
coolchef | Joined since 2016-10-03

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2018-01-18 13:24 | Report Abuse

it is the good decision not being merged with 2 outdated an downhill groups, more good monies share unecessary and drag down with in peers,......whatever n which prices it has been until now since 2017,you don't don't talk bank rate or how many percent it is....not difficult to expect,just how many folds you will get when oil aboveUSD70,75or 100 n so on....even 2017 also got 28 sen without ophir in production.


2018-01-18 02:13 | Report Abuse

as long as oil is distance away from usd40,everything no need to know unless the managements r idiiots~~,.... just keep,profits sure coming.


2018-01-18 01:53 | Report Abuse

.....look forward 27 sen,....
if oil above usd80,it will be not lesser than 60sen,....with much regions uncertainty,trump needs it above USD above RM1.50 also likely esp there rejected merger to ensure not be dragged.


2018-01-18 01:43 | Report Abuse

Mr Limkokthye,even family fight over monies,those kukus got cuts can say anything,be it
5 sen whatsoever,ophir production resume anytime,as long oil are ther and price keep going up from distance USD 40 we keep buying......sensible?


2017-12-20 12:34 | Report Abuse

early sold early sleep up, price down again ,another perdana,buayas already wet in pants,expect got seller no buyer soonn:(


2017-12-19 10:17 | Report Abuse

if you think good,it wouldn't be at such price,anybody can buy,but I will wait at around 10 sen....sorry, I cut at heavy lossess at 30sen from 34sen!!


2017-12-18 21:47 | Report Abuse

don't hope too much anything like berisai n sumatec,tthe types ....better keep wang to invest in ramly burger .


2017-12-18 00:04 | Report Abuse

friday last minutes sales just came in!....beware,Monday's falling knives!


2017-12-15 22:28 | Report Abuse

the trading is like another perisai :(


2017-12-05 14:45 | Report Abuse

apek KanaSai55,so clever promote @1.47,see u @.70sen~~~


2017-12-01 23:42 | Report Abuse

kanasai55 ,apek ,coming gap down n u r lucky if rm1 don't break

News & Blogs

2017-09-05 22:48 | Report Abuse

ask apek ks55,what is the yaste of grape,since he has mouth lumps!!

News & Blogs

2017-09-05 22:46 | Report Abuse

Ask apek ks55,what is the taste of grape since you lumph in your mouth....hahaha

News & Blogs

2017-09-05 22:45 | Report Abuse

ask Apek ks55,what the taste of grapes since you have lumph in your mouth...hahhaha


2017-09-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

beruang tulin and stupid apek KS65,how is holidaying in grapeyard,grape are going green but sweet too~~


2017-08-02 21:31 | Report Abuse

The lin koon n both c-pets are crooks,go to the roots and send them to firing squad,whatever left must dig to the bottom, manipulated sunken ship must be rescued.


2017-07-28 18:25 | Report Abuse

Beruang tulin.and apek CockKing keep on dulan with your idiots sing cocks ,while having red eyes with thumpingchest in grape yard over weekend.HAAAHAAAAA!!!


2017-07-28 18:21 | Report Abuse

YeSSSS!!!....our Malayian Tigers efforts are well commended with appreciations.

China OBOR and Jack Ma cant be affected by these linkoon n pet crooks!!!....After arsenics trace and get back those treasures until the crooks dry n in jail!!!


2017-07-28 13:12 | Report Abuse

just throw before coward buaya fake buy,run is too slow!!


2017-07-27 19:46 | Report Abuse

from12 to this level starts falling,run for your life!


2017-07-25 17:08 | Report Abuse

that 687423,stupid fella with wasting investment and accounting skills still holding many stocks like mas,haha


2017-07-24 01:35 | Report Abuse

whta lar!!.......even reported good weather,fishermen gone out sea got danger?........they are peoples even sleeping never wake up again,....dont TKC only, get the authority to just get those con man punished!!!


2017-07-13 22:58 | Report Abuse

hahaha....those years solid prefab sys don't work well....this tauhu sys sure masuk longkang!!


2017-07-02 19:04 | Report Abuse

OBOR is here to stay...can fight quality n pricing,will be less 60sen soon!!


2017-07-01 22:27 | Report Abuse

kakaka!!!....swingpartner and beruang tulin,.....coming menu more anngur sirap for you~~~


2017-06-28 01:16 | Report Abuse

those Malaysian Tigers are professional lawyer,accountant and entreprenuers spend so much monies, times and efforts acquiring and reorganised to be BOD, because of the real intrinsic values! ....,the stupid lins siphoned, now personnel assets are lelong to fulfil to avoid jail or firing squad....hope when relist gap up above 15 sen and straight limit ups!!


2017-06-26 23:33 | Report Abuse

paling bahaya api keadaan yang telah diselamatkan olih Malayan tigers ,paling sedap ayam goring.....kakaka!!!


2017-06-13 23:48 | Report Abuse

sekarang kasi panggang dulu baru goring!!,~~takut 2anak pompuan kena cuci punggung baru duduk,bapa kasi firing squad baru bukan muntah,sendiri auto korek keluar kasi balik hantar Malayan Tigers!!!


