
cyphua | Joined since 2013-01-17

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2015-03-27 23:20 | Report Abuse

This share asset per share have increase to RM1.673/share, if deduct ICULS is RM1.4539, still consider OK, don't worry about BJCorp-LD and LC.


2015-03-27 23:17 | Report Abuse

Although selling off a lot asset, but total asset still have RM22B/=, liability still around RM10B.


2015-03-27 23:13 | Report Abuse

The group Revenue is not much different, 3 month around RM2B, profit mainly come from Investment related incomeRM1053M/= or RM1B/=.


2015-03-27 23:09 | Report Abuse

House have some issue, cannot attend tan sri founder day @ Times Square.


2015-03-27 17:14 | Report Abuse

EPS=19.63 sen per share, 2015Q3


2015-03-27 16:44 | Report Abuse

Near to 5.00pm already, Monday want to sell or keep, please give advice this weekend.


2015-03-27 16:31 | Report Abuse

"The Company has on 27 March 2015 requested for a suspension of trading of its securities from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm on Friday, 27 March 2015 pending a corporate exercise announcement."


2015-03-27 16:26 | Report Abuse

3.1 (b) the listed issuer intends to -
(i) make a material announcement, including one that falls within paragraph 3.2
below (“Very Material Announcement”); or
(ii) hold a press conference to make a Very Material Announcement,
before the close of trading; or
(c) any other reason which, in the opinion of the Exchange, justifies a suspension.

3.2 Without limiting the above, an announcement relating to any of the following matters will be
regarded as a Very Material Announcement:
(a) an interim financial report;
(b) a bonus issue or fund raising exercise;
(c) a transaction as defined under paragraph 10.02(l) of the Listing Requirements, where
the percentage ratio calculated in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Listing
Requirements is 25% or more;
(d) a notice of take-over being served on a listed issuer which the public has no prior
knowledge of; or
(e) any other corporate exercise.


2015-03-27 16:22 | Report Abuse

What is "subparagraph 3.1(b) of Practice Note No. 2"


2015-03-27 14:28 | Report Abuse

No matter how the result is, thank everyone give advice and opinion, I am happy this forun have different sound, and the final decision is own risk.


2015-03-27 14:11 | Report Abuse

"will be suspended with effect from 2.30 p.m., Friday, 27 March 2015" no more opporyunity, no more last call.


2015-03-27 10:46 | Report Abuse

According to hng33 said, I worry after this deconsolidation of BJAuto, the Asset will reduce, turnover also reduce, and the profit all affect, accounting vary interesting.


2015-03-27 07:34 | Report Abuse

If today closing is good before afternoon 1200, will join 28th March 2015,时代广场 KL Time Square,创办人日 Founder date。


2015-03-27 07:29 | Report Abuse

Target year end RM0.65


2015-03-26 16:37 | Report Abuse

trading volumn still under my expectation, I need 20M per day, UTN 8M.


2015-03-26 16:34 | Report Abuse

cheap sale, cheap sale, no more opportunity.


2015-03-26 16:32 | Report Abuse

Thank speakup, Henly30a big fish come in, today 8M share two guy already contribute 1M share transaction. I like this potential investor come in.


2015-03-26 15:41 | Report Abuse

cfoong, how you know is tonight?


2015-03-26 10:52 | Report Abuse

speakup: If you want to know which belong to who. check Berjaya Web site. "about us". "corporate structure". MOL on the right bottom. belong to VT.


2015-03-26 10:44 | Report Abuse

BJCorp give 1% dividend to shareholder is a lot. by current price. we can say 0.01/0.43 = 2.3%. is Good dividend.


2015-03-26 10:32 | Report Abuse

Too many frustrated seller on 41,41.5,42,42.5,43 cent. not sure who sell. foreign investor selling? or VT selling? small owner only 9%.


2015-03-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

buy share sure hope for goreng.


2015-03-26 10:28 | Report Abuse

I not agree is goreng stock now. Not much transaction. I need 20 million per day.


