
Chung | Joined since 2012-11-24

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2018-01-16 08:28 | Report Abuse

Lydia5050讲的好说什么股怎样好都没用。最重要能赢到钱那才是真的。石油股真的帮我朋友一个月赚回自前BJcorp和rubberex污损的185千。昨天又帮他卖了350lots Alam留下200lots再打算。这股他汚了150千。卖了350lots的钱全部都投资在UMWoil-Wa共实了300lots。Notion也可以说好股火灰后6-9个月才能真正回復原气.


2018-01-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 今天我买了一点这股后来又卖出这股赚了一点点。我在想如果我买了我当然希望它上涨可以赚钱。但是如果股价上涨你就便加得意洋洋。如果股价跌了你就没面子我又输钱。那我又何必跟我的钱过意不去希望它跌价呢所以不再想过再实只想放长双眼看你赚钱好了。绐那位老兄凶你就怕到莎尿了吗?太不符合你的性格了.....


2018-01-15 22:20 | Report Abuse

HuatRex 如果你不喜欢看到我写的评论就不要读就可以啦。买股票输了钱别拿人出气可以吗?无论你怎样凶我还是写你又能可以把我怎样?


2018-01-15 12:32 | Report Abuse

Match 39 lots at 76.5 sold all 77.5 gain Rm285. Bye bye


2018-01-15 08:13 | Report Abuse

I already park to buy 100.000 Notion share at 0.765 cents说到做到。但是只要有钱赚就会卖只是要搭石油股的顺风车。


2018-01-15 07:16 | Report Abuse

Flybird and Edwatdong53 如果不是看到有小学股神乱开空头支票也许我也不可能在这Notion Forum。我觉得有股票绖检的人一看就知道癸评论的人是否对股票的认试有几斤两叫人买进这股票又说什么TP卖全都是猜测吧了自己讲自己爽。反正股票跌了要死你出来问她爲何以前叫人买说会升到一元现在跌到耍半死。然后她就会说她又没有拿枪指着你的头叫你一定买这股票什么的话。我的朋友千方身家三年前叫他买Notion-WB25cents买最扺跌到2cents我多幺不好意思见到他还好2017年头Notion-wb跟母股回升在一38cents卖完赚儿十千。昨天我和那朋友通电話告訢他买的550lots Alam股亏RM150千元和买的1100Daya亏45千以期等消减资本不如敢敢卖换买UMWoil-Wa也许起死回升赚回亏的钱。他听了ok叫我自己拿主意这是对我的信任和肯定就如BJcorp和rubberex所亏的185千卖了换买石油股已赚回了那185千才能有说服力再卖Alam和Daya两个都是石油股就如我说过不是全部石油股都可以买进收等成果。早一星期前有意无意叫他们法意石油股希望他们可以搭石油股顺风车反叫我别再这讲石油股谁都知道新年到今天石油股升涨带动肺市大熟也带动其他股世搭顺风车。就是有小学股神以为自己讲的股是真的评实力涨自己爽。今天我一定会实这股也是因为希望能搭石油股顺风车带动这股一起涨吧了三两天后有赚就卖了。也许有很多人像你一样的人看了小学股神的话也听不下去只是不出声吧了。那天我骂她叫人冲进买股自己卖票鬆人设有人格。她说的多什真实她本钱多少钱买这股什么价钱卖又说要买一个股短其能赚8-25%当我说她太快跳事走人我说五个大股东开始买自己公司股票我这回真的要进场买这股她又用别一套话说只是骗我套我出台面。一个谎言又把她几天前的真言推翻了后又回posted我以前的评言说我不可信真的好天真的小学股神


2018-01-14 22:47 | Report Abuse

我明天早上一开市就进坊买这股原因公司五个股东星期五共买了2925lots股给我正面的好感。石油再破新高收64.30美国股市也大涨228点。不用说明天又石油股的天下。最重要是我买这股是要搭石油股的顺风车吧了。Hit profit Run不会傻傻等到Q1。说Q1怎么好的人只不过是欺骗人吧了设根据支持的谎言只可以骗股票新玩家但骗不到我。即使Notion真的上涨也不过是石油股带动整体股市所有二,三线股的上涨吧了但是当股市大调整时你买的股票能站到稳才是关节到时Notion股票价也可能会大跌回到以前50-60cents没有好看的Q1成绩那会带动股票上涨呢?


2018-01-14 17:10 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 你说真或说假这对我重要吗?明天一开市3分前钟内我就买进100,000股。今天的东方日报帮Dayang免费上报,星洲日报又提到石油升石油股热翻天。明天石油股又有看头了。明夫记得帮忙写多Notion有多如OK,可爱的大话精股神。


2018-01-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

Ghostliker 100 lots mean 100,000 share...76K. I won't fall love with Notion if got profit... Could be morning buy evening sell it.


