
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2013-10-13 07:48 | Report Abuse

LOL Sang-Jero sorry should have made myself clearer - It's KNM General Lee - I've never invested in any of this MUI or PM group - nowdays juz for myself The Management is very important apart from the fundamental of the company especially After the Bad experience of KNM and MEGB - unless of course sometimes I play play like 5 -10 lots :) and to think this share from the height of 13 bucks dropped to what 20+ cents now does not speak good at all for the management and hopefully it's the previous one but if they still continue to hide and seek then probably they're up to no good :( on another note Calvin has raise some very points but perhaps he should ask the current management to be more transparent if indeed he is still trying to find their hidden assets after all these years :)


2013-10-13 04:20 | Report Abuse

Part of what Calvin quoted

PM Corp was a bombed out counter. But PM Corp still have a HUGE HIDDEN CASH HOARD. Until today after 7 years I have not plumbed the depth of PM Corp's hidden assets & riches.
The Company MAGNIFY ITS LOSSES but hides its GAINS, Example our Tanglin View Penthouse in Singapore. No one in Malaysia, no Fund Manager, no shareholder in all the AGM will have the knowledge that we actually own a Prime Penthouse in Orchard Road.
I got the verification from Andrew Khoo, the son of Tan Sri Datuk Khoo' He lives in Bkt Timah , not in the Penthouse.

Can we trust the management now? - why are they hiding all the gains and magnifying the losses? I think Calvin has done some very good research of this 'about' to turnaround company? but heck even after 7 years he still not plumbed the depth of it's hidden assets it sounds REALLY Scary ( at least to me la because of my previous experience with the General ). who is staying in the penthouse or does it benefit someone? - are they generating rental income instead of the usual cost of maintaining the properties? etc etc
what happened to Transparency?. Usually when the management is NOT trustworthy they tend to hide all sorts of hanky panky stuff - AGAIN reminds me of a Crooked General :( I have to admit here that I did not read all the postings as I might have missed out on some of the reasons to my concern so thousand apologies first ha :)
I think it's also fair to say that if The Major shareholder does not unlock the value of the land or properties no matter how much the company is worth also useless la - it can be a value trap juz like Landmarks and Asas :( and somemore this management also like to hide things one :(
oh by the way CIMB has covered MYEG much earlier than Calvin claimed at 2 bucks - cannot remember when exactly but one of the most recent postings had the TP of 1.34 and pretty sure that they had it before 1.00 - juz to lazy to search :)

So my concern after all the above is - are the current Management continuing playing their hide and seek games?


2013-10-12 04:51 | Report Abuse

fly north,south or nowhere :)


2013-10-07 02:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by Momobear > Oct 5, 2013 08:01 PM | Report Abuse
Tp of .45 is approaching

Posted by Momobear > Jul 27, 2013 06:34 PM | Report Abuse
How you know it will drop below 1.72 ? Sometimes I really surprise those that can read the market and price. I have been in us market for 22 years and never see this, lately I join klci and found malaysian is capable of doing it

can share how the target of .45 approaching? maybe you're an insider?
or izzit becoz our BOLIH Power of Bolihland got to you so far in Indon also ar? tank first ya :)


2013-09-19 04:33 | Report Abuse

No worries Hot juz make sure u dun snooze when there's a rally in your TGOFF LOL and good luck to both your stock and recuperation :)


2013-09-19 03:24 | Report Abuse

haiya no need to apologize la but also must be cautious as big BEN said no need announcement for taper and can be done at any time but I highly doubt he wants to rattle the Market
anyway hope more good things to come :) o.k now HOT can go back to sleep LOL


2013-09-19 03:04 | Report Abuse

LOL no worries la just tickle u - tomollow all BOOM ya give me 200 DOW come on LOL cheers buddy :)


2013-09-19 02:58 | Report Abuse

hehe no koyak means kaya right LOL


2013-09-19 02:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by Hot.T > Sep 19, 2013 02:45 AM | Report Abuse

QE taper to USD70B only....cut less than widely anticipated!!KLSE wud b green ocean! Fingers crossed TGOFF wud huat huat ar!

