
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2013-08-13 01:28 | Report Abuse

O.k thanks KC :) can u also ask this Bernama or Apanama to ask this Kanesan fella any news or update about the one contract that Scomien and one other only bidder left on the previous bid.


2013-08-07 04:55 | Report Abuse

LOL sheep u ain't no sheep la more like wolf :) and to your Q I think it's C - gila DAN tak tau kira haha if it goes thru or D - Tipu punya beli :)

Posted by sheep > Aug 5, 2013 04:16 PM | Report Abuse

ah jib better be ready to give convincing answers to tony queries: why buy iris at 40% premium. gila atau taktau kira...


2013-08-07 04:38 | Report Abuse

zelan=Holland and if u wan to go there take General Lee's flight #7164

News & Blogs

2013-08-07 02:38 | Report Abuse

I love bolihland - I also 'salute' you Dr M - till today you continue to have them fools under your spell :) well done Indeed! I hope someday when I grow up I can be like you. Tank You! Meanwhile, your ex deputy is talking bad about u here

Pls bring your machai Ali the great Perkosa chief to tarok this AB kau2 ya. Tank You first. By the way, any more contracts for your son ah - the Kencana fella - price drop a bit from high lah so I'm thinking of buying. Tank first again ya :)


2013-08-06 05:39 | Report Abuse

halo friend - can u post AFTER u make up your mind?

Posted by kuengkucheng > Aug 5, 2013 09:58 PM | Report Abuse

buy now?....if not too late


2013-08-06 05:09 | Report Abuse

close .32? or .23 :)

Posted by pdtan > Aug 6, 2013 05:03 AM | Report Abuse

we should be damn happy if iris close tomorrow around 0.32. FGV chairmn is basically a stupid teacher.

News & Blogs

2013-08-06 02:10 | Report Abuse

LOL I got the Power? POWER to TIDOR izzit kikiki


2013-08-06 00:22 | Report Abuse

haha DAYA gua CAYA sama Lu lah.
besok DAYA kasi duit raya lagi
DAYA ada GAYA sekalang suda berJAYA (talak macam Anto punya MUDATidor)


2013-08-01 10:52 | Report Abuse

cannot :(

News & Blogs

2013-08-01 00:33 | Report Abuse

yep agreed with what yktay1 said above - when US was downgraded sometime back and the knee jerk reaction was a SELL and now where is the US Market :) - u fellas here always complaining of high prices - no more cheap shares and now this sell down is an opportunity to look for some good counters that has been beaten down the past 3 days :)


2013-07-30 03:03 | Report Abuse

wink2 tony :) tidor a bit is o.k continue to TIDOR after bangun for a short time is not good LOL


2013-07-30 01:28 | Report Abuse

common Anto - u can do it! u wake up today despite the bearish sentiment - now look out the window (dun jump down ya) smell the fresh morning air and go gosok gigi and get to work!


2013-07-25 07:16 | Report Abuse

u really newbirds lah - I dunno u smart ( like know how to create a discussion topic on this stock ) or not smart ( like dunno how to go to Mudatidor thread ) but since u bought 10K wish u all the best :) zzzzzzzzz


2013-07-25 07:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by slts > Jul 25, 2013 05:49 AM | Report Abuse

quarterly profit flat, 13m or 1m more than previous qtr
below expectation!!
therefore the stock should be fairly valued for now

wah tough lah like that 10% revenue and profit increased also below expectations LOL today sure drop kikikiki


2013-07-25 01:19 | Report Abuse

Tidor between 2.4-2.6
Bangun 2.8 to 3.0 IF big BIG IF ya otherwise continue to TIDORING like his little brother Jtiasa :(


2013-07-22 05:12 | Report Abuse

LOL KC almost could not recognized my nick - it's getting shorter :) yeah the Brits are 6 hours ahead :( I was pulling for lefty but thought how he choked all the time and 2 far back and wanted westie or tiggy to win but what a finish ( one of best major finishes for sure ) - I'm thrilled up high to himaya mountain as lefty is my guy and hope the good omen will pass to KNM today LOL

O.k Ys1 no worries your time will come - someday - and today might be the day :) or not then wait a little longer loh after all it took Lefty like what 13 years to win his 1st major and I believe it will take a much shorter time for General Lee to goreng KNM high up higher than Himaya :) Gambateh :)