2018-01-14 08:11 | Report Abuse

LIM Sin 我买股票是有做功课不只靠猜的。昨天发现一个对Notion小投资若来说是好消息的事。公司五个Notion股东十一二日一共买了2925lots股。通常股东买回自己公司的股票都是知道公司财政最洧楚的人。我打算明天一开市就帮我朋友买100lotsNotion股。我这次真的进场了你就去买那个给你8-25%的新股吧。如果没看到这消息我是不会买现在就不同了。什幺时候卖?有赚就卖。


2018-01-14 00:47 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 你知道为什么Notion会在2016年尾从50+cents一直趴升到2017年头最RM1.30吗?要我告告訢你吗?我现在告訢你原因吧欧洲去年开始发展新的无人骘驶汽车。这种汔车要用到很高科技的LEN sensor 按键在这种无人驾敏车Notion公司是专生产高科技相机LEN所以才连接这消息股价升涨。不过一人算不如天算Notion十月又发生了火灰股价从。RM1.00+跌到70+cents.有很多股友以为可以买进那知道股价再跌到48cents.你就是在这时间买进Notion平均价72.5cents然后76cents你卖完Notion这就是为什么Notion股价在60+cents说多Notion怎样好,又怎样under value 又给免费warrant who don't want,又刚好Notion搭到股市涨风顺车涨到76cents快快卖了Notion因为怕又跌回72.5以下就说的好听点要买别的股短期内可赚8-25%还没买的股票就知道可以赚多少吧仙不叫你股神就大看不起你了。对了你知道Notion,在Australia用10cent买了一家上市公司的股份现在这股价趺到1cents以下好像是0.0007不知怎样唸这股价丐到Notion脸青青。你买Notion不过两个月吧了你对这股知多少?你玩股票多少年?
1.为什幺有些公司股票 NTA RM2.24 股价才50+cent ?
2.为什么有些公司股票 NTA RM2.00 股价在4.00以上?
3.为什么有些公司股票Par Value 是RM1.00,有些是RM0.50,有些是RM0.10,还有Digi是RM0.01cents ?
4.为什幺有些公可把它的股票RM0.50 Par Value 改变成0.10Par Value?


2018-01-13 21:21 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 我说你笨蛋应该是没大人反对。我在2017 Feb & March 说Notion is back 那是我在2014年买了Notion等了三年到了2017年头回升到RM1.22元我全部卖完。2014-2016尾Notion跌到38-45cents.足足等了三年才回升至少2017年才能卖。向区别八个月时间旣又生第一二次火灰我也不会叫别人再买这股。石油又破新高了下星期石油股又有看头了Notion也可以搭顺风再上涨可惜你太快逃跑了。你真的好可爱叫人冲白自己鬆人就是你最可爱的性格。


2018-01-13 01:31 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..这个故事告訢我们不要只看别人一直说这个股票有多好,什幺NTA有多高,什么抵过市价,什么Q1财政有多好,什么免费warrant有多好。最大的目的就是叫人冲进买自己卖了鬆人。希望天包佑听了你胡说八道买进Notion股友大赚钱就好到时回来这里拿工劳。新年到今天如果不是石油价破六十美元带动石油股把整个股票市埸大热投资气氛。Notion股票可能在吊水半条命了。如果Notion没有火灰也许Notion也算是好股。现在己不是股票的问题了是你做人的道德,人格,信用问题了。我只说过请注意石油股因为石油价破六十美元我也没叫股友一定要买那一个石油股。也没有说那个油股什幺TP价卖。从第一天我comment你的评论就知道你的目的是什么。在股市我可以输钱但我不可以输自己人格。我每一个评沦言都会说#买卖自已付责#。我建议你不如用username 叫#你冲我鬆#。好一个股神。


2018-01-12 21:23 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin Finally you reveal your motive of calling peoples buy Notion. Just because you bought many Notion at 0.725 cents. You betrayal your personality and lie to those without knowledge about this counter back ground. I woun't forecast bad about this counter if no fire incidents happened to Notion. Kenanga securities gave latest target price to this counter is 44 cents Price Call is "Sell" . Since New year due to Oil price break USD60 all oil and Gas led KLSE to up trend market. Otherwise Notion could be continue trade between 45-55 cents. Remember your previous comments about this counter. 人是你,鬼也是你. 誰能再相信你再評論?