Hot seems you're not HOT on the taper news la where got taper LOL


2013-09-19 02:17 | Report Abuse

maybe No KOYAK LOL


2013-09-19 00:57 | Report Abuse

@invest88 kcchongnz is a good man sharing his views on this and yep I totally agree with you -
We are here just to give our views and opinion. Let those holding on to the stock make their own judgement and decision.

@YS1 thank you and I sincerely hope the same for you too :) cheers

@esdm LOL I dunno about the sexy thing but this General is one of the ugliest B^&*H and I would not even want to touch with a 10 feet pole but that being said also good luck to you if you're holding it.

sorry invest88 can't help myself for one more parting shot on General hehe


2013-09-19 00:27 | Report Abuse

not too big on TA but sometimes it's good to learn from the experts and this Matrixcool is sure one cool guy that takes the time to share here for the ones I have - E&o :) thanks for the updates :)


2013-09-18 07:00 | Report Abuse

true wise words my fren but seriously now we're both wasting our time here LOL


2013-09-18 06:46 | Report Abuse

LOL KC aiya you should know better Of course you're right about the RED Indians riding the dead horse But But have but here hor in the land of the magical BOLIH everything also can one dead horse also can be resuscitated :) dun be surprise this one can fly too but only in bolihland and I think this is what they're waiting for :)but u know for me ha when come to certain age you juz dun have the time to wait anymore LOL


2013-09-18 06:07 | Report Abuse

LOL Kcchongnz - where were you when I was buying KNM like a mad dog haha but anyway I actually wanted to leave already when our fren YS1 start asking me questions :)
yeah You're absolutely right - in fact I actually think YS1 is in his inner cirle - he's General's right hand man :)
I think we better not disturb these people here from making a killing LOL


2013-09-18 04:23 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah then BUY BUY it's at the lowest already 5 years low cannot go any lower. General is going to goreng soon after QE tapering,umno election,etc. who wants to be a millionaire BYE BYE :).

disclaimer - The comment above is NOT accurate at all and if you lose money it's not my fault go and look for General Lee.


2013-09-18 03:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by yungshen1 > Sep 17, 2013 08:34 AM | Report Abuse
frans u must know for big share holder like lembaga tabung haji .they would not cut loss at low price 0.415.they will big loses.if they want to cut loss they must cut loss at high price in year 2008 at u understand or not.
I especially scared of the last sentence - do u understand or not - haiya YS1 why u sound so angry and frustrated. u sound like my std 1 math teacher - dunno why she like to pick on me maybe she think I got a funny name :( she also asked me same question do u understand or not when she asked me 1+1=2 right not that I dun understand but when she raised her voice I also cannot answer and start to tremble. why u so bad one? I thought we are frens mah? No?

o.k never mind see we can sort this out here and hopefully after I 'explain' we can be good frens again :)- Now tell me how can LTH cut loss in 2008 - they got shares meh? all I can see is they started buying in 2009 and they have 64,777,100 shares which was less than 2% - anyway good news for you is that they've increased their shares to 67,731,750 which is 4.62% based on their last filing this year and am pretty sure they also average 'down' just like you did hoping one day General will goreng for them too otherwise That Katak from Perkosa will not be too happy that General is taking their haj money :(
Another thing ha, the FUN manager at LTH who bought KNM in the early days also down in the dumps and u better pray that LTH DON"T cut loss now since they have close to 5% of the shares otherwise (again) all will be hangus and bakar :( Yes LTH will suffer big losses like EPF and Small Cap world fund but if those funds still holding they will be suffering even more losses until General goreng again and even then u know it's not easy for LTH to get out unlike ikan bilis like me :) so how now? like u just wait lor for the cue to call - tick tok tick tok tick tok
Meanwhile u can check out The last TA report - at least this time TA Research got it right and I especially like the part - Despite repeated assurances from management, earnings continue to be volatile and we do not see KNM’s fortunes turning around sustainably in the immediate term.
haiyo even this lousy research house also now aware of this General's magic trick! maybe General got no more $$$ to pay them to write those Super rosy BUY reports otherwise how dare they go against the General hor :(
(go to the research dated 31 may 2013)
For your well being while u're there also please try NOT to look at the 5 years chart hor I have to warn you first that if you insist that it's very nauseating especially if you look towards the far right down side that got something that looks like a big red monster egg :(
I hope I've explained 'enough' for u and we can still be frens :) and yes as usual Gambateh KNM


