
cyphua | Joined since 2013-01-17

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2015-02-25 22:41 | Report Abuse

Put in more money in this share.


2015-02-25 11:22 | Report Abuse

what mean "exact BJ founder day"?


2015-02-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

Durian have thorn, but I like it.


2015-02-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

Dear TV, Happy birthday.


2015-02-23 16:08 | Report Abuse

Dear VT, don't swallow me, let me gain litter bit, I will help you give confidence to public.


2015-02-23 16:06 | Report Abuse

So much project, affraid private placement or right issue only. but if no right issue why need project?


2015-02-23 15:58 | Report Abuse

The ex-price for BJCorp-CU is RM0.43, and purchase BJCorp-CU at RM0.07, mean expect BJCorp have minimum RM0.50.


2015-02-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

The ex date is end of this year, hope that BJCorp can reach RM0.55 end of the year.


2015-02-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

Waiting BJCorp-CU at RM0.65 long time today, get it RM0.07 now.


2015-02-22 08:29 | Report Abuse

Getting information, will try to put in few thousand.


2015-02-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

Auspicious Year for BJCorp.


2015-02-21 09:35 | Report Abuse

Thank paperplane sharing.


2015-02-21 09:34 | Report Abuse

Berjaya Corporation have BJAuto 50.94% (2014 Annual Report Pg176), but announce on 25 November 2014 that has been reduced to 36.74%

According to the announcement BJCorp gain this transection RM1.023 billion or RM0.246/share.
What mean? You are the owner of company at RM0.45 ( BJCorp) and selling BJAuto and earn RM1.023 billion or 24.6 sen per share.( still have 36.74%)

I not consider other lost yet, like High-5 Conglomerate Berhad, but is a good opportunity.
Give me more time to buy in.

Happy New Year.


2015-02-19 06:31 | Report Abuse

Hope have good new during 3rd quarter.


2015-02-19 06:28 | Report Abuse

I initial think that the project is every good, last found that a lot people complaint on Mayland property quality issue, if no more positive new, will consider taking some profit and run away to buy BJCorp, which is under value.
Thinking only, study so much, need more return on this share.


2015-02-19 06:23 | Report Abuse

The number of share sure will reach near or less then to 1200M, by convert L&G_LA to L&G which issue out 1:1. If share price drop this time, and right issue again, the convert price will less again, benefit to who have money to buy right issue. and the value of this share will dilute again. expect 1:1 again, need to put in more money to buy.


2015-02-19 06:15 | Report Abuse

The account no problem, is we don't know how account work only, RM8.4M, may be Profit & Loss after tax, usually big company have to play another like comprehensive income and Non-Controlling interest which Bursa Malaysia did not require them to show, then last per share is different.
No matter how, to share OK, the 4th quarter is plus, whole year can get R0.20, then we safe.
If account have problem, Bursa will do some things.


2015-02-19 06:12 | Report Abuse

This share every year have profit, and have RM0.15 per year, why we worry? buying share main things is don't close down, second is their price is low, RM0.55, ETA=0.582.
I worry is right issue I have not enough money to buy bonus issue only, that why no “All In" yet, if have profit, project going on, drop will continue collect, unless Bursa Malaysia warning them.


2015-02-16 07:50 | Report Abuse

How this NTA=RM0.749 announce in 26th Aug 2014, making profit, and NTA=RM0.577 announce in 26th Nov 2014, is it converting issue? converting have some money coming in should possitive. don't like acountance.


2015-02-16 07:44 | Report Abuse

Conversion of 1% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks 2013/2018 estimate still balance 130M or 20% not covert, how this interupt share price after this? share unit from 598M to 1066M already, will reach 1200M share after all convert, another time right issue?


2015-02-10 07:31 | Report Abuse

Last quarter have net profit of RM153M, this quarter may not have, It may be BJFood separate out SEM have so much, it may come back around RM20M net profit.


2015-02-10 07:28 | Report Abuse

Comment on RadioShack?


2015-02-04 07:50 | Report Abuse

Another need to monitor is Berjaya Philippines, seem earning alot in 2014


2015-02-01 06:19 | Report Abuse

Invest BJCorp must monitor BJFood, BJAuto, BJToto,SEM performance.