2018-01-12 18:20 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 我不是针对你只是你的评谕是说到自己是股神那样。#你叫人冲自已鬆#昨天你爲什幺不告诉听你买进这股票的朋友你要卖出一部这股呢?答案就是昨天卖吧?这股50-60cents就告诉人这股有那么好又很快回升到一元以上,升到70+cents又说TP RM1.00-1.20昨天还叫人买进下午到晚不见你的评言才知道叫人买进后股票下跌了会有点不好意思。该不是跳进石油股吧?你那么看好这股就别跑掉了一半。这股现在才70+cents.还有40+cents升涨空间就跑了一半?不如你就说你己经买完了叫听你的评言买下这股的人见好就收你己经全卖走路了。多少次你说等Q1+warrant有多好一定会上升来。不到一星期你就跳车了。以后写评言别开口信河就没人针对你。


2018-01-12 14:29 | Report Abuse

Lim Beng Teik . i indirectly repeat what is my cup of coffee of Oil and Gas counter in Notion forum (Dayang) . Please dont play contra and buy at your own risk.


2018-01-11 23:16 | Report Abuse

NEW High record USD 64.42 time for oil and Gos tomorrow after flash out contra players


2018-01-11 14:37 | Report Abuse

Dericlock This morning i make such difficulty decision to sell off 200 lots Perdana at 52 cents , 100 lots ekovest at 1.12 and 100 lots Dayang at 82.5 cents without my Friend consent. I did whatup him in the morning before market started to consider take profit for 250 lots Ekovest profit 48k. He did not replies to my whatsup. now still holding 400 lots dayang and 150 lots ekovest. All this share i help my friend managed by swapped Bjcorp and rubberex which cost him paper lose 185k. after an hour Ekovest drop 4 cents and Perdana drop 49.5 cents i though of buy back this share which i sold off higher few cents this morning but at the end i make decision not buy back until market closed first half. Because i already help him recovered all 185 paper loses now is time to secure all profit. The balance of 400 lots Dayang and 150 lots Ekovest continue monitor another few days let see how market go on. To my millionaire friend 185k now just a small amount to him.


2018-01-10 20:52 | Report Abuse

Dericlock today I sold all Armada profit gain 11.5k and bought another 60 lots Dayang now is 500 Lots average price 82 cents after net off Perdana dividen share. I also bought 200 lots Perdana at 33.5 cents. Overall I told my friend sold 735 lots BJcorp better Blow Job corporation at 34.5 cents and 450 lots Rubberex with cost him paper loss 185. Last 24 December almost recovered back all his loses. This year I believe is oil and gas counters again. Big Angpow for Chinese New year


2018-01-10 20:41 | Report Abuse

Last Thursday to this monday oil and gas counters hit top volume and share price go up alot. Yesterday and today is 1+3 for last Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow morning may another round for Monday transaction. After correction with now USD 63.64 oil price + 41 Milliona contrac I confident Perdana can close at 55 cents or higher.


2018-01-10 06:56 | Report Abuse

早上好。现在六点正刚看了 现在石油价是63.40美元了上涨了2.74%。如果你己经有买石油股请看石油价平台。我自己的者法是只要石油价在亣十美玩以上不用以什么TP价卖出去手上的石油股。请注意不是全部石油股都可以收长期。我是以谁是那个是油股的老板为主买那是油股。不伦石油股怎样涨的凶也不能玩contra.石油股上涨是于国际石油价为最大的推手不是以什么消息或待定炒家説了算什么TP。马币升值也是带动外国资全大力进埸买大马股票。爲什幺会有关呢?外国资全现在以一美元换马币四元。拿一亻亿羌元可以换四亿马币买股投资。用四亿买一个四元实力股可以买进100,000lots.如果一年以后这股给推到五元及马市己升值到一美元马币3.80.这时外资卖完手上的100,000lots股就拿回五亿马币再用3.80马币就可以换回美元这就是双涨一次赚两方面的的钱。同样的道理马市弱外资不投资马股。比如外资用一亿换成四亿马币买100.000lots同一个股。如果一年以后这个股上升到五元马币。全部股卖了拿回五亿元但是如果马币弱要以马币5元换一美元。那五亿也只能换回一亿美元。虽然股票赚钱但马币扁值了最后也没有赚到钱郋外资不来马投资的原因之一。


2018-01-10 01:22 | Report Abuse

Lim Beng Teik Dayang和Perdana 是白头佬士皇帝的。以今天石油六十二美元价钱可以说在85分还便宜。Dayang半年前是站在一RM1.20那时的石油价是五十到五十六元之间。我没TP卖这两个股因为我会每天都注意石油走向来决定卖这股。Elections+油价上涨+华人新年涨潮+马币走强都是带动右油股的炒的机会。Dayang也可以算是政治股再加上如果石油沖破六十五到七十美元也许会有很大的上涨到RM1.20到1.50也说不疋。石油股上星期三开始升跑到今天己经上涨了15-30cents也不少。今天石油月股correction也没什么大跌証明在石油价钱走高己经吸引投资者的注意冯跌买进再等新高。最重要是不要玩contra。今天可能有很多玩contra的烧到手.上星期四及五买进的这两天到期也许再等一两天冲走所有玩contra才再升也说不定。最重还是国际石油价带领石油再上涨。
我买Ekovest股票是我听朋友的客说现在TUDM sungai besi己绖有很多中国工人在那做infra structure papers work.所以在93cents买了220lots.上星期四再加30lots平均是94.5cents . Ekovest 老板和Johor Royal Family有很好的relationship。可以说我买的股票是以谁是大老板爲主。没有什幺TP才卖。有时大涨同一天早上先卖下午也许股价跌了再买回也是赚钱的方法。