2013-09-17 01:40 | Report Abuse

yep Kcchongnz - yes I'm wasting my breath here but it's o.k - it was a good learning experience for me personally and if anyone benefited good for them just like how I benefit from you and some other good people sharing including our new fren invest88. Personally cutting a huge loss at that time was very difficult to say the least but now looking back I'm very happy to have done it and I'm not looking back. for me health is wealth and now I'm very happy to learn from those situation :)


2013-09-16 11:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by yungshen1 > Sep 16, 2013 10:59 AM | Report Abuse
fransoweto u must know when share price high u go to buy u will stuck at there.we must learn buy at low price sell at high price.for those who are buy at high price at 9.000 8.000 7.000 .6000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 . please averege as low as possible price.this is only way u can do.

I have nothing more to add but just wish you all the best :)


2013-09-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

hi YS1 Yes I see your ave has gotten down which is a good thing BUT u've been holding this stock for 4 years now and u've invested more and more money and the price keep getting lower with no dividends and missed out on the current bull market - I dun know u remember or not but we're in the same boat once and I believe CP told us if we continue to keep this stock it's 'opportunity loss' if u understand what that is - 4 years is a long time. If I listened to you I would have lost another 27 cents on each lots I owned and missed out hugely on the rallies on myeg and pantech and I probably would not be writing here. sure maybe someday General goreng and you can earn back your money but what if it never happen and god forbid if KNM goes into PN17. anyhow just like what invest88 mentioned earlier wish you can recover back your losses and for those who are stuck too. I've already moved on and hope some days u can join me too.


2013-09-16 10:46 | Report Abuse

no worries invest88 for you to recognize which stock is speculative your success rate is already 50% better than others who don't. You know Initially I made about 15K on KNM and it was like easy money and every time it dropped I kept on averaging down - soon all my gains was wiped out and the losses kept piling and General kept opening his mouth with the projects la contracts la guidance la and out of the 10 analysts that covered KNM 9/10 have high Buy TP and so I kept buying :(
I came to my senses when I finally 'accept' the reality that this General is a CONMAN ( I dun like to use the word )after reading some articles and from his actions in running the company that matches what they all wrote and this General really was one of the worst among all the worst. Zemoola has written very well about this fella. and you're right that behind a successful punter here there are 10 who failed miserably and lost more than I did but like my fren always tell me we learn best what we learn hard but we HAVE to learn in order to be successful in this market.


2013-09-16 08:24 | Report Abuse

1738analyst > Sep 16, 2013 07:40 AM | Report Abuse

320 lots.... a lot :)..... maximum 100 lots for this stock....For Sharing: share accumulation plan... every 1 cent drop will buy, no drop no deal.... REASONs acc.; 1. High revenue. 2. The founder still alive and with the company. 3. Profit company. 4. Global Business. 5. Aggressive - High risk High gain. 6. Global economy recovery. 7. Multinational Top Shareholders.

