
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2013-04-06 23:31 | Report Abuse

ya alenac it's not a surprise from the way he/she posted the comment - same thing with this abdula fella sigh :( was hoping that they find better troopers but what do you expect from BN :(

News & Blogs

2013-04-06 01:14 | Report Abuse

haha Shirley1 always crack me up :) but but i also now confuse( pusing2 ) becoz teacher said SOLD Harta and Alex lu said BUY harta
My pusing is ain't both teacher and Alex TA fellas? - I thought their charts,candles,lights all same one mah? they all have the 200 days 2000 days all should be the same in the book of technicals? so who is right :)I think I better stick to my dart strategy :(

News & Blogs

2013-04-06 00:58 | Report Abuse

haha Tan KW so busy sharing the current misdeeds of the present government :)aiya Unfortunately, bolihland people very tolerant one - but good work by u la even though Taib ( in this case Apanama son and the Long cik) will think u r very 'naughty' hehe

News & Blogs

2013-04-06 00:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 5, 2013 03:42 PM | Report Abuse

u all are just kids talking politics. All u know is to rebel only, breeds of rebellions, just like your leaders...U All just can't live in peace and harmony, just can't see others happy...u all are like street fighters, like the TAK BERSIH street demos...Just like hooligans and barbarians without discipline in live. How to run the country like this? Can't even express with manners and talk properly in public. How are u to face the rakyat? Janji Kosong only. Free water to Selangor, even the millionaires and the rich also get free water. What kind of administration is this? No wonder the roads in Selangor are badly maintained. Lots of potholes everywhere. This is unlike when BN was in power.

Ranger,ranger while I also dun agree to free water especially to the ones that can afford it, it does benefit many who are poor - maybe the PR government can do better to provide only low income group?

ah 'can't even express with manners and talk properly in public - pot calling the kettle black? as I see your pegilah mampus pig etc

Posted by Ranger > Apr 5, 2013 05:08 PM | Report Abuse

MAMPUS2, Kau ada pegi ke US tak? Orang macm kau ni macm katak bawah tempurung. HANG pi lah ke US. Hang tengok sendiri samaada sana ada tol atau tidak. Hang tengok jalan2 di Kelantan. Macam mana rupa? Jauh berbeza bila masuk sempadan ke Trenganu. Kalau nak semua free, bankrupt lah negara ini. Kalau x mampu bayat tol, duk dlm hutan ler. sana semua free.

hmmn my good friend Jack lives in NJ - yep sure they have/had TOL - some are still in operation because the concessions is not up yet lah but the ones up already no more collection of tol - why? because when the concession was granted ( haha in US they call it Open tender lah )The concession needs the $$$ to build and operate the TOL and to have a fair amount of profit but I see in Bolihland there seems to be no end of collections lah :) built already so much money somemore concessions also so very long so that one is not right lah - no benefit to the people lah :) agree or not :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-06 00:20 | Report Abuse

posted by ispy2 Apr 5, 2013 07:46 AM | Report Abuse

dont vote rocket because it will harm the country. look at Korea
peninsular today there are so many rocket standby to be blast. Anyway
is DAP rocket have reach the moon?

Seriously? had too much of a drink? :)


2013-04-05 20:45 | Report Abuse

hehe tony wat's up, hope all is well. running for work now :(


2013-04-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

Defennnnd haha where is tommy sifu DEFENDDDDDD


2013-03-30 08:37 | Report Abuse

ah yes YS1 u did mentioned Mas,Jask,Jcy. Congratulations to your profit from MAS and hope the rest comes soon too :) when you think General lee will goreng KNM?


2013-03-28 03:19 | Report Abuse

yep very good points sharing from both tommylou and alenac :) and this company if now with IJM in driver seat and manage properly then easily will be more than .60cents as highlighted by KCLoh sometime back. Just need to be patient :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 03:00 | Report Abuse

I'll trying to see both side of argument here- To build a road and to maintain it cost huge amount of $$$ as everyone knows. That is why we have to have toll so that private or gov can built and operate to get back the capital invested. However, in Bolihland the cost of building one compare to other countries are much much more expensive due to corruption. Also there seems to no end in collection of tolls even after all the investments made and huge returns like in the case of PLUS which is not in the interest of the people. Understand that for company or gov to built especially the company will have to make money But to continue to milk the public is definitely a NONO. That is why all these projects will have to be transparent unlike now whereby all these are given out to cronies of BN. For Pakatan to want to abolish toll or reduce rate is commendable but as akusyok mentioned a detail study will have to be taken out and to promote alternative transportation like MRT, LRT to ensure that while the benefit of reducing or eliminating tolls road for the people we do not want the traffics to worsen to a point when cars are just 'parking' on the roads.