2018-01-09 21:28 | Report Abuse

This Morning Oil Price above 62.23 USD yesterday Sapnergy up 16.5 cent. All oil counters jump start with 1-2.5 cents Sapenergy i sold all 1.04 even thought now down to 93.5 cents if i want to buy back 200 lots two and flow 10.5 cent for 200 lots 21K net profit. But i not buy back, i sold 95 lot Penergy at 93 cents sold 100 lot Perdana at 50 cents.
Now i got balance 440 lots Dayang
200 Lots Perdana
250 Lots Ekovest
100 Lots Armada.
Dayang and Perdana is my cup of coffee because his father is white hair local king in Sarawak.
Ekovest i still holding it because 1 Malaysia in TUDM sungai besi many chineses worker from China are planing the infra structure for bandar Malaysia.
Armada will sell off any time since i bought it only 77.5
overall plus minus oil counters i still hold it got paper gains today.
I choice to sold Sapenergy, Penergy and some Perdana from last Thursday this oil counters has start bullish definitely got correction.
I did mention in my previous comments
1. " Don't play Contra"
2. Don't fall love with your share.
3. share can go up and can go down.
Anyway all this counter i managed for my good friend. my objective to help him swap share with paper loss 185k yesterday already reached less than a month.
That the reason i sold some share already to secure his return.
Dayaang,Perdana and Ekovest will continue hold even though start gain after minus paper loses of 185K.
Overall the whole market is led by Oil and Gas counters can not be deny.

Back to your comment
1. what make you so positive about 1Q financial report after fire burn ? To me this is baseless.

2. 10 for 1 free warrant in nothing big deal. Warrant is need to pay conversion price to convert to Mother share and again it depend on the conversion prices set by the company. assume warrant listing 15 cents on first day. 15 cents divided to 10 lots Notion share. Is just a 1.5 cents per share only so happy already ?

3. Fire claim not a profit.

4. My comments not to buy this share below 40 cents need to responsibility to those miss this boat shown you are so childish. Are you responsibility to those listen to your comments if fall back to 50 cents ?

5. My comments is more on technical buy and sell share, sector of share in current market, Global forecast specially in commodity price oil and gas, palm oil, gold. Not a single share. is my key point when i comments on oil and gas. now oil trade at USD 62.12 Tomorrow Wednesday night could be free advertisement for oil and gas counters again.


2018-01-09 09:19 | Report Abuse

sold all Sapengy 1.04... Notion not my cup of coffee.


2018-01-08 23:56 | Report Abuse

我不是show off 我只是看到你在发白日梦吧了一天写十多次Notion评论所以才在这发表我对投资股票心的来証明给你看,14Dec到今天不到一个月我已经帮我的好友赚回了RM185千。我是以自己的经验告诉你石油票真的来了。如果我说不到40cents不进场有多少人没到货我需要负责,那我可以这样回应你有多少个Notion股友听了你的话设换去买石油股赚少了由其是Sapenrg要你负责?我觉得你真的好可爱。好啦明天我卖完石油股听你的话实全部钱都买Notion好吗?