2015-02-01 06:18 | Report Abuse

This two days try to get BJCorp-CU at RM0.05, cannot get, and hope that still have people want to push down BJCorp, will get BJCorp below RM0.38


2015-02-01 06:16 | Report Abuse

Must know few information:
(1) BJCorp have BJAsset, BJAuto, BJtoto,BJFood,SEM etc near 50% of share;
(2) Not much change profit and loss on above company, except BJFood 2nd quarter announce on 12th Dec 2014, net profit jump from 6M to 163M, I expect BJFood have good result in financial year 2015 announce during Jun 2015.
(3) BJCorp have BJFood arounf 64%, if BJFood have 371M share, BJCorp will have extra profit 100M, this may come take away SEM from BJFood and profit gain.
(4) I can foresee BJCorp have good result on 2015 Jun whole year financial result;
If BJCorp currrent price is RM0.40 and may be have opportunity up to RM0.60 in this year
BJCorp-CU is RM0.06 now with exercise price RM0.43, I bet it from RM0.06 to RM0.12.


2015-01-30 07:33 | Report Abuse

TP=RM1.00 above, is possible.


2015-01-30 07:32 | Report Abuse

Key in RM0.05 buy BJCopr-CU yesterday, cannot get it, can someone sell more on this? at RM0.05. I have a lot buy in at RM0.06.


2015-01-28 07:31 | Report Abuse

Cash rich, project have potential, target have continue profit enough, keep this share for few years.


2015-01-28 07:28 | Report Abuse

Change to buy BJcorp-CU at RM0.06, ex-date is 31th Dec 2015 and convert price is 1:1 RM0.43, near to current mother share price RM0.415, if in this 11 months, mother share going up to RM0.50, this also to RM0.07, if drop to RM0.05 and mother share remain RM0.38, will continue buy in more BJCorp-CU. if not RM0.35 buy back mother share BJCorp.

News & Blogs

2015-01-28 07:15 | Report Abuse

“真的很抱歉(truly sorry)”如何负责?把自己的钱拿出来吗?投资和赌博一样,有风要使尽,没风要稳定,退一步海阔天空,从新布局,再等待机会,输了就是输了,他过去三周想搏回来就是错的。


2015-01-13 06:44 | Report Abuse

Reduce of BJAuto% in BJCorp, may not affect BJCorp Revenue and Profit before deduct minority interests, they still control of BJAuto,but minority interests will deduct more, so affect profit after minority interests. Whole BJCorp profit may affected.


2015-01-08 07:05 | Report Abuse

To 2016 Twentieth Century Fox Theme Park, Genting can be EPS=RM1.00 above.
(1) More playground and activity;
(2) Release more rooms from which let the construction worker stay.


2015-01-08 07:02 | Report Abuse

Dear Genting Share Holder:
To Genting not only Gambler, is suitable for child and Melay, If you visit Genting, you found that the playground is a lot people, and not cheap, RM100/= cannot stay for one hour, and Genting sure get profit, not like gambling,
If you go to Genting gambling also think possitive, left pocket to right pocket, as a share holder, you should look for more people visit Genting.
You think government can close this? You see how many Malay is working there, they will jobless in Malaysia, but Genting still have oversea Asset.


2015-01-07 07:42 | Report Abuse

NTA is ~RM6.90, has possibility drop until ~RM5.50, main problem is EPS from RM1.00 to RM0.50, if RM0.50 and PE=10, price only RM5.00; profit less may be turn over less at Genting Highland renovation, a lot room let contractor occupy. will be better 2016. So before 2016, if can continue drop below RM7/=, is opportunity let me start accumulate.


2015-01-07 07:36 | Report Abuse

Happy new year & Happy Trading, hope theis share have good new end of Mar, Jun and Oct 2015 give same 1% dividend;
(1) I not request high, Good new mean profit is still possitive, no loss for all coming quarter result, if company don't write off any asset or selling asset, is possible, NTA=RM1.35, I am waiting return to RM0.80.
(2) 1% = RM0.01/RM0.40 current price, equal to 2.5% of return,
Let me continue accumulate until long term.


2015-01-07 07:27 | Report Abuse

Happy new year & Happy Trading, hope theis share have good new end of Feb and Aug 2015 give same 2% dividend;
I not request high, Good new mean still have profit RM25M/quarter or RM0.04/share.quarter, then one year have RM100M or RM0.15; PE=10 to value RM1.50;
2% = RM0.02/RM0.50 current price, equal to 4% of return,
Let me continue accumulate until long term.


2014-12-22 08:10 | Report Abuse

every project earn RM0.20 plus current asset RM0.70, plus overshoot, RM1.20 is possible, with cash RM0.25, drop until finish is not possible.


2014-12-22 08:08 | Report Abuse

dear lhoong: Thank for sharing project "Astoria", more confidence L&G. aim RM1.20


2014-12-16 07:24 | Report Abuse

Average 4M share for the past 4 week, are we think no big fish?