hmmmn 1738analyst - I think very 'good' sharing - you remind me of ALL the analysts who gave a buy call with super high target prices 2 years ago - in fact yours is even better with the 'founder alive and with the company' but I think maybe I have no 'luck' or my prayers are not powerful enough to take on the General and I've resigned to the fact that there are some stocks that I just cannot win and this is one of them. funny thing is I've been sleeping so well after moving to myeg and pantech and snoring to glory that my wife is about to kick me out of the room :) Anyway, I wish and pray ( maybe not pray since it did not work last time(s) ) and hope that you can make lots of $$$ with your future 100 lots. Maybe, then u can buy me a round of Golf too if you do golf and if u don't no worries roti canai also can do :) thanks first ya Gamabateh KNM :)


2013-09-16 03:06 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz - you know actually I have warned NOT to buy even when I was holding it in 2012 - and I was holding Not 10 or 20 lots - almost embarrass to mention it here but it was 320 lots at it's peak and my 1 lot is 1000 units :( we both came from different path to this KNM - mine from my bad experienced and yours from your knowledge in calculating the intrinsic value of a company ( well it really pays to be knowledgeable :) )but we both have the same conclusion that this is NOT an investment stock whether for short or longer term and we have in good faith and conscience to warn newbies. Like I said many times wish I listen to some of the independent analysis instead of the research houses.
Oh by the way actually FIBON was from your good analysis and SKP was from your namesake bro KC Loh LOL. People like you both are hard to come by and I'm trying to slowly learn as much as possible but un fortunately I have not much interest to learn much deeper into investing :( unlike golf LOL. so yeah if you happen to be here you sure can count on golf till u drop on me of course after all what great way to show appreciation for your hard work here - just like I owe your other namesake dunno how many Leos already LOL ( haha I know u play plenty and playing well too but golf is addictive - never enough if you're playing good especially :))

@ invest88 if you're stuck in KNM how not to support it LOL and I dun blame YS1 for not trusting me or for that matter anyone too - my posts are all here and so are YS1 too. In fact the my girlfren I was talking about actually bought on the advise of YS1 becoz almost everyday he will have buy,TP call etc LOL and he will also actually ask all the gurus here ( the real ones la ) will u buy KNM?and funny thing is they will keep telling him NO but maybe he himself is not sure or need assurance and will continue to promote KNM. It is actually pretty comical for me - I mean I feel bad that he is stuck and sincerely wish General will goreng for him soon even after a year but General keep gorenging it down :( but seems my good fren will never learn :( that is the sad part :( anyway it's not my money so can't really talk too much if not already and if u can't beat them then join them ( err my 'join' means cheer them and definitely NOT by buying LOL )
invest88 judging from your posts u seems to be one of the very few who are successful in beating the market when u already avoid stocks like this half of your battle already won. cheers mate :) just like that sephiroth guy too wah he bought at 1.60 and if he is STILL holding for long term investment hmmmm ........ :)
O.k la darn another cheong hei article (solly ar )better not 'block' all these loyal KNM supporters from making a killing on the next goreng :)

oh KCchongnz - my pantech and skp dividens coming soon - I'll save it for our golf till u drop tourney LOL


2013-09-14 11:52 | Report Abuse

hmmmn I think u come to the right place 1738analyst becoz if u need advice about KNM YS1 can guide u...... I think General is going to goreng soon but when I really dunno...... I also think that after the peter pan project is confirmed and the successful listing of borsig the price will fly but again when I also dunno. I think because the oil is high and also with improvement in Europe this share will be a good investment for really long term. I think after all the uncertainties of the tapering ka Syria war ka the Umno election ka the RCI in Sabah ka this share will fly. I also think I probably drink too much now so pls disregard what I juz posted :) I really think I better go now :)

News & Blogs

2013-09-14 05:49 | Report Abuse

he is the teacher also part time stock market teaching TA courses :) any more ???