2018-01-08 23:03 | Report Abuse

Your most trusted Tips for you to consider buy or sell you O&G counters


2018-01-08 23:00 | Report Abuse

Your most trusted Tips for you to consider buy or sell you O&G counters


2018-01-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

Your most trusted Tips for you to consider buy or sell you O&G counters


2018-01-08 22:53 | Report Abuse

Why Perdana up 10.5 cents on Friday from 33.5 cents closed 44 cents? Perdana Relisting back to KLSE after suspended more than 2 years. Dayang hold perdana share more than 97% as Dayang fail to get 100% Perdana share and has requested by bursa minimum public shareholding spread has been regularised to 20.016%. Dayang distribute 302 Perdana share to each lot Dayang share holder as species dividend. Finally perdana re-listing back in KLSE. Dayang thru Perdana is involved in Provision of Maintenance Services, Fabrication Operations, Hook-up & Commissioning, Charter of Marine Vessels and Vessel Technical Specification. As today Dayang hold 60% of Perdana share.
Oil price crash in 2014-2017 from USD120 per barrel to less than USD40 Per barrel. Many Oil and Gas company in global suffer great loss due to production cost higher than market prices. Some reduce or closed they Oil Rip production. This infected to Perdana business provided maintenance and others Vessels renting services to Petronas or Shell. For the past few years most Oil and Gas companys in Bursa suffer 100-1000 millions in a years. Some goes to PN17. Perdana suffer 142 millions for the past 9 months drag Dayang financially report loss 89 millions too. Last year May Perdana propose PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF UP TO 10% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED SHARES OF PPB. How Perdana determine the price of 10% private placement share price for new investor with additional 5-8% discount from current market price ? Normally this private placement share price will be pro-rata of 5 days Perdana trading closed market price with the date is fixed by both Perdana and new investor. How much new fund raise from this 10% private placement? If Perdana share price are trade around 30+ cents for the five days. The increase of oil prices to 60 dollar is the right timing for Perdana raise more fund from 10% private placement for the pro-rate price of Perdana share price. How do to that the answer is “ Goreng Perdana “ does this make sense to you do why perdana up 10.5 cents Friday ? will this uptrend continue in next week ? Please do your home work at check the most current oil prices. Because uptrend of oil prices above 60 dollar will continue make oil and gas counter in top 20 counter actives and top 20 gainer counter of the day indirectly Perdana will continue goreng by big shark lah and Dayang share price will led by Perdana up trend loh…….


2018-01-08 17:17 | Report Abuse

Flysmart 今天上涨股853个不论你同不同意今天也是石油股的天下
SAPNRG UP 16.5 Cents 200 lots 赚33千
Perdana up 7 Cents 300 Lots 赚21千
Penergy up 2 cents 95 lots 赚 1.8千
Dayang up 5.5 cents 440 lots 赚 24.2千
Armada up 4 Cents 100 lots 赚 4千
Ekowest up 8 cents 250 lots 赚20千
Ekovest 赚20千
Notion 今天上5.5 Cents 是真的因为insurance claim 才涨吗?今天有853个脂股上涨什么股都有可能涨价。连几天才几天那一个sector


2018-01-08 13:05 | Report Abuse

yoongcalyn As long you can pick up the Oil and Gas counter your bought. I trust you will get good return. Base on closed market. All oil and gas counters and Ekovest up 3-6 cents. Today My friend conters i bought for him recover another 65k profit. He almost recovered 150K i sold this two counter BJcorp and Rubberex cost him paper lose is RM185k . Please Dont play contra. Another 35k to go.


2018-01-08 07:55 | Report Abuse

早上好。请自己分析和多做功课,我自前所写的评论是以本身玩股的经验和多看那个股票财政报告,最近股市风向,国际股市风向。来买那个股。我看过很多的股票公司十年前六到十元多现在只是几角饯如KNM,Zelan,和除牌Kinsteel2008前最高峰Rm6.50现在只有心0.5分再多几天除牌我这好朋友说他认识其中一千个Kinsteel股东在Kinsteel最高峰时手上Kinsteel股票值100millions , 现今变成零。Perwaja上市RM3.80不到十年去年己除牌。看过很多ACE的股票由上巿到除牌不到五年时间。Amedia一元多到今天几分钱。中国公司在KKLSE上市有十多个。八到九间公司己经停止交易。多少个股友血汉钱输到完。所以我己经很少买股票了现在都投资在房产。我听过李加成说过这句话如果你在好的地点买一个产业今天你买的是市价五年以后你看回五年前你买的价钱你是买便宜了。这句话我在2010年幷始买几个产业赚了人生第一桶金。股票只是一张纸你买一百,两百,三百方也着不到他的实体。如果拿这三百方买产业你可以看的到莫的到这产业又可以租出几年以后又升值。不用爲我买的股票但心没心工作,紧张,无神,不买股票没烦脑,人生有多少个十年能在票市翻?十年春天十年冬。有多少个人能股都市赚大钱?不如拿一点钱买产业。好了祝你们好运连连记的见好就收。好了不再写了到止停了。买或卖自己作决定自以付责不要骂我,OK Bye Bye.