2015-03-26 07:43 | Report Abuse

Berjaya 创办人日,2015年3月28日,1000~1800,时代广场,“奉献社群,造福人生”。


2015-03-26 07:30 | Report Abuse

Need more study on this share:
(1) SEM 51% is direct belong to VT, not BJCorp;
(2) U Mobile is direct belong to VT, not BJCorp;
(3) BJToto combined held by VT and BJCorp 51.76%, that mean how many from BJCorp I not sure;
(4) BJLand combined held by VT and BJCorp 73.33%, that mean how many from BJCorp I not sure;
(5) Cosway 100% is BJCorp;
(6) BJFood 58.07% belong to BJCorp;
(7) BJAuto 36.54% belong to BJCorp;
(8) Lucky Berjaya Philippines 88.26%, International Lottery 100% belong to BJCorp;


2015-03-25 22:25 | Report Abuse

Buy share need to think when it drop, how dare you are when to price is drop,
You want to doing bushiness with rich man, are they willing join you? only in share market;
RM1800M investment on hand, if BJCorp drop to RM0.20, that mean RM900M investment, are they no other big fish come in? if BJCorp drop to RM0.10, mean RM450M investment, Lim Kok Tai will buy in, don't let you say open another casino. every day say open one more Ting Sei Genting, Genting invest RM5000M to upgrade Genting facility. and BJCorp have Berjaya Philippines 80%, why so difficult invest open new one, swallow it.
I prepare to continue buy until RM0.10.


2015-03-25 22:09 | Report Abuse

Pop it lah, think too much already, waste the head wet already, how I can do? every saller two three million for sell, two three million for buy, small fish pass by, see which big fish die first.
Die together also no problem, like in Genting buy Banker Player, MaiDIngLeiShao.买定离手。


2015-03-25 22:03 | Report Abuse

BJLand 2012 Annual Report Pg.50, Profit of the year RM296,775,000/=, but minus, minus minus, last big big minus Non-Controlling interests then to share holder is RM12,334,000/=, so much different. You also cannot control, how do I? litter bit worried this time BJLand announce lost cannot control give to BJCorp. :)
That why accountant so Hai salary, this one you don't know one.


2015-03-25 21:45 | Report Abuse

Worried For BJCorp,
(1) The accountant also headache, mainly is non-controlling interest too high, calculate make profit also, last the interest is not belong to parent ( 2014 Annual Report pg.69)
(2) Afraid making big loss by other company, although up to now almost have result already.
(3) No action by internal people, Quiet let people chilling.


2015-03-25 17:58 | Report Abuse

End of the year hope BJCorp-CU up to RM0.20 and BJCorp have profit all the quarter for few year.


2015-03-25 17:56 | Report Abuse

Getting BJCorp 3lots at RM0.420 and 5lot BJCorp-CU at RM0.065 today.
Acc BJCorp have 19lots at average RM0.431, and BJCorp-CU have 70lots at average RM0.066;


2015-03-25 07:50 | Report Abuse

Sell of L&G litter, move to BJCorp, but yesterday BJCorp cannot get RM0.420, try again today, if cannot switch to BJCorp-CU.


2015-03-25 07:48 | Report Abuse

Guess BJCorp cannot be worse then last quarter (RM0.031/share), all news coming out already, BJLand BJMedia making loss only, cannot see other bad new can coming, but BJCorp mainly profit come from BJToto, BJToto quarter have 100M profit, BJCorp plus other should have 100M also, this quarter BJCorp onhand profit minimum RM0.024/share, guess, guess. waiting this weekend announcement.
Today try to key RM0.420, hope it drop.
Why not going up? is the worry, is it facebook Time square issue?
Have other I unpredict?


2015-03-24 07:50 | Report Abuse

This share is TipDeiFor already, wait people goreng, cannot be back to RM0.10, unless 2015Q3,Q4, 2016Q1 continue making loss. I only keep some money hope near to RM0.38, or affraid right issue. or suddenly no income to the installment.


2015-03-24 07:41 | Report Abuse

Come back to this “salient point” to sell, I not agree on this, I know only buy in when people don’t want and sell it off when PaSha A Poh, also talking on share, the BJCorp current situation is VT is a bad guy, cannot believe, only few people in here interested in only. The big foreign investor also out.


