologise to the Malaysian people regarding Bersih and free sex,” said Mohd Ali before the exercise session began.

The group then marched a short distance of about 20m towards the front gate of the house, which had already been opened as if awaiting their coming.

As soon as they arrived at the house perimeter, they performed a short series of exercises consisting of bending down and shaking their buttocks in the direction of the gate.

They also held up banners with the words ‘Reject Ambiga Anwar illegal rioters of Bersih 3.0' and ‘Reject Power-Crazy Ambiga Anwar’.

The exercise session was led by a former Warrant Officer 1 identified only as ‘Ayah Arka’.

The group then had a ‘shock’ as Ambiga herself emerged from her house and invited them to have canned drinks which she provided.

Mohd Ali refused the invitation, and subsequently handed over one of the banners they had brought to Ambiga.

“We are Malay Muslims, we drink lukewarm water. I want to give you (this manilla card), you can give it to Anwar. I want to warn you not to cause problems to the nation again.

“We will act if your smear the country’s name,” said Mohd Ali, who is also known as ‘ Ali Tinju ’ (Boxing Ali).

'Irresponsible statement'

Commenting on the incident, Ambiga said she had often been disturbed at her house following the ‘burger protest’ incident on May 10.

According to her, there had been several persons who came to her house, asking for free burgers.

She also expressed regret at deputy inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar’s statement that burger sellers were free to do business in front of her house.

“This is an irresponsible statement. It gives room for anyone to hold a gathering in front of anybody else’s house,” she said.

She also said this morning’s exercise session as a disturbance and not a peaceful gathering.

On May 1, PVTM, with two other NGOs - Suara Anak Muda 1Malaysia and Kelab Mahasiswa 1Malaysia - made a police report at the Dang Wangi police station urging the government to take action on Ambiga and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for allegedly instigating the Bersih 3.0 rally.

News & Blogs

2012-05-15 18:13 | Report Abuse

Damn stupid to the core...put up this video in youtube & send a few copies to each of the foreign tv stations & let them see.


2012-05-15 17:02 | Report Abuse

Bother Newb , let me have your email address & I will send it to you....many thanks.


2012-05-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

What to do brother kueyteowlou as I am sure that Ambank keep throwing cheaply from $2.46 to $2.39 till the last minute....tomorrow we see light.


2012-05-15 15:21 | Report Abuse

It's coming too I presume!!


2012-05-15 15:11 | Report Abuse

Now it's really moving


2012-05-15 14:53 | Report Abuse

Now it's moving up, mother & son CC


2012-05-15 13:43 | Report Abuse

Perak EX-MB Nizar the brave walk into a lion's den, haa, haa, read this lah..


2012-05-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

in fact the MAS union is holding the government to ransom lah just for their votes for the coming GE....nothing more & nothing less.


2012-05-15 13:29 | Report Abuse

Manchester United Fan Club haters, that's wonderful....any admission fees, hee, he,, hee

As the above report say that if Greece leaves Euro, then it's totally hangus lah. What can Greece depend on except tourism & fruits and vegetables including olive oil, hee, hee, hee...other than that more imports & Greece people love to drive a Benz, ha, ha, ha


2012-05-15 13:09 | Report Abuse

Thought you all may want to take a look at this....

Greek incomes have fallen sharply and one-quarter of the workforce is unemployed. It’s not a recession in Greece, it’s a full-blown depression, and Greek voters don’t want to hear about how massive foreign borrowing and corruption at home got them into this mess. They just want it to stop.

The main target for their ire is the deal that forced this austerity on Greece, and the chief victims have been the two traditionally dominant centrist parties that signed it. Between them, three years ago, they got almost 80 per cent of the vote. This time they got just over 30 per cent. The missing 50 per cent mostly went to parties of the extreme right or radical left that reject the deal.

Those parties are too far apart on other issues to form a government in Athens with majority support in parliament, so there will probably be another election in June. If no coalition that will abide by the deal comes out of that election, then the EU will halt its financial aid to Greece — and when the next big payment on the country’s debt falls due at the end of June, Greece will default.

This raises two questions. What will happen to Greece if it defaults on its debts and crashes out of the euro? More importantly, what will then happen to the common currency, and to the European Union itself?

Countries that default on their debts have a very hard time. When Argentina defaulted in 2001, there was a 60 per cent fall in domestic consumption. Bank accounts were frozen, supermarkets emptied, and imported goods disappeared from the market. Inflation soared, jobs disappeared, and by 2003 more than half the population was living below the poverty line.

On the other hand, Greece is experiencing a good deal of this misery already. Unemployment is as bad as Argentina’s was at its worst. But in a few years, freed from its burden of insupportable debt, Argentina’s economy took off. Foreign banks started lending to it again, and for nine years now its GDP has grown at around 8 per cent a year.