2018-01-07 21:52 | Report Abuse

Dericlock 我现在比较喜欢投资在産业。三个月前我在Happy Garden叫我老婆买一间永久呀兰双层店屋低于市价一百到一百五十千已经在转换名中。我告诉一个做五金的老板朋友他说绐我一百千叫我老婆退出让给他买那店屋。但我们没动心让给那五金老板因为我觉得五后以才卖说不疋可以赚三到四百千。我最近看回股巿因为想帮一个中学同学重新整理他买的睡觉股希望可以减少他的损失。一个三十年的好朋友。他在股票投资三百多方但成绩一片红。无意中看到了在这个股市评沦有太多的小学股神发表没根据的留言才在这发表我对股票看法。说了很多自已的评论也说到石油股和注意石油股因为石油己上涨六十美元多。你向我为何只看off shore股不看真真的挖石油股。我只能说我星看那个石油股的老板是谁。以那老板的引响力量拿到Petronas的project. 如果没有Sarawak local king的支持BN政府己倒台了。你应该明白这道理对吗?祝你赚大钱。


2018-01-07 20:36 | Report Abuse

Why Perdana up 10.5 cents on Friday from 33.5 cents closed 44 cents? Perdana Relisting back to KLSE after suspended more than 2 years. Dayang hold perdana share more than 97% as Dayang fail to get 100% Perdana share and has requested by bursa minimum public shareholding spread has been regularised to 20.016%. Dayang distribute 302 Perdana share to each lot Dayang share holder as species dividend. Finally perdana re-listing back in KLSE. Dayang thru Perdana is involved in Provision of Maintenance Services, Fabrication Operations, Hook-up & Commissioning, Charter of Marine Vessels and Vessel Technical Specification. As today Dayang hold 60% of Perdana share.
Oil price crash in 2014-2017 from USD120 per barrel to less than USD40 Per barrel. Many Oil and Gas company in global suffer great loss due to production cost higher than market prices. Some reduce or closed they Oil Rip production. This infected to Perdana business provided maintenance and others Vessels renting services to Petronas or Shell. For the past few years most Oil and Gas companys in Bursa suffer 100-1000 millions in a years. Some goes to PN17. Perdana suffer 142 millions for the past 9 months drag Dayang financially report loss 89 millions too. Last year May Perdana propose PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF UP TO 10% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF ISSUED SHARES OF PPB. How Perdana determine the price of 10% private placement share price for new investor with additional 5-8% discount from current market price ? Normally this private placement share price will be pro-rata of 5 days Perdana trading closed market price with the date is fixed by both Perdana and new investor. How much new fund raise from this 10% private placement? If Perdana share price are trade around 30+ cents for the five days. The increase of oil prices to 60 dollar is the right timing for Perdana raise more fund from 10% private placement for the pro-rate price of Perdana share price. How do to that the answer is “ Goreng Perdana “ does this make sense to you do why perdana up 10.5 cents Friday ? will this uptrend continue in next week ? Please do your home work at check the most current oil prices. Because uptrend of oil prices above 60 dollar will continue make oil and gas counter in top 20 counter actives and top 20 gainer counter of the day indirectly Perdana will continue goreng by big shark lah and Dayang share price will led by Perdana up trend loh…….Please I not brain wash you to buy this oil and gas counters. Don’t scold me if you sell off your darling “ Notion” share switch to oil and gas counters and Notion limit up to Rm1.00 next weeks.


2018-01-07 13:11 | Report Abuse

请看今天星州日报财经如何报导。看二十大热门及大涨价股。请自行判断自己的投资。希望我的评谕不引响你买或卖本身的立场。To Lim Sin and others Notion share holders please continue your decision. I not responsible for any loss to my comments.


2018-01-07 09:29 | Report Abuse

LiM Sin "10:1 free warrant oh, who don want, +price is UNDER VALUE OH "
Ask yourself Why Notion did not announce this so call good news before fire incident ?
Main Reason could be the share price drop too much. Just to fish some buyers to buy and support share price further go down.
Second reason maybe director pledge they share for personal mortgage loan for personal investment in Land or property. Bank Normally give 60-70% of that share value for the loan. example director Mr XXX pledge his share to bank for 20 millions base on share price before fire incidents. After fire incidents share value drop to 15 millions below than the value of bank loan. The banker will asked Director Mr XXX top up 5 millions money to secure the bank loan granted him. If Director Mr XXX no money to top up difference ammount requested by Bank. bank will do force selling Director Mr XXX share in the market at any buyer price. if after Total force selling share value is 13 Millions bank will request Director XXX pay another 7 millions to settle off his loan.
LCL company delisted in KLSE is one of the good examples CIMB bank force selling all LCL CEO personal share pledge to bank when LCL suffer huge loses in middle east project during oil crisis and LCL share price drop much lower value than the CEO share pledge to Bank . LCL higher record per share is RM6.50 by delisted it value less than 1 cent.


2018-01-07 07:18 | Report Abuse

Lim Beng Teik morning I don't have any icon info about this counter. You should go to Icon forum see some comments there. But don't 100% believe all comments there. Already go to www.oil read fund manager focus about oil price news there.


2018-01-07 01:35 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin please stay with your firm decision with Notion. You will regret if Notion up to RM 1.00 .Is matter of time only.