News & Blogs

2013-03-26 08:06 | Report Abuse

haha itu melalak kan lagi bagus dari pengecut seperti UmNO,MCA,MIC dan Gerakan? salah Anwar jugak :(


2013-03-26 05:36 | Report Abuse

Hmmn interesting that Abu is adding Scomi and Shah is buying Scomies - something coming up?

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 08:50 | Report Abuse

just had 2 slices of pizza - the first one taste crappy and the second one tasted crappier - it's all anwar's fault hehe

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 08:39 | Report Abuse

LOLL zuliana haha that seems to be the modus operadi of UMNO everything bad jus blame Anwar hehe now I'm hungry dunno what to eat i also blame anwar :(


2013-03-25 05:10 | Report Abuse

oh thanks YS1 maybe I wait after election but meantime like shirley1 I also support you :)also like Shirley1 said your persistence and determination is second to none - can't be shaken by cikgu,Teacher,Master nor sifu.Hope we can all be wrong and you'll one day not only huat2 on KNM but standing tall in the highest mountain next to our Supreme Commander General Lee and defeat the imperialist USA :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 05:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by jacko > Mar 24, 2013 09:48 PM | Report Abuse

If lau sai how? Blame who?

How about Agen Anwar?hehe
also if your shares no naik also anwar, turun also anwar, PN17 also anwar,delisted also anwar, your car cannot start also anwar, no more toilet paper also anwar just basically anything bad luck u can put the blame on anwar - I just blamed him that my football team lost in the playoff last season :(


2013-03-24 08:48 | Report Abuse

good YS1 I also believe if the successful (IF ya ) listing of Borsig will pare down their debts. But if you look at KNM receivables that are questionable according to KCchongNZ and slow contract wins I think it will be a while before KNM price shoot up again right so it will be an opportunity lost as mentioned by one sifu here before -if not mistaken was CP. Anyway, you are a good man and KNM loyal hope General Lee will reward you someday soon :)


2013-03-24 08:34 | Report Abuse

hehe Ng Good all is well. Hope u r too :) now I have to wait for YS1 response as I believe KC Loh also bought KNM based on YS1 advice :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-24 08:22 | Report Abuse

huh is this true ah? EC under PM dept? - like this sure die lah :( Tsunami also cannot shake Bolihland BN :( No wonder when I mentioned about all the agencies answerable to parliament none of the BN supporters said anything :( like that Messi also cannot score leh :(


2013-03-24 07:28 | Report Abuse

so now how yungshen1? Another master already spoken - u will sell KNM? or keep when KNM go to 1.00 then you will be man of the match and then also said even CP and all other sifus tell me to sell also I dun listen. KNM still gambateh or not?

News & Blogs

2013-03-24 01:10 | Report Abuse

wow so much of debt ah
no wonder agen anwar always boast he is the best finance minister - whether that is true I dunno but looking at the chart santa najib seems to be taking us to Zimbabwe :( No wonder ( again - too many wonder like wonders of the world :( ) Idris Jala said we are heading to bankruptcy if we do not manage well but he was shot down by his fellow BN warlords :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-23 07:19 | Report Abuse

ah finally someone is seeing the bigger picture :)

'We mean a clean system of voting process, the supremacy of Parliament, an independent judiciary, an efficient civil service, an incorruptible executive part of the government'
and may I add a government that does not play fair will not treat its people right!

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:37 | Report Abuse

difficult leh? I also lost count - now using calculator - way too many :( I give up :( maybe I should count how many in BN NOT Korupt - easier :) o.k Less than my right hand fingers :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:31 | Report Abuse

aiyo not need to confuse with the crowd count lah - better we count how many of the BN fellas are korupt :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 13:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by passerby > Mar 19, 2013 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

sometime, i just don't understand why BN still keeping those corrupted officers without any action. people want action taken, don't just stay silent & hope people will forget.

had BN taken serious actions & show their sincerity, people will not be so angry.

