
dividend4lifeZ | Joined since 2019-10-02 06:01:39

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my youtube channel My5Cent I am using my real account to buy and sell on my trading acccount. Not like those guru/sifu/master that only show their success and not their failure https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCUAHIq_Dh-mwztDdOvxy0w





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2019-12-10 17:36 | Report Abuse

in my video, i did mentioned do your research and periodically reviewing your portfolio.
some might say, blue chip/growth stock/unit trust/mutual fund does not need frequently review, its for long term, its growth stock but like you said, market is versatile and we will need to adapt to survive.

News & Blogs

2019-12-09 18:07 | Report Abuse

well, generally recession is recognise after two consecutive quarter of declining of GDP, alongside with high unemployment rate.
which malaysia does not have two consecutive quarter of declining gdp as per world bank data


so i cannot agree that malaysia is at recession

News & Blogs

2019-12-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

when the world top 2 economy powerhouse tumble, i highly doubt malaysia or even any country can survive.

trump as of now, does not show any sign of backing out from tariffing YET.
and seems like the US kept printing money to stabilise the 'REPO' but Powell kinda slip it out pointing its for QE measurement.

as for china, multiple report claiming few china bank run and much higher defaulter on loans with much lower production estimation.

well, we cant predict when recession will come exactly but we can sure do preparation from it.

News & Blogs

2019-11-24 08:46 | Report Abuse

sorry but where do you see Penergy announced every qtr 2 cent dividend?

and they missed payout for 2017 and 2018.. hence not a consistent payout dividend stock

News & Blogs

2019-11-09 07:45 | Report Abuse

@3iii, just wondering do you know which stock bitten him? probably BAT?

News & Blogs

2019-11-08 23:06 | Report Abuse

@Choivo Capital
yeah, i dont intend to stop completely on dividend investing.
imo, arguable most defensive dividend stock would be finance (maybank,publicbank), healthcare(ahealth,yspsah), and reits(igbreit,sunreit)

having said that, does not mean we can just buy and forget about it. from time to time had to review its business performance.

News & Blogs

2019-11-08 22:15 | Report Abuse

@Icon8888, Thanks for the sharing!! will look into it.
once awhile i do trading as well, just recently manage to get 110%+ roi from econbhd-wa and kept trading it for small profit 5-10%

and as of now, im collecting undervalue/oversold company.. currently aiming for finance, healthcare and reits (not just shopping malls). a pretty solid sector imo, and most of them are dividend paying as well. any other sector or company to recommend??

also, still in the process of buying US etf's and unit trust as well..

News & Blogs

2019-11-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

@Icon8888, thanks for your sharing!! may i know which, when you started dividend investing? whats your youtube channel? definitely will check it out

as long as there's chance to earn more money, im willing to learn!

also please do share your journey on capital growth stock!! would like to learn from you as well.
which stock do you recommend for capital appreciation/capital growth?

News & Blogs

2019-11-08 20:34 | Report Abuse

@Icon8888, i do agree my net worth is still low. but i do believe compounding and snowball effect for long term. as per warren buffet,
out of his top 10 holdings, 7 of them is dividend paying stock.
and he mentioned, its not impossible to have both growth and dividend paying stock.

can you share with us your net worth? also please do a video on your holding as well as share with us how you increase your net worth!!

lets us growth together!!!

News & Blogs

2019-10-20 20:45 | Report Abuse

currently i am holding ytlreits for dividend investing in my other trading account. initially it was for capital growth/trading stock.

as for ahealth, the dividend yield only 1.5% due to its dividend per share (DPS) which affected by the bonus issued this year.

News & Blogs

2019-10-20 17:18 | Report Abuse

igb reit.. was on my watchlist but, tbh im not really keen with reits heavily rely on malls.. and especially with news amazon opening in SG which potentially harm malaysia retailer.

News & Blogs

2019-10-20 16:02 | Report Abuse

thanks for the TIPS!!!
do you have any stock which have high potential for capital returns and dividend yield to share with us?? please do share.. thanks!!