Many Greek voters think they can renegotiate the deal with the EU and stay in the euro. That is almost certainly untrue. But in the end, default may turn out to be better for them than staying in the euro and suffering endless austerity while trying to pay off an impossible load of debt.

The bigger question is: What happens to the euro if Greece leaves? The common currency was conceived as a vehicle for achieving the “ever closer union” that most EU politicians used to orate about, but that was putting the cart before the horse. Without a single authority that can enforce the necessary fiscal and budgetary disciplines, such a currency is bound to fail.

By some advisers’ logic, the euro as we know it is doomed. But Angela Merkel is probably wrong: That is unlikely to spell the end of the European Union itself. The EU survived perfectly well for 40 years without a single currency.

The Greeks will probably be using new drachmas before long. The Spanish may also be back to pesetas and the Italians to liras before we are much older. Perhaps the euro will survive as the common currency of the rich and efficient economies of northern Europe, and perhaps not. But the demise of the euro would not mean the end of the EU or of peace in Europe.


2012-05-15 13:00 | Report Abuse

And brother yazid7655 , let this idiotic country Greece RIP as their people are just plain lazy & just want to enjoy life & moreover Greece got a bloated civil service just like Malaysia too.

But even if Greece default,the Euro may probably be doomed, but the European Union will carry on ......frankly the EU should kick out this parasite Greece long ago...shouldn't have give them the financial help a few months back.



2012-05-15 12:55 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother jtpc2006,today I bought plenty of BIMB & going to keep it to collect my dividend...after that wait for the 1st Quarter Financial report of 2012.....should be a OK & hopefully the Indonesian bank buy over will jadi too & then hopefully bingo...hee, hee,hee



2012-05-15 12:11 | Report Abuse

Yes, brother garytan88, you are correct but son CB is already inside deep waters & there's no way for it to go to the issue Ambank can relax now as all their work had almost been completed. Son CB is now 9 cents and to reach another 50% extra is quite an impossible task unless mother BIMB shoot 40 to 50 cents in 1 day & this is mission I start buying today.

However I leave the choice to you.


2012-05-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

BIMB ex-dividend of 7.25 cents is until next week on 21.5.2012 ...& 4 or 5 days after the dividend is the 1st Quarter Report of 2012 which I presume will be impressive too.

So yours truly today pick up quite a number of BIMB today & too some CC at 14.5 to 15 it my friends.


2012-05-15 12:02 | Report Abuse

Anyone thinking of picking BIMB & son CC now?...mother had dropped by near 40 cents & son CC by nearly 10 cents.


2012-05-15 07:12 | Report Abuse

Already down to the bottom & is it time for all to pick up some?

Anyone want to take a shot at YTLPower & son CF? ...or preferable son WB

Take a look at this recent analyst report....


By Affin Investment Bank

Buy (maintained)

Target price: RM2.45

WE continue to like this stock for its disciplined management stewardship, geographical diversity, sizeable war chest for opportunistic acquisitions and attractive valuation vis-vis historical average range.

Moving forward, we see the following emerging catalysts: concession-like contract win may propel the 60%-owned YTL Communica-tions into a growth stage and new plant-up cycle in Malaysia will provide growth opportunities for the group.

We maintain a “buy” with an unchanged target price of RM2.45, which implied 15 times calendar year 2012 earnings per share (EPS).

Growth opportunities, especially in the power sector, will likely be focused on.

The group's partnership with Marubeni could provide an avenue to grow generation capacity in Asia.

We believe the stock trades at a deep discount to its asset value. Based on current market capitalisation of RM13.2bil, we estimate the group's effective 4,556 MW power assets (in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) is priced at 4.5 times its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation.

Separately, recent meetings continue to depict a strong PowerSeraya entity with a generation market share of 27% in Singapore.

We see growth opportunities for the group to participate in Peninsular Malaysia's next 4,500 MW plant up-cycle.

There also may be room to extend the tenure of the group's 1,212 MW Paka and Pasir Gudang power plants.

Our channel checks suggested three sites have been allocated for new combined cycle gas power plants.

The sites allocated potentially for a three times 700 MW gas-fired power plant are Prai, Pasir Gudang and Connaught Bridge, Klang.

We see strong competition from YTL Power's peers and would not be too surprise if YTL Power does not emerge a winner in this first round as a 7% to 8% project internal rate of return is seen as less attractive compared with other merger and acquisition opportunities.

However, we do believe that YTL Power will vie for the Pasir Gudang tender given the possibilities of shared infrastructure with its existing power plant on site.

Cheers to all & good luck too.


2012-05-15 07:02 | Report Abuse

My friends, please check you mail. Today DJ down by more than 120+ points & I presume, BIMB will be heading south too today but do pick it up later when market gets better.

Cheers & all the best on this morning trade.


2012-05-15 04:19 | Report Abuse

brother Newb , go to my forum & pm me there please...thank you.