If Sarawak internet penetration is as high as Peninsular & literacy rate on equivalent level, BN can kiss good-bye to Sarawak. so damaging the video...still unbelievable "bek moh" cousins in the video so clear & with the documents.

See how BN will respond to the video...

Let me help you Bro Passerby :)
1. how to prosecute them when they themselves also involved :(
2. people got angry meh - opposition lies lah hehe
3. see how BN will response? - go back to No 2 - opposition lies and NFA - case closed :) cheers
so now you tell me as I recall correctly you're sitting on fence last time, what is your decision after the video not the AI sex one o.k hehe :) and that is just the tip of the iceberg also again not the sex one o.k hehe. cheers again :)

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-19 11:29 | Report Abuse

haha Tommy nah just want the best for the country and the people. I've always believe that if you treat people right they will return in kind. Infact my thinking of this election is very much similar to yours :) let's hope the majority of the people will choose wisely and hopefully put an end to all these abuses that has happened for far too long! Cheers :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 08:43 | Report Abuse

cannot said it better :)
I really find it amusing that till today they're still trying to insult the intelligence of the people :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:49 | Report Abuse

u know one thing I really respect the oppositions MP at least a big majority of them. you know they constantly kena heckled by Umno and it's bandits and also thru the gov controlled media but they stay true to defend the honor and integrity of their principles. Of course the weak ones most of them anyway already left for the greener side :( I just want to Salute,Salute and Salute! eh for the oppositions MPs la not the kataks hehe:)

News & Blogs

2013-03-19 00:21 | Report Abuse

"No, I disagree. He (Mohd Rafizi) was gunning for me as Wanita Barisan chief because he is afraid of the strength of Wanita Barisan," she said, adding that Mohd Rafizi's statement over the NFCorp issue had always mentioned her family - that was quoted by our cow lady - walao talk like that also can and bet she said it with straight face too :( maybe she should have said Rafizi is jealous of the cows becoz he got none well at least my pure bred champions ( that live in luxurious condos )haha
hmmn looks like the cows are really no coming back :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by tommylou > Mar 18, 2013 11:37 PM | Report Abuse

So for those who contributed here, ESP those supporting PR, you can see that their argument is fr passion and feel, while the others are more for the reason of being afraid of losing investment or fear of change or simply just to be different....those in this category do not argue with the same passion....kudos here to Bingo!
and may I add that genuinely care for the better of the country :)

I think Bro Tommy said it very well. I personally my self is heavily invested and dun have to tell u which stock I'm holding the most :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:38 | Report Abuse

posted by bro Bingo - Lim Guan Eng is still driving a 16 years old mercedes wherelse orang jaga lembu guna mercedes S class terbaru!
and pek moh drive rolls royce :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by ispy2 > Mar 18, 2013 10:32 PM | Report Abuse

but BN give more bonus and salary increment mah! It is actually for re-
invesment for the whole economies,including Chinese traders. Isnt it
true enough to vote for BN?

Classic :)is he/she serious :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 07:24 | Report Abuse

haha what a joke!
want to follow US then debate lah with Anwar and see whose policy works for the rakyat and dun forget to invite the oppositions too and let them have a say at the end. otherwise you're not following US but Zimbabwe leh :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 09:11 | Report Abuse

now the foreign waiter really piss because I short of .05 sens :( maybe his boss thinks he sapu the .05 sens. I better go now :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 09:08 | Report Abuse

darn dodo I also dunno how to count lah like ah jib gor .70+.35+.40=1.45 :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 09:04 | Report Abuse

me at the mamak stall
me - boss kasi 1 1/2 roti kosong dan air suam
looks like waiter from foreign country - aiyo boss ( haha in bolihland everyone is BOSS :) ) mana ala satu sitingah? satu atau dua loti ?
me - solly boss ni lapar lah cuma ada BRIM 1.40 sen cukup untok 1 roti .70,setengah .35 and air suam .40 :(
waiter from foreign country - ^&%* under his breath :(