2014-12-15 19:30 | Report Abuse

Good drop, please continue, I miss the price during RM0.30, I sell my Unisem and YTLLandLA today, to continue monitoring this share, will all in at RM0.30.


2014-12-04 07:52 | Report Abuse

One year ago, the company has three projects on going, named 8trium, Foresta and Elements Ampang. 8trium already delivery and unbilled sales have fully utilized. And in the past on year, sales recognized from Foresta and Elements. The latest brilliant quarter result is due by the delivered of Elements Ampang (the final 10 to 15% of the 50% GDV).

一年前,该公司有三个项目在进行,名为8trium,Foresta 和 Elements Ampang。 8trium已经交付和未入账销售额已充分利用。而在过去一年,Foresta 和 Elements Ampang进帐到销售额。最新的辉煌季度的结果是,由于由Elements Ampang(最后10%至15%的50%GDV)。

Thus, with the delayed on launching Tuanku Jaafar in Seremban, the current performance may not sustained. Even the launching of Elements2 in next month may not get the sales to book in next quarter.

因此,随着在芙蓉Tuanku Jaafar的延迟推出,目前的业绩可能不会持续。 Elements2即使在下个月推出可能无法进帐到下一季度的销售额。

20sen EPS or 52m net profit per quarter is doubt or unrealistic due to current project left only Foresta. Do not expect brilliant sales in coming quarters like one year ago and disappoint with the slow launching.

20仙的 EPS或5千2百万季度净利润疑,或不会实现,由于目前项目只剩下的Foresta项目。不要指望未来几个季度内会有像一年前一样的辉煌的营业额,并对项目的缓慢推出失望。

Even the sales might not sustained after this quarter, the potential of L&G is bigger than last year, with sitting of 443m and retained profit of 314m, the company can go big. The wild cad for the company in near term are potential MGO trigger by Mayland, or bonus issue in 1Q 2015 with the reserve in hand

大于去年,公司可以做大。短期内会有可能Mayland发动MGO(Mandatory General Offer,强制性全面收购建议)或在1Q 2015利用在手储蓄发红股。

The recent report has spark my eye as I am anticipated the current quarter will appox RM 20-30m only as I viewed the effects of completion of Elements has been priced in last q,nevertheless,the current result will act as booster for my valuation and a bonus to all of us.Cheers.



2014-11-18 20:12 | Report Abuse

Original share have 598,304,530(2013 Annual Report Pg.11), issue ICULS by 1:1; that mean ICULS have 598,304,530 units, mother share have 1,051,880,216 now, that mean still have = 598,304,530 x 2-1,051,880,216 = 144,728,844 units still not convert, about 144,728,844/598,304,530 x 100% = 24.19%.
Need to continue monitor the announcement.


2014-11-18 20:04 | Report Abuse

1. Details of Corporate Proposal
Whether the corporate proposal involves the issuance of new type and new class of securities?
: No

Types of corporate proposal : Others

Details of corporate proposal : Conversion of 1% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks 2013/2018 of RM0.13 Nominal Value Each

No. of shares issued under this corporate proposal : 27,000

Issue price per share ($$) : MYR 0.260

Par Value ($$) : MYR 0.200

Latest issued and paid up share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
Units : 1,051,880,216

Currency : MYR 210,376,043.200

Listing Date : 07/11/2014


2014-11-18 16:24 | Report Abuse

I can say that employ Mr.Low Gay Teck to run your company as a CEO.


2014-11-18 16:12 | Report Abuse

Hope 3rd quarter net profit not less then RM200,000,000/=


2014-11-18 16:10 | Report Abuse

Genting 3rd quarter result will come out end of this month, seem internal people know the result already.


2014-11-11 15:44 | Report Abuse

No confidence? normally should have some indicator before announce.


2014-11-11 15:42 | Report Abuse

twenty plus of Nov is coming out Q2, result, seem not moving, work in L&G staff also feel not vary attractive result, no body buy in.


2014-11-10 19:38 | Report Abuse

2.64LA change one unit mother share, expire date is 2021-10-31;
YTLLand-LA market price is around RM0.45, if change to mother share mean 2.64 x RM0.45 = RM1.188 to by mother share;
Mother share is around RM0.90;
But YTLLand-LA getting RM0.015 per year until 2021-10-31;
YTLLand no interest at this pass few year;
Initial I think have Rm0.03 per year which say 3%, actual the share par value is RM0.50, so 3% is RM0.015.