2012-05-14 17:38 | Report Abuse

Seems everyone is chabuting & selling as fast & as low as possible because they expect that the PM is going to dissolve Parliament paving the way for the General the "sell fever" was on a high.


2012-05-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

Today lau sai day for BIMB & son, haa, haa,, haa...more lau sai tomorrow perhaps?


2012-05-14 16:03 | Report Abuse

YTLPower WB is still good...pick it up a long way to go.


2012-05-14 15:50 | Report Abuse

Brother jacklew boss YTL disposed off but EPF buys, hee, hee,,hee


2012-05-14 15:49 | Report Abuse

Brother tansrihew , buy warrant as it's the cheapest at 3.5 cents & you still got 8+ months to hold & play.


2012-05-14 15:16 | Report Abuse

buy now as it's the cheapest price for the year.


2012-05-14 11:29 | Report Abuse

Brother namzaron72 , I think support is coming back for both mother & son CA but still too early to let's wait....cheers.


2012-05-14 10:22 | Report Abuse

OMG, a few dingos selling CA at 3.5 cents though mother drop by 1 cents....doesn't make sense.


2012-05-14 10:10 | Report Abuse

Brother Namoyaki Takarajima , you joker with 1malaysia and $1MAS....anything is possible but I feel that with the much need injected funds, I don't think so.

maybe ask Syed Mokthar to buy over at $3,hee,hee, hee as he likes to buy everything that GLC had to offer.

Cheers brother, good luck to you today hopefully.


2012-05-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

It's coming together with Duatland...something up? Duatland selling it's Sabah estates? .. or it is rumored that there is a new buyer ready?


2012-05-14 06:39 | Report Abuse

Check mail please brother Jolly Mypet , many thanks & good luck to you today too.


2012-05-14 02:41 | Report Abuse

In my honest opinion BIMB will slid further down before picking up again. No counter goes up everyday & BIMB had risen far since my first recommendation to you all to buy at $1.85++...try to pick up after the dust had settled & then you will make some money later keeping in mind of the killing of son CB first.

BTW, son CC & CE is quite cheap now & some of you who are familiar with warrants may want to take another shot at it. Warrants are good money making machines too but you too had to remember, as I always said before, they are also "live coffins".

BIMB is best to keep for mid or long term because of 3 possibilities..

1. Malaysia is going to have the world's biggest Islamic bank....belum jadi tapi akan datang......this idea was mooted quite sometime back.

2. BIMB venturing into Indonesia where Islamic banking is very popular there & too because of it's huge population.....seems every Malaysian bank wants t have a foot in Indonesia nowadays.

3. The possibility of BIMB taken over by a bigger bank like CIMB or Maybank is great as BIMB being the smallest listed bank s very easy to gobble up & these 2 biggest banks don't have to compete to buy RHB to be Malaysia's biggest bank, just gobble up BIMB will be sufficient to put either one of them as Malaysian biggest bank with a smaller amount of money to takeover than the takeover of RHB & keep in mind of the MD of Islamic Bank Dato' Sri Zukri Samat who says that BIMB is open to suggestions.

Cheers to all & all the best to all too.


2012-05-13 19:45 | Report Abuse

Some friendly advice for all Nicorp holders though I am not buying or holding any single share.

FYI, Nicorp didn't get the Shell LPG assets. The actual contract had been signed & concluded between Oman based Natural Gas Co SOAG & Shell Malaysia Trading Co. Yes, Natural Gas CO had acquired all of all of Shell LPG assets.

So has RC taken you all for a ride?

What's next for you all? Remember you all are holding a NTA 10 cents company with almost all it's quarter reports in RED.

Guess, it's chabut time for most of you perhaps as the Black Gold mine is no more there.



2012-05-13 19:28 | Report Abuse

Brother supreme. please check you mail...thank you.

BTW, you will have to spend some time to read the full 73 pages all on Smartag....members comments including my writings....have fun.

Cheers brother supreme, do take good care too & may tomorrow be a good day for you in bursa too.


2012-05-13 15:17 | Report Abuse

Brother eagleis , this is Malaysia Boleh to the highest each it's own & all the UMNO cronies is at full blast, OMG.


2012-05-13 15:14 | Report Abuse

Bother James Woon , as it is until now I have yet to see & read any research house giving any target price for Kenanga...maybe after ECM takeoever, some research house may give a TP, who knows!!

Cheers brother James Woon & enjoy your lazy Sunday afternoon.


2012-05-13 15:06 | Report Abuse

All the above please check you mail please...thank you all.

One more thing that I need to straightened out. As it it someone here accuse me of asking members here to email me or me emailing them to "pancing ikan".

...look or read here please..