News & Blogs

2019-10-14 21:36 | Report Abuse

@William Ng, not really fond of company that does consistently paying out dividend. focusp stopped their dividend on 2015, 2016, 2017

News & Blogs

2019-10-13 11:40 | Report Abuse

i will try to add 2 counter every week. lets share all those consistent dividend yield counter!!


2019-10-12 16:17 | Report Abuse

ytl reits gonna have rm1billion asset injected by ytl corporation next year..

News & Blogs

2019-10-12 11:17 |

Post removed.Why?

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News & Blogs

2019-10-10 21:57 | Report Abuse

yes, definitely will be sharing in my channel if found any good dividend stocks. so stay tuned..
i bought global titan using i-invest tho.. but unfortunately epf only allow us to invest min 1k and once used up the allocated fund, need to wait another 3 month which tbh it is stupid.
i dont think epf interest will be significant down tho, i remember vaguely epf quarterly report higher than expected

News & Blogs

2019-10-10 09:20 | Report Abuse

wow 20% ROC..have you able to identify consistently for 30 to 40 years? GOOD JOB!! i was a trader and yes i too have successfully 20%~100% ROC but unfortunately i cant consistently get 20% and i still have my job so i cant monitory the stock market closely

btw, what is the stock that provided you ROC of 20%? for my 100% ROC,
bought ECONBHD-WA @ 0.12 40000 unit total = 4814.92 on 13/03/2019
sold ECONBHD-WA @ 0.2675 40000 unit total = 10674.45 on 25/04/2019

of course i cannot promise i am capable finding such gem, ROC 100%, hence im diversifying into dividend investing

seriously i am very impress with your performance, may i know how do identify a consistently 20% ROC? do share with us your tips and tricks. THANKS!!

lets profit together!!

News & Blogs

2019-10-10 07:59 | Report Abuse

may i know what is the reason? and how do you plan to compounding without the dividend since compounding is using the interest earned (in this case the dividend) to reinvest back.

News & Blogs

2019-10-10 07:12 | Report Abuse

snowball effect is a metaphor for compounding, by using the dividend received to repurchase the stock or subscribe to DRS


2019-10-09 11:19 | Report Abuse

@khun88, rakuten as of now, DRS is free and doable online
Previously, using hlebroking, much troublesome, need to fill form and pay RM10


2019-10-09 09:59 | Report Abuse

@khun88, most broker would require a payment of RM10 fee
I'm using rakuten, mainly for this purpose, DRIP.

News & Blogs

2019-10-08 18:03 | Report Abuse

@ahbah, as per my explanation in the video, i will stick to my plan and DCA along the way.. i have a video coming soon explaining why the reason for dividend investing, stay tuned!


2019-10-08 11:23 | Report Abuse

Seriously, cut or not. It does not matter for dividend investing.. Anyhow, thanks to those keep selling on FEAR, we got cheaper price for its higher value

News & Blogs

2019-10-07 18:08 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2019-10-07 18:05 | Report Abuse

@ thkent91, as of now, paper loss on share about 140+.. how about you?
@aristo.cats, thanks for the kind words
@ahbah, still have to be careful, not to fall into dividend trap
@bozeman, YTL reits and wellcal its in my other acc, which in my earlier years bought for capital gain, not realising about the importance of dividend investing.

News & Blogs

2019-10-06 14:47 | Report Abuse

also thanks @ahbah for the kind words

News & Blogs

2019-10-06 14:47 | Report Abuse

i just started my dividend investing this year, around july.. i do plan to go in other sector, but unfortunately my cash is limited so i choose finance and reits sector first..

@durianthorns, may i know how did you achieve that? please do share with us.. thanks!!

News & Blogs

2019-10-06 12:18 | Report Abuse

how would you improvise it?


2019-10-05 12:31 | Report Abuse

one of my portfolio defender.. thanks!! axreit