2015-03-24 07:30 | Report Abuse

Year 2008~2011 have a lot of foreign investor come in, like UBS AG ( now seem no more, this few year may be this guy out from BJCorp ), Golsman Sachs, Credit Suisse etc, year 2014, this foreign investor although is 10 major investor, but seem less already,

Year 2010 VT control around 22% only,
but 2014 add up Robin Tan have around 14%, is total control of 36%,
I think since 2010 drop until now mainly is foreign investor less akready.

I hope that VT can bring back them again or Johor Sultan lah.


2015-03-24 07:20 | Report Abuse

Only is BJCorp-LD still have near to 700M units which entitle 5% interest near to 35M per year interest need to pay out;
BJCorp before 2006 not doing good, almost every quarter making loss, but after that may be some write off issue on 2009Q4, 2010Q3, 2014Q4, other still OK,
Year 2006 NTA=~RM1.00, Year 2014 NTA=~RM1.35 is slow but still improve; share price seem under value;


2015-03-24 06:58 | Report Abuse

Thank ignissimia:
You are correct, BJCorp issue out BJCorp-LC 9,794,902,878 units,
in year 2006 Annual Report, BJCorp is 2,234,483,003 units and BJCorp-LC is 7,785,387,187,
and in year 2014 Annual Report BJCorp have 4,151,707,420 BJCorp-LC is 643,832,551 units
almost converted already.
Your BJCorp-LC listed on KLSE is only 589,739,505 is correct.


2015-03-23 07:43 | Report Abuse

Give me confidence, expert, too much invest already.


2015-03-23 07:42 | Report Abuse

And BJCorp-LD also don't now what mean, how many units writing "RM700,109,520 nominal value" not write how many stock unit compare to BJCorp stock unit 4,151,707,420.


2015-03-23 07:39 | Report Abuse

Hope that BJCorp still have some "Cha".


2015-03-23 07:38 | Report Abuse

All most dilute half of the asset, and this group people entitle getting 5% interest per annum.


2015-03-23 07:35 | Report Abuse



2015-03-23 07:33 | Report Abuse

BJCorp-LC current price is RM0.205, Before Maturity Date 30/10/2015, using 2BJCorp-LC convert to 1BJCorp better then 1BJCorp-LC+RM0.50, so, not benefit to BJCorp currently.


2015-03-23 07:27 | Report Abuse

There have 9,794,902,878 units of BJCorp-LC, convert in to BJCorp, If BJCorp have 4,151,707,420, it will dilute current BJCorp value per share, that is why less put in money already, really study not enough.


2015-03-20 07:14 | Report Abuse

Just put money take money, Mai Dai Pui Dai, Mai Sai Pui Sai,Just RM430/= or RM4300/= or RM43000/= may be you can get RM1260, or RM12600 or RM126000. end of the year, have extra bonus.
Lai, Lai, Lai, Loi, Loi, Loi.


2015-03-20 07:10 | Report Abuse

BJCorp Group need more goreng, the trading volume compare to previous is high ( few millions share per day), but we need more then 20 millions.
This share danger or not? sure danger lah, VT mah, but RM0.42 drop to RM0 compare to RM0.42 to RM1.26, which one is bigger opportunity? How you go to evaluate this risk?
Just Dai Sai Game.


2015-03-20 07:01 | Report Abuse

BJCorp is a holding company like use, buy BJToto,BJAsset, etc, The difference is they can control or have the right to ask BJToto, BJAuto how to do, and we don't have.
If BJCorp cannot selling company or revalue they asset to get profit, how they make profit?
Goreng what BJCorp have and sell it off in high price, buy it back when it low, and BJCorp still control BJToto, BJFood lah.


2015-03-20 06:51 | Report Abuse

OR 4,151,707,420 units of share x RM 1,352 = RM5,613,108,432/=
I think is correct answer


2015-03-19 07:30 | Report Abuse

所谓小户是指低于100,000units 的买家,共有400M股,但占总股票4151M的9%而已,他们无法一次交易500,000交易量,看到最近一次性变动1M一个价格,原本以为有人玩Contra,想像可能是外资离场,每天有几个M交易,但不超过20M。有20M以上的大户应该不超过50人,(三十大股最低21.3M股,三十大股中VT有多个账户)。