2013-09-14 02:40 | Report Abuse

@kcchongnz who knows hopefully your kay poh here will be beneficial to the newbies but definitely not the investors or bravehearts :) I still remember my 'ex' girlfrend here bought at I think .77 just a year ago and was trying to make a little being new to the market and I told her better not play2 with General and we had 'arguments' but she eventually sold hers if not mistaken at a little loss or breakeven - so can u imagine if she is 'still' holding now?
also there was this guy ( dun want to name names ) here too that made about 100k and mentioned that he and his frends ( big time players la )if the price drop below .60 cents or somewhere around there they're going to do the sapuing with their big capitals - u know like the ex MB of selangor the gold gigi fella who gave out the brooms :) hope that they did not sapu at .60 with their big $$$ otherwise looking at the price now if my math is right they already being sapued 1/3 of the cost juz like the Dr Gold gigi sapued out of office :(
so my fren kc if u're talking about making mistakes abt the accounts with esdm that one I dunno I wish I'm as talent or hardworking to study the accounts but u're not definitely not wrong in warning about this company. the share price and the antics of this General says it all :(
by the way I still will not buy you the roti canai cause u did not tell me NOT to buy this share LOL but sure will take u a few rounds of 18s if we were to meet :) and am glad u're improving and playing many - 2-3 strokes is a lot :) I definitely look forward to hopefully someday get to meet you for few rounds at least :)

@bsngpg - yeah that is a very good movie - but only for people who are interested in early golf - are you one? :)

@asriruslan - u're a good fella juz like my other KNM fren YS1- only have nice words though if reading from my earlier posts I'm kinda sarcastic towards u. since u're pretty well verse in TA u should be alright in taking the General but do bear in mind that previously there's 2 well known TA sifus here in i3 also gave up on this share.

There's many good people here in this thread - why not instead of keep averaging down look at some other good shares like Fibon or Skp Pres when at now the 'price' is still cheaper than KNM? at least u know these are well run companies with good cash backing and continue to generate good profits and also pay dividens too. Then you can sleep well at night instead of worrying when this General will goreng or whether u're invited to his party. sometimes we ikan bilis investors have to stand up to these dicktators and tell them NO u cannot keep taking our lunch money and the best way to do it is by avoiding these stocks.tell them we're not scare of your German made torpedoes,tanks etc and they can take our lives but not our dignity and we're not buying u whether u goreng or not. opps that is the problem when watching too much of these darn american fiction movies LOL

ok la every time I come here also talk 'bad' about this stock it's also getting old la and for the people that gets it half of your battle already won in stocks selection and for those who are 'stuck' and too painful to get out juz wish u all the best and hope that u will be invited to the next party and manage to get out safely after enjoying the feast :)


2013-09-12 04:37 | Report Abuse

solly ah one more
u need plenty of luck:) and a very deep pocket :)


2013-09-12 04:20 | Report Abuse

today DJ gone crazy already 136 points up, General also up his KNM today.Maybe he can wake up Anto from his tidoring too :)

hmmn this beer sure taste funny :( but anyhow hope some of my good frens here earn big big on this share :)again good luck - I know this one 2 times already but this share is special - u need plenty of luck:)


2013-09-12 04:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by asriruslan > Sep 11, 2013 04:29 PM | Report Abuse
still wondering why most of comment here give a bad reputation about knm

haha Not give but General EARNED it LOL
opps got carried away solly ha
gogo KNM LOL


2013-09-12 02:02 | Report Abuse

is o.k la everybody also have dreams and hope - I also know many people are 'invested' here. I also at one time same like some here pleading ignorance and disregard all the bad articles about KNM but HOPING for a turnaround and also PRAYING very hard - go temple also but I dun think GOD help those who gamble la otherwise I make lots of money in Genting already :) is your $money your choice - I copied this from somewhere la but I sure wish 'THEY' were around to smack the brains out of me LOL. Good luck guys 1,2,3 GORENG or like my good fren like to say GAMBATEH :)