2017-06-11 16:23 | Report Abuse

non of the assets on auctions are under msports,think out of the box,apparently,the greedy n situpid lin koon and 2 linchi pet wanted to steal dragon and own phoenix was caught with new major acquiring shareholders at around controlling 15 sen stake,hope the real value dig back are at least 50 sen worth after being stolen and platform to inject plantation n bevearges!!~~~
how much you think the price should be if relisted???


2017-06-11 16:04 | Report Abuse

looks like our Malayan tigerd already forced out personal assets of lin koon n lin c pet stolen are for auctions to repay msports in return of being not in jail~~~


2017-05-29 16:13 | Report Abuse

where got danger lar!!!....,if not the absurd uncle niece relationship stupid things on board(mind u see genting affairs ,monies top lar),last bull, mqtech already about 20 sen,NVM speculated AR coming ,it is,time to get back!!!


2017-05-27 16:01 | Report Abuse

sold at 0.65 sen as cant fly when ROBbie in 5 months ago,so now it best time to get back and see 10sen above again!!....we want people with expertise lead, not somebody's niece if he is cabable elsewhere, no need to be mqtech play play!!!~~


2017-05-27 15:53 | Report Abuse

non related ROBbie shouldn't be there in the first place with unrelated expertise,it is the best he leave it is best time to buy an d see FLY away!!! ~~


2017-05-27 14:15 | Report Abuse

look atyear chart it will go down just below around 1.10 .


2017-05-25 12:40 | Report Abuse

heavy losses company,can speculate when .035 and son .01,just go holidays first!!


2017-05-23 00:25 | Report Abuse

Alibaba is a giant listed in US,why they need to assoiciate over small phased out mode system of payment?


2017-05-23 00:16 | Report Abuse

Now 7-11 fast far sighted,mode of payment through Alibaba phone many app,samsung too...those mode of plastic outdated and redundant soon,dont dream kosong some with those making losses ecard cos.


2017-05-21 19:23 | Report Abuse

Apek KanaSai55,go for dinner need jealous or compare wealth with others,happy and healthy that be begged,but cant be bragged!!!~~~


2017-05-21 19:10 | Report Abuse

so clever arr with bragging,now xdl is 27/4 how much ,waiting break historic high again???.....msports comes back, easily 4 times better!!!~~


2017-05-21 18:58 | Report Abuse

Only mad idiot bragg how rich and clever he is and screw up people for own untold failures!!hahaha!!!


2017-05-21 18:49 | Report Abuse

Idiot apek KanaSai55 loser,dont put your lossess grumping others as oten.So idiots spend over million for your son ed,fxxk yourself for stupidity not your son not qualify to get scholarship ok?haha!!


2017-05-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

with those treasures to be reinstated,somemore add permanis juices,beruang tulin and CheapKates55 or so,we reserved for your grape flavour~~~


2017-05-20 23:06 | Report Abuse

xdl consolidated can go above .305on 2nd day,,,,,,msports under Malayan talented n hardworking tigers,....can beruang tulin give advice on grape,how much u think it will be ya!!!


2017-05-20 22:51 | Report Abuse

xdl bought at .002, then,just dont know how to sell,~~,,,,maybe see above 30sen again,see how again first~~~can try TP above you see msport may limit ups once back!!!~~


2017-05-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

Beruang tulin and beruang tulan~~~1belt 1 road,with dirt cheap n almost nike quality shoes except good advertisements,,our Malayan tigers sure put hardworks, lins no chance to main culi,.....whatsmore essentials item golden fruits to be injected and expanded as full potientals ,beruang and frens,congraz you moved out from bamboo trees, now can thumping chest and have more grapes in the yard !!!~~~


2017-04-21 18:31 | Report Abuse

yes ,we are looking forward ASAP!!I~~We are so blessed,it has been happenings since they use from their own capitals to organised SGM and appointed new Directors rep,Our Malayan tigers with heavy investment in it ,all efforts to checkmate on the board must be appreciated!!....The ARs now delayed,because likely suspected treasures are not fully returned.Just be confident and patient,with MR Paramjit and team's persistences that no loose end left....,hope we as ikan bilis be rewarded soon!!


2017-04-20 17:35 | Report Abuse need worry,those locals proffessionals lawyer,accountants and entrepreneurs who bought in more than 20% already sit onboard to take control and oversee all suspected shortcomings.The old management cant do much cheating,and the account are expected atleast to be reinstated as per cash and properties.If you

have bought at 30sen you get back at least 60 sen back,.so it is huatttt arr!!!


2017-04-04 19:49 | Report Abuse

Already said,lin pet and lin sor-B, well invested and deserving untiring Malaya tigers will never let you runaway even you have treasures bunkers hidden even in mars!!~~~


2017-03-21 13:31 | Report Abuse

those sour grapes remained here bashing for certain past reason lar!!.........look ahead ,expect above 1.50 before may.


2017-03-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

wasting my precious time with this kiamsiap55 and heavily gamble apek,people now buy 10k parkson only 6.4 k whereas u bought 10k cost RM65k......milk spilled now jealous what others maximize theirs monies.Sor B~~~