2013-07-21 19:39 | Report Abuse

LOL KC everything getting shorter no problem dun ciu2 getting shorter :) on another note will be a good watch at the Open :)

YS1 thank you and I hope the same for you too - infact u can also do it - what KCchongnz said above is right - money not easy to earn leh - maybe you got big salary but for me part time flower pots stealer, after getting 'lost' under General's spell I was lucky to come across i3 and to learn from a few Very good and honest contributors. In fact cutting loss on KNM was the hardest part but after some ( many) soul searching and many sleepless nights and days under the bridge I finally decided to sell everything at a massive loss - and move on to better fundamentally counters and recoverd 2/3 of my losses already. People like Kc Loh,kcchongnz and even shirley's teacher ( that one u got to pay money lah) are very good people to listen to especially since the first 2 who is giving us free valuable advice ( maybe if u get a chance u can buy the Kc brothers Leo and roti canai respectively LOL )but on a more serious note one should be really thankful and appreciative that they're here and continue to help out. I've already move on and if my talak Jaya Duo of Tiasa and Muda climb - no need as high as himaya mountains:) I'll be in great2 shape for this year :) Now after too much of achi archor let me go and watch lefty,tiggy and westie best it out :) cheers :)


2013-07-21 11:14 | Report Abuse

LoL YS1 you keep shortening my name :) yes I had Muhibah for the longest time and also favco but unfortunately I sold too early - muhibah at 1.91 and favco at 2.87 - made good money though :) I actually sold all my KNM last year and bought additional myeg,pantech,favco and mudatidor :) now waiting for my tidor to bangun and go to work :)


2013-07-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

I also hope so for your sake YS1 and as you know Himaya mountain is where General Lee's grandfather in law The Supreme Leader KIM ll Sung back in the days conflict between the North and South where he led his forces with German advanced missiles triumph triumphantly against the evil imperialist US :) May the force be with you and KNM Bravehearts Gambateh!


2013-07-20 01:16 | Report Abuse

o.k good for u :)


2013-07-20 01:14 | Report Abuse

LOL buybackma he is certainly NOT buying back whether Ma or Pa - he is taking his options of ESOS at a much cheaper price and then disposing his shares in the Open market for bigger $$$ - not like he disposing his 50K and then buying from the open market for 800K for around the prices on those days - that info can be misleading as if not read thoroughly it gives the impression that he is buying big thus the confidence :)


2013-07-20 00:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by annie24 > Jul 19, 2013 04:37 PM | Report Abuse

the next target is 3.18
I am very certain it will reach there soon ...
refer to latest company announcement : 800lots acquired under esos (director)

Aiya Annie who dun want to take up the ESOS? how much was the ESOS? he is taking it up from .51 cents above and disposing at 2+ woh - how much has Muhibah surged for the past week alone and how much is the profits :)
Dun want to spoil your party and I agree that Muhibah is a good stock especially with recent developments but directors all are taking advantage to sell in the open with the recent surge - of course it can go up much higher if more +news in the way and good luck for the holders :)


2013-07-20 00:36 | Report Abuse

ah ladahitam finally spotted u here - make big money on Scomis and move here now :)


2013-07-19 08:30 | Report Abuse

haha KC ya seriously :) Only problem is getting here cost more than 75 rounds :) but if you're here might as well stay a few more days and golf until u cannot swing LOL - hey clubs here are cheaper too :) of course cannot compare to bolihland la - we have to think of the rezeki fellas :(


2013-07-19 08:07 | Report Abuse

LOL Tony better be serious and give us some gem and not germ o.k :)

nah KC no worries actually with all the coupons golfing here is not expensive compare $to$ - it cost only less than 25 USD with cart for 18 of course not Pinehurst No2 lah haha but still very nice courses :)
walou still not tired of Roti canai ah - selling everyday LOL. hey funny thing is in the Asian mart we have the frozen one cost 2.39usd for 5 pieces - where can find ohh - cheaper than bolihland per piece la - only problem is no curry la haha


2013-07-19 07:24 | Report Abuse

LOL KC that's all true :) hey can always improve with constant playing :) and if u're in this part of the world NC,US drop me a note - bring u to go hack some balls! cheers :)


2013-07-19 06:42 | Report Abuse

KC play golf a few times a week? now that's good life :)

News & Blogs

2013-07-18 10:52 | Report Abuse

LOL Shirley :)u've explained very well haha

News & Blogs

2013-07-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

I thought u're the 'win wizard' No? LOL

Posted by winwizard > Jul 18, 2013 09:31 AM | Report Abuse

I am new here..what trade course are u offer and what mean watchgroup?