2018-01-07 01:33 | Report Abuse

你有问过自己为什么今天股市涨十点我的股票没有涨钱?或只是涨1-2 cents。为什么昨天股市上十点那个股票A升10cents今天股市跌十点这那个股一票A只跌1-2cents吧了我的股票今天跌3cents?


2018-01-07 01:07 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin "we cant keep long term for oil & gas, i will agree short term" Let to answer your question. This wed got many professional fund manager invest in oil and gas. How this fund manager focus oil and gas will give you a tips when to sell when to continue hold.


2018-01-07 00:59 | Report Abuse

Yoongcalyn is not too late to swap your counter to grab oil and gas counters condition you must hold it don't play "contra"
Careful not all oil and gas counters can buy.
Dayang is my first choice related to Sarawak local king counter.
For safety investment Stay away from this even those is cheap.
Perisai PN17


2018-01-07 00:42 | Report Abuse

Lim sin "advance claim payment of RM15,000,000.00 GOOD / BAD news ??? "
I will congratulation to Notion share holder if this 15 Millions is profit from quarterly financial not fire claim.
Fire caused 200 Millions damage whatever claim from insurance is your loss.
Just a simple example you are grab car or lorry driver. Your car or lorry is you "Cari Makan" equipment. One day you car or Lorry had accident need to sent to work shop for 1 month repair. Insurance approved your claim repair your car or lorry. That fine new paint new spare parts to your car but does it infect your one month income due to no car or lorry to "cari makan" ?


2018-01-07 00:20 | Report Abuse

On Thursday night i talk to my friend why not sell 500 Lots PUC closed at 33 cents buy another 500 lots Perdana at 33.5 cents Friday morning. I told him Oil price is up to 62 dollar. This oil and gas counters will be hot again. his PUC is base on news. once announce news share may push up in few days only. "Buy on rumours sell on fact " finally PUC will slow down once day. But As long Oil price continue up you can see many oil and gas counters continue in Top 20 actives list. My wife advised me not to change his decision in PUC since he got new to hold. finally i stop pushing him sell PUC swap to Perdana on Friday. After Friday market closed Perdana up 10.5 cents from 33.5 to 44 cents. He called me How many Perdana i bought for him last 2 days. I said only 300 Lots. i told him you miss another 50k profit just for swap 500 lots PUC to Perdana. Friday PUC up 0.5 cent Perdana up 10.5 cents. Next Monday i continue to buy Dayang for him only. I told my friend if Perdana continue hot it will led Dayang up too..... is my comment clear to Notion die heart holders ?


2018-01-06 23:40 | Report Abuse

In share investment knowledge Lim Sin you just a standard 6 Student. I paid a lots of fees to learn in the past 30 years. 3 years ago i bought Notion share above RM1.00+ and i asked my friend buy Notion Warrant B at 25 cents. after Fire Notion share drop as low as 38 cents and warrant i asked my friend bought drop as low 2 cents. He is one of the 30 largest warrant holder. 2016 October Notion start to recovered from 45 cents to early January 2017 almost 1.22 cent i sold all lucky my friend Notion up to 30+ cents plus and he gain almost 50k before few months warrant date expired. That is a very good experiences to us for Notion share. I feel so sorry to asked him buy Notion warrant when warrant prices drop as low 2 cents in years 2016. Even thought to my friend few hundred lots warrant cost to him is nothing.


2018-01-06 23:22 | Report Abuse

flysmart i live in kuala Lumpur kuchai lama. My main focus is in property investment in year 2010 i and my wife had bought few property and shop before the property bull. Both of us own 13 property all tenanted. I retired in age 45 due to my neck cervical disc cant carry heavy things and can look into computer for long time. Before i retired i work as IT networking company. I play share more than 30 years my friend who gave me his HLE broking securities is company run a turn over business 280 millions a years. His HLE broking account total investmeny over 3.2 millions. very ugly results. When i saw his account the first sentences i told him is please stop pumping any more money to buy any share. If He want to buy share just sell or swap with the current sleeping share or not performance share before it delisted in KLSE. back to 24 Novmember morning he called me to login to his trading account buy PUC at 21 cents and sell all Hiaptek and Hiaptek-warrent . I immediate check on PUC share i told him this share since January 2017 from 5 cents up until 22.5 cents 24 November are you sure you want to buy this share. He said yes. i help him sold all his share bought 2000 lots PUC at 21 cents. I told 2 others classmate also his classmate in form six about this friend bought 2000 PUC i did asked him do you got any news about this he just smile. This 2 friends also bought 20 and 30 lots at 21 cents next day. Today PUC is already 33 cents he gain 250K from this counter. on 14 December i met him i told him to buy Ekovest related to Bandar 1 Malaysia. I asked him sold all his 450 lots rubberex it i not mistaken. bought 220 lots Ekovest at 93 cents balance money buy Penergy at 83 cents share. Since December i start to alert him looked into Oil and Gas counter it almost 55-57 dollar already. I start to asked him buy Dayang, and Perdana Share slowly accumulated Prepare hiS bullet to buy more. 4/12/2018 Thursday Oil touch 62 dollar in the morning i called him swap ALL BJcorp 735 lots utilize all money swap to Dayang, Perdana,Penergy Armada,Sapenry in the open market at 9:00am morning with extra 0.5 cents to 1.5 cents Wednesday closed price. Finally i manage to swap all share for him on Thursday total Oil and gas Share bought
Dayang 400 Lots
Sapenry 200 Lots
Perdana 300 Lots
Penergy 95 Lots
Armada 100 Lots
Ekovest 220 on 14 Dec another 30 lots on 4/12/2018 total is 250 Lots