News & Blogs

2013-03-16 06:25 | Report Abuse

actually this was what Najib meant when he had his kendurin in Pekan the other day :)

hmmn oppositions slogan and banner cannot feed the people nor repair the homes - yaya at least I gave Brim - boss kasi 2 roti kosong dan air suam kikiki

“If reformasi means demonstrasi (demonstration) and baling kerusi (chair throwing), it is definitely not good. - hmmn is he referring to - at least Umno fellas used an assortment of 'arsenals' thus by stimulating the 'ekonomi' by helping the farmers and also material builders. some more they no need police to take action and not involve large force so save overtime :) unlike Bersih :(

“Many Selangor folk are also disappointed with the promise for free water supply. Instead, there is no water,” he said. - ya serve them right - if they dun let us built more dams by our cronies at inflated price we turn off the tap :(

This is the fate that has befallen the people after believing those promises by the Opposition. However, with the Barisan government, our promises are fulfilled,” added Najib. - ah yes give us another term and I shall turn 1Malaysia ( since majority of the rakyat are confused as to what it means even my deputy too :( ) to 1Sapu with the help of our Bapak Korupsi which is also my mentor Dr M. This I can promise u just like all the others korupsi skandals - NFA - Janji Ditepati kikiki


2013-03-14 10:50 | Report Abuse

kasi tanya chicken Jib :)

Announcements & Events

2013-03-12 22:00 | Report Abuse

and KC LOh and the rest of the Scomi holders hehe


2013-03-12 21:58 | Report Abuse

hehe tommy nice pic looks like he is waiting for the big shareholders of Scomi in his rest :)
@KC haha sold today .35 @20 lots :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-11 07:12 | Report Abuse

like that how my fellow chinese,Indian,others non bumi?
still want to support BN ar? this is Ah kai gor BOSS talking oh now we see whether Ah Kai Gor dare to rebuke this Bapak korupsi :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-11 06:54 | Report Abuse

oh actually Bro Bingo I joined last year - just not active :( and now cannot remember my login or password - maybe later I will register again and thanks for your kind offer :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-11 05:47 | Report Abuse

how low can u go err actually for these fella we can see they can really go lower
Now Anwar got a new song :)
sodomee, sodomee,umno olang ingat saya macam maggi mee,
lembut lembut dalam selimut,sodomee satu,dua,berapa lagi mau
tiap kali cipta sodomee tapi tiap kali gagal me,
sampai rakyat cakap NO,NO,NO tak mau tak mau

News & Blogs

2013-03-11 05:31 | Report Abuse

hehe not lah Tommy not agen Sulu or Java or even America. If I can I want to be Agen Perubah but too bad not qualified to be politician. Just like to change some of my good friends support for BN - want them to see the bigger picture of the present corrupt gov that will affect them eventually :)
Also on another note u r 'right' about the 3 korupt free BN leaders/spouse - Ah kai gor( have to change his name to chicken as he always shout they're ready for election but keep delaying ) is very clean - the Scorpene was imaginary of the oppositions, Roastmah has been savings $$$ since she was 4 months old, also the 'few' hermes bags that matches her clothers are all fake and also opposition spin and Moohidin was the cleanest MB of Johor :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 23:59 | Report Abuse

ah bro KC statement is so true -But in the General Election, we have to take cognizance of the leaders offered. yes name me 1 honest honorable korupsi free politician in BN and I will name you 5 in Pakatan - Pls not 1 SAPU ya otherwise I sure cannot do it hehe :)

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 10:51 | Report Abuse

hehe I think we are all wasting our time here arguing - those cows ain't coming home :( if you favor BN of course you will try to find opposition dirt and like wise for those that favor Opposition but but when u r in the power especially for so long talk is cheap leh reform this reform that - what reform? as long as the judiciary,MACC,Polis and SPR is not independent and answerable to Parliament there will be NO reform. Period. If these institutions are truly independent it does not matter you're in the gov or opposition if you're accused of crime you'll be given a chance to defend thru the independence of the court. Can BN do this? At least I can see that in Pakatan manifesto. Enough said. Time to change Gov.
Thank You.


2013-03-10 10:33 | Report Abuse

hehe Lynn, I think djhchew is on vacation - better get his name right so he can reply :)
Oh thanks chleong for the clarification I dunno TA or chart :( so I'm looking for guidance :) TQVM