News & Blogs

2013-07-18 08:47 | Report Abuse

good statement - he/she expect u to know APA Itu Saham first then TA :)and if u dun just too bad :(
P/S If my BM is still right - I think the APA Itu Saham - means - What is Share :)

News & Blogs

2013-07-18 08:37 | Report Abuse

maybe becoz he did not punt Eastlnd or KNM LOL


2013-07-18 08:35 | Report Abuse

TQ buddy :)hope u got this at a good price too :)


2013-07-18 08:28 | Report Abuse

that is true buddy :)dun get me wrong I'm not frustrated or anything as I'm in the black in this share and has been holding this for 8 years now and finally manage to be in black after it went past .50 and my ave is now .44 and actually just waiting for it to go up more before I sell em all :) cheers :)


2013-07-18 08:21 | Report Abuse

yeah no worries Mr Singh - thought I just want to give them a hard kick for them to wake up :) I just got a div of 600+ from them yesterday :) cheers :)


2013-07-18 08:17 | Report Abuse

LOL hope the someone wasn't me kikiki and we also need 'divine' intervention for this to go up :)


2013-07-18 08:09 | Report Abuse

Oh Mr Singh my ave is 3.01 :( holding this since 2010 first bought at 4 then ave down. hopefully better days ahead with the latest developments :)


2013-07-18 06:46 | Report Abuse

how about it long lost cousin Daya :)


2013-07-18 03:46 | Report Abuse

kawan u lost? 360 degrees makes u pusing2? this is Bolihland and if u wanna spam your US stock better go back to the US site.


2013-07-18 01:14 | Report Abuse

actually this fella is right even though he was referring to eversendai - might as well i copy and paste it here LOL

Posted by ndkrishnan > Jul 18, 2013 01:00 AM | Report Abuse

Screwed up counter. Can't hold On to gain


2013-07-18 00:20 | Report Abuse

anto when u bangun, u go gosok gigi,then cuci muka then u pegi kerja not go back to TIDOR o.k? I think next time I must avoid stocks with the 'JAYA' whether it's front or back of the company like MudaJAYA or JAYAtiasa :(

News & Blogs

2013-07-18 00:07 | Report Abuse

the good news is -actually was - it bangun for 2 days and now here is the bad news - it went back to TIDORING :(


2013-07-17 23:57 | Report Abuse

Jyen will go far - now learning very well :)u will never go wrong listening to the 'roti canai' seller or his namesake bro KC Loh :)
sure one day this General will goreng his equipments again but when? - market at all time high and this KNM still at all time low - if now also cannot up becoz of good sentiment then when will it be up? this is the thing I learn from Shirley's teacher - Opportunity Loss - I lost massively here too but has since moved along nicely to some other good stocks - like Noraini said if you want to punt make sure brave enough without regret to take small losses when the tide turn and NEVER hold onto speculative stocks if you want to sleep well at night.
As for my good fren YS1 - what can I say - he is the most LOYAL Commander of General Elite German fleet - All I can do here is support him and hope ( oh no not that word )and pray for his sake that one of this day when IF RM goes to 3.80 to 1 USD,when IF they FINAllY list the German Torpedo, when IF they Finally secure the REAL contract of Peter Pan theme park in England, or when IF they really manage to secure some good contracts with good margins then the sky is the limit for these KNM brave hearts. hopefully all the WHENS and IFS will be SOON. Meantime let me go and wake bloody Anto from his continue TIDORing :)


2013-07-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

yep looks like slowing down already - likely today spike was for the contract win.


2013-07-16 10:27 | Report Abuse

haha no not now but after .97 :)anyway when I sell is a good time to buy based on past experience LOL


2013-07-16 10:25 | Report Abuse

aey MUDA dun wake up one day then go back to TIDOR lah :(


2013-07-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

err 200k units or 200K as in RM LOL
anyway becareful ya - I'm looking at selling some already :)


2013-07-16 10:10 | Report Abuse

huh u mad already ah 200K LOL
o.k now wish u and me HUAT haha


2013-07-16 10:04 | Report Abuse

haha so many funny fellas here in this forum
oh btw u sold already?