2013-09-12 01:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by asriruslan > Sep 11, 2013 04:43 PM | Report Abuse
like that ka???? what are they doing is not good. million people are using internet to search information>is give more impact to knm>give knm chance to improve back la. be a professional and lose that is investment world.what we have to do learn and improve our trading>be fair

haha yes what 'they' which probably include me LOL doing is definitely 'NOT' good for the KNM punters & 'investors' but will be good for the newbies :) I wish 'they' were here when I bought this at 2+. if I listened to my good fren YS1 to keep buying from last year to aver down chances are I'll be 6 feet underground now instead of pouring cold water here :)
LOL how to give good info for KNM when u apparently do not know who is the General? before u 'invest' this stock u must know the General first :) here let me help u a little
No doubt a little old news but u see anything changes since then? what was the price of KNM then? and now? I know I also know price now is at all time low so waiting for goreng - everybody also hungry and General and his cooks too but juz waiting for ingredients only - wok is hot's a tip- if u see General making 'announcements' u know that is the Q to call LOL pls make sure then he is gorenging the KNM and not u ha
Yes we have to give KNM a chance to improve but the General will have to be honest - can he? ask him the Peter pan theme park and also the German torpedo listing :)
yep u got that right - nobody can win all the time but with this u sure can LOSE all the time :)
and yes I learn fast but not fast enough LOL got out at .68-69 and got into pantech and Myeg at cheaper prices than KNM :)
I think I'm pretty fair la - give u tips somemore and now all you do is click on the links - I also never ask u to search all MY KNM postings LOL

hey if u need more of the 'THEY' I got some here too LOL

not enough let me know o.k I got some more - this General is a very BAD fren of mine so I have plenty of his dirts LOL

Last but not least I think I want to 'blame' this NZ fella la why he never tell me to NOT buy KNM - it's all his fault LOL
I'm taking back my roti canai offer LOL


2013-09-12 00:04 | Report Abuse

yeah thanks for explaining Mr Ooi :)


2013-09-11 23:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Sep 11, 2013 11:38 PM | Report Abuse

I said "if the price can cross 0.415, the sky is the limit"

LOL so Can u sell at .42 ah


2013-09-11 07:47 | Report Abuse

haha KC might as well forget about it (pretty sure u heard of the there's a S&^cker born every minute:) ) - like my good fren always reminds me - we learn best what we learn hard :)
boy those were really sleepless nights - still lucky that I sold at high of 60s otherwise underwear also gone LOL and also spotted Myeg and pantech otherwise (again)probably in Holland now with Flight 7164 piloted by General LOL Anyway, many thanks for always unselfishly posting many analysis and advice here. No wonder your g 'game' is not improving LOL


2013-09-11 07:14 | Report Abuse

LOL KC actually that one really fits Jcool criteria as it has many supporters/cheerleaders shouting daily and also analysts covering too and General when he open he mouth sure can jack up the price LOL - just wait for the q to call haha


2013-09-11 07:02 | Report Abuse

LOL Kcchongnz I think u left out General Lee's one too - that one I can 'feel' the goreng is coming soon and it will be really 'cool' for my good fren YS1 :)


2013-09-05 10:32 | Report Abuse

LOL KC o.k will have some flags on the pots kikiki well I think the jailed cat is still seething with anger at us :)


2013-09-05 10:22 | Report Abuse

KC I just got one too hehe sure for a good cause anytime LOL


2013-09-05 10:13 | Report Abuse

LOL KC looks like u got your hands full and at the rate u're going maybe can get a levis jeans 501 haha


2013-09-05 08:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by yungshen1 > Sep 4, 2013 10:14 PM | Report Abuse

Tan KW i want ask u. knm can invest for long term .how the managment knm.can knm recover back the share price.since 2008 .that time knm share was 8.000

LOL YS1 I think u should ask General Lee :) He can give u a better answer than anyone here.

News & Blogs

2013-08-31 01:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 2, 2013 11:53 AM | Report Abuse
Posted by davesingh > Feb 25, 2013 11:55 AM | Report Abuse
>>>>singh has a sell call for gas malaysia now... i am out of gas malaysia due to safety reasons....