Can anyone one here who had ask me to email them or just anyone here who I ask to email me please confirm this below

1. Did I ask any of you to buy & buy any shares or use your email for my advantage?

2. Did I ask those, who had provide me an email address, to ask you all
to buy any products?

3. Did I spam your mail box?

How I wish I had never help any of you here because the "dingy ningkampooks" accuse me of this & that, OMG.

I did not have to copy & paste ALL 72 PAGES OF SMARTAG PARTICULARS HERE , DO I?

All I did in my email to them is to give them some good friendly advise & the place to READ & KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT SMARTAG BEFORE BUYING.

If what I had been trying to do to help out those newbies is TOTALLY WRONG AS BEING INSINUATED BY SOME PEOPLE OR MEMBERS HERE, then it's best that I will not write anything or recommend anything for the good of the innocent forum members & LET THEM THOSE WHO INSINUATE ME, DO ALL THE WRITING & RECOMMENDATION & I CAN ALWAYS LEAVE THIS FORUM & CONCENTRATE ON MY OWN FORUM. This is not a threat but as it is I had been trading on my own for more than 16 years before coming here.

Sometimes I wonder if there are such selfish & insinuating people exist here? Money is there for everyone to make & members here too are qualified to make some too & if these "idiotic insinuating ningkampooks" thinks that they can have everything to themselves, then let it be.

Cheers & thank you all for your time to read this....take care my friends.


2012-05-13 14:35 | Report Abuse

Brother Jjtrader, in fact Kenanga is NOT COMING OUT WITHOUT ANY OF THEIR OWN MONEY TO TAKEOVER's just the ECM brokers license deposit of $500 million which be be distributed to all the ECM shareholders & the rest in Kenanga shares. So Kenanga taking out a single cent does not arise.



2012-05-13 03:21 | Report Abuse

Frankly speaking, for a cut throat business like airlines, you really need expertise & very very professional people to run the show & not just putting any tom dick & harry especially UMNO cronies to run an airline like MAS.

Just put it this many BN or frankly UMN cronies had been running MAS? Even the previous Chairman is any UMNO crony too who doesn't care anything about MAS as he goes as far as buying the multi-million dollar painting and another hundred over thousand ringgit attached kitchen to his suite.

People like TRI are protected species and they can screw up a national airline big time and they will get away scot free too.

There's no accountability here in MAS. Sufficient controls must be in place to ensure that things like wastage and so on are minimized or just doesn't exist at all. Be prudent & not to take it as your grandfather's company, hee, hee,hee.

And what about the bloated staff & MAS had never downgrade staff numbers. I suppose that they have too many cronies to feed, hee, hee,hee

Yes, I say cut staff from top to bottom , use the biggest knife to trim off all the fat & have a slimmer MAS.

Mas is like a big fat cow being suck dry daily by UMNO parasites. Now waiting for bail out again & what do you expect my friends?

And who bears the cost of this bailout? It's we the Rakyat & our Rakyat's money...later our beloved country had no money, then what's next to do?...easy, very easy..just tax the Malaysian people more like taking candy from a kid, hee, he, hee..& finally our beloved Malaysia end up like GREECE????

How many GLCs had we to bail out..Proton, MAS, Bank Bumi[RIP}, etc....what's next on the line?

Cheers to all.


2012-05-13 02:52 | Report Abuse

Ok, you guys gals, go please read my 72 pages of everything on send, check it out please....thank you all.


2012-05-13 02:43 | Report Abuse

Brother tangyu, I don't think this is all rumours. Both The Edge & The Star had already said it...please read the full news in The Star yesterday to know better as it may help you in your decision...thank you.

& yes what brother Jjtrader said is very true too, it can really happen & it can happen the other way too.....the directors or big shareholders can push the Kenanga shares to high too...both of these scenario are only hypothetical.

& frankly speaking, the big shareholders are frankly not gong to push down to 20 cents as they will be losing plenty of money too, hee hee,hee. Please keep in mind too that Kenanga lowest & highest price for the year is 51 cents & 92 cents respectively.

& keeping in mind that Kenanga had more business as it had all the clients & customers from ECM & this increases it's profit too.

My only wish is that when ECM shares had been taken over by Kenanga, then Kenaga shares really shoots to 90+ cents & we all can really eat abalone, ha,ha, ha..yes another hypothetical happening. However please keep in mind that when the news came out in The Star business, ECM closes at only 1 cents higher but Kenanga closes at 3.5 cents who knows that when we all had Kenanga shares in our name, Kenanga shares will reach $1+ from it's present price of 60 cents.....yes, anything can happen. My only wish now is Kenanga really shoots now & then ECM price will follow too.

So in any market play, we all are taking risks in our daily trading as in our buying of other counters too.

Finally, so let's take a risk now & hope for the best to come.

The opportunity is right here now & it's for you all alone to decide & not me as I had always said the decision in buying any shares or counters is left in your hands & I only do the recommendation.

Cheers to all & good luck too.