5/12/2018 Friday morning i told him to sell off his 30 lots Supermax at 2.08 cents lose RM900 and top up 100 lots Dayang but only manage to bought 60 Lots Dayang due to over limit of 300K limit in his trading account.

Friday night he called talk about this Oil and gas counter. I told him sold other counter to buy more Dayang in next monday.
That what i did for my friend i knew him since form six. All oil and gas counter i bought for my friend i did not write a comment in that forum. Because they are in the right channel now !!!


2018-01-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Let me tell you all the only oil and gas counter 89% share hold by 30 largest share holder is PEnergy. Only left 11% trade in the market each day. Total issued share is 321 millions. This counter very easy to push up because buyer and seller bit a few cents difference. Yesterday oil and gas counter very hot dealing intra day up 13 cents and closed up 6 cents. This counter only suitable for player able to pick up after bought it. Buy at your own risk.


2018-01-06 10:46 | Report Abuse

Lim Sin 你问的好我不支持何必进来Notion forum 我已经说过了三年前我以一元多买了Notion火灰后跌到38-45cents. 我觉得疬史可能重演。所以我只是想告訢股票新玩手不要这样容易听股祌说到天上有地下无。你说时间证明一切那你为什么不说什么时间一个月?半年?一年来证明你说对吗?NTA高也不一定会上看 Parkson MATA RM2.24 昨天收市53.5 cents 又如何下埸?Digi NTA RM0.07 但昨天收市RM4.90 又如何解释呢?我看好石油股是因为我有做功课每天看 石油价钱国际专家对石油价的评论。今天的石油收市 61.44美元。我不是股神不知那一个石油股什么时候买进什么TP卖。我只是知道石油股来了是买进的timing. 我记得我说过买Notion 不如买 Dayang 这股. 你知道 Sarawak 白头佬是谁吗?Yang Dipertua Sarawak. 以前是 Sarawak 首长。CSMB 就是XXX大股东。CSMB 控制 Naim, Naim 控制 Dayang, Dayang 控制 Perdana. 你说 Petronas的project会不给Dayang 吗? Dayang 控制 Perdana 60%多股份。Perdana只有38%股流动在市场容易上吗?以前石油一百二十美元Dayang股上到RM3.50以上。现在石可油己经六十美元以上现在Dayang才收市76.5cents不便宜吗?不是应该RM1.80吗?一样的道理用在别的石油股所以这几天全部石油股大涨大热门不是吗?如果可以我真的给你看我买的石油股一天内赚了七千元Armada我买一百粒77.5cents昨天收85cents.还有其他的石油股也上涨很多。今天的石油股不是我国带起的是全世界都已经知道石油上涨六十美元的事。


2018-01-06 08:01 | Report Abuse

4-伊朗内政也能把石油推到一百美元。请看 的报导。
5-还有便多为何石油价可上涨到七十美元的推理都在 石油价指南针自己做功课吧。


2018-01-06 06:15 | Report Abuse

Flysmart-Read this paragraph in the edge newspaper "On Oct 23, 2017, Notion VTec had estimated the damage caused by the fire to be between RM150 million and RM200 million."
Assuming out of RM200 million damage and RM150 million is high tech machinery and building cost. What is so big deal with RM15 millions of advanced insurance claim ? How many months Notion need to rebuild the building and how much of bank loan Notion get from bank to order and install back all new high tech machinery ? How much fixed overhead salary bank loan interest Notion need to bear for this few months without production ? How much compensation need to pay for delay of supply to buyers (if states in Agreement) ? How many existing big clients orders will loss in this few months ? How many big clients will switch to others Notion competitor in term of Lens supply by Notion ? I don't deny Notion is potentially good small capitals listed company in bursa. But fire destroys it for 2 time between 3 years. Do you think this advanced fire insurance claim can boost up Notion to 10 cents higher on next week ? Hope all the best to Notion die heart supporters.


2018-01-05 22:37 | Report Abuse