Sometimes I read back, check today's stock price, and see how little kids talk like a pro, really wanna laugh la! Admit it newbiestock, tubby got to you didn't he? His fool and his money theory really made you a fool and part with potential money! Hahahahahahahahaha

that is the problem and the price to pay (well actually the pain to see the price soared ) when u listen to sifu wannabe :(

News & Blogs

2013-08-31 01:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by KC Loh > Aug 31, 2013 12:19 AM | Report Abuse
i just love this! opened his big mouth again! who's possessed now? LOL
Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > Aug 30, 2013 12:41 AM | Report Abuse
i3 admins, seriously you guys have to do something about this man..
( kcloh, he is out of his mind, possessed by davesingh )
Jan 16, 2013 09:02 AM | Report Abuse
A fool and his money are soon parted!!! fctb is leaving the house<---- kikikiki
Jan 8, 2013 10:02 AM | Report Abuse
free advise <---- fctb is leaving this house. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Jan 7, 2013 09:25 AM | Report Abuse
davesingh is not fat cat phren,he keep making false accusation of fc.
fat cat is leaving the house <----

Not sure who is the fool now with regards to GAs Malaysia LOL
Maybe he missed Dave :)

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2013-08-31 00:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by tonylim > Aug 30, 2013 11:49 PM | Report Abuse
Argh you need tubby to keep dementia or a.d.d. at bay.
what wl happen then to the Flag points by frank. Not that he has losses to offset
LOL Tony I still have my 2 tidor cousins in the red but the flags are for our amorous cat - am pretty sure they will be coming back soon LOL

News & Blogs

2013-08-31 00:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by tonylim > Aug 30, 2013 11:37 PM | Report Abuse
Frank. He will.
(and we will continue to bash him)

How you do everything is what you do everything
yep be humble and appreciative will get u far in life :)

90% of the forumers here look to exchange ideas,learn or improve on their knowledge
7% of the forumers here are the real contributors with good analysis whether it's TA or FA to share and doing it unselfishly
and then u have
3% of those f&^%s who probably has got too much free time and likely little to no money to invest that continue to harass mock etc the Real sifus and others but they themselves have nothing to share except posting garbage lies blogs like wetwetpants etc

News & Blogs

2013-08-30 23:30 | Report Abuse

yeah KC nice and quiet here but won't be for longer knowing how this kurap can fatt lan char for a year when he did not get the scomi tips from Tony. This kurap thinks he can continue to get away with all his insults,taunts and lies. IF I recalled correctly he first started to taunt Teacher and teacher did replied a few times but when teacher did not it embolden him and continue with Tony, Matsaham and OTB etc. You're right to continue exposing him and put these bullies where they belong - hiding under the blanket :)
For now he is running chicken and realized how others felt when being taunted all the time especially OTB.

wow.. things just get heated after i comment, before i getting deeper involved in this , i must get out , this is a fight i cannot win, i does not even qualify to fight with the number 1 kcloh, number 2 fankenstein, number 3 tonyjaa...

I won't be surprised if he shows up again with his craps and if he wants to I'll stick a Phone pole up his arse if he feels that the war bird was not big enough :)


2013-08-30 23:12 | Report Abuse

LOL phyroxus - this is call Tidoring at it's best :)

News & Blogs

2013-08-30 07:02 | Report Abuse

oh invest88 this type of kurap where got heart one let alone brain - this fella is racist to the core too - seems he got something against Indian race too- he used to post calling KC kelingchai but now change to keringchai maybe he worried he gets into trouble.

News & Blogs

2013-08-30 06:58 | Report Abuse

LOL retarded kurap finally updated his blog title to random i3 junkies postings instead of random weekend postings - finally took our advice after again figuring out that we're right about the weekend thingy LOL well what do u expect from a brainless sifu wannabe LOL Ooi was right ( as we've all suspected all along which we now reconfirmed it with proof )if u would have acted quiet no one would know you're a dumbass LOL
kikiki must be really tired heh staying all night or can't sleep posting my beloved General stuff LOL